
Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
@Bastard Factory Can you tell this fucking retard to stop spamming retarded drivel on the main floor or GTFO!!!

That was yesterday, too.

So the meth addled, dog fucking psycho had to come in here yesterday to spew a bizzare and racist rant over a post that happened a month ago.

Lmao what a fucking whack job. He was sitting on his Obama phone with his panties moist searching for one of my posts from over a month ago just to spew generic garbage about make up and go full blown racist :Crazy: :LOL3:

Flynn is what you get when you order a "flamer" off Wish.

This coming from the minority Puerto Rican/wetback that claims to be a Republican that can't even spell "malicious" as she collects welfare, yet trashes the Democrats that approve her increase in Food Stamps through cost of living adjustments.

You're a piece of fucking shit Dovey and you're full of unmitigated fuck all when you claim to know and be an EXPERT on everything under the fucking sun.

You come out here and trash people about their relationships, but you're the only sullen whore that has been proven to be an adulterous money grubbing slut that lives out here. If your "life" and "marriage" is soooo fucking great, you wouldn't be out here spouting your obvious fake news and making believe that your shitty life doesn't suck Biggie Tards midget balls.

You think that indirectly talking crazy to me is going to stop me from pounding your mixed race ass into oblivion? Think again if you can. Now instead of being a fucking ass sucking loser, why don't you go out and get a fucking job and stop depending on handouts from the very political party you talk shit about.

Like I said before, you wouldn't know a Republican or Democrat if one and came up behind you and sodomized you with Raven's dick.

Fucking retard.

P.S.- Oh the dreaded "meth" accusations? Correct me if I'm wrong as I guess I'm not Martini now or Pickles? The only person that has admitted to being a bonafide drug addict is you and here you are changing your story again. That's how I fucking know that I've got you all upset over the obvious truths about your pathetic self.

P.S.S.- Tell me Dovey. Does a "whack job" cheat on her redneck husband with two dorks off a forum? Does a "whack job" go around posting about being an addict then accuse others of the same? Does a "whack job" spend all their time out here trying to find another moron to date in the hopes of more cash handouts? Does a "whack job" prostitute herself on a forum? I'll understand if your stupid fucking retarded ass runs and hides from this as well.

P.S.S.S.- How in the fuck do you get evicted in the state of Michigan when the rent is only $200 a month near 8 Mile for a 9 bedroom mansion?


Dovey. You are thee dumbest walking pap smear out here. Blame yourself for having such a crappy life. Bitch.

Oh. And have I told you that you're a retard?


Way too many words, Flynn. Clearly I need to wash my hands in lye after touching one of your ratchet nerves.

Is there anything in this rant that you havent blathered at least 100 times? Besides this sudden blatant racism?

Careful Scrotini doesnt run to black/ woke twitter and tell the cancel mobs about your white supremacy on a forum. What kind of gross fucking cretin thinks calling someone non white is a flame? Typical knuckledragging racist democrat.

So what made you support Biden more? The welfare? The segregation? Or his moving eulogy for a klansman?


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
Site Supporter ☠️
You know those sticoms, where there's always someone that nobody in the show likes?

Like in Seinfeld, it was Newman

In that Drew Carey show, it was Mimi Bobeck

If BF was a sitcom, Flynn would be that character



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You know those sticoms, where there's always someone that nobody in the show likes?

Like in Seinfeld, it was Newman

In that Drew Carey show, it was Mimi Bobeck

If BF was a sitcom, Flynn would be that character


I'm really starting to think that Flynn doesnt like me very much.

I cant be sure, though.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
@Bastard Factory Can you tell this fucking retard to stop spamming retarded drivel on the main floor or GTFO!!!

Boo fucking hoo! Now you know how we all feel when you start posting your fetid rat droppings you call, "English."

Don't like it? You're welcome to log off and never come back. If that doesn't work, you can always slit your wrists with a butter knife, cunt.

I mean look at this post.

Who the fuck is "we all"? This psychopath is either referring to his multiple personalities or he is delusional enough to think other people on the board feel his feelings and he can speak for US ALL.

Notice how WE ALL kick him around the board and shit on his drooling ass repetitive "material" everytime he comes here to ride out his drug benders? We all tell this fucktard how WE ALL feel about his delusional and angry rantings.

