The biden economy is in shambles


Factory Bastard
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So many industries are going to be like this when Biden's vaccine mandates hit on Dec 8th. It is going to be a real shit showbin industry after industry.



Factory Bastard
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Joe, "environmental, social and corporate governance" is a version of the social credit score system from communist China. It allows politicians and activists of the far left to punish companies by cutting them off from the banking and financial system unless they do what the Democrat Politicians want them to do. They claim it is about environmentalism but it isn't. It is just a way for Democrats to force private businesses to do whatever the Democrats want them to do.

It is officially part of the left wings "build back better" agenda and there is absolutely nothing better about it.

But yanno Oerdin, no matter which political party is in power in the States, I don't think a pipeline from Canada will ever get built. The Republicans tried, but couldn't get it done. And this was due in part to opposition within its own party. Or Republican State governors who either opposed or impeded its development like in Nebraska. And I remember when Canada was sending the USA oil, Republican Senator Ted Steves was bitichin about it. For some reason there's this hostility to 'foreign oil' which comes from Canada even tho its much cheaper than OPEC. There are even environmentalists within the Republican Party who are opposed to the pipeline as well.

Seems many Americans would rather beg on their hands and knees for that coveted Saudi or Russian oil. Maybe the mystique of it being from a faraway land gives it allure. I suppose the Saudi Sweet crude is higher quality tho. Any event in the end, its the same result - hydrocarbons being spewed into the air during extraction by a foreign power. But because it's halfway across the world, they think that's OK.

Maybe the US just takes Canada for granted, that we'll always be there as a reliable energy source.

Probably the only possible time a pipeline from Canada would ever get built is in a national emergency or War where the US becomes so desperate that they'll have no choice.

...but unitl then...It's a Pipe Dream!
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Joe, "environmental, social and corporate governance" is a version of the social credit score system from communist China. It allows politicians and activists of the far left to punish companies by cutting them off from the banking and financial system unless they do what the Democrat Politicians want them to do. They claim it is about environmentalism but it isn't. It is just a way for Democrats to force private businesses to do whatever the Democrats want them to do.

It is officially part of the left wings "build back better" agenda and there is absolutely nothing better about it.

But yanno Oerdin, no matter which political party is in power in the States, I don't think a pipeline from Canada will ever get built. The Republicans tried, but couldn't get it done. And this was due in part to opposition within its own party. Or Republican State governors who either opposed or impeded its development like in Nebraska. And I remember when Canada was sending the USA oil, Republican Senator Ted Steves was bitichin about it. For some reason there's this hostility to 'foreign oil' which comes from Canada even tho its much cheaper than OPEC. There are even environmentalists within the Republican Party who are opposed to the pipeline as well.

Seems many Americans would rather beg on their hands and knees for that coveted Saudi or Russian oil. Maybe the mystique of it being from a faraway land gives it allure. I suppose the Saudi Sweet crude is higher quality tho. Any event in the end, its the same result - hydrocarbons being spewed into the air during extraction by a foreign power. But because it's halfway across the world, they think that's OK.

Maybe the US just takes Canada for granted, that we'll always be there as a reliable energy source.

Probably the only possible time a pipeline from Canada would ever get built is in a national emergency or War where the US becomes so desperate that they'll have no choice.

...but unitl then...It's a Pipe Dream!
No cunt, the opposition and stoppage HAS ALWAYS been the democRATs fault. STFU if you dont know WTF you're talking about.

BTW, if you follow the link to the lawsuit, Nebraska is suing that cunt biden.
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Factory Bastard
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This is going to backfire on the dems and make life worse for everyone in America. We already have supply disruptions and a shortage of truckers but Biden demanding everyone who isn't double jabbed get fired is going to make everything way worse.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This is going to backfire on the dems and make life worse for everyone in America. We already have supply disruptions and a shortage of truckers but Biden demanding everyone who isn't double jabbed get fired is going to make everything way worse.

GOOD! I hope that fucker continues to fuck everything up!


This is going to backfire on the dems and make life worse for everyone in America. We already have supply disruptions and a shortage of truckers but Biden demanding everyone who isn't double jabbed get fired is going to make everything way worse.

GOOD! I hope that fucker continues to fuck everything up!

The 2024 debates are gonna be fukkin great. There's no way they can extend this covid bullshit for another 3 years...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The usual suspects won't listen. They will just be scratching their heads and wondering why things got so bad.



Factory Bastard
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They claim it will only effect billionaires but I don't believe them. Taking unrealized capital gains would be a complete and total disaster. If you are living in a house and on paper the value of the house goes up then, under this proposal, you might have to pay capital gains taxes on that appreciation. The problem is most people can't pay it without selling the house.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
You fuckers will be dead or homeless. ^^^^. I’ll smile.

Don't let them drag you down to their level. I hope they live and keep experiencing the existential angst they seem to live with daily. Hating and being afraid of every shadow.

My MIL, may she rest in eternal peace, told me years before she died that hell is what we live here on Earth before you finally pass away. And that we all pay the piper before we go. I think she might have been right.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You fuckers will be dead or homeless. ^^^^. I’ll smile.

