Except parents who are upset about SEL(socail emotional learning) that involves CRT(equity/ethnic studies) and the "comprehensive sex ed" that involves queer theory actually know what their kids are being given, have actual materials from the curriculums, and know exactly what they are talking about.
You completely refuse to inform yourself and instead chose to turn it into some dumb and divisive partisan bullshit where you think all these parents and teachers are just "conz" who just up and decided one day to have an imaginary problem with their childs school.
So you know this OP is exactly how you approach the issue. You condemn and mock something without even fully informing yourself on what the problem is and dont care to bother even looking into it.
All these parents....who have the problematic materials in their hands....are just opposing it for fun. Right? You dont have to hear them out or see what they are talking about because you've decided they are just trouble making "con" liars.
You guys turn on people so fast and so easily it's amazing.