But he just ignores all that as it applies to him, and yet he suddenly wants to speak about how WE ALL feel about Raven?

If WE ALL had the choice between banning Raven or watching Flynn getting thrown in front of bus....WE ALL would grab popcorn and arrange a live stream to witness the blessed event of Flynns micropenis getting blasted through his rotted grey matter.

His post is an impressive projection.

And Flynn spews his maniac and fetid rat droppings all over the board and even goes into threads upstairs and responds to month old posts in order to get the attention he needs. I mean look at that long rant of pent up emotion.

Since WE ALL clearly do not want him drooling and tarding out all over regular threads outside of meltdown, he really should just log out. Maybe take a nice long soak in the bath with a plugged in toaster. Whatever helps this tedious attention whore cope with all his "feelings".

The toaster would actually care more than WE ALL do.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
@Bastard Factory Can you tell this fucking retard to stop spamming retarded drivel on the main floor or GTFO!!!

That was yesterday, too.

So the meth addled, dog fucking psycho had to come in here yesterday to spew a bizzare and racist rant over a post that happened a month ago.

Lmao what a fucking whack job. He was sitting on his Obama phone with his panties moist searching for one of my posts from over a month ago just to spew generic garbage about make up and go full blown racist :Crazy: :LOL3:

Flynn is what you get when you order a "flamer" off Wish.

This coming from the minority Puerto Rican/wetback that claims to be a Republican that can't even spell "malicious" as she collects welfare, yet trashes the Democrats that approve her increase in Food Stamps through cost of living adjustments.

You're a piece of fucking shit Dovey and you're full of unmitigated fuck all when you claim to know and be an EXPERT on everything under the fucking sun.

You come out here and trash people about their relationships, but you're the only sullen whore that has been proven to be an adulterous money grubbing slut that lives out here. If your "life" and "marriage" is soooo fucking great, you wouldn't be out here spouting your obvious fake news and making believe that your shitty life doesn't suck Biggie Tards midget balls.

You think that indirectly talking crazy to me is going to stop me from pounding your mixed race ass into oblivion? Think again if you can. Now instead of being a fucking ass sucking loser, why don't you go out and get a fucking job and stop depending on handouts from the very political party you talk shit about.

Like I said before, you wouldn't know a Republican or Democrat if one and came up behind you and sodomized you with Raven's dick.

Fucking retard.

P.S.- Oh the dreaded "meth" accusations? Correct me if I'm wrong as I guess I'm not Martini now or Pickles? The only person that has admitted to being a bonafide drug addict is you and here you are changing your story again. That's how I fucking know that I've got you all upset over the obvious truths about your pathetic self.

P.S.S.- Tell me Dovey. Does a "whack job" cheat on her redneck husband with two dorks off a forum? Does a "whack job" go around posting about being an addict then accuse others of the same? Does a "whack job" spend all their time out here trying to find another moron to date in the hopes of more cash handouts? Does a "whack job" prostitute herself on a forum? I'll understand if your stupid fucking retarded ass runs and hides from this as well.

P.S.S.S.- How in the fuck do you get evicted in the state of Michigan when the rent is only $200 a month near 8 Mile for a 9 bedroom mansion?


Dovey. You are thee dumbest walking pap smear out here. Blame yourself for having such a crappy life. Bitch.

Oh. And have I told you that you're a retard?


Way too many words, Flynn. Clearly I need to wash my hands in lye after touching one of your ratchet nerves.

Is there anything in this rant that you havent blathered at least 100 times? Besides this sudden blatant racism?

Careful Scrotini doesnt run to black/ woke twitter and tell the cancel mobs about your white supremacy on a forum. What kind of gross fucking cretin thinks calling someone non white is a flame? Typical knuckledragging racist democrat.

So what made you support Biden more? The welfare? The segregation? Or his moving eulogy for a klansman?

You once again misunderstand because you're a retard. I'm not "flaming" you as the truth speaks volumes for itself. Unlike you the things I post about you are all factual much to your slutty chagrin. What you know about me is absolutely nothing because you know as well as I do that all your desperately made up lies about is your go to defence.

Its been proven over and over that I am not in fact Martini which you cry to whatever 3 point I.Q. sloth will listen. This has been stated many times that I am not one of the dullards that fucked you in the ass without a condom. Furthermore, outting you as a mixed race mongrel isn't "racism" as it's pointing out the fact how you're a true minority yet defends proven "racmans."

