Jonathan Harris explains Critical Race Theory, in one painting

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
The idea of being educated about history is to understand where we've been to avoid going there again in the future.

Why do white people want to start a race war to simply avoid knowing the truth about the past?

Theres a difference between educated and indoctrinated. Now bare in mind that I am in the UK and we have a fuck ton of history.

In one lesson we learned about the indian wars, very basic stuff, the trail of tears, wounded knee, little big horn etc in one lesson. And that is enough, seriously it is. If you raise kids you dont want a doom laden heritage or it wont unite people but divide and escalate conflit. I was taught this 100 years after the indian wars ended. Most people will learn more as they go through life depending on interest.
I'm qualified Economist and intrested in history, so I now know that after 1776 that King George wanted to keep the colonials pegged in between Vancouver and Louisiana along the Apalachian line. It was the Loisiana purchase that opened up the west for colonisation and the mississippi water ways for trade in Cotton etc.

Most people dont need to know all this stuff, they want to be left alone to live their lives. You are the problem with your political monomania which drives extremism. Because most people regardless if they are semi vegative dunces can soon work out that "none of that shit had anything to do with me." They know instinctivley that collective guilt and historical guilt are bad eggs peddled by extremists.

I chose the injuns here but could do black history (lesson not month),Britain with others established the Trans atlantic slave trade, that is not unique though. Britain abolished slavery, that is unique which if continually foisted in peoples face can easily flip people from white guilt to white pride.

You are just trying to stay politicly relevent as all the civil rights have "righted", problem is your not and now you are counter productive. This is te corrosive effect of I dentity politics.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
That admin guy. He sure loves devouring cock whole you know

He's currently saving up to buy this chandelier;



Domestically feral
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United states
The idea of being educated about history is to understand where we've been to avoid going there again in the future.

Why do white people want to start a race war to simply avoid knowing the truth about the past?

Theres a difference between educated and indoctrinated. Now bare in mind that I am in the UK and we have a fuck ton of history.

In one lesson we learned about the indian wars, very basic stuff, the trail of tears, wounded knee, little big horn etc in one lesson. And that is enough, seriously it is. If you raise kids you dont want a doom laden heritage or it wont unite people but divide and escalate conflit. I was taught this 100 years after the indian wars ended. Most people will learn more as they go through life depending on interest.
I'm qualified Economist and intrested in history, so I now know that after 1776 that King George wanted to keep the colonials pegged in between Vancouver and Louisiana along the Apalachian line. It was the Loisiana purchase that opened up the west for colonisation and the mississippi water ways for trade in Cotton etc.

Most people dont need to know all this stuff, they want to be left alone to live their lives. You are the problem with your political monomania which drives extremism. Because most people regardless if they are semi vegative dunces can soon work out that "none of that shit had anything to do with me." They know instinctivley that collective guilt and historical guilt are bad eggs peddled by extremists.

I chose the injuns here but could do black history (lesson not month),Britain with others established the Trans atlantic slave trade, that is not unique though. Britain abolished slavery, that is unique which if continually foisted in peoples face can easily flip people from white guilt to white pride.

You are just trying to stay politicly relevent as all the civil rights have "righted", problem is your not and now you are counter productive. This is te corrosive effect of I dentity politics.

This is absolutely dead on.

The problem is, we already teach history. CRT is not history. Teaching history from this equity/CRT perspective IS taking us backwards and teaching hatred and racism.

Shit like teaching kids that police are racist murderers is fucking vile. Absolutely VILE. These people are so brainwashed into this race cult they see that as a reasonable thing to do.

This religious belief called CRT cannot with stand genuine scrutiny so the labels and accusations of racism and "internalized racism" are taught ahead to sheild it from reasonable scrunity. That's not history. That's what CULTS do. All outsiders are corrupt and evil and question or reject these beliefs because they are corrupt and evil. When in reality.....its because these concepts are toxic gas lighting garbage that cherry pick history and current events to build a false narrative.

It's a hate cult. It literally teaches hate. I've said many times that if the left disappeared would all these psycho race issues. They create it and convince people it's a thing so they can stay relevant, as you said. They need some dragon to slay.

Because they sure the fuck cannot win based on their platforms and policies. They need to win by ruthlessly smearing and attacking opposition and fostering hatred. And this CRT narrative they wanna teach is intended to dismantle the countries liberal order and give the government more power and control of our lives.

