Blowback from Texas abortion BS continues to mount


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

Well then, just be prepared to accept or deal with more illegals tring to break into your country, Lokmeer.

You guys pumped $2.5 trillion into Afghanistan with failed military intervention.

Why not just pump a couple billion into brith control for these poor countries

The net benefit might be exponentially greater.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem
Holy shit! You are the biggest fukin liar EVER! My ex wife got sterilized in Illinois at under 25 years of age! Her uterus was falling down and she didnt want to go through having it propped up. They literally have FREE mobile health clinics that travel and give out free birth control!

Bitch I've been poor, I know first hand how all the freebees work. Shit, we bought filet mignon on food stamps when I was in my early 20's! I had free fukin health care to boot!

You can literally show them directly why their argument is wrong. You can link them to literally everything available for women.

They dont even see it, they straight up ignore it and just keep repeating the wrong crap.

The bottom line is, they dont CARE. They want abortion legal because tribal politics. They will oppose ANYTHING and everything that they see as "right wing" based on their raging biases. Not because it's a solid stance.

You see they have no problem just ignoring reality and making the same bad arguments over and over.

It's just lazy.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

Well then, just be prepared to accept or deal with more illegals tring to break into your country, Lokmeer.

You guys pumped $2.5 trillion into Afghanistan with failed military intervention.

Why not just pump a couple billion into brith control for these poor countries

The net benefit might be exponentially greater.

It's not our job to take care of other countries. It's just not.

I didnt support being in Afganistan and I dont support American tax payers being forced to pay for people in other countries....especailly when so many of our own citizens are on the streets.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later

The issue is we address this all the time and for some reason you guys just ignore the response and pretend it wasnt addressed.

Why do you do that?

No one is opposed to birth control. The issue is people shouldnt forced to pay for birth control for other people, which is perfectly reasonable.
And yet we STILL DO, as taxpayers, fund programs like this which give out FREE, FREE, FREE birth control!!!!

Just look at all this shit all you libtarded lying motherfuckers!!!!!

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

Well then, just be prepared to accept or deal with more illegals tring to break into your country, Lokmeer.

You guys pumped $2.5 trillion into Afghanistan with failed military intervention.

Why not just pump a couple billion into brith control for these poor countries

The net benefit might be exponentially greater.
Hey josephine, I just fukin told you, we've poured money into world birth control and it didnt work. What now, cunt?


^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

Well then, just be prepared to accept or deal with more illegals tring to break into your country, Lokmeer.

You guys pumped $2.5 trillion into Afghanistan with failed military intervention.

Why not just pump a couple billion into brith control for these poor countries

The net benefit might be exponentially greater.
Hey josephine,
Always a Fats fav of mine.

  • Agree!
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Hey josephine, you retarded cunt, lemme know who gives the most fukin money to the WHO, Mmmmmkay?
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I'd say there should be plenty of money for birth control!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later

The issue is we address this all the time and for some reason you guys just ignore the response and pretend it wasnt addressed.

Why do you do that?

No one is opposed to birth control. The issue is people shouldnt forced to pay for birth control for other people, which is perfectly reasonable.
And yet we STILL DO, as taxpayers, fund programs like this which give out FREE, FREE, FREE birth control!!!!

Just look at all this shit all you libtarded lying motherfuckers!!!!!

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Yep. And most every health dept gives free birth control as well.

But they dont really care. So they just ignore everything that contradicts their arguments. So there is no way to have an honest discussion rooted in facts.

Everything is stuck in this partisan merry go round where they just continually repeat bad arguments. They will still claim we are against birth control. They will claim that unless the state pays for birth control, people dont have access(even though this is flat out factually false). They will also continually claim that we dont care about women and babies and we just want them to struggle....because of not wanting to dump more into state welfare.

They will claim that we need more welfare even though we have plenty of government assistance AND we have thousands of pro life outreaches where anything and everything women in crisis need is provided for them.

These fucking people either care so little about others that they wont bother looking into all the help and resources we have available, or they know and are intentionally lying.

Left wingers do NOTHING. They will raise millions in political fundraisers for partisan bullshit, but they wont help or lift a finger for communities or those in need. Its entirely conservatives who are out there doing it.

They will occasionally go serve lunches to an impoverished community and spend all year seeing themselves as humanitarians. While leftists were faking partisan outrage over "kids in cages" at the lifers physically WENT and took truck loads of supplies to the border to help.

"Pro-life groups' campaign provides items to mothers, babies at border | National Catholic Reporter"
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They want the state to do everything and they just carry on thinking since they dont help, no one else is. They will bitch and complain about things based on their partisan politics....their narrative, no matter how wrong it is. They dont genuinely care about anyone.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

Well then, just be prepared to accept or deal with more illegals tring to break into your country, Lokmeer.

You guys pumped $2.5 trillion into Afghanistan with failed military intervention.

Why not just pump a couple billion into brith control for these poor countries

The net benefit might be exponentially greater.

It's not our job to take care of other countries. It's just not.

I didnt support being in Afganistan and I dont support American tax payers being forced to pay for people in other countries....especailly when so many of our own citizens are on the streets.

Well, I support Canada donating funds for birth control programs in poorer countries.

The net beneift is that scores of the yet to be born don't try to enter wealthy countries like the USA.

and make no mistake about it - if they hava a choice between Canada and the United States, they'll gladly take a b-line to bypass Canada in favor of America. Most of these migrants see America as the promised land.

So Canada's efforts to combat birth control actually benefit America more than us.

They'll come to you, before they come to Canada.

And despite what you think these poorer countries - especially their women - really want family planning and birth control programs to avoid an even worse fate.

...otherwise you end up with results like this when they grow up:



Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

He who is without ovaries shall not make laws for those who do.