Oh. So now I'm not Martini?


Youm fucking retarded fuck. How many posts have you yourself posted swearing on your brain dead inbred children that you no longer have, that I was Martini? You can't even keep your autism in check as you start seeing Martini in every shadow and crack in that empty thing you call a fucking brain. The funny part is you fucked Martini, the very bane of your existence. What does that say about you, slut???


Here you go trying to talk politics as if you know anything about it at all. I've already proven that you don't know shit about "politics" as you tongue fuck those Republicans that want to cut off your welfare benefits that you depend on. You'd be doing yourself a gigantic favor by stick to the subjects that you're an expert on...drugs and adultery and collecting state benefits.

I see that all your positive reps are from all the people I've stomped a mudhole through out here. At least you fucking retards still flock together, right? What it looks like is a school of minnows huddling together for protection as big bad Flynn/Martini/Pickles/Yo Momma comes a calling.

Last edited:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Seems like that semen cyst is really purulent today.

Take an anti-inflamatory, Flynnsy.

Its unfortunate that I'm not even gonna read any of that tard out he is having.

His flare up began a day ago where he must have been thinking about me and got all pissed off again and went in search of a post of mine....any post... even a month old ....to throw himself at me and get a "green light" to spew paragraphs of utter nonsense that no one is ever gonna be interested in. He must have been stewing for days.

It's like he so mad he doesnt even notice :LOL3:


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Seems like that semen cyst is really purulent today.

Take an anti-inflamatory, Flynnsy.

Its unfortunate that I'm not even gonna read any of that tard out he is having.

His flare up began a day ago where he must have been thinking about me and got all pissed off again and went in search of a post of mine....any post... even a month old ....to throw himself at me and get a "green light" to spew paragraphs of utter nonsense that no one is gonna be interested in.

I skimmed every 4th word and was able to sense the overall stupid.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
Site Supporter ☠️
Seems like that semen cyst is really purulent today.

Take an anti-inflamatory, Flynnsy.

Its unfortunate that I'm not even gonna read any of that tard out he is having.

His flare up began a day ago where he must have been thinking about me and got all pissed off again and went in search of a post of mine....any post... even a month old ....to throw himself at me and get a "green light" to spew paragraphs of utter nonsense that no one is ever gonna be interested in. He must have been stewing for days.

It's like he so mad he doesnt even notice :LOL3:

I read it randomly jumping lines and going back, it's too hard doing it sequentially

It's the old forum drivel

"you post this, I said that, you did this, you're lame because..."

Oh well


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Seems like that semen cyst is really purulent today.

Take an anti-inflamatory, Flynnsy.

Its unfortunate that I'm not even gonna read any of that tard out he is having.

His flare up began a day ago where he must have been thinking about me and got all pissed off again and went in search of a post of mine....any post... even a month old ....to throw himself at me and get a "green light" to spew paragraphs of utter nonsense that no one is gonna be interested in.

I skimmed every 4th word and was able to sense the overall stupid.

I didnt even do that much. Everytime I have skimmed one of his multi paragraph shit posts it's literally always the same shit.

I mean the only new thing is him thinking that accusing me of not being white is somehow an insult. Which is amusing considering this same blathering fucktard was just whining last month about how I'm "friends with actual nazi" and Kevin was gonna go to black twitter and tell them this so I would get canceled lol.

So now Flynn is openly racist. Racist against Asains and now racist against brown and black people.

What a typical leftist piece of shit.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Seems like that semen cyst is really purulent today.

Take an anti-inflamatory, Flynnsy.

Its unfortunate that I'm not even gonna read any of that tard out he is having.

His flare up began a day ago where he must have been thinking about me and got all pissed off again and went in search of a post of mine....any post... even a month old ....to throw himself at me and get a "green light" to spew paragraphs of utter nonsense that no one is ever gonna be interested in. He must have been stewing for days.

It's like he so mad he doesnt even notice :LOL3:

I read it randomly jumping lines and going back, it's too hard doing it sequentially

It's the old forum drivel

"you post this, I said that, you did this, you're lame because..."

Oh well

Oh FFS he is posting about convos from years ago again?

:Crazy: :LOL3:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Maybe Scrotini will pop in and those two can have yet another discussion about he had sex with me.

