Im TIRED of it


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

What do these guys eat?
anything from your fingers 2 the garbage u thow out.

they r also the #1 greatest carrier of rabies in the US so if they approach u during the day here, get away
I had one come walking up to the yard down at the farm so I parted its skull with a 20ga.
y do u have 20g? was that your yoot gun?
LOL! Its actually my mother in laws shotgun. It was handy at the time.
what was it loaded in the doorside barrel where the umbrellas go? lol

when you're a jew pussy they're all over :LOL3:
^^^ what a hand wringing lil bitch. :LOL3:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
anything from your fingers 2 the garbage u thow out.

they r also the #1 greatest carrier of rabies in the US so if they approach u during the day here, get away
I had one come walking up to the yard down at the farm so I parted its skull with a 20ga.
y do u have 20g? was that your yoot gun?
LOL! Its actually my mother in laws shotgun. It was handy at the time.
what was it loaded in the doorside barrel where the umbrellas go? lol
Pretty close to that, actually! The shells are in an old cigar box tho.
lol, thats some night of the living dead shit. 'well we have 7 bullets for the 22 and 3 rds for the shotgun'


Factory Bastard
anything from your fingers 2 the garbage u thow out.

they r also the #1 greatest carrier of rabies in the US so if they approach u during the day here, get away
I had one come walking up to the yard down at the farm so I parted its skull with a 20ga.
y do u have 20g? was that your yoot gun?
LOL! Its actually my mother in laws shotgun. It was handy at the time.
what was it loaded in the doorside barrel where the umbrellas go? lol

when you're a jew pussy they're all over :LOL3:
^^^ what a hand wringing lil bitch. :LOL3:

how do you type over the length of that fucking shnoze :LOL3: and how much time do you spend washing the taste of nikker jiZZ from your mouf fahh fah FAGGOt


Factory Bastard
anything from your fingers 2 the garbage u thow out.

they r also the #1 greatest carrier of rabies in the US so if they approach u during the day here, get away
I had one come walking up to the yard down at the farm so I parted its skull with a 20ga.

ha ha the big jew pussy hurts animals ...
I bet you taste nikker jizz when you kiss your wife
skinny little guHn faggit .. :LOL3:
AWWWWWWW, does it make your faggit ass mad when I practice pest control? You know, we use a LOT of whats called fly bait down there. They eat it and drop dead. Coons, coyotes, possums, etc. I still have to shoot the groundhogs tho! PWN3D!

hook nose said wat ??

The Countess

Hood with it
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Let freedom ring

You would want free access to kids, you sick ass

For your convicted felon hubby? Fuck off Gladass. Youve got to be the dumbest female posting here. Take a trip thru this thread.

What does my husband have to do with what you posted? He’s not here demanding free access to kids via meme. If I’m dumb, then you’re brain dead. Quit following me around like I’m some eight year old. Thanks


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
anything from your fingers 2 the garbage u thow out.

they r also the #1 greatest carrier of rabies in the US so if they approach u during the day here, get away
I had one come walking up to the yard down at the farm so I parted its skull with a 20ga.

ha ha the big jew pussy hurts animals ...
I bet you taste nikker jizz when you kiss your wife
skinny little guHn faggit .. :LOL3:
AWWWWWWW, does it make your faggit ass mad when I practice pest control? You know, we use a LOT of whats called fly bait down there. They eat it and drop dead. Coons, coyotes, possums, etc. I still have to shoot the groundhogs tho! PWN3D!

hook nose said wat ??
Me and the other jews got together and decided....YOU'RE A FAGGIT!!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I'm not worried about a sore arm, I am worried anaphylaxis shock.

I am seriously allergic to aspirin and foods chemically similar.... I'm also seriously allergic to sulphur dioxide. which are the 220s preservatives on your canned foods ingredients.


Factory Bastard
anything from your fingers 2 the garbage u thow out.

they r also the #1 greatest carrier of rabies in the US so if they approach u during the day here, get away
I had one come walking up to the yard down at the farm so I parted its skull with a 20ga.

ha ha the big jew pussy hurts animals ...
I bet you taste nikker jizz when you kiss your wife
skinny little guHn faggit .. :LOL3:
AWWWWWWW, does it make your faggit ass mad when I practice pest control? You know, we use a LOT of whats called fly bait down there. They eat it and drop dead. Coons, coyotes, possums, etc. I still have to shoot the groundhogs tho! PWN3D!

hook nose said wat ??
Me and the other jews got together and decided....YOU'RE A FAGGIT!!!!

luckily you yell that last bit in CAPS ... it's quite a way for the sound to travel the length of your shnoze, into the free air where it's audible ... FREE AIR !! Is that why your noses's are so biG ? :LOL3:

GG Allin

Everybody's an enemy.
Factory Bastard
New Hampshire




Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I'm not worried about a sore arm, I am worried anaphylaxis shock.

I am seriously allergic to aspirin and foods chemically similar.... I'm also seriously allergic to sulphur dioxide. which are the 220s preservatives on your canned foods ingredients.

Well according to those who got a medical science degree recently via leftwing bias corporate media (which literally has pharma reps working with them), literally everyone needs to get vaccinated or they shouldnt have jobs or receive medical care(isnt it great when they demonstrate exactly why we dont want centralized government ran care?).

No ones individual medical needs matter. It's exactly like rejecting seatbelts, you know. Only selfish dumb anti vax anti "the science" trump people refuse the vaccine. There are no real valid concerns, you are just dumb and not listening to the "worlds top scientists" over at NBC, MSNBC, Salon and CNN.