Fallopians 5:16


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem
Holy shit! You are the biggest fukin liar EVER! My ex wife got sterilized in Illinois at under 25 years of age! Her uterus was falling down and she didnt want to go through having it propped up. They literally have FREE mobile health clinics that travel and give out free birth control!

Bitch I've been poor, I know first hand how all the freebees work. Shit, we bought filet mignon on food stamps when I was in my early 20's! I had free fukin health care to boot!

You can literally show them directly why their argument is wrong. You can link them to literally everything available for women.

They dont even see it, they straight up ignore it and just keep repeating the wrong crap.

The bottom line is, they dont CARE. They want abortion legal because tribal politics. They will oppose ANYTHING and everything that they see as "right wing" based on their raging biases. Not because it's a solid stance.

You see they have no problem just ignoring reality and making the same bad arguments over and over.

It's just lazy.

You expect women to rely on charity and welfare to raise their fatherless, unplanned children and that’s selfish.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later

The issue is we address this all the time and for some reason you guys just ignore the response and pretend it wasnt addressed.

Why do you do that?

No one is opposed to birth control. The issue is people shouldnt forced to pay for birth control for other people, which is perfectly reasonable.
And yet we STILL DO, as taxpayers, fund programs like this which give out FREE, FREE, FREE birth control!!!!

Just look at all this shit all you libtarded lying motherfuckers!!!!!

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Illinois is a blue state, moron


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

Well then, just be prepared to accept or deal with more illegals tring to break into your country, Lokmeer.

You guys pumped $2.5 trillion into Afghanistan with failed military intervention.

Why not just pump a couple billion into brith control for these poor countries

The net benefit might be exponentially greater.

It's not our job to take care of other countries. It's just not.

I didnt support being in Afganistan and I dont support American tax payers being forced to pay for people in other countries....especailly when so many of our own citizens are on the streets.

Well, I support Canada donating funds for birth control programs in poorer countries.

The net beneift is that scores of the yet to be born don't try to enter wealthy countries like the USA.

and make no mistake about it - if they hava a choice between Canada and the United States, they'll gladly take a b-line to bypass Canada in favor of America. Most of these migrants see America as the promised land.

So Canada's efforts to combat birth control actually benefit America more than us.

They'll come to you, before they come to Canada.

And despite what you think these poorer countries - especially their women - really want family planning and birth control programs to avoid an even worse fate.

...otherwise you end up with results like this when they grow up:


Okay but you understand everyone who wants to financially help this cause if totally free to do so?

But tax payers should not be FORCED to pay for this, especailly when we have so many of our own problems.

And really, Joe, the democrat lock downs? Those starved thousands of children to DEATH in those same impoverished countries. That was one of the many costs of that. Are you aware of that?

"Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month"
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And I'm not saying YOU do this, but HOW am I supposed to take any democrat voter seriously when they start talking about compassion and helping the poor? Because as soon as their partisan side flips and does something that directly causes harm and death.....their hearts suddenly stop bleeding and they get pretty sociopathic.

You know how much rape and trafficking is occurring at the border now? We have humanitarian crisis that none of those people care about.

But they want American tax dollars to buy birth control for third world women and if we dont agree we are uncaring?

Sure. I just dont buy it. Maybe if these pricks didnt starve 10k kids a month, cause that Afganistan fuckery and cause a humanitarian crisis.....maybe if they ever lifted a finger to help with outreach here (they wont because they hate "cons") I would take this more seriously.

Are you aware that third world poor people STILL havent had ANY Covid vaccines? And we are being pushed into BOOSTERS and these poor people who dont have a quarter of the resources WE do havent even received ONE DOSE?

Are you aware Biden just bombed children? That he bombed a clinic and a school before pulling out of Afghanistan? See most democrat/progs dont know ANY of this shit but want to pretend they give a fuck about the impoverished. All of a sudden if they think it helps their political stance.

Btw....its been shown that when people are able to keep more of their earnings, they give more to help their communities. I have no idea why you guys think that only the state can do anything. It's like if the state isnt doing it....its not valid. And the state gives SHIT assistance. People do a much better job helping other people. Wouldnt you rather have that kind of community where people will help eachother? Instead of the cold dehumanizing state? Because welfare has fucked up a lot of important things.

I wish you guys would start seeing humanity in these issues.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later

The issue is we address this all the time and for some reason you guys just ignore the response and pretend it wasnt addressed.

Why do you do that?

No one is opposed to birth control. The issue is people shouldnt forced to pay for birth control for other people, which is perfectly reasonable.
And yet we STILL DO, as taxpayers, fund programs like this which give out FREE, FREE, FREE birth control!!!!

Just look at all this shit all you libtarded lying motherfuckers!!!!!

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Yep. And most every health dept gives free birth control as well.

But they dont really care. So they just ignore everything that contradicts their arguments. So there is no way to have an honest discussion rooted in facts.

Everything is stuck in this partisan merry go round where they just continually repeat bad arguments. They will still claim we are against birth control. They will claim that unless the state pays for birth control, people dont have access(even though this is flat out factually false). They will also continually claim that we dont care about women and babies and we just want them to struggle....because of not wanting to dump more into state welfare.

They will claim that we need more welfare even though we have plenty of government assistance AND we have thousands of pro life outreaches where anything and everything women in crisis need is provided for them.

These fucking people either care so little about others that they wont bother looking into all the help and resources we have available, or they know and are intentionally lying.

Left wingers do NOTHING. They will raise millions in political fundraisers for partisan bullshit, but they wont help or lift a finger for communities or those in need. Its entirely conservatives who are out there doing it.

They will occasionally go serve lunches to an impoverished community and spend all year seeing themselves as humanitarians. While leftists were faking partisan outrage over "kids in cages" at the lifers physically WENT and took truck loads of supplies to the border to help.