Just the off chance there could be someone reading this that doesnt know yet. It's really important to him that people know about his minute long glory period where his life peaked.

No one can say I dont care about the poor.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
@Bastard Factory Can you tell this fucking retard to stop spamming retarded drivel on the main floor or GTFO!!!

Boo fucking hoo! Now you know how we all feel when you start posting your fetid rat droppings you call, "English."

Don't like it? You're welcome to log off and never come back. If that doesn't work, you can always slit your wrists with a butter knife, cunt.

I mean look at this post.

Who the fuck is "we all"? This psychopath is either referring to his multiple personalities or he is delusional enough to think other people on the board feel his feelings and he can speak for US ALL.

Notice how WE ALL kick him around the board and shit on his drooling ass repetitive "material" everytime he comes here to ride out his drug benders? We all tell this fucktard how WE ALL feel about his delusional and angry rantings.

But he just ignores all that as it applies to him, and yet he suddenly wants to speak about how WE ALL feel about Raven?

If WE ALL had the choice between banning Raven or watching Flynn getting thrown in front of bus....WE ALL would grab popcorn and arrange a live stream to witness the blessed event of Flynns micropenis getting blasted through his rotted grey matter.

His post is an impressive projection.

And Flynn spews his maniac and fetid rat droppings all over the board and even goes into threads upstairs and responds to month old posts in order to get the attention he needs. I mean look at that long rant of pent up emotion.

Since WE ALL clearly do not want him drooling and tarding out all oyor regular threads outside of meltdown, he really should just log out. Maybe take a nice long soak in the bath with a plugged in toaster. Whatever helps this tedious attention whore cope with all his "feelings".

The toaster would actually care more than WE ALL do.

The only "psychopath" is a YOU who cheats on her husband and then has her children taken away from the state because you're an unfit mother that can't even provide for her children. Additionally, a "psychopath" is a Dovey that hangs a child's Nintendo Switch over the toilet in a cheap motel room because you were evicted from your dump that you couldn't afford which is why you met up with Martini. You were hoping to get another handout. A true "psychopath" like yourself tries to make believe that it's everyone else who is the "psychopath" yet I haven't done the terrible things you've done, now have I? That's called projection, cunt.

Notice how you've resorted to claiming that "you kick anything around?" The only thing that's been "kicked around" is your nasty Dovgina.. FACT! Ask those who have had sexual relations with you. Ask Biggie Dullard and ask Martini. I've dragged you on your sad excuse for a brain and trying to make others believe your have three brain cells to rub together, which is very apparent to the layman. How I know that I've got your nasty and crusty panties in a bunch is your typical diatribe like this. You still think that posting garbage is the same as posting facts. It is not. The sooner your pea-sized brain recognizes this the better for you. Everyone knows you're a fucking retard except you. What retard would sleep with Martini? YOU.

As far as your idiotic assumption that anyone could "throw me under a bus" is more of your fish smelling desperation. You'd be better off trying to make people believe that you don't have an I.Q. lower than a bag of rusty bent nails. Oh? You say "popcorn" huh? What unlucky fuck would you suck off for a bucket of "popcorn?" Or would you use your treasure trove of food stamps to purchase this "popcorn?" I'm sure you'd probably offer up your well used cunt to try and make a trade for the "bus" just in case you get evicted again.

The only reason you're defending Raven who like yourself contradicts herself as well is because it doesn't like me for dropkicking it into your backyard you also use as a dumping ground for your well used syringes. You'll suck the ass of anyone who sees me as a threat. That's how you pathetic fucks work. You can't fight me alone because you've already seen what happens. I made you relapse. What kind of weak willed fuck lets an anonymous person over the internet dictate how you feel?


Not to mention how many times have you pm'd Flea, Biggie Tardstick and BF trying to get me banned? See that shit don't fly here moron. I'm sure you think you're entitled to some sort of special exemptions, when it comes to how things operate around here. The bottom line is you have no one in a position to ban or erase my account, so you can keep crying to the mighty heavens that Flynn is still kicking your half breed ass. Don't think I didn't know that you kept on screaming about me being Martini in an attempt to have my "dual" account deactivated. How did that work out for you slut? About as good as your relationship with Martini, right?

Fucking retard.
Last edited:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
You know those sticoms, where there's always someone that nobody in the show likes?

