Youd like to think if some in their party had the integrity and courage to speak on the sources they will listen to....they would stop and think about it.
But nope. Everytime that happens and they get more and more extreme....the ones that do come forward with the truth are accused of going "maga", pandering, et. They get labeled and dismissed.
Did you read about what happened to that basket ball player who tweeted it was bullshit that a marine was left in Russian prison and Griner was brought home? He got whipped into submission quick and some PR person had to get on his Twitter and "apologize".
Anytime someone vocalizes any diversity in matter how right they are....the mob whips them into submission. They either have to apologize and say they have been "educated" or they keep their spin and stand by what they said and become a "maga".
We still dont see any celebs speaking against Balenciaga and there is a strong effort to make that a "right wing" issue. I wish I was kidding. I'm not. Once it gets labeled "right wing" people like Admin will defend anything.