

Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
See what I mean?
Aggro. Haughty. Condescending. Dismissive. Assholish.

Oh, and I guess we should go ahead and add liar to the list as well since some people consistently declare they know the thoughts, stances and intentions of others while all the available evidence points in a different direction. Once or even twice might be a mistake, but regularly enough for it to be an identifiable pattern? That's plain ol' lying.

Gives the whole room an off-putting layer of ick.

So this is born again a troll forum, eh?
How unfortunate. I've never liked trolls.
They're generally obnoxious, puerile, dim-witted, and destructively self-centered.

Oh. Yeah, I get the recent decisions now. lulz


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
See what I mean?
Aggro. Haughty. Condescending. Dismissive. Assholish.

Oh, and I guess we should go ahead and add liar to the list as well since some people consistently declare they know the thoughts, stances and intentions of others while all the available evidence points in a different direction. Once or even twice might be a mistake, but regularly enough for it to be an identifiable pattern? That's plain ol' lying.

Gives the whole room an off-putting layer of ick.

So this is born again a troll forum, eh?
How unfortunate. I've never liked trolls.
They're generally obnoxious, puerile, dim-witted, and destructively self-centered.

Oh. Yeah, I get the recent decisions now. lulz

You know, you do angry, grumpy, and whiny like a champ. I'll give you that.

All you need in that screed is a "why don't you smile, sweetie?" Talk about condescending and


> you
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. o O
you do pissy, negative, and boring like a simp!!! Lily. I don't give you that, you own it.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Garraty, you're welcome to your opinion. In fact its a fresh breath of air.

Just for future reference, it isn't my job or Lily's to entertain you. The fact that you're complaining about two poster's just shooting the shit speaks volumes on your understanding of how forums work. However we decide to voice our opinions or prose is our style. You should be the last person to talk about content, as yours cater to mostly anyone over the age of 60. It takes you 5 minutes on Vocaroo to say a four sentence musing.

Spare me the "what's good for a forum" bullshit, two people don't dictate a forum and you know this. The forums are a community based project and if you don't like the way things are going, you are partly to blame. Instead of being that old grumpy man that whines about the young punks walking all over his grass, why don't you try leading for example once? Show us all how it's done and other's may follow in your gilded footsteps.

You accomplish nothing by posting up generic ramblings that don't offer any kind of solutions.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I get the impression that he can't take being on a troll forum very well. This is the second time he's been upset over a bit of "teasing".

And a bland grumpy personality calling me a bland harpie is well, uhm, ironic.

It's ironic like you said, really. Him sitting there on his dusty ass complaining about a forum he's part of. Oh, I give him some slack, he's old as fuck, so I try to understand his diatribe most of the time. He's always complaining about something. It's who he is.

Most of time he's quite boring, but once in a great while he posts a funny, which is why I still have faith in him.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
It's ironic like you said, really. Him sitting there on his dusty ass complaining about a forum he's part of. Oh, I give him some slack, he's old as fuck, so I try to understand his diatribe most of the time. He's always complaining about something. It's who he is.

Most of time he's quite boring, but once in a great while he posts a funny, which is why I still have faith in him.

You would think that someone who doesn't enjoy the assholishness of meltdown subs on a forum called Bastard Factory would figure out that this just isn't the place for him.

But that's not the problem. The problem is that he can't take what is dished out in a sub called "meltdown". Maybe this place needs a fractal sub for him.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
See what I mean?
Aggro. Haughty. Condescending. Dismissive. Assholish.

Oh, and I guess we should go ahead and add liar to the list as well since some people consistently declare they know the thoughts, stances and intentions of others while all the available evidence points in a different direction. Once or even twice might be a mistake, but regularly enough for it to be an identifiable pattern? That's plain ol' lying.

Gives the whole room an off-putting layer of ick.

So this is born again a troll forum, eh?
How unfortunate. I've never liked trolls.
They're generally obnoxious, puerile, dim-witted, and destructively self-centered.

Oh. Yeah, I get the recent decisions now. lulz

No. Not really. I don't see what you mean.

I don't have to know your thoughts as you posted your thoughts for all to see. This IS what I'm talking about. It's quite okay to voice your misguided opinions, but if anyone has a counter, you chalk it up to lying and being an asshole. To me that either rings of closed mindedness or just plain ignorance.

The whole room must mean you, right? Gee, you're not self-centered or anything. Hate to tell ya, this isn't TBC, and you're not going to get catered to. I'm sorry if that awful truth is a bitter pill to swallow, but that's the truth of it. Manifest what you want out of the forum instead of bitching and moaning about shit you cannot change.

You never liked "trolls" because your feelings are usually hurt by them, instead of just taking them for what they are, trolls. You give them power over you when you post tear laden posts like these when you attempt to point the finger at other's, instead of yourself.

You made the choice to come out here, you made the choice to post what you post, so stop acting like you've been abused. Don't like the current direction the forum is going? Do something about it. Be a leader instead of a follower. Anyone can spout the nonsense you posted, a working brain isn't needed to do that.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
You would think that someone who doesn't enjoy the assholishness of meltdown subs on a forum called Bastard Factory would figure out that this just isn't the place for him.

But that's not the problem. The problem is that he can't take what is dished out in a sub called "meltdown". Maybe this place needs a fractal sub for him.

The thing is, he chooses to post in Meltdown and then he wants to complain about it. Which is fine, but it tells me he'd rather read 1,000,000 variations of "Admin sucks cawk" along with the "groomer" accusations and more racist Nazi propaganda.

