Im TIRED of it


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I have a nose

But tiny legs. Bet you gall on youre face frequently .

Mmmm, the low center of gravity thing going on ..unlikely


Domestically feral
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United states
What makes you think I loved and trusted the government when Trump was in office? Just because we had someone passing beneficial policies while they corporate ran establishment wailed and cried and wasted our tax dollars. I actually never hated them more than the way the establishment attacked and responded with their goon media.

Are you actually taking advice from your doctor or are you just listening to a partisan narrative that comes with the "the science" propaganda?

Because doctors oppose mandates for many reasons.

Doctor Z actually goes into this. He is mostly left leaning, and an excellent and very educated and experienced doctor who runs podcasts for health care workers. He has been discussing and educated people on this pandemic from the beginning and battling misinfo. Partisan politics is not "science". Their concerns are NOT our health. Its votes and money. They've weaponized and exploited this pandemic.

Listen to what this doctor says about vaccine mandates(and he is voice of MANY in the feild)

ANY medical decision needs to be made on an individual basis between doctor and patient. The government has absolutely no place in this conversation or decision. People SHOULD push back against this over stepping. I'm "fully" vaccinated and I have no intention of playing this game with untrustworthy and abusive politicians. No one should, ever.

It's actually a large portion of black Americans who likely voted democrat. That whole Tuskegee experiment really left a bad taste in peoples mouths. I dont blame them one damn bit. If they were just given objective facts and told to talk about it with a doctor, they would be more likely to do it. We need real leaders who can get things done rather than authoritarian potatos threatening and condescending the public into compliance. Politics is making the problem vastly worse.

Science and applying it to medicine and patient care is so much more than then "hey science says this is good for you, now do it or else". This is about dealing with human beings.

Btw....these mandates do not apply to Congress and their staff. Just for us peasents.

Vaccines have been required to go to school, certain jobs and international travel our entire lives. Fuck all the real experts, we got Doctor Z lmfao.

Vaccines that have years of established research backing them.

I can understand why a rando lay person wouldnt understand the difference between conventional vaccines and a new technology using MRNA that people are uncomfortable with, or the importance of years of long term research vs no long term research.

Also traditional vaccines children get for school are to target childhood disease(measles, mumps, chicken pox, pertussis,et) and there are exemptions for those who cannot be vaccinated. Unlike this vaccine.....for disease that isnt a childhood disease. Children are not forced to take a flu shot, yet the flu is deadlier for children.

Dr Z runs a podcast that will count as credit in nursing school, not only is he an expert, his base are all experts. Doctors and nurses have far more credibility here than politicains and corporate media vague "scientists". I hate to break this to you, but a doctor with loads of education and experience who runs an educational podcast for and about the medical community has far more cred than corporate media and jim Crow Joe biden, who finally found a way to segregate the public without being held accountable.

The experts are not your leftwing politicains and their corporate croneys, Sindy. Maybe ask yourself how the left started doing everything they used to oppose and start there. Corporate fascists are lame. Cheering on the government censoring people, committing war crimes, and forcing the people to put something in their body is pretty intense. You guys have become what you claim the right wing is.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I have a nose

did it is a runny nose ?
because one just ran by

Hey bitch ass, you're a disarmed faggit! :Sad:

that would fuck your wifes slimey joo pitt like a REAL MAN ! :LOL3: :LOL3:
were like the last YNCr that still post here on a semi-reg schedule

what does that say?
I have a nose

did it is a runny nose ?
because one just ran by

Hey bitch ass, you're a disarmed faggit! :Sad:

that would fuck your wifes slimey joo pitt like a REAL MAN ! :LOL3: :LOL3:
were like the last YNCr that still post here on a semi-reg schedule

what does that say?

that the joo pitt GIVES ME POWER !! :LOL3:

sleep it off

how cums you dislikes moi Jeannie ?
Cause you're a cucknadian faggit, dummy.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
They are clearing the shots here this week ages 5-12yo..

