
Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
If you think that posting a vaccine death of an individual who just so happened to be a bodybuilder is "homo-erotic" and your ass-pussy gets all moist from the photo, it's evident that you're the one with homosex on the brain...

No wonder you keep claiming "there's nothing wrong with faggotry".
A no you.

Face it, you little queer, the cats out the bag with your faggotry and don’t try to spin shit to try and make your faggotness seem chic.

And just because you love a dick in your mouth and are probably salivating at the thought of a big fresh cock, you mouth watering pillow gummer, don’t get it twisted. We have one rule here, to each his own. And just because you enjoy getting your ass punctured like a pin cushion from shlongs, we, as a society have to accept faggots like you.

Don’t deflect your faggot, faggot. Just be yourself, queen.


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
A no you.

Face it, you little queer, the cats out the bag with your faggotry and don’t try to spin shit to try and make your faggotness seem chic.

And just because you love a dick in your mouth and are probably salivating at the thought of a big fresh cock, you mouth watering pillow gummer, don’t get it twisted. We have one rule here, to each his own. And just because you enjoy getting your ass punctured like a pin cushion from shlongs, we, as a society have to accept faggots like you.

Don’t deflect your faggot, faggot. Just be yourself, queen.
Get off my forum faggot!
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
A no you.

Face it, you little queer, the cats out the bag with your faggotry and don’t try to spin shit to try and make your faggotness seem chic.

And just because you love a dick in your mouth and are probably salivating at the thought of a big fresh cock, you mouth watering pillow gummer, don’t get it twisted. We have one rule here, to each his own. And just because you enjoy getting your ass punctured like a pin cushion from shlongs, we, as a society have to accept faggots like you.

Don’t deflect your faggot, faggot. Just be yourself, queen.
You literally came up with the "yUor ghey!!!1" insult out of thin air, basically pulling it out of your Walmart carrierbag of unimaginary flaming tricks, which you keep firmly lodged up your ass.

You, my bloated little bullshit merchant, are a self-admitted, 50 yr old Fortnite player, (aka groomer) who preys on impressionable teenage boys and in an effort to absolve yourself of the guilt, you regularly proclaim how "there's nothing wrong with faggotry".

Clearly you think there is, otherwise you wouldn't constantly project your sexual fetish onto others, but unfortunately the shame hasn't been enough to sway you from your craving of teen cock....

What do the kids call you again? The Fortnite Fondler? :LOL3:
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Have kink will travel.
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Sure but I can't think of anyone other than you who's really curious about how they taste.

Wait... maybe Frood.
He could compare your findings to his own shiny left nad.

For science.

I had my nads tattooed blue so they never shine anymore.... though they do slap together and follow the beat for the Smurfs theme song.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
What I find strange and disturbing is a distinct lack of quoting/linking objective sources in regard to a rise or fall in prevalence of myocarditis and other health issues -especially among otherwise healthy adults and children- alleged to be associated with the new mRNA vaccines.

Surely a little empirical data would go a long way toward settling this.
Because it's a waste of time when arguing with the leftist fuckwits on here. It makes no difference how much information you provide to cement your argument, they'll either ignore it or find some excuse about why it should be dismissed.

Take Lily for instance, she recently asked me to backup my claim that many jews are anti-white and when I provided numerous examples, she moved the goalposts and branded it "anecdotal evidence" and started rambling on about how I shouldn't care because there are 7 billion people on the planet.

Moral of the story, arguing with idiots is a waste of time. This is the main reason why Biggie trolled them, these people are allergic to facts and refuse to listen to anything which defies the woke SJW narrative, regardless of the evidence presented.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Because it's a waste of time when arguing with the leftist fuckwits on here. It makes no difference how much information you provide to cement your argument, they'll either ignore it or find some excuse about why it should be dismissed.

Making a case isn't always only about whomever you're currently poasting to.

Others will also see those poasts, read something they might not have otherwise, perhaps even see a few things in a new light and begin to revise their thinking about issues that have broad implications.

You can *force* people to *act* differently through violence or coercion...
...but to change their thinking you can only show them the path and hope they take it.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Ok goys, nothing to see here!!! Politicians, comedians and sportsman collapse on TV all the time!



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Having worked on NIH and CDC funded health project for most of my career, I can tell you for a fact that there is no one that works for those organizations who isn't in it for the health and well-being of the American people.