"Pro-life groups' campaign provides items to mothers, babies at border | National Catholic Reporter"
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They want the state to do everything and they just carry on thinking since they dont help, no one else is. They will bitch and complain about things based on their partisan politics....their narrative, no matter how wrong it is. They dont genuinely care about anyone.
You know, my dumb bitch ex wife got free birth control and the lazy bitch skipped it a bunch. Wound up knocked up again. So much for free birth control.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

He who is without ovaries shall not make laws for those who do.

Fallopians 5:16
Hey, dumb bitch, you see who funds 75% of the WHO? Huh? Fukin McIdiot! BTW tramp, tell that to the guys biden just put in charge.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem
Holy shit! You are the biggest fukin liar EVER! My ex wife got sterilized in Illinois at under 25 years of age! Her uterus was falling down and she didnt want to go through having it propped up. They literally have FREE mobile health clinics that travel and give out free birth control!

Bitch I've been poor, I know first hand how all the freebees work. Shit, we bought filet mignon on food stamps when I was in my early 20's! I had free fukin health care to boot!

You can literally show them directly why their argument is wrong. You can link them to literally everything available for women.

They dont even see it, they straight up ignore it and just keep repeating the wrong crap.

The bottom line is, they dont CARE. They want abortion legal because tribal politics. They will oppose ANYTHING and everything that they see as "right wing" based on their raging biases. Not because it's a solid stance.

You see they have no problem just ignoring reality and making the same bad arguments over and over.

It's just lazy.

You expect women to rely on charity and welfare to raise their fatherless, unplanned children and that’s selfish.
The government make it attractive, dummy. My wife and I considered divorcing years earlier cause we would have gotten more money. Her brother and his wife actually did it......cause they got more fukin money.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later

The issue is we address this all the time and for some reason you guys just ignore the response and pretend it wasnt addressed.

Why do you do that?

No one is opposed to birth control. The issue is people shouldnt forced to pay for birth control for other people, which is perfectly reasonable.
And yet we STILL DO, as taxpayers, fund programs like this which give out FREE, FREE, FREE birth control!!!!

Just look at all this shit all you libtarded lying motherfuckers!!!!!

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Illinois is a blue state, moron
You know thats federally funded too, stupid ass? You know Ohio, A RED STATE has the same fukin program?

Well HOO LEE BAT SHIT!!!!! Just look at this T.R.A.M.P!!!!! Its a fukin Libtarded Christmas Miracle! Just like that, TEXAS of all fukin places got the same shit too! I mean, did motherfukin Cali take over Texas gubmints? Cause this sure couldnt have been this way for years and years and years!!!!

"Texas offers a few different options to help people prevent pregnancy. For those with insurance, birth control is required to be covered thanks to the Affordable Care Act. For those without insurance, some state programs and federally-funded clinics can help you get birth control for free or at a very low cost. "
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Oh noes! Wellness on Wheels!
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I'm sure you're too fukin stupid to know this but all wellness on wheels programs give out free condoms.

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Its like you cunt libtards dont even know how much of this fukin graft exists! Well, I guess if you dont admit it exists, you'll always have something to bitch about.

Fukin dumb ass.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

Well then, just be prepared to accept or deal with more illegals tring to break into your country, Lokmeer.

You guys pumped $2.5 trillion into Afghanistan with failed military intervention.

Why not just pump a couple billion into brith control for these poor countries

The net benefit might be exponentially greater.

It's not our job to take care of other countries. It's just not.

I didnt support being in Afganistan and I dont support American tax payers being forced to pay for people in other countries....especailly when so many of our own citizens are on the streets.

Well, I support Canada donating funds for birth control programs in poorer countries.

The net beneift is that scores of the yet to be born don't try to enter wealthy countries like the USA.

and make no mistake about it - if they hava a choice between Canada and the United States, they'll gladly take a b-line to bypass Canada in favor of America. Most of these migrants see America as the promised land.

So Canada's efforts to combat birth control actually benefit America more than us.

They'll come to you, before they come to Canada.

And despite what you think these poorer countries - especially their women - really want family planning and birth control programs to avoid an even worse fate.

...otherwise you end up with results like this when they grow up:


Okay but you understand everyone who wants to financially help this cause if totally free to do so?

But tax payers should not be FORCED to pay for this, especailly when we have so many of our own problems.

And really, Joe, the democrat lock downs? Those starved thousands of children to DEATH in those same impoverished countries. That was one of the many costs of that. Are you aware of that?

"Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month"
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And I'm not saying YOU do this, but HOW am I supposed to take any democrat voter seriously when they start talking about compassion and helping the poor? Because as soon as their partisan side flips and does something that directly causes harm and death.....their hearts suddenly stop bleeding and they get pretty sociopathic.

You know how much rape and trafficking is occurring at the border now? We have humanitarian crisis that none of those people care about.

But they want American tax dollars to buy birth control for third world women and if we dont agree we are uncaring?

Sure. I just dont buy it. Maybe if these pricks didnt starve 10k kids a month, cause that Afganistan fuckery and cause a humanitarian crisis.....maybe if they ever lifted a finger to help with outreach here (they wont because they hate "cons") I would take this more seriously.

Are you aware that third world poor people STILL havent had ANY Covid vaccines? And we are being pushed into BOOSTERS and these poor people who dont have a quarter of the resources WE do havent even received ONE DOSE?

Are you aware Biden just bombed children? That he bombed a clinic and a school before pulling out of Afghanistan? See most democrat/progs dont know ANY of this shit but want to pretend they give a fuck about the impoverished. All of a sudden if they think it helps their political stance.

