King Martini's time in prison and his crimes against minors.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Woo-Kay. Who else is known for creating alts with Bonesaw’s name? Other than Pickles
You do know nobody but you likes bonesaw, yes?

Well Danger liked him too because he was quick to come up with words that started with the letter Q, but that's besides the point..


Bastard of the Century
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I think accusing someone of being inappropriate with an adolescent is more than simple gossip. Maybe that's just me.

Yeah, no, I'm not even going to dignify that kind of shite with a comment.

Some people take all the fun out of being on an anonymous forum.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
You do know nobody but you likes bonesaw, yes?

Well Danger liked him too because he was quick to come up with words that started with the letter Q, but that's besides the point..

I like Bonesaw. He's quarrelsome, sure, but he's also quippy.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
I like Bonesaw. He's quarrelsome, sure, but he's also quippy.
No he's not.

Bonesaw got dropped on his head so much as a child it was what he relatives would look forward to at family get together.

Eat some pie, then climb to the roof and drop bonesaw head first onto the concrete.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
I apologize. I misunderstood who you were responding to; it does take the fun out of it all.

No sweat, lass.

I'm just not a big fan of trying to legitimize/delegitimize matters I can never truly know anything about.

I'm not in the habit of feeding trolls. I mean, aside from that Nazi numbskull for whom I keep my basement stocked with a lifetime supply of Special Aryan Kibbles.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
No sweat, lass.

I'm just not a big fan of trying to legitimize/delegitimize matters I can never truly know anything about.

I'm not in the habit of feeding trolls. I mean, aside from that Nazi numbskull for whom I keep my basement stocked with a lifetime supply of Special Aryan Kibbles.

I would argue that she managed to troll herself over the last 24-36 hours.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Only every single time I've scrolled today you've been sat here and responding within minutes.

So it sure looks like you have been here all day, Oak. Talking about this same shit.

No one cares what you "see". You have a personal problem with me so shocker you see a "liar". If it's bad and you can attach it to me you will. I'm a shit mom. I'm a skank. I do manner of evil. I scam. SURPRISE I'm a liar. I probably started the kkk and did the holocaust and killed your grandma.

Save it. You would defend Jeffery Dhamer is he showed up here and started insulting me.

All because I didnt let you bully me and control how I post. Ridiculous.

OMG call CNN... Oak has another observation of why I'm horrible!

I've said the same damn thing for years. If you knew a liar when you see one, you would your buddies Poofer and Murd are the biggest liars here but you suck up to them and excuse the shit they do because they insult someone you have an irrational hatred for. It's sad.

Bitch, the Lucky Charms elf and Attila The Hun could be insulting you and I would side with them in a fucking heartbeat you drama filled cunt.

You are fucked in the head and you need to log your sorry mentally ill ass off and find some serious counseling.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
Fagtini my be a lowlife weasal but allegations of KP need either evidence or first hand witness account.

I skipped all pages after first to last have I missed anything.
Very suspious if you ask me, CockMonster.

Are you also in rl a monster to helpless victims? You predator swine.

I saw you lerkin' and jerkin' on 4chan. Just saying.