Nobody Mention Race


Put your glasses on!
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I dont have "data", but I just wanna say, I grew up super fucking poor. Did it make me wanna steal, beat up people, and do general no good? No, quite the opposite!

My parents were poor. My mom especially. But both were very intelligent. They worked hard and built a good life and set their children up for success.

One generation is all it takes to get out of poverty.

Good deal man, thats awesome, and you are right.

My growing up is kinda complex, I didnt have 2 parents. But, my thinking in my head growing up, was I wanted to do better, but I didnt wanna be rich. I seen how some folk got when they got some money, changed them. I just wanted to be a good ol' boy, ya know? Eventually own a home, and raise a family. Well, life never goes the way you want it, but I still feel I raised my son DAMN good. He did without here and there too, but nothing like I did. He got toys from both his parents, and "Santa", not from the Salvation Army on Christmas. He didnt have to grow up in the ghetto, but not in a suburb either. Now he grown, and he doing better than me! Im so proud of him. I know, doing the best I could, I still did good.

You should be proud. Raising a child right is a huge responsibility and is one significant way of having a positive effect on society as a whole.

As far as what makes people happy, I say "Whatever floats your boat." As long as it is not through injustice to others.

Some people are driven to be rich. Some people want a big family. Some people want to experience a variety of interests.

But I think very few people want to live in poverty. So people in that position who are able to get out, should get out.

Thanks man. He lost his mom in his early teens too... cancer.

Thats exactly how I thought, I didnt wanna be trapped in the system like my mom was. She was on disability. She was murder/suicide 22 years ago, thanks to her crazy ex.
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Lol, me and my friend.....


Wow! You look rwacist!!!

The stooges around here are really funny, the way they stereotype people while criticizing people for stereotyping people.

I'll give you an example of my life: At my wedding I had a Best man and three Groomsmen. All four were born in different countries (one in Canada, one in Laos, one in Yugoslavia, one in Portugal). I was, and am, tight with all of them. I am like a son to each of their mothers. And these fuckers think I do not know different cultures. Hahaha!!!


Put your glasses on!
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Lol, me and my friend.....


Wow! You look rwacist!!!

The stooges around here are really funny, the way they stereotype people while criticizing people for stereotyping people.

I'll give you an example of my life: At my wedding I had a Best man and three Groomsmen. All four were born in different countries (one in Canada, one in Laos, one in Yugoslavia, one in Portugal). I was, and am, tight with all of them. I am like a son to each of their mothers. And these fuckers think I do not know different cultures. Hahaha!!!

Hell yeah man.

Its crazy how they be. So judgy. They are bigger racists than they think. Think they high mighty shit, all fake. They shouldnt be so quick to judge, we are all individuals.

For me, I associate with people of good character, their ethnicity has nothing to do with it. If you're a shit person, I dont want anything to do with you, again, regardless of race.

I made a new black friend last year. I tripped him out lol. Crazy white dude, being all cool and shit. We was playing spades and drinking with some other blacks, good times. I had them rolling lol. Surprised them. Good peeps. They were also awake, as in they know all this propaganda bullshit in the media and how they be. They cool with my Confederacy proudness too. Cause they know how I am, and what I stand for. And its nothing to do with racism.


Domestically feral
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United states
I dont have "data", but I just wanna say, I grew up super fucking poor. Did it make me wanna steal, beat up people, and do general no good? No, quite the opposite!

My parents were poor. My mom especially. But both were very intelligent. They worked hard and built a good life and set their children up for success.

One generation is all it takes to get out of poverty.

Good deal man, thats awesome, and you are right.

My growing up is kinda complex, I didnt have 2 parents. But, my thinking in my head growing up, was I wanted to do better, but I didnt wanna be rich. I seen how some folk got when they got some money, changed them. I just wanted to be a good ol' boy, ya know? Eventually own a home, and raise a family. Well, life never goes the way you want it, but I still feel I raised my son DAMN good. He did without here and there too, but nothing like I did. He got toys from both his parents, and "Santa", not from the Salvation Army on Christmas. He didnt have to grow up in the ghetto, but not in a suburb either. Now he grown, and he doing better than me! Im so proud of him. I know, doing the best I could, I still did good.

You should be proud. Raising a child right is a huge responsibility and is one significant way of having a positive effect on society as a whole.

As far as what makes people happy, I say "Whatever floats your boat." As long as it is not through injustice to others.

Some people are driven to be rich. Some people want a big family. Some people want to experience a variety of interests.

But I think very few people want to live in poverty. So people in that position who are able to get out, should get out.

And getting out of poverty doesnt mean you need to be wealthy, either.

I see it as when you have enough and some left are doing pretty good. I grew up poor, but I was loved and happy. And I've always believed in living within my means.


Factory Bastard
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I truly hate that I hate.. but what else can I do? Like I said.. I base my beliefs on what I know and what I have lived. I just don't randomly hate people... It's just been my life experience with this race, sadly.. I guess it's hard for me to explain to someone who lives in a comfortable all white demographical location and has the privilege to be sheltered and safe.. but I live 15 minutes west of Detroit, where they come to the burbs to commit their crimes ... Home invasions, carjacking. etc.. :/

I lived in LA, which has a white minority. I am not from a "safe, white" area. But I'm not a rascist. Surely you must realize that there are criminals in all races. Just because you happened to live near a lot of black people who were economically disadvantaged and so were statistically more likely to be criminals does not mean ALL blacks are bad. You are justified in hating the bad people. Not in hating good people who happen to be black. That makes no sense.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Oh, Dovey.