Soon the anti vax division bias to pressure everyone to follow .. Big Pharma is evil greedy humanity killers..

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And its only Pfizer. Notice that?

Pfizer has also "invested" in the leftwing corporate media, as well they have bought some politicains.

So get ready to have medically unessesary boosters pushed on the public for all ages now and no vaccine options for anyone under 18 that isnt Pfizer for a while.

I want the J&J for my kids. I'm not giving them the Pfizer shit. Its helped create variants and it isnt providing great protection from variants. They'll take their time approving that one for kids while pushing the fuck out of Pfizer.

It's not about health. Its corporate fascism.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
They gonna have to fight me to jab my kids.

The brainwashed marketing crew will be screaming about "The Science" while shaming and gaslighting people for not getting shot up with Pfizer 5 times a year.

Smdh. Partisan politics legit turned people into irrational NPC level corporate goons. Who think politicains(who agree with them) are the gatekeepers to expert medical opinion....and educated and experienced doctors are to be scoffed at.

It's like the Twightlight Zone.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Is that a good reason to avoid the vaccine? If your answer is yes, and you Croke from covid, you’ll be a hero. Not so smart tho.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I hate kids you broke moron. Rape any Asians lately? How about a health plan for your ailing old lady? She probably ran off with the mailman. Assembly Line workers don’t make shit.
Is that a good reason to avoid the vaccine? If your answer is yes, and you Croke from covid, you’ll be a hero. Not so smart tho.
Hey Slopey! Do you get the orphans vaxxed before you sell them to the Coyotes?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Is that a good reason to avoid the vaccine? If your answer is yes, and you Croke from covid, you’ll be a hero. Not so smart tho.

You understand that the survival rate is over 98% and that this whole pantomime has been exaggerated and over-hyped almost as much as the Hollowco$$t?

Sorry Scouse. I got jabbed last March, along with the card that says Im vaccinated. I guess if you don’t care about travel, you’re good.


An Claidheam Anam
I hate kids you broke moron. Rape any Asians lately? How about a health plan for your ailing old lady? She probably ran off with the mailman. Assembly Line workers don’t make shit.
Is that a good reason to avoid the vaccine? If your answer is yes, and you Croke from covid, you’ll be a hero. Not so smart tho.
Hey Slopey! Do you get the orphans vaxxed before you sell them to the Coyotes?

You're supposed to put your quote BELOW the previous poastings, dumbass.

And everyone knows you hate kids. That's why you kidnap them and chain them to the wall of your compound and sell them to Coyote human traffickers. Duh!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I care very deeply about the government coercing people to take a shot or give their children a shot against their will.

That's never gonna be okay. I'm pretty sure it's against the nuremburg code.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Mention kids anywhere when sewage is around and he immediately turns into a thirst trap with aspirations of rape and sodomy



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I hate kids you broke moron. Rape any Asians lately? How about a health plan for your ailing old lady? She probably ran off with the mailman. Assembly Line workers don’t make shit.
Is that a good reason to avoid the vaccine? If your answer is yes, and you Croke from covid, you’ll be a hero. Not so smart tho.
Hey Slopey! Do you get the orphans vaxxed before you sell them to the Coyotes?

You're supposed to put your quote BELOW the previous poastings, dumbass.

And everyone knows you hate kids. That's why you kidnap them and chain them to the wall of your compound and sell them to Coyote human traffickers. Duh!

Lets see your proof Mr. Fail. There is more adult pussy here than the miles you walk to work. Locals, and tourist. How would a rust belt fool know this? When raping an Asian, do you prefer Chinese, Japanese, Cambodian? Slope is always on your mind. No wonder the old lady sleeps with the mailman. Go cry loser.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Mention kids anywhere when sewage is around and he immediately turns into a thirst trap with aspirations of rape and sodomy


Most are just your size Stubby. FloriDUH and it’s theme parks… A dwarfs dream