Reading the materials, it's obvious Marxism and equity is just communism. There is absolutely no concern about resolving any race issues. Race is just a tool to use to divide and conquer.

The scary part is how willing people are to embrace hate and bad info like this. How weak minded you have to be. They want to teach from this premise in school so that the next generation is brainwashed into "activism" and it will be easier to remove our rights and liberties for "racial justice".


Philosopher King
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West Coast
The idea of being educated about history is to understand where we've been to avoid going there again in the future.

Why do white people want to start a race war to simply avoid knowing the truth about the past?

Theres a difference between educated and indoctrinated. Now bare in mind that I am in the UK and we have a fuck ton of history.

In one lesson we learned about the indian wars, very basic stuff, the trail of tears, wounded knee, little big horn etc in one lesson. And that is enough, seriously it is. If you raise kids you dont want a doom laden heritage or it wont unite people but divide and escalate conflit. I was taught this 100 years after the indian wars ended. Most people will learn more as they go through life depending on interest.
I'm qualified Economist and intrested in history, so I now know that after 1776 that King George wanted to keep the colonials pegged in between Vancouver and Louisiana along the Apalachian line. It was the Loisiana purchase that opened up the west for colonisation and the mississippi water ways for trade in Cotton etc.

Most people dont need to know all this stuff, they want to be left alone to live their lives. You are the problem with your political monomania which drives extremism. Because most people regardless if they are semi vegative dunces can soon work out that "none of that shit had anything to do with me." They know instinctivley that collective guilt and historical guilt are bad eggs peddled by extremists.

I chose the injuns here but could do black history (lesson not month),Britain with others established the Trans atlantic slave trade, that is not unique though. Britain abolished slavery, that is unique which if continually foisted in peoples face can easily flip people from white guilt to white pride.

You are just trying to stay politicly relevent as all the civil rights have "righted", problem is your not and now you are counter productive. This is te corrosive effect of I dentity politics.

Just to clarify your comparative views of history, I see from this side of the Pond that one effect of English colonialism has been an influx of darker-skinned and ...let's say, less European ccultured... wogs and nogs and the like from places like India and the middle east, even the Caribbean, into London and other cities, where they seem to have become assimilated more easily than they have in continental European countries like France, the Netherlands, etc. So you don't seem to have the visible effects of systemic racism to the degree we Yanks do. My question is, is this an optical illusion? Do real AngloSaxons and Norman English in the UK actually view these more recent immigrants as equals as far as entitlement goes?

ETA: make that "entitlement and rights"
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Sea says you live in FloriDUH for many reasons. You perverted dwarf.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
Site Supporter ☠️
TERF Island.
So you don't seem to have the visible effects of systemic racism to the degree we Yanks do. My question is, is this an optical illusion? Do real AngloSaxons and Norman English in the UK actually view these more recent immigrants as equals as far as entitlement goes?

ETA: make that "entitlement and rights"

I honestly do not understand what you are saying. What exactly is systemic racism? What measures are you using?

"Anglo-Saxons and norman English" lol what? Your referencing groups from over 900 years ago, you can only do that with castles, place names and sometims names if you know what you are looking for.

As equals as far as entitlements and rights go? What entitlements? what rights?

Your not making any sense here, seriously it reads like gibberish. needs more clarifying.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
lmao -- looks like no nose is being taken out to the wood shed now



Domestically feral
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United states
So you don't seem to have the visible effects of systemic racism to the degree we Yanks do. My question is, is this an optical illusion? Do real AngloSaxons and Norman English in the UK actually view these more recent immigrants as equals as far as entitlement goes?

ETA: make that "entitlement and rights"

I honestly do not understand what you are saying. What exactly is systemic racism? What measures are you using?

"Anglo-Saxons and norman English" lol what? Your referencing groups from over 900 years ago, you can only do that with castles, place names and sometims names if you know what you are looking for.

As equals as far as entitlements and rights go? What entitlements? what rights?

From what I've learned from the woke doctrine(the books on CRT written by CRT writers and that horrible racism "white fragility" book)..."system racism" is Americas liberal order. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The bad marxist logic here is these things were established by white colonists (who are ruthlessly demonized, btw....its a very unbalanced perspective) and thusly they were designed to benefit WHITE people(which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, literally everyone benefits from the Constitution and liberal order).

