^^ Too long no one will read even the liars that say they have.
It’s just a yawn fest every time. It’s like….fucking relax and breathe. Enjoy yourself, stop trying to create a massive division here. That’s one of the worst traits that a woman can have in my opinion, one of argumentative verbal diarrhoea. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! Every retort is literally an essay…daily. That’s why she’s on ignore.
she suffers from complex ptsd and major anxiety disorder…. she is triggered
She is addicted to being triggered…. A trigger junkie if you will
I get that. It’s like she’s made all the wrong decisions during the first half and her life, but now is overcompensating with this self righteous air about her.
I am an adrenaline junkie, her trigger is like mine when I’m standing on a rocky point about to throw myself into 10 ft surf. The jump being the thread-starter and each wave surfed being the trigger. The only difference is that I leave feeling pumped and happy about it all, she leaves seemingly frustrated as ever.
Fucking crazy stuff!
It was hard for me when she turned super Christian because I had a major meltdown at a Christian Bible camp when I was 12. I freaked out when they started speaking in tongues and I called my mom and made her drive 12 hours to come and get me.
I tried because it got her sober and seeing her go through that was really hard. I had a relationship with her children, and the most with the child who was along for the ride.
But I was also dealing with a toxic divorce and I was starting to see how one sided the relationship was at that point. I didn’t have it to give to anyone else because I needed it for me, and that’s why she lashes out at me.
But it’s compiled with this delusion that she has been perpetuating for the better part of the past 15 years.
They protect her because of unresolved issues with their own mothers who needed to be rescued from something in their own lives.