Anybody know if Biggie Smalls is out of the ICU yet?


Factory Bastard
surely you can't be reading your own press since you
Toddle off lassie/laddie/it/them/pronoun.

Have you been reading your own press reports in the "community" papers? You must have realized by now that you are and have always been a one-trick chihuahua confined to pissing on the rugs of the various troll boards in which you have been housed.

Can anyone recall the last time you wrote something that didn't sound like a combination of bum farts and ego masturbation climax moans?

You appear to have real brain damage as evidenced by your odd behavior and frequent habit off following up your own posts, never mind your bizarre rants about being at BH or thinking X was actually a Cunty alt.

I hope lily is wearing some UGGS, she needs to stomp on your swollen balls like they were grapes, hopefully that will relive some of the pressure and slow down your current spam fest.

You see, you can do better when I demand you do better lassie/laddie/it/dem/pronoun of your choice.

Of course I read my own press, I only need to read you to be reminded of it. That's your only function...and I mean ever. That's what makes you so special. You tell everyone else in your special way about what the consensus of your reportage has to say.

Now bear with me here, I'm going toooo trrooolll really slow, so even your disabled network can keep up. You don't have an opinion, all you are is a conglomeration of everyone else's opinion. It's like when Dovey's God created you in six days (and it did take six days), he had to rest wiff a hangover on the seventh.

What I'm trying to say in a way that even you can comprehend is, you never truly contribute to what you always demanded no-one in their right mind would contribute too. So, tell us all. If you are only capable of knee jerking, why are you surprised that that knee always end's up breaking your own nose... if not your will.

You are a fucking also ran, if an also ran was looking for the upside on what it failed to deliver when trying to deliver a parcel addressed to shame.

You hide behind politic. You hide behind mods and their sites. You hide behind lies, and you look horrific dressed in your own pinked arrogance.

Apart from dat, you're a cracking read.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
I like stumbling over a Foxy post as he stumbles over the heather of his own despair, while my hoarse & hounds of love rip him to shreds.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
^^Kill yourself, seriously.

Fuck off you inept little weirdo.

I miss raw dogging oxygen.

Your mindless rhetoric is on par with Buttsexcape's drug-addled ramblings...

Regardless, your woke, leftist nonsense is cringeworthy.

Can you try to post less in future or even better, not at all ? It's for the best, seriously.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Reading diss shite, it's like the baby Jesus and The Last Temptation of Christ, with less scenes that you can masturbate over.


Factory Bastard
^^Kill yourself, seriously.

Fuck off you inept little weirdo.

I miss raw dogging oxygen.

Your mindless rhetoric is on par with Buttsexcape's drug-addled ramblings...

Regardless, your woke, leftist nonsense is just as cringeworthy.

Can you try to post less in future or even better, not at all ? It's for the best, seriously.

Why would she do that when she is bitch slapping you all over da forum? Outa a bland curiosity.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
^^Kill yourself, seriously.

Fuck off you inept little weirdo.

I miss raw dogging oxygen.

Your mindless rhetoric is on par with Buttsexcape's drug-addled ramblings...

Regardless, your woke, leftist nonsense is just as cringeworthy.

Can you try to post less in future or even better, not at all ? It's for the best, seriously.

Why would she do that when she is bitch slapping you all over da forum? Outa a bland curiosity.

You claim that about anyone who throws negative remarks my way...

In other words, you're a faggot.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I mean seriously, can the anti-vaxxed at least take responsibility for preventing us ALL from going out in public unmasked?

I get you don’t want the jabb… but we’re going on year 2 of not being able to leave the house without a mask and no end is in sight….



Factory Bastard
I mean seriously, can the anti-vaxxed at least take responsibility for preventing us ALL from going out in public unmasked?

I get you don’t want the jabb… but we’re going on year 2 of not being able to leave the house without a mask and no end is in sight….


I'm OK wiff dem not getting the jab....but should they be working in healthcare?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I mean seriously, can the anti-vaxxed at least take responsibility for preventing us ALL from going out in public unmasked?

I get you don’t want the jabb… but we’re going on year 2 of not being able to leave the house without a mask and no end is in sight….


I'm OK wiff dem not getting the jab....but should they be working in healthcare?

There are valid reasons for them not wanting to get it. I can still admit that they are right when it comes to being experimental and against the law for mandating at this stage…

I think a person willing to give up their job over something that is clearly going to plague society for the next 5 decades is a fool.

But they act like children when they can’t reasonably debate an argument. Zoo animals have more manners.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
You mean, in other words you cannot stop mentioning faggots.

He succumbs to peer pressure, so we shouldn’t allow the ghey anywhere near him.

Oh, it be far too late for dat, the boy is touched with the pointy finger of faggotory. It's his go too pointy finger.

I’m just not going to concern myself with what someone does or doesn’t do in the privacy of their own bedroom.

If he wants to get assjuice on his slacks wearing a baby Jesus butt plug to dinner… then that is his prerogative.


Factory Bastard
I don't think peeps here realise how a pandemic works, they think it can be voted out, if you just don't give blacks and Latinos the vote.


Factory Bastard
You mean, in other words you cannot stop mentioning faggots.

So you don't love black cock?

It's a common trend among you liberal types.

Well, I don't use authority to asphyxiate defenceless black men while they are lying prostrate. Unlike your gidself.

And I certainly consider my views liberal on any colour of cock....what about you? Do you just like the white cock?


Factory Bastard
I'm simply reminding you that you cannot get to the end of a sentence without trawling the shallows of your own repertoire of meaninglessness.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
surely you can't be reading your own press since you
Toddle off lassie/laddie/it/them/pronoun.