Don't let them drag you down to their level. I hope they live and keep experiencing the existential angst they seem to live with daily. Hating and being afraid of every shadow.

My MIL, may she rest in eternal peace, told me years before she died that hell is what we live here on Earth before you finally pass away. And that we all pay the piper before we go. I think she might have been right.
Dont worry, she didnt know WTF she was talking about. Hell is real and promoting evil is evil itself.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
You fuckers will be dead or homeless. ^^^^. I’ll smile.

Don't let them drag you down to their level. I hope they live and keep experiencing the existential angst they seem to live with daily. Hating and being afraid of every shadow.

My MIL, may she rest in eternal peace, told me years before she died that hell is what we live here on Earth before you finally pass away. And that we all pay the piper before we go. I think she might have been right.
Dont worry, she didnt know WTF she was talking about. Hell is real and promoting evil is evil itself.

Yes, it's real and you're living it. Happy people aren't always hateful like you are on the daily.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It has been amazing watching the far left walk off a cliff. Communist and aged brain damaged fool Nom Chomski says unvaccinated should be denied food. They have gone insane. I don't even support Tim Pool's national divorces nonsense but I can recognize deliberately starving people is an evil idea.

No, saying "if they are absolutely starving" we should feed them like prisoners does not get out of jail. They are not prisoners and 85% of farmers do not and 90% of truckers do not support illegal mandates. The leftists really should be more worried about food not bendelivered to them.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
There has never been a vaccine mandate which says you cannot go to 7-11 or a restaurant if you are not vaccinated.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It has been amazing watching the far left walk off a cliff. Communist and aged brain damaged fool Nom Chomski says unvaccinated should be denied food. They have gone insane. I don't even support Tim Pool's national divorces nonsense but I can recognize deliberately starving people is an evil idea.

No, saying "if they are absolutely starving" we should feed them like prisoners does not get out of jail. They are not prisoners and 85% of farmers do not and 90% of truckers do not support illegal mandates. The leftists really should be more worried about food not bendelivered to them.

Sorry dude but our side needs to get with it. They'll kill us all if they think they can get away with it. I'm not kidding when I say they need a delousing with Zyklon B. Its heading to kill or be killed.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
One of the biggest problems, the thing which enables the NPCs to remain NPCs, is that we have media lying. They lie because they are partisan, they support one party because they have made a pact with that political party to support that party in exchange for access and protection from regulations. That is why you see CNN and MSNBC always lying and smearing. They openly lie.

Here are some examples above the ones we recently saw like them lying about Joe Rogan supposedly taking horse deformed which he never did.

Its incredible isnt it?

It's the death of our country.

Not just the country...the whole civilisation.


My 16 year old asked me if we can leave the country. Because of everything going on.

I told her there is really no where to go. That this is the last stop really......and we have no choice but to fight for it.

Well..she is still young enough to learn Russian. : )

Not my young Americans!

Lol this one I'm talking about taught herself Korean....and shes pretty fluent.

...but South Korea is right next to North Korea & they're always afraid of being Annihilated by them cuz they have the bomb. There was even a suggestion in the liberal New York Times that South Korea get nuclear weapons. If that happens, Taiwan will probably get them too as protection against China.

So if ur daughter moves there then she's even less safe than back home.

She definately doesnt want to move to South Korea.....or North Korea.

She just likes the language and wanted to learn it, so she did. She can read it easily, better than she speaks it.

I have some students like that. Comes from the kpop, right?

Not for my daughter no, but yeah Kpop kinda made S Korean culture more popular among teens.

Mine just got really interested in Asain cultures due to anime and manga(which are mostly Japanese.... but my kid stumbled on Korea and started wanting to learn the language)

She might marry a Korean, Dovey.

Are you OK with that?

Then she'd have mixed race Eurasian children.

Why wouldnt I be?

If she is happy and being treated well that's all that matters. I want her to have a solid and strong partnership.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It has been amazing watching the far left walk off a cliff. Communist and aged brain damaged fool Nom Chomski says unvaccinated should be denied food. They have gone insane. I don't even support Tim Pool's national divorces nonsense but I can recognize deliberately starving people is an evil idea.

No, saying "if they are absolutely starving" we should feed them like prisoners does not get out of jail. They are not prisoners and 85% of farmers do not and 90% of truckers do not support illegal mandates. The leftists really should be more worried about food not bendelivered to them.

They are incredibly unhinged.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
One of the biggest problems, the thing which enables the NPCs to remain NPCs, is that we have media lying. They lie because they are partisan, they support one party because they have made a pact with that political party to support that party in exchange for access and protection from regulations. That is why you see CNN and MSNBC always lying and smearing. They openly lie.

Here are some examples above the ones we recently saw like them lying about Joe Rogan supposedly taking horse deformed which he never did.

Its incredible isnt it?

It's the death of our country.

Not just the country...the whole civilisation.


My 16 year old asked me if we can leave the country. Because of everything going on.