There is no huge financial payoff for those people that work to improve the health of the American people. Rarely are they recognized and most don't seek recognition. But a vastly uniformed public gets the "Googles" and thinks they know everything.

Frankly, that's one thing about this whole pandemic that has made me grit my teeth.

No no no what? To my experience working directly with people in those organizations?


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
For fucks sakes...

Yeah everyone in those organizations is deliberately trying to murder not just Americans but the entire human population.

They failed


Well, that escalated quickly.

So your position is: **UNLESS** EVERYone at the CDC is DELIBERATELY trying to MURDER THE WORLD...

...everything's fine and we should just shut up and do what the gubmint tells us?

Ah, no. Sorry.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Well, that escalated quickly.

So your position is: **UNLESS** EVERYone at the CDC is DELIBERATELY trying to MURDER THE WORLD...

...everything's fine and we should just shut up and do what the gubmint tells us?

Ah, no. Sorry.

No, that's not what I said. I was just being highly sarcastic...welcome to Lily.

I didn't say anyone had to do anything. I have always believed people should be free to make whatever choices they want to make about their healthcare. I didn't agree with vaccines being made mandatory by any part of the government.

I also don't agree with an uninformed citizenry that bashes those that are doing what they can to stave off a deadly disease for many. One million Americans died in this pandemic.

They typical influenza season kills around 30-50k...

Covid was a HUGE problem.
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Yeah, can't argue with that.... you need the patience of a saint though when dealing with the heavily indoctrinated.


I love when heavily indoctrinated people are...heavily indoctrinated. You worship NAZI Germany. I'm confident that didn't take any indoctrination.



Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
I also don't agree with an uninformed citizenry that bashes those that are doing what they can to stave off a deadly disease for many.

I'm still not sure what you mean by "uninformed" though.
Because it seems when you say "uninformed" all you really mean is "doesn't blindly accept the establishment narrative".

That narrative has shifted and even reversed itself multiple times by the way, so do you have a favorite month/year of narrative that you use as the yardstick to measure whether or not someone is "informed"?

If "informed" includes believing Biden and Maddow et al when they confidently proclaimed vaccinated people couldn't catch or spread covid or believing Fauci when he said the Wuhan lab wasn't doing gain-of-function research or any of the other nonsense that has since been proven bullshit and quietly swept under corporate media's rug...

...there's not exactly a lot of value in being "informed", is there?


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Getting back to the OP, have we proven that oily boy died from the jab, yet?

Fuck if I know.

What I *do* know about covid, the vaccines, the industries with monetary and procedural interests in this pandemic, the so-called regulatory agencies involved, the various related governmental departments and how I feel about policies enacted because of or issued from the preceding list did not and will not hinge on the cause of death for one minor celebrity I'd never heard of before.

Why is it so important to you?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I'm still not sure what you mean by "uninformed" though.
Because it seems when you say "uninformed" all you really mean is "doesn't blindly accept the establishment narrative".

That narrative has shifted and even reversed itself multiple times by the way, so do you have a favorite month/year of narrative that you use as the yardstick to measure whether or not someone is "informed"?

If "informed" includes believing Biden and Maddow et al when they confidently proclaimed vaccinated people couldn't catch or spread covid or believing Fauci when he said the Wuhan lab wasn't doing gain-of-function research or any of the other nonsense that has since been proven bullshit and quietly swept under corporate media's rug...

...there's not exactly a lot of value in being "informed", is there?

I don't watch news on the idiot box. I don't now or never have watched all the press conferences Fauci et al, gave. I read and I read a lot. I'll ask you to give me the benefit of the doubt, if you please.

I do understand the rubric within which the public health agencies operate in this country. And yes, some of it is militarized, i.e. the United States Public Health Service - from where our General Surgeon hails. I was in my early years of public health when 9/11 happened. I saw, within days, maybe a week how our own Health Officer was yanked from all the "normal" activities (not that it really exists) to bioterrorism.

The funding it gets, which is quite insignificant in comparison to other parts of government, was shifted. Some of that money that was shifted was absolutely going to fund research into "germ warfare". When that funding is shifted, it is shifted from other research. Including things like developing vaccines.