Btw....its been shown that when people are able to keep more of their earnings, they give more to help their communities. I have no idea why you guys think that only the state can do anything. It's like if the state isnt doing it....its not valid. And the state gives SHIT assistance. People do a much better job helping other people. Wouldnt you rather have that kind of community where people will help eachother? Instead of the cold dehumanizing state? Because welfare has fucked up a lot of important things.

I wish you guys would start seeing humanity in these issues.

They're too fukin stupid to even know what does and doesnt exist! Fukin josephine doesnt even realize we fund 3/4 of the WHO which provides among other things, BIRTH CONTROL!!!!!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem
Holy shit! You are the biggest fukin liar EVER! My ex wife got sterilized in Illinois at under 25 years of age! Her uterus was falling down and she didnt want to go through having it propped up. They literally have FREE mobile health clinics that travel and give out free birth control!

Bitch I've been poor, I know first hand how all the freebees work. Shit, we bought filet mignon on food stamps when I was in my early 20's! I had free fukin health care to boot!

You can literally show them directly why their argument is wrong. You can link them to literally everything available for women.

They dont even see it, they straight up ignore it and just keep repeating the wrong crap.

The bottom line is, they dont CARE. They want abortion legal because tribal politics. They will oppose ANYTHING and everything that they see as "right wing" based on their raging biases. Not because it's a solid stance.

You see they have no problem just ignoring reality and making the same bad arguments over and over.

It's just lazy.

You expect women to rely on charity and welfare to raise their fatherless, unplanned children and that’s selfish.
The government make it attractive, dummy. My wife and I considered divorcing years earlier cause we would have gotten more money. Her brother and his wife actually did it......cause they got more fukin money.

I know people who got divorced because it was the only way they would get enough welfare to survive.

You cant tell white leftists a fucking thing. They dont listen. They think they know everything.

They never look at anything going on for the poors. They just use people as props for political arguments and try to give the impression they care. But look at how they dont KNOW shit and dont listen.

Theyll rip on people who take welfare as well.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

Well then, just be prepared to accept or deal with more illegals tring to break into your country, Lokmeer.

You guys pumped $2.5 trillion into Afghanistan with failed military intervention.

Why not just pump a couple billion into brith control for these poor countries

The net benefit might be exponentially greater.

It's not our job to take care of other countries. It's just not.

I didnt support being in Afganistan and I dont support American tax payers being forced to pay for people in other countries....especailly when so many of our own citizens are on the streets.

Well, I support Canada donating funds for birth control programs in poorer countries.

The net beneift is that scores of the yet to be born don't try to enter wealthy countries like the USA.

and make no mistake about it - if they hava a choice between Canada and the United States, they'll gladly take a b-line to bypass Canada in favor of America. Most of these migrants see America as the promised land.

So Canada's efforts to combat birth control actually benefit America more than us.

They'll come to you, before they come to Canada.

And despite what you think these poorer countries - especially their women - really want family planning and birth control programs to avoid an even worse fate.

...otherwise you end up with results like this when they grow up:


Okay but you understand everyone who wants to financially help this cause if totally free to do so?

But tax payers should not be FORCED to pay for this, especailly when we have so many of our own problems.

And really, Joe, the democrat lock downs? Those starved thousands of children to DEATH in those same impoverished countries. That was one of the many costs of that. Are you aware of that?

"Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

And I'm not saying YOU do this, but HOW am I supposed to take any democrat voter seriously when they start talking about compassion and helping the poor? Because as soon as their partisan side flips and does something that directly causes harm and death.....their hearts suddenly stop bleeding and they get pretty sociopathic.

You know how much rape and trafficking is occurring at the border now? We have humanitarian crisis that none of those people care about.

But they want American tax dollars to buy birth control for third world women and if we dont agree we are uncaring?

Sure. I just dont buy it. Maybe if these pricks didnt starve 10k kids a month, cause that Afganistan fuckery and cause a humanitarian crisis.....maybe if they ever lifted a finger to help with outreach here (they wont because they hate "cons") I would take this more seriously.

Are you aware that third world poor people STILL havent had ANY Covid vaccines? And we are being pushed into BOOSTERS and these poor people who dont have a quarter of the resources WE do havent even received ONE DOSE?

Are you aware Biden just bombed children? That he bombed a clinic and a school before pulling out of Afghanistan? See most democrat/progs dont know ANY of this shit but want to pretend they give a fuck about the impoverished. All of a sudden if they think it helps their political stance.

Btw....its been shown that when people are able to keep more of their earnings, they give more to help their communities. I have no idea why you guys think that only the state can do anything. It's like if the state isnt doing it....its not valid. And the state gives SHIT assistance. People do a much better job helping other people. Wouldnt you rather have that kind of community where people will help eachother? Instead of the cold dehumanizing state? Because welfare has fucked up a lot of important things.

I wish you guys would start seeing humanity in these issues.

They're too fukin stupid to even know what does and doesnt exist! Fukin josephine doesnt even realize we fund 3/4 of the WHO which provides among other things, BIRTH CONTROL!!!!!

I like Joe and I view him as more centrist.

He does get very stuck on narrative when the topic is abortion though.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Texas seems like a dumb state.

It's even driving out investment, brainpower and corporate offices.

Don't their legislators understand the meaning of compromise?

They are massively corrupt AND stupid. I wish they would secede.

Well you'd think Texas would strike a compromise where they'd try to discourage/limit/lower abortions yet save lives of the Mother and the Unborn child all at the same time. In other words, their policies could be pro-life, but not turn off prospective employees, employers and corporate interests considering a move to the State.

But the current anti-abortion laws don't save anyone's lives and only exacerbate a mental health crisis among those affected.

Instead of Win-Win, it's really Lose-Lose.

As events continue to unfold, they'll realize that these Draconian Laws don't work.