I told her there is really no where to go. That this is the last stop really......and we have no choice but to fight for it.

Well..she is still young enough to learn Russian. : )

Not my young Americans!

Lol this one I'm talking about taught herself Korean....and shes pretty fluent.

...but South Korea is right next to North Korea & they're always afraid of being Annihilated by them cuz they have the bomb. There was even a suggestion in the liberal New York Times that South Korea get nuclear weapons. If that happens, Taiwan will probably get them too as protection against China.

So if ur daughter moves there then she's even less safe than back home.

She definately doesnt want to move to South Korea.....or North Korea.

She just likes the language and wanted to learn it, so she did. She can read it easily, better than she speaks it.

I have some students like that. Comes from the kpop, right?

Not for my daughter no, but yeah Kpop kinda made S Korean culture more popular among teens.

Mine just got really interested in Asain cultures due to anime and manga(which are mostly Japanese.... but my kid stumbled on Korea and started wanting to learn the language)

She might marry a Korean, Dovey.

Are you OK with that?

Then she'd have mixed race Eurasian children.

Why wouldnt I be?

If she is happy and being treated well that's all that matters. I want her to have a solid and strong partnership.

Irish Korean.

Yeah I hears the Koreans are often called 'the Irish of Asia'. The men at least have a reputation for being somewhat warlike.

So if she does & has Kids, military might be a good Career choice for them.

Ya'd probably end up with fat cheeked grandchildren too, eh Dovey? ;-)
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
There has never been a vaccine mandate which says you cannot go to 7-11 or a restaurant if you are not vaccinated.

Is that in California?

We have these vaccine passes in Vancouver that are required for some places like government offices and some restaurants. But it isn't that heavily enforced yet.

We didn't really get hit by COVID that bad. Vancouver was never in total lockdown mode. The infection rate was like 1/10th of Portland OR Seattle which apparently have some of the lowest rates in the US.

So it was rather light by comparison here.

But I know CA got hit hard in places like Los Angeles.

Was it OK in San Diego?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
One of the biggest problems, the thing which enables the NPCs to remain NPCs, is that we have media lying. They lie because they are partisan, they support one party because they have made a pact with that political party to support that party in exchange for access and protection from regulations. That is why you see CNN and MSNBC always lying and smearing. They openly lie.

Here are some examples above the ones we recently saw like them lying about Joe Rogan supposedly taking horse deformed which he never did.

Its incredible isnt it?

It's the death of our country.

Not just the country...the whole civilisation.


My 16 year old asked me if we can leave the country. Because of everything going on.

I told her there is really no where to go. That this is the last stop really......and we have no choice but to fight for it.

Well..she is still young enough to learn Russian. : )

Not my young Americans!

Lol this one I'm talking about taught herself Korean....and shes pretty fluent.

...but South Korea is right next to North Korea & they're always afraid of being Annihilated by them cuz they have the bomb. There was even a suggestion in the liberal New York Times that South Korea get nuclear weapons. If that happens, Taiwan will probably get them too as protection against China.

So if ur daughter moves there then she's even less safe than back home.

She definately doesnt want to move to South Korea.....or North Korea.

She just likes the language and wanted to learn it, so she did. She can read it easily, better than she speaks it.

I have some students like that. Comes from the kpop, right?

Not for my daughter no, but yeah Kpop kinda made S Korean culture more popular among teens.

Mine just got really interested in Asain cultures due to anime and manga(which are mostly Japanese.... but my kid stumbled on Korea and started wanting to learn the language)

She might marry a Korean, Dovey.

Are you OK with that?

Then she'd have mixed race Eurasian children.

Why wouldnt I be?

If she is happy and being treated well that's all that matters. I want her to have a solid and strong partnership.

Irish Korean.

Yeah I hears the Koreans are often called 'the Irish of Asia'. The men at least have a reputation for being somewhat warlike.

So if she does & has Kids, military might be a good Career choice for them.

Ya'd probably end up with fat cheeked grandchildren too, eh Dovey? ;-)

My daughter wants to go into culinary. She loves to cook and bake. She always has.

I really would not want any of my kids to enlist in the military. Our government is a fucking mess and I dont see that changing.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
blah blah blah blah blah

Meanwhile in realityland, The Dow Jones Industrial Averages which as you know is considered the measure of health of the economy continues flirting with new heights...and you here you slow children are crying your eyes out.

You still don't know what inflation does to asset values, huh?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
There has never been a vaccine mandate which says you cannot go to 7-11 or a restaurant if you are not vaccinated.

Is that in California?

We have these vaccine passes in Vancouver that are required for some places like government offices and some restaurants. But it isn't that heavily enforced yet.

We didn't really get hit by COVID that bad. Vancouver was never in total lockdown mode. The infection rate was like 1/10th of Portland OR Seattle which apparently have some of the lowest rates in the US.

So it was rather light by comparison here.

But I know CA got hit hard in places like Los Angeles.

Was it OK in San Diego?

Very light. We were the last to lock down and the first to open.