Covid caught us with our pants down. I don't know how precisely the pandemic happened, but I tend to agree that it was most likely an accidental contamination that was unleashed on an unprepared public, first in China, then quickly across the globe.

We're never going to get the whole truth when it comes to matters that are considered "national security" endeavors, we never have and never will. At least, I don't think. I don't think it matters who is in the White House, Trump, Biden, or even a politician you would support. It just won't happen.

However, once it was out and spreading like wildfire and many people were dying, something had to be done. Yes, the pharmaceuticals did receive massive amounts of funding to develop vaccines. We only did have "emergency authorization" for these vaccines. That's all true, but again, we're working within that rubric of poorly funded agencies dealing with a global health emergency.

There is no 100% great outcome on anything. Public health is intended to work at the population level. It has never been there to protect every single human life. That isn't the mission. Public health is meant to protect the most people possible. A decent metaphor, though not perfect, is a that public health is like a fisherman's net. It captures the most fishes in the net, and in terms of health it's job is to intervene in ill health. But some fish fall through the net (they get sick or injured)...those are the "fish" that need to seek treatment with physicians and perhaps even become hospitalized, etc.

Vaccines are a public health tool, one of the most successful interventions in the history of medicine. Usually they take many years to be approved for humans in order to ensure that these vaccines are safe for the general population. Even so, some people are allergic to some vaccines. There are adverse outcomes. There is a specific way to report adverse outcomes. That also depends on physicians reporting, which unfortunately, sometimes the average doctor out there forgets, neglects to or doesn't believe in reporting...

And as for "messaging", I would have to agree with you that some of it has been really shitty as it pertains to this pandemic. For example, one early message from Fauci was for people not to use masks because it was unnecessary. Then months later, go ahead, mask up.

The truth is that in order for a mask to be protective, it would have to be an N-95, properly fitted. It can greatly reduce transmission. Of course, you would have to have a huge supply of these masks, not only for most Americans, but enough for a new mask daily. The US just didn't have them. So the message was, we need them for our healthcare workers...which is completely true. But they didn't tell us everything. And I can see why.

We have a public with a short attention span. Telling them, well right now bear with us, healthcare workers need them and we'll try to get masks asap...fuggedabout it. It takes a long slide of interventions to change a behavior. There is no quick message to get Americans to do a god damn thing without regulation, because well FREEDUMB. We have a society that is extremely individualistic and who believe their rights supersede common purpose.

So yeah, messaging was shitty, but again, working with a difficult citizenry. We're fortunate to have some of the most highly trained and knowledgeable MD scientists in the world. Unfortunately, they aren't always the best at formulating messages and communicating. Have you talked to a scientist lately? I talk to one daily, he can be such a reductionist...they often miss the forest for the trees. But that's what science has trained them to do, be focused on the science, not on communicating. So, like Dr's will do, they'll say what they think you should know and move on to what they actually care about, the work.

Another aspect of "messaging" that people don't think about is that "science" is supposed to change when new and compelling data is found. It's supposed to change, that's where the "science" has led us. There is no one answer, because we're dealing with human beings that react differently to new treatments. There is rarely "this is my final answer."

Yes, some people have suffered from myocarditis, but the numbers are well below the threshold from pulling vaccines for covid away from the population. And mostly because most of those people experienced the myocarditis and then the symptoms went away on their own. Yes, some people have died and that is terrible. However, it's my belief that until scientists are able to more clearly identify who shouldn't be vaccinated people should do that on their own.

What they shouldn't do, in my opinion, is assume the "goobermint" is out to get them and try to dissuade others from making choices based on their own beliefs.


What would Tyler Durden Do
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the things you own end up owning you
Fuck if I know.

What I *do* know about covid, the vaccines, the industries with monetary and procedural interests in this pandemic, the so-called regulatory agencies involved, the various related governmental departments and how I feel about policies enacted because of or issued from the preceding list did not and will not hinge on the cause of death for one minor celebrity I'd never heard of before.

Why is it so important to you?
Because it is inaccurate, does truth not enter your calculations?
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are

I love when heavily indoctrinated people are...heavily indoctrinated. You worship NAZI Germany. I'm confident that didn't take any indoctrination.

Actually it's modern day Clown World which drove me to become a White Nationalist.

You on the otherhand believe that men can be women and vice versa, and that there are currently 63 different genders and counting....
