Nobody Mention Race


Factory Bastard
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Go have another drink you dumb fuckin lush :)

Okay girls, stop it!
Keep those werdz in mind always. (winkydink smiley)

Wize they are.

Fair, but I don't think anything has risen to "cunt" levels in a long, long while.

I’m of British decent and sometimes bitch just doesn’t cut it.
:facepalm:You're also a narcissistic twat.. Pitiful sack of shite!!! and FYI.. you spelled descent wrong.. LAWYER!! BAHAHAHA..


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Democrats wont let families get enough welfare to survive so single parenthood is heavily incentivized.

I have to respond to this crock of shit.

This is bullshit. My family was on welfare a lot when I was little. All of my siblings have worked or gone on to get an education. Not one of us 4 has ever had to repeat the conditions of our childhood. And we grew up under both Republicans and Democrats.

Get enough welfare? You want the taxpayer to subsidize you to what level? How much is enough for those that won't work hard?


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
That's just it.. She's a privileged, sheltered white drunken biatch. Thinks she know ALL.. pffft!!!. I'd like to dump her ass off in the middle of Detroit and see where that gets her. BAHAHA... They'd rip that bitch apart ;) Like I said.. I base my beliefs ON WHAT I HAVE LIVED.. and she can't change that .. so fuck her!!!!!!

well, that’s your first mistake for living in a ghetto dump

People can't help being poor, come on now.

If she can hate on black people for being poor, I can’t hate on white TRASH.

In the interim, these are the same dumbfucks who cry about the riots.


Domestically feral
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United states
They dont want their dishonest, evil scammer politicains criticized for their criminal shit baggery because that sweet dem rhetoric makes them feel good.

So they will smear and degrade anyone who KNOWS and SAW it as racist or stupid or crazy.

Didnt Kyle just prove they ONLY care about the narratives?

They dont give a shit about human beings. Theyll destroy the black population like they HAVE been doing for decades.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
That's just it.. She's a privileged, sheltered white drunken biatch. Thinks she know ALL.. pffft!!!. I'd like to dump her ass off in the middle of Detroit and see where that gets her. BAHAHA... They'd rip that bitch apart ;) Like I said.. I base my beliefs ON WHAT I HAVE LIVED.. and she can't change that .. so fuck her!!!!!!

Oh man. Honestly? Even the viscious way she attacked me and used my own daughter as a weapon?

I wouldnt dump her in the D. She wouldnt last a day. She doesnt even have a concept of how barbaric it REALLY is down there.

These people genuinely believe data and stats are correct. They will NOT hear anyone tell them how under reported the violent crime is.

She would get turned out, murdered and chucked in the Detroit River......known to the locals as the crack whore cemetary.

I have no ill will or vengeance towards any of these pricks. It's not worth it.

This isn't about you. This is about her disagreement with Raven. How about you let it be about Raven or anyone for once?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
That's just it.. She's a privileged, sheltered white drunken biatch. Thinks she know ALL.. pffft!!!. I'd like to dump her ass off in the middle of Detroit and see where that gets her. BAHAHA... They'd rip that bitch apart ;) Like I said.. I base my beliefs ON WHAT I HAVE LIVED.. and she can't change that .. so fuck her!!!!!!

well, that’s your first mistake for living in a ghetto dump

People can't help being poor, come on now.

If she can hate on black people for being poor, I can’t hate on white TRASH.

In the interim, these are the same dumbfucks who cry about the riots.

Well, you can hate the sentiments without hating the person. Don't be like Republicans, I don't think it's the best way, imo.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Go have another drink you dumb fuckin lush :)

Okay girls, stop it!
Keep those werdz in mind always. (winkydink smiley)

Wize they are.

Fair, but I don't think anything has risen to "cunt" levels in a long, long while.

I’m of British decent and sometimes bitch just doesn’t cut it.
:facepalm:You're also a narcissistic twat.. Pitiful sack of shite!!! and FYI.. you spelled descent wrong.. LAWYER!! BAHAHAHA..