Garraty has always been a sensitive sort, letting an avatar hack run him off the forums along with all the things he doesn't like. Bottom line, he's correct about everything, while other's are just here for his amusement. It should tell you where his mind is at when he jumped to TBC and then came back here to complain.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
You would think that someone who doesn't enjoy the assholishness of meltdown subs on a forum called Bastard Factory would figure out that this just isn't the place for him.

1) Be honest- it wasn't always like... *this*.

2) Starting to look that way, innit? Don't worry- I noticed.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Exactly. Fucking bitch was a fucking bitch when I hadn't so much as met her and she thinks I'm the one with the problem.

This seems to be a pattern with our older members. They just can't see past their own blinders they wear day in and day out. I've tried to stop catering to that kind of self-destructive behavior.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
1) Be honest- it wasn't always like... *this*.

2) Starting to look that way, innit? Don't worry- I noticed.

Whatever dude, if I could gift you something it would be the following:

  • LOL
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
The thing is, he chooses to post in Meltdown and then he wants to complain about it. Which is fine, but it tells me he'd rather read 1,000,000 variations of "Admin sucks cawk" along with the "groomer" accusations and more racist Nazi propaganda.

Garraty has always been a sensitive sort, letting an avatar hack run him off the forums along with all the things he doesn't like. Bottom line, he's correct about everything, while other's are just here for his amusement. It should tell you where his mind is at when he jumped to TBC and then came back here to complain.

That's what I find astounding. He'd rather surround himself outright racists like Blazor and Shitler...unbelievable.

Which is just fucking weird for a "lefty".


Site Supporter
lol you've been 'upset' over "teasing" too many times for anyone to count.
(except me; the count is 36,600)
and who says this is a troll forum? you're not a a troll, you're just unfun.
Garraty_47 is creative which = fun.
Garrity is a snorefest .... until he picks up his game I'll be over at the bar


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
1) Be honest- it wasn't always like... *this*.

2) Starting to look that way, innit? Don't worry- I noticed.

This guy.

Things change and so does the posting base. I even had to accept that this wasn't 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 any more. Things change, especially the forums. People die, people do other things, no forum will be forever encapsulated in their glory days. Forums gather rust, cobwebs and eventually lose members. Being able to cope and grow with the current forum is all one can do, otherwise you get Garraty's high pitched squeals about what used to be.

I personally like the absence of "Admin sucks cawk" and not reading how most everyone who don't agree with a few dickheads are child abusers. Anyone that misses that has a few screws loose.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
This guy.

Things change and so does the posting base. I even had to accept that this wasn't 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 any more. Things change, especially the forums. People die, people do other things, no forum will be forever encapsulated in their glory days. Forums gather rust, cobwebs and eventually lose members. Being able to cope and grow with the current forum is all one can do, otherwise you get Garraty's high pitched squeals about what used to be.

I personally like the absence of "Admin sucks cawk" and not reading how most everyone who don't agree with a few dickheads are child abusers. Anyone that misses that has a few screws loose.

All the wailing from him comes because I made fun of his silly post. I never actually "attacked" him. He doesn't know what an attack is yet, not from me. He is poking around for what he can't handle. Not as I see his ongoing drama.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Good point. For some reason there are some that treat other's like shit, and think they should be treated differently than how they treat other's. That's a real head scratcher.

It's the majority of what takes place at all these type of forums. It's always okay for them to "make fun", "tease" or "joke" around...

Ms. Anne Thrope

Factory Bastard
Nope. Never.
I wasn't born; I was found curled up in a newly-opened lotus blossom and have since that day never lost my temper or wavered in my zen-like calm and peaceful outlook on life. I might even be a god, some say, but modesty forbids me from stating it as an actual fact.

When I fart the room fills with the most enticing melange of aromas with accents on fresh-cut grass, cinnamon, and puppy feet. You would be astounded at the amounts of money I've been offered by perfume companies just to expel gas into a bottle for them to analyze.

Any other ridiculous questions?
I have one. Did you just admit that you and Lotus Bud are the same person?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
That's what I find astounding. He'd rather surround himself outright racists like Blazor and Shitler...unbelievable.

Which is just fucking weird for a "lefty".

I find it very astounding that he could sit there and read Blazor who uses "ain't" more times than Dove uses "narcissism." I just can't be fucked to read that kind of ignorant and bigoted garbage.

I don't purport to know Garraty's political affiliation, and I don't care, but I always thought up til recently that he was above all of that nonsensical crap.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
All the wailing from him comes because I made fun of his silly post. I never actually "attacked" him. He doesn't know what an attack is yet, not from me. He is poking around for what he can't handle. Not as I see his ongoing drama.

He seems to gave an issue with anyone ribbing him back. Oh sure, he can certainly go off and let you know what's wrong with the forums and the present poster's but he'll cry foul anytime someone turns the tables on him. That reminds me of a hypocritical cock biter. It's like only he can have an opinion and fuck anyone else.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
He seems to gave an issue with anyone ribbing him back. Oh sure, he can certainly go off and let you know what's wrong with the forums and the present poster's but he'll cry foul anytime someone turns the tables on him. That reminds me of a hypocritical cock biter. It's like only he can have an opinion and fuck anyone else.

Precisely. I've long noticed his sensitivity and believe I've mostly interacted with him in a very "mild" manner. He still cries...fuck it.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Precisely. I've long noticed his sensitivity and believe I've mostly interacted with him in a very "mild" manner. He still cries...fuck it.

I've known Garraty since the Ootikof days when he was known as Vitriol, he hasn't changed much. Back then though, he was a little more patient and less judgemental.