Things In Life That You Think Are Ridiculous


Mr. Excitement
☠️Private Forum Access
I think paying five figures for a watch is pretty damn ridiculous.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
LV bags.

They are ugly. In fact....most designer stuff is ugly. The name is always all over it.

And women and gay men are willing to spend actual thousands of this crap. Ugly crap. So they can look like "Heeyyyy I spent 5k on this ugly purse!"

If a man ever bought a designer bag or any of that shit for me? I wouldnt be impressed. I'd be very put off.

And I do judge people and I'm not gonna pretend I dont. That's another ridiculous thing as well.....that whole "dont judge people!"! Why? Are they gonna break? Do we not ALL judge? Why judge a person for judging? Why is judging the only judge worthy offense?

Even when you've said nice things or like someone you have made a judgement. We have to judge people for survival. How do we size someone up if we cant read socail signals and make proper decisions? Yeah go through life making no judgements and get taken advantage of or seriously harmed or get your family harmed. And some of the most judgemental people are the ones who say that "dont judge" bullshit.

I judge people running around with bags that costs thousands as irresponsible and materialistic. Doesnt mean I hate them. Doesnt mean I'm not willing to get to know them better and be proven wrong (maybe it was a gift...who knows)....but yeah my initial judgement is "yikes this person spends their money in stupid ways to put forth a meaningless image of themselves, so I should be careful and guarded in my interactions with him/her".


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
We need all the lefties who didnt buy into the programming that their countrymen with different political stances (and not even all THAT much different really) were their enemy to step forward and be known because.....shits bleak out there and we need a large unified front.

Who benefits from all the hate and division? And the ghoulish politcal violence we are seeing? NOT us.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Paradise Lost and FFound
my tummy. it wants more food in it but the brain is fuck no don't do it and my tummy is like fuck you brain. so fuck you too brain

this shit is beyond ridiculous