I’m retired :CooL:

have fun being a prostitute in Flint to afford rent in your dump


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Democrat KKK modern strategy

Convince people they are back in the civil rights era and fighting for "justice" while letting the inner city school system rot so bad they cant teach literacy, get them dependent on state benefits and force them to remain in poverty, keep them from using better schools, convince the public that honest discussions about gang violence and black on black murder rates is "racist", blame it all on "white supremacists", make it impossible for poor inner city minorities to use their constitutional RIGHTS to arm and defend themselves from the violence no one can talk about, incite destructive riots to FURTHER destroy the communities and encourage more violent crime and defund the police and make it impossible for police to actually protect the communities. Put abortion clinics in every poor inner city and attack resources centers. Under report violent crime.

Yep. Sounds real fucking loving.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Well, here you go folks. No longer is this a BF thread for all of us.

It's the Dove show now. Pull out the popcorn.
Does Duhv still post here? Must be awful for those that read the insane rantings.
I pity the good people who can not avoid it.

It's always "me, me, me" woe "me" the Democrats won't give us enough money to fix our entire lives on the taxpayer dime.


Well, here you go folks. No longer is this a BF thread for all of us.

It's the Dove show now. Pull out the popcorn.
Does Duhv still post here? Must be awful for those that read the insane rantings.
I pity the good people who can not avoid it.

It's always "me, me, me" woe "me" the Democrats won't give us enough money to fix our entire lives on the taxpayer dime.
Oh - so same partisan hackery as it always was, huh?

Sad (verysadface smiley).


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Well, here you go folks. No longer is this a BF thread for all of us.

It's the Dove show now. Pull out the popcorn.
Does Duhv still post here? Must be awful for those that read the insane rantings.
I pity the good people who can not avoid it.

It's always "me, me, me" woe "me" the Democrats won't give us enough money to fix our entire lives on the taxpayer dime.
Oh - so same partisan hackery as it always was, huh?

Sad (verysadface smiley).

Coming from the partisans that used to scream "party of personal responsibility" to the rest of us for decades...


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I truly hate that I hate.. but what else can I do? Like I said.. I base my beliefs on what I know and what I have lived. I just don't randomly hate people... It's just been my life experience with this race, sadly.. I guess it's hard for me to explain to someone who lives in a comfortable all white demographical location and has the privilege to be sheltered and safe.. but I live 15 minutes west of Detroit, where they come to the burbs to commit their crimes ... Home invasions, carjacking. etc.. :/

You know then.

My dad use to hate Mexicans. I would tell him "but Dad, they are SO much better than the niggers!" lol. Mexicans always treat me really good. Most are hard working people too, that love their families.

Why did he hate us? And did he ever change his attitude about us?

I didnt grow up with my dad, so I honestly dont know why. Nah, he went to the grave like that. I tried my best to take up for the Mexican people lolol.

Even delivering pizzas, they tipped me better than the rich whiteys.

I would guess that it's just because we aren't Northern European white and are tainted with "savage blood".

He use to complain of illegal immigrants. Thought of the Mexicans as dirty. And hated them awful bad. They done him wrong a couple times, but he blew it out of proportion. Something to do with his Corvette one time, and something about one flirting with his wife.

Oh, he was a Democrat too. Him and I couldnt talk politics, he also hated Trump. I was the only family member he would talk too, because I knew how to talk to him reasonably. He would argue for Hillary over Trump, and I would tell him I didnt like either, and I didnt trust either, but that Trump was the better option, and that he would have to trust me. He still voted for Hillary lol.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I truly hate that I hate.. but what else can I do? Like I said.. I base my beliefs on what I know and what I have lived. I just don't randomly hate people... It's just been my life experience with this race, sadly.. I guess it's hard for me to explain to someone who lives in a comfortable all white demographical location and has the privilege to be sheltered and safe.. but I live 15 minutes west of Detroit, where they come to the burbs to commit their crimes ... Home invasions, carjacking. etc.. :/

You know then.

My dad use to hate Mexicans. I would tell him "but Dad, they are SO much better than the niggers!" lol. Mexicans always treat me really good. Most are hard working people too, that love their families.

Why did he hate us? And did he ever change his attitude about us?

I didnt grow up with my dad, so I honestly dont know why. Nah, he went to the grave like that. I tried my best to take up for the Mexican people lolol.

Even delivering pizzas, they tipped me better than the rich whiteys.

I would guess that it's just because we aren't Northern European white and are tainted with "savage blood".

