Im TIRED of it


Factory Bastard
What's up with X spazzing the fuck out?



Did you see'd the T-REX
and they said faggits was xtinct

I get it tho' the brotherhood of the shorties thingy :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
somany posts were remood because fighting kills threads or topics or forums or sum dhit LOLOL WHO WANTS TAH FIGHT ??
I only did a short stint with the swords this morning and I feel pumped. This forearm can’t possibly fit up anyone’s anus and it’s only the beginning of Spring!

I can see Benzo morphing into a thirst trap now
That’s coming out of Winter on half-mast...wait until Summer’s over. I’ll have every faggot on this forum dripping arse juice over the AFTER pics. The pics are really for the women...but novice trolls will want to ghey anything @Jeannie ?

im a friendly troll, but im no novice
Don’t playa hate!


Factory Bastard
I just ate one a these
Well too much sugar ain’t getting you to sleep braah, unless it’s brown sugar!

sleep ?? :LOL3:
Well wasn’t that the problem?

no, the reason I don't sleep, the person I administer pain relief to all night is the reason .. tonight she doesn't see the whiskey glass, so she doesn't get hurt, can't let'er see what it's doing to me ... must be strong, in her eyes


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
I just ate one a these
Well too much sugar ain’t getting you to sleep braah, unless it’s brown sugar!

sleep ?? :LOL3:
Well wasn’t that the problem?

no, the reason I don't sleep, the person I administer pain relief to all night is the reason .. tonight she doesn't see the whiskey glass, so she doesn't get hurt, can't let'er see what it's doing to me ... must be strong, in her eyes you. Sorry to hear that buddy!


Factory Bastard


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
That's not the point.

Do YOU want the moronic government telling you what medical interventions to take?

Come on now. You leftists used to be so anti establishment. Now you all rage with the machine.

Are you one of those bougie leftists?

It's not that I'm in love with or trust the government like you did when trumpsky was running the shit show. I just tend to believe doctors and scientists over religious kooks and conspiracy theorists but obviously that's just me! :)


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
That's not the point.

Do YOU want the moronic government telling you what medical interventions to take?

Come on now. You leftists used to be so anti establishment. Now you all rage with the machine.

Are you one of those bougie leftists?

It's not that I'm in love with or trust the government like you did when trumpsky was running the shit show. I just tend to believe doctors and scientists over religious kooks and conspiracy theorists but obviously that's just me! :)

What makes you think I loved and trusted the government when Trump was in office? Just because we had someone passing beneficial policies while they corporate ran establishment wailed and cried and wasted our tax dollars. I actually never hated them more than the way the establishment attacked and responded with their goon media.

Are you actually taking advice from your doctor or are you just listening to a partisan narrative that comes with the "the science" propaganda?

Because doctors oppose mandates for many reasons.

Doctor Z actually goes into this. He is mostly left leaning, and an excellent and very educated and experienced doctor who runs podcasts for health care workers. He has been discussing and educated people on this pandemic from the beginning and battling misinfo. Partisan politics is not "science". Their concerns are NOT our health. Its votes and money. They've weaponized and exploited this pandemic.

Listen to what this doctor says about vaccine mandates(and he is voice of MANY in the feild)

ANY medical decision needs to be made on an individual basis between doctor and patient. The government has absolutely no place in this conversation or decision. People SHOULD push back against this over stepping. I'm "fully" vaccinated and I have no intention of playing this game with untrustworthy and abusive politicians. No one should, ever.

It's actually a large portion of black Americans who likely voted democrat. That whole Tuskegee experiment really left a bad taste in peoples mouths. I dont blame them one damn bit. If they were just given objective facts and told to talk about it with a doctor, they would be more likely to do it. We need real leaders who can get things done rather than authoritarian potatos threatening and condescending the public into compliance. Politics is making the problem vastly worse.

Science and applying it to medicine and patient care is so much more than then "hey science says this is good for you, now do it or else". This is about dealing with human beings.

Btw....these mandates do not apply to Congress and their staff. Just for us peasents.
Last edited:


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Its dysfunctional that people miss these flame boards so much and whatever content they enjoyed that came with these venues but they dont just go make another one.

Or use whatever platform they have to spark it up.

And I dont wanna hear that lame ass excuse about "traffick" and "draws" and whatever all that over glamorizing shit that is. Forums are dated. Only weird dysfunctional people still go on them. So it doesnt matter how much "traffick" is on them or not. No one is getting paid for this.

Before you go off spouting your ignorant bullshit, why don't you learn to spell 5th grade words first?

When did you get your GED and become a spell checking hall monitor?

We would have thrown you a party. Let the dogs out and all

The "dogs" are taller than you.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
here it comes, the flynn variety show.....bad comedy and lots of commercials


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Its dysfunctional that people miss these flame boards so much and whatever content they enjoyed that came with these venues but they dont just go make another one.

Or use whatever platform they have to spark it up.

And I dont wanna hear that lame ass excuse about "traffick" and "draws" and whatever all that over glamorizing shit that is. Forums are dated. Only weird dysfunctional people still go on them. So it doesnt matter how much "traffick" is on them or not. No one is getting paid for this.

Before you go off spouting your ignorant bullshit, why don't you learn to spell 5th grade words first?

We can't all be as intelligent as you, Flynn. Damn. I'm just trolling for Malboros.

Maybe some dyck.

Like human dyck.....not like that shit you been sucking.

Dog fuckin whore

Just because you start mispelling words on "purpose," does not take away from the fact that you can't spell words needed to get your High School Diploma.


Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
Its dysfunctional that people miss these flame boards so much and whatever content they enjoyed that came with these venues but they dont just go make another one.

Or use whatever platform they have to spark it up.

And I dont wanna hear that lame ass excuse about "traffick" and "draws" and whatever all that over glamorizing shit that is. Forums are dated. Only weird dysfunctional people still go on them. So it doesnt matter how much "traffick" is on them or not. No one is getting paid for this.

Before you go off spouting your ignorant bullshit, why don't you learn to spell 5th grade words first?

We can't all be as intelligent as you, Flynn. Damn. I'm just trolling for Malboros.

Maybe some dyck.

Like human dyck.....not like that shit you been sucking.

Dog fuckin whore

Just because you start mispelling words on "purpose," does not take away from the fact that you can't spell words needed to get your High School Diploma.
Get fucked you whore!


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Her lips were as pink as a horses dink,
Her hair was horse-shit brown,
Her tits hung loose,
Like the balls of a moose
As she trucked all over town.

dedicated to my lover @Flynn

First off, what the holy hell is a "horses dink?" I mean if that's a real thing then I apologize for not knowing the terms of someone openly practicing beastiality.

Secondly, why are "horses" and "mooses" your main theme?

Third, that isn't Haiku or any kind of "poetry" I've EVER heard of or read. Even the crappy cadence throws me off.

Try flowers next time you fucking introverted nerd.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
anything from your fingers 2 the garbage u thow out.

they r also the #1 greatest carrier of rabies in the US so if they approach u during the day here, get away

Australia is rabies free. We have very strict quarantine laws here. But on the other hand, we have Hendra Virus carried by flying foxes which apparently is similar to rabies. It is rare though..