Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I'm not understanding RAVEN's FuckU response, or realgrimm's censorship characterization. I had suggested editing a forum description and moving one thread to another thread only. Editing a forum description at your discretion, is not censorship. Moving a thread is not equivalent to deleting it, or to censoring it.

Don't take it personally CW, cuz I like you :) I happened to notice that you made your "suggestion" after being on another site where some 2-bit soy boi fairy faggot was complaining about the Death thread here. :Whaaa:Sniffle... "gore is worse than porn", he said!! Who gives a flying fuck what someone's opinion is from a different site? Happens too often now that "controversial" shite is removed, moved or censored because some crybaby doesn't like it!

Site after site I used to visit are now going PC.. This is the only place left that hasn't jumped on that bandwagon and I'd like to see it stay that way :) Hope you understand that lol.. If it will ease your feelz, I'll remove my FUCK YOU emoji, tho :) lol

I'm not offended by the FuckU, I'm pretty sure BF might have given my post one of those too if he thought it suggested censorship. I just wondered why. Ty for the response.
My reason for the suggestion had more to do with possibly attracting new members than anything else. Through consolidation and efficiency, I might add. ; )
Maybe realgrimm is correct in his hysterical hypothesis that users want more on-topic forums, not less. It hasn't proved to be so in the past, but it is theoretical possible. Maybe they need subjects provided for them cuz they can't think of anything to type otherwise?
I guess in the end it's BF's board and whatever he decides will help it grow is what counts the most. I just hate to see this site go down the PC route like every other site on the net. Being able to say and post whatever you want is what sets this site apart from the rest, imo, and hoping that isn't lost here. I mean, what's next to go after the gore/death? Should we get rid of everything that's considered taboo? Where does it end?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I'm not understanding RAVEN's FuckU response, or realgrimm's censorship characterization. I had suggested editing a forum description and moving one thread to another thread only. Editing a forum description at your discretion, is not censorship. Moving a thread is not equivalent to deleting it, or to censoring it.

Don't take it personally CW, cuz I like you :) I happened to notice that you made your "suggestion" after being on another site where some 2-bit soy boi fairy faggot was complaining about the Death thread here. :Whaaa:Sniffle... "gore is worse than porn", he said!! Who gives a flying fuck what someone's opinion is from a different site? Happens too often now that "controversial" shite is removed, moved or censored because some crybaby doesn't like it!

Site after site I used to visit are now going PC.. This is the only place left that hasn't jumped on that bandwagon and I'd like to see it stay that way :) Hope you understand that lol.. If it will ease your feelz, I'll remove my FUCK YOU emoji, tho :) lol

I'm not offended by the FuckU, I'm pretty sure BF might have given my post one of those too if he thought it suggested censorship. I just wondered why. Ty for the response.
My reason for the suggestion had more to do with possibly attracting new members than anything else. Through consolidation and efficiency, I might add. ; )
Maybe realgrimm is correct in his hysterical hypothesis that users want more on-topic forums, not less. It hasn't proved to be so in the past, but it is theoretical possible. Maybe they need subjects provided for them cuz they can't think of anything to type otherwise?
I guess in the end it's BF's board and whatever he decides will help it grow is what counts the most. I just hate to see this site go down the PC route like every other site on the net. Being able to say and post whatever you want is what sets this site apart from the rest, imo, and hoping that isn't lost here. I mean, what's next to go after the gore/death? Should we get rid of everything that's considered taboo? Where does it end?

Quick question: Why is being a colossal asshole so important to some people? This PC thing, is it how you behave in public? Do you speak like that to people in real life?

Please don't take this as an attack, I want to understand how people think it's acceptable to behave.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I'm not understanding RAVEN's FuckU response, or realgrimm's censorship characterization. I had suggested editing a forum description and moving one thread to another thread only. Editing a forum description at your discretion, is not censorship. Moving a thread is not equivalent to deleting it, or to censoring it.

Don't take it personally CW, cuz I like you :) I happened to notice that you made your "suggestion" after being on another site where some 2-bit soy boi fairy faggot was complaining about the Death thread here. :Whaaa:Sniffle... "gore is worse than porn", he said!! Who gives a flying fuck what someone's opinion is from a different site? Happens too often now that "controversial" shite is removed, moved or censored because some crybaby doesn't like it!