Basically freedom, individual liberties and rights are systemic racism.

I'm answering this because not a single person who believes in this religion ever will. And the only valid examples of "systemic racism" you could possibly point to are democrat policies. Even calling that systemic racism is a stretch. But I would say that opposing inner city minority children from having access to a decent education, the crime bill and war on drugs which has a higher impact on black people and also the welfare system that destroyed the black family....2A regulations that prevent poor black people from having access to their rights....could be called systemic racism.

But what they are standing on is the rebranded communist manifesto where race is used to divide and destroy the country and chip our rights away.

In MY experience when you ask any of them to clarify the gibberish, point out they arent making sense, ask for examples and try to discuss it....they get angry and become insulting. Anyone who struggles to understand this or criticizes it is treated as some ignorant and stupid enemy and racist.

This is why I call it a cult. It behaves just like a toxic cult. I have seen people go from kind, rational being radicalized, angry and hateful as they delve into this belief structure.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
So you don't seem to have the visible effects of systemic racism to the degree we Yanks do. My question is, is this an optical illusion? Do real AngloSaxons and Norman English in the UK actually view these more recent immigrants as equals as far as entitlement goes?

ETA: make that "entitlement and rights"

I honestly do not understand what you are saying. What exactly is systemic racism? What measures are you using?

"Anglo-Saxons and norman English" lol what? Your referencing groups from over 900 years ago, you can only do that with castles, place names and sometims names if you know what you are looking for.

As equals as far as entitlements and rights go? What entitlements? what rights?

Your not making any sense here, seriously it reads like gibberish. needs more clarifying.

No problem, happy to give it a shot.

Here in the US, the upper class makes distinctions between white people and there are hierarchies of social credibility. I don't really know if that is the case in the UK. Since you are professing some familiarity with north American history I am seeking to improve my own familiarity with the history of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales so I might see for myself if there are systemic barriers there to class mobility.

By "Anglo-Saxons and Norman English" I am indeed referring to those bloodlines, the people whose ancestors have inhabited the place for 900 years or more.

By entitlements and rights I'm referring to the Magna Carta and I'm referring to the same questions we have here regarding our own founding documents, namely, how much of it is real and how much is bullshit.

By systemic racism, I will start by saying that there have been periods in US history where not only blacks but also various groups of white Europeans (Irish, Germans, Poles, Italians, etc) as well as Jews, have been overtly and systematically discriminated against by the oligarcchy. And there have been legal, financial, and social systems to facilitate it, not to mention extra-legal stuff such as lynching.

Lemme know if you need more splainin.


Domestically feral
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United states
Specific examples would help. And specific MODERN examples. Not stuff that happened 70 years ago.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
What about systemic no-noseism ?

is that a thing?

I hope not

touches my nose and smiles with a sigh of relief

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
According to noodle spazzoids who suck cock all the time Trump is a racist

They believe this despite being unable to produce so much as a single direct quote or action which even so much as hints of racism in him



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
The idea of being educated about history is to understand where we've been to avoid going there again in the future.

Why do white people want to start a race war to simply avoid knowing the truth about the past?

Theres a difference between educated and indoctrinated. Now bare in mind that I am in the UK and we have a fuck ton of history.

In one lesson we learned about the indian wars, very basic stuff, the trail of tears, wounded knee, little big horn etc in one lesson. And that is enough, seriously it is. If you raise kids you dont want a doom laden heritage or it wont unite people but divide and escalate conflit. I was taught this 100 years after the indian wars ended. Most people will learn more as they go through life depending on interest.
I'm qualified Economist and intrested in history, so I now know that after 1776 that King George wanted to keep the colonials pegged in between Vancouver and Louisiana along the Apalachian line. It was the Loisiana purchase that opened up the west for colonisation and the mississippi water ways for trade in Cotton etc.

Most people dont need to know all this stuff, they want to be left alone to live their lives. You are the problem with your political monomania which drives extremism. Because most people regardless if they are semi vegative dunces can soon work out that "none of that shit had anything to do with me." They know instinctivley that collective guilt and historical guilt are bad eggs peddled by extremists.