This is going to bite them in the ass hard, and when it does, they will reverse that law. But they are too stupid to do it until it has really caused damage.

People who are Texas natives are something else lol

Not the sharpest tools in the shed.

Not all Texas natives, it's unfortunate that some of the best ones get overlooked because of the current crop of fucktards in Texass.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem
Holy shit! You are the biggest fukin liar EVER! My ex wife got sterilized in Illinois at under 25 years of age! Her uterus was falling down and she didnt want to go through having it propped up. They literally have FREE mobile health clinics that travel and give out free birth control!

Bitch I've been poor, I know first hand how all the freebees work. Shit, we bought filet mignon on food stamps when I was in my early 20's! I had free fukin health care to boot!

You can literally show them directly why their argument is wrong. You can link them to literally everything available for women.

They dont even see it, they straight up ignore it and just keep repeating the wrong crap.

The bottom line is, they dont CARE. They want abortion legal because tribal politics. They will oppose ANYTHING and everything that they see as "right wing" based on their raging biases. Not because it's a solid stance.

You see they have no problem just ignoring reality and making the same bad arguments over and over.

It's just lazy.

You expect women to rely on charity and welfare to raise their fatherless, unplanned children and that’s selfish.
The government make it attractive, dummy. My wife and I considered divorcing years earlier cause we would have gotten more money. Her brother and his wife actually did it......cause they got more fukin money.

I know people who got divorced because it was the only way they would get enough welfare to survive.

You cant tell white leftists a fucking thing. They dont listen. They think they know everything.

They never look at anything going on for the poors. They just use people as props for political arguments and try to give the impression they care. But look at how they dont KNOW shit and dont listen.

Theyll rip on people who take welfare as well.
Hey, I called my contact in State Government tonight and asked about this 1.6% of abortions being late term that we've seen thrown around.......I got scoffed at. Was told, "Well, maybe if you count all the free doses of the next day pill that are given out." "Its more like 20 to 30% depending on what you consider late term!!!!!" I took that to mean 5 months and after.

They dont track that shit specifically but you can cipher whats going on from the provider pay codes, and how many charges and associated costs there are on a case according to this person. They try whatever drug for earlier pregnancies and it of course doesnt work so they automatically send em in for the D&C style scrape. The state of illinois pays for the whole fukin thing. They didnt have time to tell me details but I'm supposed to get more info when they have more time to look into it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem
Holy shit! You are the biggest fukin liar EVER! My ex wife got sterilized in Illinois at under 25 years of age! Her uterus was falling down and she didnt want to go through having it propped up. They literally have FREE mobile health clinics that travel and give out free birth control!

Bitch I've been poor, I know first hand how all the freebees work. Shit, we bought filet mignon on food stamps when I was in my early 20's! I had free fukin health care to boot!

You can literally show them directly why their argument is wrong. You can link them to literally everything available for women.

They dont even see it, they straight up ignore it and just keep repeating the wrong crap.

The bottom line is, they dont CARE. They want abortion legal because tribal politics. They will oppose ANYTHING and everything that they see as "right wing" based on their raging biases. Not because it's a solid stance.

You see they have no problem just ignoring reality and making the same bad arguments over and over.

It's just lazy.

You expect women to rely on charity and welfare to raise their fatherless, unplanned children and that’s selfish.
The government make it attractive, dummy. My wife and I considered divorcing years earlier cause we would have gotten more money. Her brother and his wife actually did it......cause they got more fukin money.

I know people who got divorced because it was the only way they would get enough welfare to survive.

You cant tell white leftists a fucking thing. They dont listen. They think they know everything.

They never look at anything going on for the poors. They just use people as props for political arguments and try to give the impression they care. But look at how they dont KNOW shit and dont listen.

Theyll rip on people who take welfare as well.
Hey, I called my contact in State Government tonight and asked about this 1.6% of abortions being late term that we've seen thrown around.......I got scoffed at. Was told, "Well, maybe if you count all the free doses of the next day pill that are given out." "Its more like 20 to 30% depending on what you consider late term!!!!!" I took that to mean 5 months and after.

They dont track that shit specifically but you can cipher whats going on from the provider pay codes, and how many charges and associated costs there are on a case according to this person. They try whatever drug for earlier pregnancies and it of course doesnt work so they automatically send em in for the D&C style scrape. The state of illinois pays for the whole fukin thing. They didnt have time to tell me details but I'm supposed to get more info when they have more time to look into it.

It's a very shadey industry with a lot of distortions.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

There are plenty of kids of color that are never adopted. I knew a woman that went to Central America to adopt a kid. She didn't want a "drug baby".

She ended up with a months old baby that shortly after she got home became very ill. For the first two years of his life he couldn't keep any food down for week or two at a time, he'd be almost comatose. He'd get better and then the cycle would start again. She was a hot mess. It was so stressful for her.

She should have adopted an American baby that needed a home.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

There are plenty of kids of color that are never adopted. I knew a woman that went to Central America to adopt a kid. She didn't want a "drug baby".

She ended up with a months old baby that shortly after she got home became very ill. For the first two years of his life he couldn't keep any food down for week or two at a time, he'd be almost comatose. He'd get better and then the cycle would start again. She was a hot mess. It was so stressful for her.

She should have adopted an American baby that needed a home.
Well, my best friend (white) and his wife (white) have 2 black mixed brothers that came from crackhead parents. The hoops they had to go through to adopt those kids and the worry about losing them back to their parents was an emotional roller coaster. The mom went to prison for years first and the dad was going for 5 years or more so they went to court and the dude was balling his ass off on the stand and told the judge he knew it was best for his kids if he let em go. It wasnt pleasant for anyone.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem
Holy shit! You are the biggest fukin liar EVER! My ex wife got sterilized in Illinois at under 25 years of age! Her uterus was falling down and she didnt want to go through having it propped up. They literally have FREE mobile health clinics that travel and give out free birth control!