Site after site I used to visit are now going PC.. This is the only place left that hasn't jumped on that bandwagon and I'd like to see it stay that way :) Hope you understand that lol.. If it will ease your feelz, I'll remove my FUCK YOU emoji, tho :) lol

I'm not offended by the FuckU, I'm pretty sure BF might have given my post one of those too if he thought it suggested censorship. I just wondered why. Ty for the response.
My reason for the suggestion had more to do with possibly attracting new members than anything else. Through consolidation and efficiency, I might add. ; )
Maybe realgrimm is correct in his hysterical hypothesis that users want more on-topic forums, not less. It hasn't proved to be so in the past, but it is theoretical possible. Maybe they need subjects provided for them cuz they can't think of anything to type otherwise?
I guess in the end it's BF's board and whatever he decides will help it grow is what counts the most. I just hate to see this site go down the PC route like every other site on the net. Being able to say and post whatever you want is what sets this site apart from the rest, imo, and hoping that isn't lost here. I mean, what's next to go after the gore/death? Should we get rid of everything that's considered taboo? Where does it end?

Quick question: Why is being a colossal asshole so important to some people? This PC thing, is it how you behave in public? Do you speak like that to people in real life?

Please don't take this as an attack, I want to understand how people think it's acceptable to behave.
Welp.. Lil... Since you're one of the biggest assholes on this site, I'm sure you could answer your own damn question ;)


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I'm not understanding RAVEN's FuckU response, or realgrimm's censorship characterization. I had suggested editing a forum description and moving one thread to another thread only. Editing a forum description at your discretion, is not censorship. Moving a thread is not equivalent to deleting it, or to censoring it.

Don't take it personally CW, cuz I like you :) I happened to notice that you made your "suggestion" after being on another site where some 2-bit soy boi fairy faggot was complaining about the Death thread here. :Whaaa:Sniffle... "gore is worse than porn", he said!! Who gives a flying fuck what someone's opinion is from a different site? Happens too often now that "controversial" shite is removed, moved or censored because some crybaby doesn't like it!

Site after site I used to visit are now going PC.. This is the only place left that hasn't jumped on that bandwagon and I'd like to see it stay that way :) Hope you understand that lol.. If it will ease your feelz, I'll remove my FUCK YOU emoji, tho :) lol

I'm not offended by the FuckU, I'm pretty sure BF might have given my post one of those too if he thought it suggested censorship. I just wondered why. Ty for the response.
My reason for the suggestion had more to do with possibly attracting new members than anything else. Through consolidation and efficiency, I might add. ; )
Maybe realgrimm is correct in his hysterical hypothesis that users want more on-topic forums, not less. It hasn't proved to be so in the past, but it is theoretical possible. Maybe they need subjects provided for them cuz they can't think of anything to type otherwise?
I guess in the end it's BF's board and whatever he decides will help it grow is what counts the most. I just hate to see this site go down the PC route like every other site on the net. Being able to say and post whatever you want is what sets this site apart from the rest, imo, and hoping that isn't lost here. I mean, what's next to go after the gore/death? Should we get rid of everything that's considered taboo? Where does it end?

Quick question: Why is being a colossal asshole so important to some people? This PC thing, is it how you behave in public? Do you speak like that to people in real life?

Please don't take this as an attack, I want to understand how people think it's acceptable to behave.
Welp.. Lil... Since you're one of the biggest assholes on this site, I'm sure you could answer your own damn question ;)

I see, you don't have an answer. Coward. You just won't acknowledge that you want to read ludicrous atrocious garbage day in and day out. It's not just you it's any of the people screaming "PC". If you all are so un PC be badasses and do your thing in public.

Believe it or not, if someone in public gives me grief, I don't back down. I'm not terribly different. The only difference is that I don't think the public square is the place to have discussions. If I'm at the grocery store, pharmacy, library, restaurant, etc it's not appropriate to discuss most anything with strangers.

At none of those places do I bash anyone at all.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
What's the first thing you're going to do? Go to Disneyland?

Did you just accuse X of being a groomer?

No freak. It's an inside joke. In the US whenever a sports team wins a championship there's ads where they're asked "Now that you've won the SuperBowl, etc, what are you doing next?

The answer is always "Going to Disneyland"

You have sick shit on your brain.

Again with the PEEEEEDO shit from Aryan @Bastard Factory


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I came to this thread to answer CW in a legit convo UNTIL this fucking miserable PIG had to come in here and fuck this thread up.. Funny, she's taking well advantage of NOT being PC, but jacking this thread doing it haha.. What a total dumb fuck!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I came to this thread to answer CW in a legit convo UNTIL this fucking miserable PIG had to come in here and fuck this thread up.. Funny, she's taking well advantage of NOT being PC, but jacking this thread doing it haha.. What a total dumb fuck!!!

I think asking people why they're afraid to be their asshole selves in public is legitimate.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
My personality on this site is my personality in my real life.. which is pretty damn nice EXCEPT to loathsome fucking pigs like you ;) lol Now.. Go fuck off.. you've bored me enough today.. thanks :) :)


Site Supporter
Look at snitchy Lily, doing what she does best.

Everyone knows that Disney in this day and age is nonce central.

Sorry that you libtards are allergic to facts.
faCT is as she says .... its a VERY common question asked when a monumentous occasion has occured ....


