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Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
She hasn’t denied being fat, so I’m inclined to think just that. I must say I have a weakness for buxom woman sitting on my face if I was single. Oh well... monogamy is a my priority!

Is "she" me? I deny it now, and I have denied it before. I'm not fat.


Factory Bastard
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☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
@Lily, calling someone a "faggot" for being stupid is really quite vile. You know who else did that all the time? If you guessed Oak, you are right.

If you can't handle the bastardly comments made at BASTARD FACTORY, perhaps you should post elsewhere. Your troll falls flat with me.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
She hasn’t denied being fat, so I’m inclined to think just that. I must say I have a weakness for buxom woman sitting on my face if I was single. Oh well... monogamy is a my priority!

Is "she" me? I deny it now, and I have denied it before. I'm not fat.
I’m not too sure if I was speaking about you...it’s a bit foggy. But whilst we are the subject of diet...don’t fucking fast like a goose_gurl. You must eat starchy food like potatoes and taro and sweet potatoes to build a solid butt. There’s nothing sexy about a middle-aged skinny chick. Take that foul-mouthed Irish skank @Flynn for example...skin and bones, sunken cheeks and bad breath...fuck! She has to douse herself in toilet spray just to come off floral.

I’ll telling you...hooty in da booty is good muti!



Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
Well it’s Friday arvo this end already. Went to Aldis to grab some eggplant and score some bargains in the centre isle; then I needed to grab a bottle of Captain Morgan in isle one for liquor, and this big bitch pushed a big fucking trolley full of groceries in front me the cunt. I just had fucking eggplants, liquor and some bargain tools! And she just smiles with her eyes at me because of her blue paper fuck mask!


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
You know what works good in those instances just compliment her selections and slip a couple items into your cart acting like your trying to hide the swindle guaranteed if you appear devoid of logic shell let you in front of her .. instead of this rightous womens entitlement bs. Equalty on holding doors open in this ladies first mantality..


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
Hahahahaa...yeah! This is twice in a row now at the same place. I always let someone in if they only have a couple items. The other one wasn’t wearing a mask a month or so back and she just evil smiled at me looking like this Karen fucking Linda Blair number!


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
@Lily, calling someone a "faggot" for being stupid is really quite vile. You know who else did that all the time? If you guessed Oak, you are right.

If you can't handle the bastardly comments made at BASTARD FACTORY, perhaps you should post elsewhere. Your troll falls flat with me.

It's not a troll. You screech bloody murder about any insult associated with being latinx, and you use the ord "faggot" like you're getting paid each time you post it. It's hypocritical. And ugly. I think you're a homophobe.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
@Lily, calling someone a "faggot" for being stupid is really quite vile. You know who else did that all the time? If you guessed Oak, you are right.

If you can't handle the bastardly comments made at BASTARD FACTORY, perhaps you should post elsewhere. Your troll falls flat with me.

It's not a troll. You screech bloody murder about any insult associated with being latinx, and you use the ord "faggot" like you're getting paid each time you post it. It's hypocritical. And ugly. I think you're a homophobe.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Not here
Finished up restringing the guitar, cleaned and oiled the fret board, and she sounds fantastic.

Gearing up for the next two weeks and about to hop back into my dieting meal plan after yesterdays excellent break from it.

Going to start practicing up on one of my favorite card routines that I'm recording and posting here in the next several days or perhaps sometime next week.

Let's do this shit!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
@Lily, calling someone a "faggot" for being stupid is really quite vile. You know who else did that all the time? If you guessed Oak, you are right.

If you can't handle the bastardly comments made at BASTARD FACTORY, perhaps you should post elsewhere. Your troll falls flat with me.

It's not a troll. You screech bloody murder about any insult associated with being latinx, and you use the ord "faggot" like you're getting paid each time you post it. It's hypocritical. And ugly. I think you're a homophobe.

I don't screech about any of the nonsense you're talking about. Show me where I (Lily) have screeched about any of that. You're on the wrong site. If you can't handle trolling, get off a troll site.

I don't care what you "think". I don't think you think at all to be quite frank.


@Lily, calling someone a "faggot" for being stupid is really quite vile. You know who else did that all the time? If you guessed Oak, you are right.

If you can't handle the bastardly comments made at BASTARD FACTORY, perhaps you should post elsewhere. Your troll falls flat with me.

It's not a troll. You screech bloody murder about any insult associated with being latinx, and you use the ord "faggot" like you're getting paid each time you post it. It's hypocritical. And ugly. I think you're a homophobe.
Oarka is a hateful transphobe who was banned from cbt even.