Like in Seinfeld, it was Newman

In that Drew Carey show, it was Mimi Bobeck

If BF was a sitcom, Flynn would be that character


I'm really starting to think that Flynn doesnt like me very much.

I cant be sure, though.

We all know you don't like the truth. Sorry.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Maybe Scrotini will pop in and those two can have yet another discussion about he had sex with me.

Just the off chance there could be someone reading this that doesnt know yet. It's really important to him that people know about his minute long glory period where his life peaked.

No one can say I dont care about the poor.


Now I'm not Martini? After three years of you prattling about it?

See this is how you operate. You can't even keep me on "ignore." Now I'm no longer Martini??!!

You just can't make this shit up!



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Seems like that semen cyst is really purulent today.

Take an anti-inflamatory, Flynnsy.

Its unfortunate that I'm not even gonna read any of that tard out he is having.

His flare up began a day ago where he must have been thinking about me and got all pissed off again and went in search of a post of mine....any post... even a month old ....to throw himself at me and get a "green light" to spew paragraphs of utter nonsense that no one is gonna be interested in.

I skimmed every 4th word and was able to sense the overall stupid.

I didnt even do that much. Everytime I have skimmed one of his multi paragraph shit posts it's literally always the same shit.

I mean the only new thing is him thinking that accusing me of not being white is somehow an insult. Which is amusing considering this same blathering fucktard was just whining last month about how I'm "friends with actual nazi" and Kevin was gonna go to black twitter and tell them this so I would get canceled lol.

So now Flynn is openly racist. Racist against Asains and now racist against brown and black people.

What a typical leftist piece of shit.

Of course you don't because that would mean having to face the truth. And from my experience with you...the truth and you are like oil and water.

Who am I this week, cunt? Joe Biden?




Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Seems like that semen cyst is really purulent today.

Take an anti-inflamatory, Flynnsy.

Its unfortunate that I'm not even gonna read any of that tard out he is having.

His flare up began a day ago where he must have been thinking about me and got all pissed off again and went in search of a post of mine....any post... even a month old ....to throw himself at me and get a "green light" to spew paragraphs of utter nonsense that no one is gonna be interested in.

I skimmed every 4th word and was able to sense the overall stupid.

I didnt even do that much. Everytime I have skimmed one of his multi paragraph shit posts it's literally always the same shit.

I mean the only new thing is him thinking that accusing me of not being white is somehow an insult. Which is amusing considering this same blathering fucktard was just whining last month about how I'm "friends with actual nazi" and Kevin was gonna go to black twitter and tell them this so I would get canceled lol.

So now Flynn is openly racist. Racist against Asains and now racist against brown and black people.

What a typical leftist piece of shit.

Of course you don't because that would mean having to face the truth. And from my experience with you...the truth and you are like oil and water.

Who am I this week, cunt? Joe Biden?



^^^ it even signs its name at the end....


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Seems like that semen cyst is really purulent today.

Take an anti-inflamatory, Flynnsy.

Its unfortunate that I'm not even gonna read any of that tard out he is having.

His flare up began a day ago where he must have been thinking about me and got all pissed off again and went in search of a post of mine....any post... even a month old ....to throw himself at me and get a "green light" to spew paragraphs of utter nonsense that no one is gonna be interested in.

I skimmed every 4th word and was able to sense the overall stupid.

I didnt even do that much. Everytime I have skimmed one of his multi paragraph shit posts it's literally always the same shit.

I mean the only new thing is him thinking that accusing me of not being white is somehow an insult. Which is amusing considering this same blathering fucktard was just whining last month about how I'm "friends with actual nazi" and Kevin was gonna go to black twitter and tell them this so I would get canceled lol.

So now Flynn is openly racist. Racist against Asains and now racist against brown and black people.

What a typical leftist piece of shit.

I'm about as "openly racist" as you are smart. Now, I know I hit a fucking nerve. Look at you trying to bleet how "I'm openly racist" as you on numerous occasions have defended a self admitted Nazi.

Care to contradict yourself again, Einstein? So. You're "not friends" with or have "defended" Aryan? C'mon deny this fact too that way I can keep beating you over your flat Puerto Rican/Spic head over this outright lie.

"Leftist?" Bitch, I'm not the one one on Section 8 or welfare.

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Site Supporter
Hi Flynn
Uoo havin' a Flynniption ?

I know ... these times are makin' every one crazy