Check it, Breakfail!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
There's a delivery service that will pick up your weed and then deliver it to you.

I don't understand why Australia hasn't followed Holland, and several other European countries when it comes to revising their cannabis laws.

Australia has sooo much land and the weather is perfect for growing crops like marijuana and hemp.
Your just a criminal.


Factory Bastard
Where did I say that dicklips? Well??? Where did I post that you fucking cocksucker?

You're another proven idiot that I wish would get hit point blank by a SCUD Missile.
are you always this emotional? not taking your meds? you know suicide would end all your troubles.. right? don't think at all about it and just do it. you're welcome.. i will send your family the bill for the help.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
There's a delivery service that will pick up your weed and then deliver it to you.

I don't understand why Australia hasn't followed Holland, and several other European countries when it comes to revising their cannabis laws.

Australia has sooo much land and the weather is perfect for growing crops like marijuana and hemp.
Still a part of the Commonwealth I guess? There’s been a lot of discussion about it, but it’s two steps fwd and one and a half back. I keep voting for the legalisation of Maryjane…


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Still a part of the Commonwealth I guess? There’s been a lot of discussion about it, but it’s two steps fwd and one and a half back. I keep voting for the legalisation of Maryjane…

Yeah. That's a fucking shame that those nonces can't get their shit together. The cannabis industry would create jobs and opportunities within those communities that need the influx of cash and jobs.

Besides, who wouldn't want to smoke weed from Australia?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
are you always this emotional? not taking your meds? you know suicide would end all your troubles.. right? don't think at all about it and just do it. you're welcome.. i will send your family the bill for the help.

Do me a favor and take your Ritalin. You sound like you missed a week's worth.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Yeah. That's a fucking shame that those nonces can't get their shit together. The cannabis industry would create jobs and opportunities within those communities that need the influx of cash and jobs.

Besides, who wouldn't want to smoke weed from Australia?
Exactly! The government still thinks it would lose too much revenue in fines from policing it if they were to decriminalise marijuana. Hemp itself is one of the strongest natural fibres in the world and shits all over cotton. Maybe those cotton barons have something to do with the delay too? I wouldn’t put it past some wanker(s) in parliament to try pull the wool over our eyes.

It all boils down to some form of greed in the monetary scheme of things. Humankind’s sun of choice.

Such is life…


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Exactly! The government still thinks it would lose too much revenue in fines from policing it if they were to decriminalise marijuana. Hemp itself is one of the strongest natural fibres in the world and shits all over cotton. Maybe those cotton barons have something to do with the delay too? I wouldn’t put it past some wanker(s) in parliament to try pull the wool over our eyes.

It all boils down to some form of greed in the monetary scheme of things. Humankind’s sun of choice.

Such is life…

See this happened in Washington State as well where the powers that be only legalized the cannabis industry only after they put themselves in charge of the tax rates and policies. Anytime you buy weed in Wash you pay City Tax, Excise Tax, Luxury Tax and State Tax. An 8th starting at $12.50 balloons into $40.

Greed is the right word.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
how about you teaching how to "bugger off"? thanks.


First. Walk out of that dump you somehow live in. Next, find a busy road. Wait until a metro bus or large truck comes speeding your way. At the last minute, close your eyes and walk in front of the oncoming vehicle.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!

This is from the company DogStar. The strain is Blueberry Cupcake. I won't list the price as you freak freakazoids give me shit for spending my own money.

Anyways, I'll let you all know how it smokes later on.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I was going to wait until later on to smoke some but it was calling my name.

It smokes better than The Purple People Eater and at $70 for a 1/4 it is a way better price point. Good value, good smoke.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
You have all the goodies! Meanwhile back in Australia they’re still talking about banning tobacco vaporisers!!!

Here in Virginia they're allegedly going to fully legalize recreational marijuana next year but knowing politicians I'll believe it when I see it. Can't lie though- I am looking forward to it (with cautious optimism).


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Here in Virginia they're allegedly going to fully legalize recreational marijuana next year but knowing politicians I'll believe it when I see it. Can't lie though- I am looking forward to it (with cautious optimism).
I just want to process CBD oil without ducking and diving. I’m a bloody Greeny ffs…it should be my God-given right!
Know what I mean?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Here in Virginia they're allegedly going to fully legalize recreational marijuana next year but knowing politicians I'll believe it when I see it. Can't lie though- I am looking forward to it (with cautious optimism).

There's no doubt marijuana is coming to your state of Virginia if the bill passed. You know as well as I do that there are "players" behind the scenes that are going to make an obscene amount of money with the cannabis market.

I know for a full blooded fact that one I502 (my state code for legalized weed) owner who bought a license from the Marijuana Liquor Control Board for 1 million dollars made 2.6 million dollars in first year profits. And that's the net, not the gross because he probably made closer to 7 million but with specialized taxes and requirements for digital security surveillance along with paying additional fees/bribes/grease/permits to the city, his profit margin shrunk because the pot business has many hands in the "pot" (no pun intended) getting rich off the ideas and sweat off others.

Why "cautious optimism?" Sure people will be shocked at first but after 6 months people won't even notice the novelty anymore just like here. We here in WA see dispensaries kinda like Starbucks, they're on every damn block.

