Florida Governor Signs into Law a bill restricting Stubby's usage of Gayspeak.


Domestically feral
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United states
The point is it's not the schools job to teach these topics to children who are not old enough and developed mentally/emotionally enough to properly process it and it creates a situation very ideal for sexual AND politcal PLEASE ASS BOX ME!.

That's an issue. It's not an either/or. Saying that these topics shouldnt be pressedon children by school staff in primary is definately not the same as "keeping them in the dark". That's a false dichotomy.

If you havent noticed? The "racial issues" in this country are a matter of partisan political opinion.

I dont know a single homosexual, including my own daughter, who needed their 3rd grade teacher to discuss adult sexuality with them.

Do you see how this is being presented in a fallacy? Its saying that if teachers are not going beyond the developmental abilities of children to discuss adult sexuality with them or provide them with a partisan narrative on race, then will be never learn anything. That is CLEARLY a false dichotomy.

This is playing into the whole "children belong to the state" mentality.
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Domestically feral
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United states
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And this is purely political and many people disagree with this.

Elementary school students are definately not interested or developed mentally enough for topics like they are presenting. They just are not.

MY kids are more educated on sexual health than many public school kids here that they know. There are valid issues with this "comprehensive sex ed" curriculum.

What SHOULD happen is a developmentally appropriate ONGOING yearly curriculum teaching over all physical health and anatomy that advances and kids develope into it.

There is too much politcs in this comprehensive sex ed curriculum. Have you seen any of the material? There is a book called "Its perfectly normal" I think put out by PP.....it contains illustrations of sex acts and masturbation.

I would have wanted to commit suicide if I had been held in a hostage audience....next to BOYS even....and given a lecture on how we should all rub one out and how "normal" it is. Most kids are chronic masturbators. They have it figured out well enough. But that doesnt mean they are emotionally and mentally matured enough to want to hear their teachers discussing it while they all sit in a classroom together and are expected to not die inside while laughing as a defense mechanism. They KNOW its normal. Just like we know taking a shit is normal. You dont wanna shit next to your peers either.

Introducing kids to these topics they are not even thinking much about yet can do damage and like I said....create an environment of sexual and political PLEASE ASS BOX ME!.

There are no problems here that justify introducing elementary school students to sex. We have managed to see a decline in TEEN pregnancy and STI spread. Why cant we allow children to enjoy childhood?


Domestically feral
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United states
Humans tend to fear the unknown, and are prone to lash out at that which they don't understand.

I dont see a problem with my desire to keep my 5 year old in the dark regarding what kind of objects are safe to stretch out your rectum with to prepare for anal sex.

Or a introduction on what objects you can hump to get the most out of masturbating.

Kids dont even care about this shit until they are about midway into puberty ffs

Why do little kids have to be exposed to everything, let alone in a classroom without an advocate?

Since it's so critical to bomb adult information on children so they are not "kept unaware" of shit they dont even think about YET.....why not also have classes on finances? Teach them about mortages? Why keep them in the dark? They gotta know this shit eventually right?

Is homelessness not a problem?

Let's just skip over all the boring basics children need to learn so they can build a good foundation of knowledge about the world around them and themselves and rush right into very mature topic matter they are not prepared to process. What could go wrong?

It's not PLEASE ASS BOX ME! or anything.
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Factory Bastard
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Here's all you need know:
“’If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. Lev 20:13


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Blacked out in FLA


Domestically feral
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United states


Blacked out in FLA

Right if you actually read the bill? You would see how stupid these memes are.

For all the fake crocodile tears about "democracy".....you guys are the first to shit on other people by lying about them or twisting something they want. God forbid any voices get heard besides yours and what you agree with.

Only dems/progs would be outraged by an anti PLEASE ASS BOX ME! bill that prevents school staff from addressing sexual and politcal topics with elementary school students.

And the lies about it are because the left doesnt want to admit they are perverts who dont care.

Of course Pete.....who basically told struggling families to just buy an electric car, you know "hey stop being poor!" would say something that stupid and you'll parrot it because you are not even gonna read the bill for yourself.

Just admit you dont genuinely care about this. You just automatically oppose anything done by other parties just because. That parents shouldnt have any voice and children are just partisan objects you can use.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Blacked out in FLA

Right if you actually read the bill? You would see how stupid these memes are.

For all the fake crocodile tears about "democracy".....you guys are the first to shit on other people by lying about them or twisting something they want. God forbid any voices get heard besides yours and what you agree with.

Only dems/progs would be outraged by an anti PLEASE ASS BOX ME! bill that prevents school staff from addressing sexual and politcal topics with elementary school students.

And the lies about it are because the left doesnt want to admit they are perverts who dont care.

Of course Pete.....who basically told struggling families to just buy an electric car, you know "hey stop being poor!" would say something that stupid and you'll parrot it because you are not even gonna read the bill for yourself.

Just admit you dont genuinely care about this. You just automatically oppose anything done by other parties just because. That parents shouldnt have any voice and children are just partisan objects you can use.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states


Blacked out in FLA

Right if you actually read the bill? You would see how stupid these memes are.

For all the fake crocodile tears about "democracy".....you guys are the first to shit on other people by lying about them or twisting something they want. God forbid any voices get heard besides yours and what you agree with.

Only dems/progs would be outraged by an anti PLEASE ASS BOX ME! bill that prevents school staff from addressing sexual and politcal topics with elementary school students.

And the lies about it are because the left doesnt want to admit they are perverts who dont care.

Of course Pete.....who basically told struggling families to just buy an electric car, you know "hey stop being poor!" would say something that stupid and you'll parrot it because you are not even gonna read the bill for yourself.

Just admit you dont genuinely care about this. You just automatically oppose anything done by other parties just because. That parents shouldnt have any voice and children are just partisan objects you can use.

That's why you spend so much time being wrong and being an asshole about it. If you took the time to read a bit more....you would know wtf you are talking about.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
So let me get this straight, leftards are bitching because teachers can't talk to young children about sex?

I swear, most SJW's belong in jail on the nonce wing...



Factory Bastard
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If I had 2 dads, I'd take my colt python, load it w/357 magnums, kill both of them, shit on the bodies, and burn them in the front yard.