Have you been reading your own press reports in the "community" papers? You must have realized by now that you are and have always been a one-trick chihuahua confined to pissing on the rugs of the various troll boards in which you have been housed.

Can anyone recall the last time you wrote something that didn't sound like a combination of bum farts and ego masturbation climax moans?

You appear to have real brain damage as evidenced by your odd behavior and frequent habit off following up your own posts, never mind your bizarre rants about being at BH or thinking X was actually a Cunty alt.

I hope lily is wearing some UGGS, she needs to stomp on your swollen balls like they were grapes, hopefully that will relive some of the pressure and slow down your current spam fest.

You see, you can do better when I demand you do better lassie/laddie/it/dem/pronoun of your choice.

Of course I read my own press, I only need to read you to be reminded of it. That's your only function...and I mean ever. That's what makes you so special. You tell everyone else in your special way about what the consensus of your reportage has to say.

Now bear with me here, I'm going toooo trrooolll really slow, so even your disabled network can keep up. You don't have an opinion, all you are is a conglomeration of everyone else's opinion. It's like when Dovey's God created you in six days (and it did take six days), he had to rest wiff a hangover on the seventh.

What I'm trying to say in a way that even you can comprehend is, you never truly contribute to what you always demanded no-one in their right mind would contribute too. So, tell us all. If you are only capable of knee jerking, why are you surprised that that knee always end's up breaking your own nose... if not your will.

You are a fucking also ran, if an also ran was looking for the upside on what it failed to deliver when trying to deliver a parcel addressed to shame.

You hide behind politic. You hide behind mods and their sites. You hide behind lies, and you look horrific dressed in your own pinked arrogance.

Apart from dat, you're a cracking read.


It appears you are the only "flamer" who still resides full time in the "community".

You're basically trapped in Third Rail/SG mode all the time and have never had the "skill" to do anything other than massage your balls and fluff your swagger. Looking at your wayback "legacy", your only claim to fame is calling out everyone in every forum you have been stationed at then spending 3 fucking days doing nothing but arguing about stips and talking to yourself.

if you were as talented as you say, you would be doing more than spending your whole internet virtual life posting like a tweeking crack whore on the troll boards

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
You mean, in other words you cannot stop mentioning faggots.

So you don't love black cock?

It's a common trend among you liberal types.

Well, I don't use authority to asphyxiate defenceless black men while they are lying prostrate. Unlike your gidself.

And I certainly consider my views liberal on any colour of cock....what about you? Do you just like the white cock?

So you're a faggot then? Thanks for confirming that.


Factory Bastard
You mean, in other words you cannot stop mentioning faggots.

So you don't love black cock?

It's a common trend among you liberal types.

Well, I don't use authority to asphyxiate defenceless black men while they are lying prostrate. Unlike your gidself.

And I certainly consider my views liberal on any colour of cock....what about you? Do you just like the white cock?

So you're a faggot then? Thanks for confirming that.

Yes I'm as faggot, of course I does dat sit wiff you? A faggot that fucks you every single time you post after him.


Factory Bastard
surely you can't be reading your own press since you
Toddle off lassie/laddie/it/them/pronoun.

Have you been reading your own press reports in the "community" papers? You must have realized by now that you are and have always been a one-trick chihuahua confined to pissing on the rugs of the various troll boards in which you have been housed.

Can anyone recall the last time you wrote something that didn't sound like a combination of bum farts and ego masturbation climax moans?

You appear to have real brain damage as evidenced by your odd behavior and frequent habit off following up your own posts, never mind your bizarre rants about being at BH or thinking X was actually a Cunty alt.

I hope lily is wearing some UGGS, she needs to stomp on your swollen balls like they were grapes, hopefully that will relive some of the pressure and slow down your current spam fest.

You see, you can do better when I demand you do better lassie/laddie/it/dem/pronoun of your choice.

Of course I read my own press, I only need to read you to be reminded of it. That's your only function...and I mean ever. That's what makes you so special. You tell everyone else in your special way about what the consensus of your reportage has to say.

Now bear with me here, I'm going toooo trrooolll really slow, so even your disabled network can keep up. You don't have an opinion, all you are is a conglomeration of everyone else's opinion. It's like when Dovey's God created you in six days (and it did take six days), he had to rest wiff a hangover on the seventh.

What I'm trying to say in a way that even you can comprehend is, you never truly contribute to what you always demanded no-one in their right mind would contribute too. So, tell us all. If you are only capable of knee jerking, why are you surprised that that knee always end's up breaking your own nose... if not your will.

You are a fucking also ran, if an also ran was looking for the upside on what it failed to deliver when trying to deliver a parcel addressed to shame.

You hide behind politic. You hide behind mods and their sites. You hide behind lies, and you look horrific dressed in your own pinked arrogance.

Apart from dat, you're a cracking read.


It appears you are the only "flamer" who still resides full time in the "community".

You're basically trapped in Third Rail/SG mode all the time and have never had the "skill" to do anything other than massage your balls and fluff your swagger. Looking at your wayback "legacy", your only claim to fame is calling out everyone in every forum you have been stationed at then spending 3 fucking days doing nothing but arguing about stips and talking to yourself.

if you were as talented as you say, you would be doing more than spending your whole internet virtual life posting like a tweeking crack whore on the troll boards

Oh give it a rest old man, nobody gives a fuck what you think you are reporting on. Your time has come and gone....about 15 years ago, and paradoxically 15 minutes ago.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I lost all respect for you Bitchscape, when you admitted that you would be perfectly happy with Sweaty sock land being colonised by the dregs of the turd world, aslong as it kept the fascist right wing at bay.