Bitch I've been poor, I know first hand how all the freebees work. Shit, we bought filet mignon on food stamps when I was in my early 20's! I had free fukin health care to boot!

You can literally show them directly why their argument is wrong. You can link them to literally everything available for women.

They dont even see it, they straight up ignore it and just keep repeating the wrong crap.

The bottom line is, they dont CARE. They want abortion legal because tribal politics. They will oppose ANYTHING and everything that they see as "right wing" based on their raging biases. Not because it's a solid stance.

You see they have no problem just ignoring reality and making the same bad arguments over and over.

It's just lazy.

You expect women to rely on charity and welfare to raise their fatherless, unplanned children and that’s selfish.

And then they bitch their fucking heads off about welfare, so it literally equals their wanting born children to die. Ergo, they are not pro-life at all.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

Well then, just be prepared to accept or deal with more illegals tring to break into your country, Lokmeer.

You guys pumped $2.5 trillion into Afghanistan with failed military intervention.

Why not just pump a couple billion into brith control for these poor countries

The net benefit might be exponentially greater.

It's not our job to take care of other countries. It's just not.

I didnt support being in Afganistan and I dont support American tax payers being forced to pay for people in other countries....especailly when so many of our own citizens are on the streets.

Well, I support Canada donating funds for birth control programs in poorer countries.

The net beneift is that scores of the yet to be born don't try to enter wealthy countries like the USA.

and make no mistake about it - if they hava a choice between Canada and the United States, they'll gladly take a b-line to bypass Canada in favor of America. Most of these migrants see America as the promised land.

So Canada's efforts to combat birth control actually benefit America more than us.

They'll come to you, before they come to Canada.

And despite what you think these poorer countries - especially their women - really want family planning and birth control programs to avoid an even worse fate.

...otherwise you end up with results like this when they grow up:


Okay but you understand everyone who wants to financially help this cause if totally free to do so?

But tax payers should not be FORCED to pay for this, especailly when we have so many of our own problems.

And really, Joe, the democrat lock downs? Those starved thousands of children to DEATH in those same impoverished countries. That was one of the many costs of that. Are you aware of that?

"Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

And I'm not saying YOU do this, but HOW am I supposed to take any democrat voter seriously when they start talking about compassion and helping the poor? Because as soon as their partisan side flips and does something that directly causes harm and death.....their hearts suddenly stop bleeding and they get pretty sociopathic.

You know how much rape and trafficking is occurring at the border now? We have humanitarian crisis that none of those people care about.

But they want American tax dollars to buy birth control for third world women and if we dont agree we are uncaring?

Sure. I just dont buy it. Maybe if these pricks didnt starve 10k kids a month, cause that Afganistan fuckery and cause a humanitarian crisis.....maybe if they ever lifted a finger to help with outreach here (they wont because they hate "cons") I would take this more seriously.

Are you aware that third world poor people STILL havent had ANY Covid vaccines? And we are being pushed into BOOSTERS and these poor people who dont have a quarter of the resources WE do havent even received ONE DOSE?

Are you aware Biden just bombed children? That he bombed a clinic and a school before pulling out of Afghanistan? See most democrat/progs dont know ANY of this shit but want to pretend they give a fuck about the impoverished. All of a sudden if they think it helps their political stance.

Btw....its been shown that when people are able to keep more of their earnings, they give more to help their communities. I have no idea why you guys think that only the state can do anything. It's like if the state isnt doing it....its not valid. And the state gives SHIT assistance. People do a much better job helping other people. Wouldnt you rather have that kind of community where people will help eachother? Instead of the cold dehumanizing state? Because welfare has fucked up a lot of important things.

I wish you guys would start seeing humanity in these issues.

They're too fukin stupid to even know what does and doesnt exist! Fukin josephine doesnt even realize we fund 3/4 of the WHO which provides among other things, BIRTH CONTROL!!!!!

I like Joe and I view him as more centrist.

He does get very stuck on narrative when the topic is abortion though.

Dovey, I thnk some of your points about abortion are valid, but the laws have to fair to both sides.

You made some points such as:

ie - women who continually go in for abortions non stop. therby putting a strain on the health system/costs. so perhaps there should be training to prevent or change that kind of behaviour.

ie - abortions performed too late in the cycle.

Perhaps there need to be improved contraception programs to lower abortion rates or teen pregnancies?

However,...ieven f it is a pro life law, then will it acheive its goals and really save lives? Not just the unborn child, but the mother too? Will it prevent mothers from abandoning children? Will it prevent back alley abortions?

Will there be social supports once the child arrives in the world?

Is there protection for women/girls in trouble, like those raped by some predator or incested by their fathers through no fault of their own? A lot of them are victims

They need protection too.

It can't be a top down directive or one way street.

Social policy isn't that simplistic. You're dealing with human lives, not widgets.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

Well then, just be prepared to accept or deal with more illegals tring to break into your country, Lokmeer.

You guys pumped $2.5 trillion into Afghanistan with failed military intervention.

Why not just pump a couple billion into brith control for these poor countries

The net benefit might be exponentially greater.

It's not our job to take care of other countries. It's just not.

I didnt support being in Afganistan and I dont support American tax payers being forced to pay for people in other countries....especailly when so many of our own citizens are on the streets.

Well, I support Canada donating funds for birth control programs in poorer countries.

The net beneift is that scores of the yet to be born don't try to enter wealthy countries like the USA.

and make no mistake about it - if they hava a choice between Canada and the United States, they'll gladly take a b-line to bypass Canada in favor of America. Most of these migrants see America as the promised land.