I didn't have to say shit to Buddy. His environment confronted his narrow views. On that day, he went hungry. I didn't.

Yeah, it's so open-minded to expect people in FRANCE to speak ENGLISH because you don't speak FRENCH, the language of the country you're travelling in.

Those stupid assholes!

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
I'll never forget how I was punched in the gut for no reason one day. Just out the blue, some nigger punched me, and ran away.
Say, Blasétard, I remember one time my older brother, out of the blue, punched me in the gut (it doubled me over too). Do you think it was because I am white?

Was it after he caught you sniffing his dirty socks?


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
I'll never forget how I was punched in the gut for no reason one day. Just out the blue, some nigger punched me, and ran away.
Say, Blasétard, I remember one time my older brother, out of the blue, punched me in the gut (it doubled me over too). Do you think it was because I am white?

Was it after he caught you sniffing his dirty socks?
Holliday got with ghey then, doubled over! Seems legit!?



Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
Some folks are really invested in the idea of their ethnicity or class being superior, even with the glory of human cultural history that is present throughout the planet.


For years now, I've maintained that some form of travel/study abroad, to last for several weeks at the very least, should be an integral part of the curriculum before high school graduation.
Oi pansy...we don’t want to hear your fucking life story. Go fuck your arse or sumting!

Quiet, the adults are conversing. Now be a good boy and go play on the freeway. Wait, do you have those in Australia?
You cheeky shit! The bloke is a paedophile enthusiast. He keeps insinuating that I sniff the panties of my daughter. Wake up!


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Oh, you didn't?

I thought you once claimed you did.

Tell me you never did and you'll never hear of this from me again.

In the meantime, though...



I'll never forget how I was punched in the gut for no reason one day. Just out the blue, some nigger punched me, and ran away.
Say, Blasétard, I remember one time my older brother, out of the blue, punched me in the gut (it doubled me over too). Do you think it was because I am white?

It was because he saw you as a pussy, and was just trying to toughen you up. Shame it didnt work.
Well, I was 5, he was 14, and as I say - no warning, no precipitating incident. However he is a conservative, went ROTC in college (gun-ho till his ship was scheduled for Vietnam - then he found a way out - LoLz). So, he just had a violent streak. Anyway, unlike you, I have no idea what it's like to be gut punched by a little black girl my age, but the resulting anoxia may account for your continuing lack of brain function.


Oh sorry, Blasétard - I forgot, I'm trying to be nice to everyone.
.The little girl probably liked you and that's how she got your attention.
I'm sure that was it.
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.


Domestically feral
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United states
Oh sorry, Blasétard - I forgot, I'm trying to be nice to everyone.
.The little girl probably liked you and that's how she got your attention.
I'm sure that was it.

You really shouldnt even bother. You will just hurt yourself and fail anyway because you are not a decent person with empathy.

Just be who you are. Its creepy seeing a ghoul try to dress like a human. You just inspire uncanny valley trying. We know it's fake.

I'm definately in no danger thinking you people are normal thinking, compassionate or trustworthy humans ever again.

Your time is better spent trying to sharpen your wit so your shitty insults are at least funny and closer to some accuracy.


Put your glasses on!
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Much like before the War of Northern Aggression, slaves and white kids all played together.

Ah, them days right there was golden!

"Fetch mah bawl, Jim, or y'git 30 lashes!"


Well its true Blurt.

I wouldnt shit you man, you my favorite turd. hehe


One god damn picture and you believe that negates the reality of the period. Good fucking god!

Oh there more than that, but at the same time, I dont think everyone had a smartphone taking selfies 160 years ago and beyond. Good fucking God indeed... woman.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Much like before the War of Northern Aggression, slaves and white kids all played together.

Ah, them days right there was golden!

"Fetch mah bawl, Jim, or y'git 30 lashes!"


Well its true Blurt.

I wouldnt shit you man, you my favorite turd. hehe


One god damn picture and you believe that negates the reality of the period. Good fucking god!

Oh there more than that, but at the same time, I dont think everyone had a smartphone taking selfies 160 years ago and beyond. Good fucking God indeed... woman.

Note the projection.

Who is negating some reality? Did you deny oppression and abuse existed?

I dont think you did. How ever, they need to focus solely on their narrative in order use race to dehumanize and demonize today. If they acknowledge ANY human goodwill or genuinely affection shared between races back then(I mean....people did fight real oppression and they did pioneer civil rights for a reason) it adds some layers they dont want to deal with.

Whitey is bad and evil, Blazor. Unless they are democrats.


Domestically feral
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United states
Or Bill Gates.

***Modern compass test question***

Is Gates evil because of

A. He is a greedy billionaire elite and needs to pay his "fair share"


B. Because he is part of a satanic cabal on a mission to cull the herd


Bastard of the Century
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Some would argue the one doesn't exclude the other.

To me he's just a dude what lets me enjoy my computer.


Domestically feral
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United states
Some would. Indeed. I'd say most would.

I see Gates as a shitty establishment shill who shouldnt have as much pull politically as he does.

But I dont think he is some powerful cabal member who is trying to cull the population. And I dont think he should have to pay more taxes.

He should just go live his life, vote his conscious and not use his priviledged platform to meddle.


Bastard of the Century
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The hyper-wealthy have pull almost by default. And whether we like it or not.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Yes and I completely oppose it. They shouldnt have any more or less pull than anyone else. No one voted for them to try to represent any of us. And they dont represent us.....they represent their own interests.
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