Also, I'm sure one of the biggest arguments is the "crime" that comes with "evil places like that." Sure, there have been robberies, because all of these places are a cash only business, so you can imagine how much money is available at any given time which is why they're mostly robbed before closing for obvious reasons. But there hasn't been an uptick in crime. I mean we have more bank robberies than weed store robberies. I think more people were killed by a gun last year versus pot shop holdups. Hell, I think Seattle alone had more Fentanyl and drunk driving deaths than mary jane stick'em ups.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
There's no doubt marijuana is coming to your state of Virginia if the bill passed. You know as well as I do that there are "players" behind the scenes that are going to make an obscene amount of money with the cannabis market.

I know for a full blooded fact that one I502 (my state code for legalized weed) owner who bought a license from the Marijuana Liquor Control Board for 1 million dollars made 2.6 million dollars in first year profits. And that's the net, not the gross because he probably made closer to 7 million but with specialized taxes and requirements for digital security surveillance along with paying additional fees/bribes/grease/permits to the city, his profit margin shrunk because the pot business has many hands in the "pot" (no pun intended) getting rich off the ideas and sweat off others.

Why "cautious optimism?" Sure people will be shocked at first but after 6 months people won't even notice the novelty anymore just like here. We here in WA see dispensaries kinda like Starbucks, they're on every damn block.

Also, I'm sure one of the biggest arguments is the "crime" that comes with "evil places like that." Sure, there have been robberies, because all of these places are a cash only business, so you can imagine how much money is available at any given time which is why they're mostly robbed before closing for obvious reasons. But there hasn't been an uptick in crime. I mean we have more bank robberies than weed store robberies. I think more people were killed by a gun last year versus pot shop holdups. Hell, I think Seattle alone had more Fentanyl and drunk driving deaths than mary jane stick'em ups.
Do you think in the foreseeable future and as far as driving under the influence goes, that they’ll be able to measure a legal limit that one can still have in their system and be able to drive?

They reckon that the THC in a person’s body collects and stays present in their fatty tissue for up to a month depending on body mass…


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Pot porn:


Look at that! A survival kit EVERY woman needs, that includes Breakfall and Aryan.

Looks like there are some edibles probably 10mg each, looks like a vape cartridge and I can't make out the rest. Maybe some joints? Maybe some papers? I don't think there's an actual atomizer in there, but if there was that would be fucking awesome!

What else is in there? More edibles? Is there flower? If there is flower it threw me off because I'm not use to seeing flower packaged in cardboard and plastic. Are there concentrates?

Tell ME!!!!!111111


> you
Site Supporter ☠️
. o O
gummies 1 pk 20 mg 1 pk 50 mg
couple blunts - couple prerolls
3 vaps


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA

The cautious optimism is because a couple factors:
  • Virginia is for all intents and purposes a southern state (just ask Blazor lol). Bible belt type stuff.
  • If you've seen any news including Virginia politicians like Warner etc. or even going back to 2016 and Hillary choosing Kaine as her VP because apparently she thought she needed someone even more right-leaning than her then you'll realize what a pack of untrustworthy pricks they can be.
I simply don't trust the fuckers to do what they say they'll do until I actually see them doing it. All it would take is a big donor to decide for whatever reason (not happy with their cut of the new profits, maybe) they want to delay/kill the measure and we'll get fucked.

I don't have any concrete reason to doubt the implementation in 2024 but I also have zero confidence in Virginia politicians doing the right fucking thing for any reason other than their own enrichment.

So... optimistic, but cautiously.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Do you think, as far as driving under the influence goes, that they’ll be able to measure a legal limit that one can still have in their system and be able to drive?

They reckon that the THC in a person’s body collects and stays present in their fatty tissue for up to a month depending on body mass…

They already have a tool that measures the amount of THC in your system, its called a routine blood test.

As for dating THC in the blood:

I'm not too positive the inner workings but I think a specialized light (LASER) is refracted using a specimen slide and the refracted light can give the tech an idea of how long the TCH molecules(?) have been stored in the fat based on color and decay rate...i.e...older TCH cells(?) will be in the throws of cellular degradation vs new ones that are "plump" and "intact." This is only my supposition and I could be totally wrong.

Usually someone popped for DUI with weed in their system is 90% drunk as well, so most are easy cases to prove and the defendant/s usually plead out. This has been a huge boon for the state of Washington. DUI is an industry here.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!

The cautious optimism is because a couple factors:
  • Virginia is for all intents and purposes a southern state (just ask Blazor lol). Bible belt type stuff.
  • If you've seen any news including Virginia politicians like Warner etc. or even going back to 2016 and Hillary choosing Kaine as her VP because apparently she thought she needed someone even more right-leaning than her then you'll realize what a pack of untrustworthy pricks they can be.
I simply don't trust the fuckers to do what they say they'll do until I actually see them doing it. All it would take is a big donor to decide for whatever reason (not happy with their cut of the new profits, maybe) they want to delay/kill the measure and we'll get fucked.

I don't have any concrete reason to doubt the implementation in 2024 but I also have zero confidence in Virginia politicians doing the right fucking thing for any reason other than their own enrichment.

So... optimistic, but cautiously.

I understand 100% what you are saying.

Yes, I know about the Bible Belt, but the potential for a shit ton of money is the motivating factor here. They probably already have the construction companies and grow farms already picked out. I GUARANTEE you millions have already been spent, you will be getting recreational pot.