So Canada's efforts to combat birth control actually benefit America more than us.

They'll come to you, before they come to Canada.

And despite what you think these poorer countries - especially their women - really want family planning and birth control programs to avoid an even worse fate.

...otherwise you end up with results like this when they grow up:


Okay but you understand everyone who wants to financially help this cause if totally free to do so?

But tax payers should not be FORCED to pay for this, especailly when we have so many of our own problems.

And really, Joe, the democrat lock downs? Those starved thousands of children to DEATH in those same impoverished countries. That was one of the many costs of that. Are you aware of that?

"Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

And I'm not saying YOU do this, but HOW am I supposed to take any democrat voter seriously when they start talking about compassion and helping the poor? Because as soon as their partisan side flips and does something that directly causes harm and death.....their hearts suddenly stop bleeding and they get pretty sociopathic.

You know how much rape and trafficking is occurring at the border now? We have humanitarian crisis that none of those people care about.

But they want American tax dollars to buy birth control for third world women and if we dont agree we are uncaring?

Sure. I just dont buy it. Maybe if these pricks didnt starve 10k kids a month, cause that Afganistan fuckery and cause a humanitarian crisis.....maybe if they ever lifted a finger to help with outreach here (they wont because they hate "cons") I would take this more seriously.

Are you aware that third world poor people STILL havent had ANY Covid vaccines? And we are being pushed into BOOSTERS and these poor people who dont have a quarter of the resources WE do havent even received ONE DOSE?

Are you aware Biden just bombed children? That he bombed a clinic and a school before pulling out of Afghanistan? See most democrat/progs dont know ANY of this shit but want to pretend they give a fuck about the impoverished. All of a sudden if they think it helps their political stance.

Btw....its been shown that when people are able to keep more of their earnings, they give more to help their communities. I have no idea why you guys think that only the state can do anything. It's like if the state isnt doing it....its not valid. And the state gives SHIT assistance. People do a much better job helping other people. Wouldnt you rather have that kind of community where people will help eachother? Instead of the cold dehumanizing state? Because welfare has fucked up a lot of important things.

I wish you guys would start seeing humanity in these issues.

They're too fukin stupid to even know what does and doesnt exist! Fukin josephine doesnt even realize we fund 3/4 of the WHO which provides among other things, BIRTH CONTROL!!!!!

I like Joe and I view him as more centrist.

He does get very stuck on narrative when the topic is abortion though.

Dovey, I thnk some of your points about abortion are valid, but the laws have to fair to both sides.

You made some points such as:

ie - women who continually go in for abortions non stop. therby putting a strain on the health system/costs. so perhaps there should be training to prevent or change that kind of behaviour.

ie - abortions performed too late in the cycle.

Perhaps there need to be improved contraception programs to lower abortion rates or teen pregnancies?

However,...ieven f it is a pro life law, then will it acheive its goals and really save lives? Not just the unborn child, but the mother too? Will it prevent mothers from abandoning children? Will it prevent back alley abortions?

Will there be social supports once the child arrives in the world?

Is there protection for women/girls in trouble, like those raped by some predator or incested by their fathers through no fault of their own? A lot of them are victims

They need protection too.

It can't be a top down directive or one way street.

Social policy isn't that simplistic. You're dealing with human lives, not widgets.

The vast majority of abortions are performed before the 2nd trimester, I think 90%. The next 9% are performed before through the 20th week, after that only 1% are performed. Most of which are do to fetal malformities or viability issues or the mother's health.

All this drama is about ending abortion. End of.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Texas seems like a dumb state.

It's even driving out investment, brainpower and corporate offices.

Don't their legislators understand the meaning of compromise?

They are massively corrupt AND stupid. I wish they would secede.
It would be great if we could split the country but you people would never go for it. You're all to bent on forcing your way of life on everyone else.

If everything south of Illinois and Virginia were split off, over to Texas, you'd see a massive exodus from blue states. Blue states would of course see a mass influx of bums. It sounds like paradise to me!

your side will never give up a gold mine like California… you wouldn’t survive without our economy lol

Meanwhile the federal government has paid out how much to bail out shit holes like Cali ?

Awwww you sound BIG mad… stop letting them evade paying taxes then

What the fuck?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?

Thing is, yer also against birth control & family planning measures like yer hero St Trump

But if yer Dear Leader St Trump & his beloved Republican party don't get serious about family planning for the ones who need it most this what your nation's future looks like. ..Lokmeer!


You may not be around ta deal with it, but yer kids and grandchildren will have to.
One retarded idiot at a time josephine. However I'll repeat what I've said, I'm not against birth control, you fukin brain dead half wit.

In that case don't you also think that if girls or women were made pregnant through no fault of their own - rape or incest - that they should ba able to abort a fetus?
When you get raped, you can go get that taken care of promptly. If you show up with your dads kid inside of you 6 months later, you're having a baby. Life is cruel, it dont mean you get to murder a child that can live outside of you. But your charge was that I'm against birth control, you scumbag fuk. Way to move the goal post!

The issue of abortion and rape is completely fucked. And the people that use rape? They dont actually hear any women who have gone through this.

There is a whole group of women who conceived via rape fighting this rhetoric. Women who aborted because OTHER people wanted them to. And women that birthed the baby and adopted him/her out...and those who kept the baby.

It's always people that havent walked that road. They say they want women to have the choice..
..but they dont give a shit about those who are taken to get abortions by their abusers and released back to abusers with no report it those who were pressured by family and friends to get rid of the "rape baby".

People assume women see the baby as a rape baby. They are EXPECTED to see it that way. But so many of them say it was/is THEIR baby

We could foster a more educated, human centered, compassionate society that recognizes two victims of a crime and cares about and supports BOTH. The way this is viewed could change.