Site Supporter
I act the same way in public ... if people are in my way with shopping carts I politely ask do you not have manners in your counrtry I mean I know shoes mite ne a bit of a strtech but manners ....


Site Supporter
aryan just upset things arent what they are anymore .... luckily we have the webz now fer the release or I suspect a analurism


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I act the same way in public ... if people are in my way with shopping carts I politely ask do you not have manners in your counrtry I mean I know shoes mite ne a bit of a strtech but manners ....

I typically say, "pardon me, but could you let me by" things of that nature. But both my parents were/are Southerners and we were raised right in terms of good manners and hospitality.

But fuck with me...and it's another matter altogether.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
I'm not understanding RAVEN's FuckU response, or realgrimm's censorship characterization. I had suggested editing a forum description and moving one thread to another thread only. Editing a forum description at your discretion, is not censorship. Moving a thread is not equivalent to deleting it, or to censoring it.

I'm not interested in your feedback, who are you again?..


An Claidheam Anam
For what it's worth, it's a difficult needle you're trying to thread. It's sort of a mixed message to want creative or at least entertaining content and then also be "bastards".

If I had a better understanding of how "good content" is defined, it could help bring your vision to fruition.

One person's idea of "content" is another person's idea of a snoozefest.

There's "content" and there is "dreck" dear. "Content" is what people will actually read, "Dreck" is what people scroll past.

A good measure to see who might poast "content" versus who might poast "dreck" is to look at the reaction ratings of any individual.

Reaction ratings mean nothing when the forum has gone through an entrenched period of political polarization.

Of course, dear. They mean nothing at all and it's all because of entrenched political polarization. Got it. Here's what your profile says:

"This member limits who may view their full profile."

Who does that?

This board leans heavily right of center. Please don't play stupid.

As to the second and irrelevant question: A lot of people apparently. I don't recall doing that deliberately. However, what's that got to do with polarization?

Your definition of "leans heavily right of center" is quite different from mine, but then, I don't live in an insular bubble of groupthink like moast of you people do.


> you
Site Supporter ☠️
. o O
For what it's worth, it's a difficult needle you're trying to thread. It's sort of a mixed message to want creative or at least entertaining content and then also be "bastards".

If I had a better understanding of how "good content" is defined, it could help bring your vision to fruition.

One person's idea of "content" is another person's idea of a snoozefest.

Great question thanks you.

We are not a politcs forum... Politcal members have seeded themselves here and can be removed with a total ban on Politics with the exception of news... get politcal we have a problem..but that would fix politcs at BF.

Then Meltdown.. We are not a flame forum, I know I know Bastard Factory.. doesnt mean flame forum.. but we got people who just want to fight/rage on for years and that s it.

Then we got these types..

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Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Two very busy off topic forums that move members to an exile (foubt it) or ban if theres an issue. We are dealing with members that wouldnt make it long in these two places. I dont ban and maybe we need to to get better OFF TOPIC convos.

I think you're right. People have interpreted "Bastard Factory" to mean flame/fighting forum. The name sort of implies it.

The "Off Topic" forum had a slew of interesting thread titles and I think members here could bring interesting hobbies, interests, real life topics and focus on the subject matter and not the poster.

To be honest @Oerdin is pretty good at that. Not every subject he brings up is exciting or interesting, but many are at least interesting.

I walked away from my "Tree" thread in images because of a poster that was shitty in it. It's probably happened to a lot of people here. If people are shitty, why bother contributing?

I think people should keep the fighting in meltdown and more will since there's more sanctioning of anti-social behavior.

I think people interpret the word bastard as an invitation to be 'bad' site wide. Unfortunately, very few are capable of being so bad they're good (fun/humourous), so they just pretend they are and call it a day (lazy bastards).


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
For what it's worth, it's a difficult needle you're trying to thread. It's sort of a mixed message to want creative or at least entertaining content and then also be "bastards".

If I had a better understanding of how "good content" is defined, it could help bring your vision to fruition.

One person's idea of "content" is another person's idea of a snoozefest.

There's "content" and there is "dreck" dear. "Content" is what people will actually read, "Dreck" is what people scroll past.

A good measure to see who might poast "content" versus who might poast "dreck" is to look at the reaction ratings of any individual.

Reaction ratings mean nothing when the forum has gone through an entrenched period of political polarization.

Of course, dear. They mean nothing at all and it's all because of entrenched political polarization. Got it. Here's what your profile says:

"This member limits who may view their full profile."

Who does that?

This board leans heavily right of center. Please don't play stupid.

As to the second and irrelevant question: A lot of people apparently. I don't recall doing that deliberately. However, what's that got to do with polarization?

Your definition of "leans heavily right of center" is quite different from mine, but then, I don't live in an insular bubble of groupthink like moast of you people do.

Hey, don't blame me because they're both conservative and morons, which of course is rather redundant.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