He use to complain of illegal immigrants. Thought of the Mexicans as dirty. And hated them awful bad. They done him wrong a couple times, but he blew it out of proportion. Something to do with his Corvette one time, and something about one flirting with his wife.

Oh, he was a Democrat too. Him and I couldnt talk politics, he also hated Trump. I was the only family member he would talk too, because I knew how to talk to him reasonably. He would argue for Hillary over Trump, and I would tell him I didnt like either, and I didnt trust either, but that Trump was the better option, and that he would have to trust me. He still voted for Hillary lol.

I have said for many, many years that white liberals can be as racist as anyone. My #1 clue, they want to maintain all the power in the political realm..."let us handle this, we'll take care of you, don't worry."



Don't be like Republicans
I think it would be fair to say that isn't party specific these days.

Fair. I find them to be more open and strident in this period of my life than any other.
Well, as you know, (while others evidently don't) I took that view long around 1990 in a final form.
The problem today is that cooperation is considered capitulation.
It isn't, of course. And both parties do know how to cooperate. It's just with the wrong people (since corporations are people these days),
and not "the people".


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Don't be like Republicans
I think it would be fair to say that isn't party specific these days.

Fair. I find them to be more open and strident in this period of my life than any other.
Well, as you know, (while others evidently don't) I took that view long around 1990 in a final form.
The problem today is that cooperation is considered capitulation.
It isn't, of course. And both parties do know how to cooperate. It's just with the wrong people (since corporations are people these days),
and not "the people".

And you guys are here to fight hard for the monoparty while dehumanizing and demonizing the people who dont march to your narratives.

The corporate media will tell you who to hate and why and you'll take your marching orders with a smug useful idiot grin while spewing hatred at your own countrymen.

Tell us again how Kyle lost his right to defend his life because he should have been at home and how unAmerican we are for not wanting to be taxed too death by a government that does nothing but waste the wages they already steal from the peasents. Or how it's funny and okay for regular people to be coerced to take a medical intervention.

You guys are fake as fuck and have no credibility with anyone who has witnessed your toxic sophistry and contempt for regular people.
Last edited:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Well, here you go folks. No longer is this a BF thread for all of us.

It's the Dove show now. Pull out the popcorn.
Does Duhv still post here? Must be awful for those that read the insane rantings.
I pity the good people who can not avoid it.

It's always "me, me, me" woe "me" the Democrats won't give us enough money to fix our entire lives on the taxpayer dime.
Oh - so same partisan hackery as it always was, huh?

Sad (verysadface smiley).

Translation: "People who do not agree with my stances are partisan hacks because I said so. I am enlightened and smarter and a free thinker and the only reason anyone would ever not agree with me is because they are partisan hacks. I alone have the correct opinions and only the freest thinkers arrive at my conclusions. I have no awareness that my line of bad logic and devotion to establishment narratives show it's me who is the partisan hack and i try to call myself an authentic liberal while I argue against freedumbs and support authoritarian policies and abuse of the working class....cuz it pwns the cOnZ"

You're welcome.
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
A simple definition of racism is this: judging a whole ethnic group on the basis of behaviours exhibited by the few.

Just wondering how many people on this board are racist against white people then?

The Leaker and LettuceButt for sure.
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
You should hate poor people then. Poor people all over the world are the ones that commit most non-white collar crime.

It's not the race that's the problem, it's the class.

The root cause is low IQ.

Low IQ people are poor.

Low IQ people commit more crime.

In every culture, intelligence is rewarded. Maybe not directly, but intelligent people can figure out the system. Any system.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
You should hate poor people then. Poor people all over the world are the ones that commit most non-white collar crime.

It's not the race that's the problem, it's the class.

The root cause is low IQ.

Low IQ people are poor.

Low IQ people commit more crime.

In every culture, intelligence is rewarded. Maybe not directly, but intelligent people can figure out the system. Any system.

low iq can be a direct result of poverty

studies have been done in subsistence farming societies where researchers measure iq during harvest and during the time of scarcity of sustenance. study participants had higher iq when they were flush with harvest and lower iq as their stock of food was almost gone

A stronger global economy could result in unheard of human advancement. We simply don't have the will. We spend our time blaming the poor for being poor. The behavior of "high iq" people for sure. *eyeroll*