But then the money flow from abortion would be cut into and the elite powers that be dont want to lose money. So the cruelty and exploitation continue.

We should be killing rapists but leftwads have more compassion for subhuman psychopaths who rape and murder than they do for any innocent humans. And that's across the board.
Fukin left wont even execute someone who eats children alive.

WHUUT???? … but… but… we don’t even evict the people out of tents who are plaguing our neighborhoods according to you….
EXACTLY, dumb ass. You people only watch a problem grow or add to it. You never solve them!
Wont stop illegal invaders
Wont stop street shitters
Wont even execute people who murder 5 year old children!

omg you are so force fed politics it’s painful

your side won’t even make birth control readily available

your side killed the planned parenthood budget

a woman can’t be sterilized at will before age 35

You complain incessantly about California when we don’t even hold the voter weight we should…

you are the problem

Yeah they seem to be against all forms of family planning and birth control. These are not programs that just take care of themselves. They need proper funding and support.

Trump cut funding for Planned Parenthood in 3rd World countries and then his supporters whine when packs of Brown & Black skinned migrants show up at the US Mexican border.

Can't have it both ways. Either you encourage the poor countries to cut their birth rates or else you get swarms of them trying to break in the US 20 years later
Those countries and the WHO can fund it themselves. democRATs funded these programs for eons yet we STILL had caravans showing up! josephine, you're a POS liar!

Well then, just be prepared to accept or deal with more illegals tring to break into your country, Lokmeer.

You guys pumped $2.5 trillion into Afghanistan with failed military intervention.

Why not just pump a couple billion into brith control for these poor countries

The net benefit might be exponentially greater.

It's not our job to take care of other countries. It's just not.

I didnt support being in Afganistan and I dont support American tax payers being forced to pay for people in other countries....especailly when so many of our own citizens are on the streets.

Well, I support Canada donating funds for birth control programs in poorer countries.

The net beneift is that scores of the yet to be born don't try to enter wealthy countries like the USA.

and make no mistake about it - if they hava a choice between Canada and the United States, they'll gladly take a b-line to bypass Canada in favor of America. Most of these migrants see America as the promised land.

So Canada's efforts to combat birth control actually benefit America more than us.

They'll come to you, before they come to Canada.

And despite what you think these poorer countries - especially their women - really want family planning and birth control programs to avoid an even worse fate.

...otherwise you end up with results like this when they grow up:


Okay but you understand everyone who wants to financially help this cause if totally free to do so?

But tax payers should not be FORCED to pay for this, especailly when we have so many of our own problems.

And really, Joe, the democrat lock downs? Those starved thousands of children to DEATH in those same impoverished countries. That was one of the many costs of that. Are you aware of that?

"Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

And I'm not saying YOU do this, but HOW am I supposed to take any democrat voter seriously when they start talking about compassion and helping the poor? Because as soon as their partisan side flips and does something that directly causes harm and death.....their hearts suddenly stop bleeding and they get pretty sociopathic.

You know how much rape and trafficking is occurring at the border now? We have humanitarian crisis that none of those people care about.

But they want American tax dollars to buy birth control for third world women and if we dont agree we are uncaring?

Sure. I just dont buy it. Maybe if these pricks didnt starve 10k kids a month, cause that Afganistan fuckery and cause a humanitarian crisis.....maybe if they ever lifted a finger to help with outreach here (they wont because they hate "cons") I would take this more seriously.

Are you aware that third world poor people STILL havent had ANY Covid vaccines? And we are being pushed into BOOSTERS and these poor people who dont have a quarter of the resources WE do havent even received ONE DOSE?

Are you aware Biden just bombed children? That he bombed a clinic and a school before pulling out of Afghanistan? See most democrat/progs dont know ANY of this shit but want to pretend they give a fuck about the impoverished. All of a sudden if they think it helps their political stance.

Btw....its been shown that when people are able to keep more of their earnings, they give more to help their communities. I have no idea why you guys think that only the state can do anything. It's like if the state isnt doing it....its not valid. And the state gives SHIT assistance. People do a much better job helping other people. Wouldnt you rather have that kind of community where people will help eachother? Instead of the cold dehumanizing state? Because welfare has fucked up a lot of important things.

I wish you guys would start seeing humanity in these issues.

They're too fukin stupid to even know what does and doesnt exist! Fukin josephine doesnt even realize we fund 3/4 of the WHO which provides among other things, BIRTH CONTROL!!!!!

I like Joe and I view him as more centrist.

He does get very stuck on narrative when the topic is abortion though.

Dovey, I thnk some of your points about abortion are valid, but the laws have to fair to both sides.

You made some points such as:

ie - women who continually go in for abortions non stop. therby putting a strain on the health system/costs. so perhaps there should be training to prevent or change that kind of behaviour.

ie - abortions performed too late in the cycle.

Perhaps there need to be improved contraception programs to lower abortion rates or teen pregnancies?

However,...ieven f it is a pro life law, then will it acheive its goals and really save lives? Not just the unborn child, but the mother too? Will it prevent mothers from abandoning children? Will it prevent back alley abortions?

Will there be social supports once the child arrives in the world?

Is there protection for women/girls in trouble, like those raped by some predator or incested by their fathers through no fault of their own? A lot of them are victims

They need protection too.

It can't be a top down directive or one way street.

Social policy isn't that simplistic. You're dealing with human lives, not widgets.

The vast majority of abortions are performed before the 2nd trimester, I think 90%. The next 9% are performed before through the 20th week, after that only 1% are performed. Most of which are do to fetal malformities or viability issues or the mother's health.

All this drama is about ending abortion. End of.

Naw, thats not even close to accurate. I'll hear back from my friend at the state in a few days.