When the government assigns a medical intervention you better just get that shit. And keep whatever serious side effects or adverse events you have to yourself.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
anything from your fingers 2 the garbage u thow out.

they r also the #1 greatest carrier of rabies in the US so if they approach u during the day here, get away
I had one come walking up to the yard down at the farm so I parted its skull with a 20ga.

ha ha the big jew pussy hurts animals ...
I bet you taste nikker jizz when you kiss your wife
skinny little guHn faggit .. :LOL3:
AWWWWWWW, does it make your faggit ass mad when I practice pest control? You know, we use a LOT of whats called fly bait down there. They eat it and drop dead. Coons, coyotes, possums, etc. I still have to shoot the groundhogs tho! PWN3D!

hook nose said wat ??
Me and the other jews got together and decided....YOU'RE A FAGGIT!!!!

luckily you yell that last bit in CAPS ... it's quite a way for the sound to travel the length of your shnoze, into the free air where it's audible ... FREE AIR !! Is that why your noses's are so biG ? :LOL3:
The emoticons dont make your lames funny, ya faggit. You want me to mail you the carcass of whatever I shoot this weekend so you can cry over it? PWN3D!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I'm not worried about a sore arm, I am worried anaphylaxis shock.

I am seriously allergic to aspirin and foods chemically similar.... I'm also seriously allergic to sulphur dioxide. which are the 220s preservatives on your canned foods ingredients.
I went into anaphylaxis shock from a drug called Toradol which is chemically related to ibuprofen

I actually went flat line for nearly 4 seconds behind that shit when I was 19

I have a very strong immune system, haven't experienced a fever/flu/cold/etc in over 25 years and aside from being just slightly shorter than flynn's greenly tinted crooked fangs I'm in relatively good shape.

So I'm very hesitant to inject something into my body unless it reads testosterone cypionate on the label and was mass produced under some very questionable quality control standards in a lab somewhere in Somalia.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I'm not worried about a sore arm, I am worried anaphylaxis shock.

I am seriously allergic to aspirin and foods chemically similar.... I'm also seriously allergic to sulphur dioxide. which are the 220s preservatives on your canned foods ingredients.
I went into anaphylaxis shock from a drug called Toradol which is chemically related to ibuprofen

I actually went flat line for nearly 4 seconds behind that shit when I was 19

I have a very strong immune system, haven't experienced a fever/flu/cold/etc in over 25 years and aside from being just slightly shorter than flynn's greenly tinted crooked fangs I'm in relatively good shape.

So I'm very hesitant to inject something into my body unless it reads testosterone cypionate on the label and was mass produced under some very questionable quality control standards in a lab somewhere in Somalia.

I HATE toradol. It is a super powered anti inflammatory and the shot is so painful.

Anytime I get a kidney stone bad enough to go to the hospital I always have to get that BEFORE real pain meds. They should give diluaded first because that's fucking painful that shot is lol


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Lily is back in prison, try to keep up bro

What now? Lol
3 counts of Pestering in the 1st degree.

1 count of driving under the influence of resounding stupidity. In the first degree.

But you know California, she'll be back out on the streets in no time

I thought you meant she got modded lol.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Hold on to your seats friends

I have a most shocking revelation to share concerning our beloved Flynn

details to hit the wire this evening.

you won't want to miss this

It's gonna be ""yuuuuuuuuuuuuge"

That means you too sailor boy @Admin. you're gonna wanna put the cock sucking on hold for an hour or two & sit in on this. You sloppy faggot degenerate cum loving corset boi

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
It's bigger than that old friend

we haven't seen news this big since Peaches stuck his face in a turnip bed and got his nose chewed off by something really nasty in there


An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
No, man, Peachy lost his nose when he snorted a bunch of draino from the top of an agent orange barrel in a helicopter back in Vietnam. I swear I read that somewhere.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Lily is back in prison, try to keep up bro

Lily is the forum equivalent of an elephant pinata suspended from the ceiling that we all take turns poking whenever we wish to witness yet another desperately humorous meltdown

And 9 times outta 10, when you do, you'll even get a guest appearance or two from the disgusting monster as he's enroute to and from carring her piss buckets

laughs all around


Factory Bastard
anything from your fingers 2 the garbage u thow out.

they r also the #1 greatest carrier of rabies in the US so if they approach u during the day here, get away
I had one come walking up to the yard down at the farm so I parted its skull with a 20ga.

ha ha the big jew pussy hurts animals ...
I bet you taste nikker jizz when you kiss your wife
skinny little guHn faggit .. :LOL3:
AWWWWWWW, does it make your faggit ass mad when I practice pest control? You know, we use a LOT of whats called fly bait down there. They eat it and drop dead. Coons, coyotes, possums, etc. I still have to shoot the groundhogs tho! PWN3D!

hook nose said wat ??
Me and the other jews got together and decided....YOU'RE A FAGGIT!!!!

luckily you yell that last bit in CAPS ... it's quite a way for the sound to travel the length of your shnoze, into the free air where it's audible ... FREE AIR !! Is that why your noses's are so biG ? :LOL3:
The emoticons dont make your lames funny, ya faggit. You want me to mail you the carcass of whatever I shoot this weekend so you can cry over it? PWN3D!

ha ha big nosed jew is pissed ... skinny faggit, I would take your guHN and shuv it up your ass turning you into a big nosed shitsicle :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:


Factory Bastard
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Let freedom ring

You would want free access to kids, you sick ass

For your convicted felon hubby? Fuck off Gladass. Youve got to be the dumbest female posting here. Take a trip thru this thread.

What does my husband have to do with what you posted? He’s not here demanding free access to kids via meme. If I’m dumb, then you’re brain dead. Quit following me around like I’m some eight year old. Thanks

Can a women be any more ignorant than you Gladass