I chose the injuns here but could do black history (lesson not month),Britain with others established the Trans atlantic slave trade, that is not unique though. Britain abolished slavery, that is unique which if continually foisted in peoples face can easily flip people from white guilt to white pride.

You are just trying to stay politicly relevent as all the civil rights have "righted", problem is your not and now you are counter productive. This is te corrosive effect of I dentity politics.

Who are you to decide one lesson is enough to encapsulate the entire history of Native Americans on these two continents?


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
Hey guise -- black people across the country cannot afford to eat meat anymore

but rest assured their kids are learning to hate white people in their failing school systems

they won't know how to read or white at an appropriate grade level when they are pushed through to graduation but they will NOE SLAVERY tho

cause, you know, we never learned about that before
That’s just silly. Start making sense of it all.

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I often wonder how much farther ahead we would ALL be if you people actually gave a fuck about the stuff you claim to rather then just being emotionally investing in hating and lying about us.
“You people” and “Us” isn’t what Americans need right now. Unity is the only way to make a stand against the enemy.

Yeah it's not happening. You cant unify with liars. Especailly ones who have made half the country their enemies ......its not gonna happen.

Unify with people who are spewing hate and supporting our rights being taken and driving the country thanks.
Sounds like you need to divorce America, and GTFO!
Sounds like you need to keep your noodle neck back at the gloryhole
Cock sucka saaaa whaaaaaa?


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Aidsman sukin only black cawk is racist! He should suck yellow tranny cawk too!
I think Biggie is having an impact on your sexuality. Truth be told!
I think you're far too sensitive about Aidsman getting pimp slapped.
Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just stating as I see it. Biggie the hommusexual is having an impact on the blokes that could be fruity. Lol


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Aidsman sukin only black cawk is racist! He should suck yellow tranny cawk too!
I think Biggie is having an impact on your sexuality. Truth be told!
I think you're far too sensitive about Aidsman getting pimp slapped.
Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just stating as I see it. Biggie the hommusexual is having an impact on the blokes that could be fruity. Lol

I suppose that's something he can brag about. I attract all the homos and don't know why...

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Aidsman sukin only black cawk is racist! He should suck yellow tranny cawk too!
I think Biggie is having an impact on your sexuality. Truth be told!
I think you sniffing your daughter's panties is having an impact on her personal development. Truth be told!
I think you’re delusional you paedophile….
I think that sniffing your daughter's panties is sickening and you should be confined to a deep dark place before you really start to act out on your sick sexual urges

I do

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Aidsman sukin only black cawk is racist! He should suck yellow tranny cawk too!
I think Biggie is having an impact on your sexuality. Truth be told!
I think you're far too sensitive about Aidsman getting pimp slapped.
Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just stating as I see it. Biggie the hommusexual is having an impact on the blokes that could be fruity. Lol

I suppose that's something he can brag about. I attract all the homos and don't know why...
Meanwhile you're big enough to attract small moons into your orbit, whale


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Aidsman sukin only black cawk is racist! He should suck yellow tranny cawk too!
I think Biggie is having an impact on your sexuality. Truth be told!
I think you're far too sensitive about Aidsman getting pimp slapped.
Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just stating as I see it. Biggie the hommusexual is having an impact on the blokes that could be fruity. Lol

I suppose that's something he can brag about. I attract all the homos and don't know why...
You have class, you have style…that’s something that can be lacking around here you beautiful being.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Aidsman sukin only black cawk is racist! He should suck yellow tranny cawk too!
I think Biggie is having an impact on your sexuality. Truth be told!
I think you're far too sensitive about Aidsman getting pimp slapped.
Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just stating as I see it. Biggie the hommusexual is having an impact on the blokes that could be fruity. Lol

I suppose that's something he can brag about. I attract all the homos and don't know why...
Meanwhile you're big enough to attract small moons into your orbit, whale

You sit around letting men lick your ass, balls and dick and don't put a stop to it, HOMO.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Aidsman sukin only black cawk is racist! He should suck yellow tranny cawk too!
I think Biggie is having an impact on your sexuality. Truth be told!
I think you sniffing your daughter's panties is having an impact on her personal development. Truth be told!
I think you’re delusional you paedophile….
I think that sniffing your daughter's panties is sickening and you should be confined to a deep dark place before you really start to act out on your sick sexual urges

I do
I think anyone trolling paedophilia is a serious candidate. Troll more.