If you're on Twitter...



Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Because I've suspected they would prefer to see the country burn down before letting it do good. They really just dont want Americans to be prosperous or happy.

The problem is both major parties in the USA work for the same oligarchs and all their "opposition" is over things that won't ever fundamentally change the system or return any power to people instead of corporations.

They absolutely can and do cooperate easily on things the donor class wants.



Domestically feral
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United states
The problem is both major parties in the USA work for the same oligarchs and all their "opposition" is over things that won't ever fundamentally change the system or return any power to people instead of corporations.

They absolutely can and do cooperate easily on things the donor class wants.


Do you remember way back in the days were congress would have lively debates and eventually come to a mutual solution? That discourse used to be a thing. It was how it was done.

Today? Its spewing of the lowest and most disgusting level of sophistry. They used to actually debate. Even the Trump/Hillary (even though is was funny) and the Trump/Biden debates were trash.

It really is a mirror reflection of the state of discourse in America today. Its Jerry Springer shit. And we are supposed to believe that this generation is so educated and enlightened to have all the answers....but not a one of these people can even calmly and respectfully communicate what they support and why.

I will post my mind clearly and precisely and these miserable bots call it a screed and dont understand a word. It's like a sci fi movie lol. It's like we are entering Idiocracy.


Domestically feral
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United states
I mean....just look at Oedrin posting Greenwald and facts about what happened here. This is serious problem for the people. For the "democracy" these people shriek about everytime they dont get their way.

And Admin responds with a tweet that says "Well....Biden doesnt have a company that was convicted of tax fraud!"

Right so selling influence to foreign entities and dirty business dealings.....and then suppressing that information from the people to help certain politcal parties isnt that big of a deal but of man....one of Trumps companies was convicted of tax fraud!

See what I mean by Idiocracy?

Hey how about we investigate Biden....AND Pelosi....just as hard as Trump was investigated for years on end? Didnt your shitbags impeach Trump because he found out about Bidens Ukraine shitshow? Trump was nonstop investigated and even raided by the fucking FBI. Let's see that same level of scrutiny now that we have evidence and facts that Bidens office was sold.

Kind of hard to convict someone when all their crimes and corruption is covered up, ignored and looked past, dont you think?

Of course you dont think. What am I saying? His response to this is basically "neener neener! Biden doesnt get convicted when he does illegal and anti American shit but we finally abused gov institutions for so long we finally convicted something with Trumps name on it!! We are too busy using tax dollars in hyper partisan investigations to care if one of ours is corrupt as fuck! Hunters penis is so big!"
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Domestically feral
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United states
Has Joe Biden been empeeched over Hunter's dick pics yet?

You remind me of that guy in Boogie Nights whose wife was constantly fucking other men right in front of everyone.

I have slightly more respect for him though because at least HE wasnt in denial.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
"Selectively releasing internal information without external oversight is not transparency, especially not when attempting to support a preconceived narrative. The public knows this is a fraction of Twitter’s internal documentation, but doesn’t know what they chose to hold back, and for what purpose.
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he “had to agree to certain conditions” to review what Musk showed him, but didn’t say what those were.

The release was a marketing gimmick. The inaccurate claim of transparency is another."

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Factory Bastard
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Video from 2016 of Jack Dorsey out and out lying about Twitter's government directed censorship which was all coordinated with Democraps.



Domestically feral
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United states
Unless this stuff is covered by Slate or Motherjones or any source these establishment cucks will actually listen to.....they will have none of this.

It's probably so deep that if those sources did start telling the truth, Admin would claim they went "right wing" and not read them anymore.

I wish they would just tell us they dont care what's actually true. That it's not about what's true but rather about what party has control.


Domestically feral
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United states

Youd like to think if some in their party had the integrity and courage to speak on the sources they will listen to....they would stop and think about it.

But nope. Everytime that happens and they get more and more extreme....the ones that do come forward with the truth are accused of going "maga", pandering, et. They get labeled and dismissed.

Did you read about what happened to that basket ball player who tweeted it was bullshit that a marine was left in Russian prison and Griner was brought home? He got whipped into submission quick and some PR person had to get on his Twitter and "apologize".

Anytime someone vocalizes any diversity in thought....no matter how right they are....the mob whips them into submission. They either have to apologize and say they have been "educated" or they keep their spin and stand by what they said and become a "maga".

We still dont see any celebs speaking against Balenciaga and there is a strong effort to make that a "right wing" issue. I wish I was kidding. I'm not. Once it gets labeled "right wing" people like Admin will defend anything.


Domestically feral
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United states
Good to see so many people calling bullshit on that obvious bullshit

Everyone directly saw Trump get deplatformed for absolutely nothing besides the dems hating him. Media distorting things he tweeted is the gaslighting.

Are we gonna pretend thousands of people do not have screen shots of Trumps last tweets?


Factory Bastard
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In news which should surprise absolutely no one a disgraced former Twitter executive advocated for the company to allow minor children to be allowed to access adult gay hookup apps on the platform. Yes, they are pedophiles and they really do want to rape children.



Factory Bastard
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Schellenburger is a leftist but he is one of the good ones who is logically consistent and who is willing to call out his own side when they do something wrong. I actually voted for him for state governor.


Factory Bastard
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It is very clear that the left no longer wants free and open debate and instead simply wants to censor anyone they dislike or disagree with. They are drunk on power and can never be trusted.



Factory Bastard
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It is amazing how many Democrat insiders and their family members were all employed by twitter on their censorship team. That is not a coincidence.



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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It is amazing how many Democrat insiders and their family members were all employed by twitter on their censorship team. That is not a coincidence.

Have you been on Twitter recently, it's turning into Parler or one of the other hatefest sites and on my phone every other tweet is an ad for crypto or some other bullshit.