He can be a fuckwit and a victim too....
not in the minds of one dimensional thinking potato heads like Lotus
I hate cops... last interaction I had with them, the lead guy was threatening to storm onto my property as I was filming from next to my front door and TAKE my phone if I didn't stop filming them.
I told him he was going to be in a world of shit if he entered my property line and tried to shut off my camera.
So he backed off a lil after I asked if he was "threatening" me.
So I proceed towards my property line...not totally to it, but a safe space between, and he threatens me again... he ACTUALLY CHARGED TOWARDS ME as I was filming, and I didn't flinch ever. He stopped about a foot from my face.
I told him after that "get off my property" so many times it was mind boggling. He tried to ask me questions and I said I don't care....get off my property.
Eventually he did get off my property... I kept filming and suddenly, his partner was shining a spotlight directly at my head. Not a flashlight, but a side torch mounted on the side of the vehicle.
This pissed me off no end. They were trying to kill my video with lighting.
I still managed to use my free hand to shield the spotlight enough just above the phone camera to continue recording.
And then the main arsehole challenged me again... so I up ticked a middle finger and he asked "are you giving us a rude gesture"...
I asked, "rude gesture? Like blinding me with a spotlight to my eyes on my own property?"
Then they drove away.... I had enough video. We called a truce.