What video games did you play on your very first computer?


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
Well Mel & all you other Commodore Amiga buffs, here's a link for you listing Amiga dealers around the world who still sell retro computers, parts & accessories from that company in case you're interested:

They still have quite a following even tho they're not made anymore.

They are also one of the most sought after and pricey retro computers.
Nah, don't miss those old systems that much. Go to push the button on the shitty assed joysticks of the time at the precise moment needed in a game, and the god damned button decides not to work. Then you scream "FUCK!" when you have to start over again, and throw that damn joystick across the room in frustration!

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
When I got my Atari 130XE, I believe it was $400. My parents put in half, and my sister and I had to come up with the other half.

That is the similar machine to the Commodore 128.

A few years later I bought an Atari 520ST which was the competing machine to the Amiga. I had to pay for the whole thing, which was fair because I was the only one who wanted it.

Having to pay money out of your own pocket instead of having your parents but your stuff teaches you to spend wisely.
The Amiga's weren't so cheap back then! It would be easy to spend the equivalent of $5,000+ today on one, if you added in all the goodies!

Would've taken years of delivering newspapers on my bike to afford that!

I just looked it up. The Atari ST with a colour monitor cost about 1000 USD back then. Which was $1265 Canadian in 1985.

The 130XE was a lot less expensive, though.


Factory Bastard
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Well Mel & all you other Commodore Amiga buffs, here's a link for you listing Amiga dealers around the world who still sell retro computers, parts & accessories from that company in case you're interested:

They still have quite a following even tho they're not made anymore.

They are also one of the most sought after and pricey retro computers.
Nah, don't miss those old systems that much. Go to push the button on the shitty assed joysticks of the time at the precise moment needed in a game, and the god damned button decides not to work. Then you scream "FUCK!" when you have to start over again, and throw that damn joystick across the room in frustration!

The lower end systems were probably slow but I'd still be interested in getting hold of the Amiga 4000. I know one guy in Vancouver who wants $2500-3000 Canadian for it.

I think it was comparable to an Intel 486 or Motorola 68040. That's actually not bad.

I was never into gaming anyways.

I just wanted to see how well it could output video.

It had a devoted graphics engine for that purpose.


Have kink will travel.
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On my own personal computer? I guess that would've been a Commode 64 that I had as a kid, although my elementary school had Apple PC's that I could use (Logo, Carmen Sandiego, etc.), before most people owned a PC at home. Atari and Coleco consoles were also common, but that's not really a PC I suppose.

I can't really remember the first game I played on my Commode 64. Test Drive comes to mind. I liked Airborne Ranger also, so that may have been one of the first few anyhow. Most games then were cracked, so it was easy to bootleg them with friends, so it's hard to remember what order you got your illegal copies in.

Retro computers can be very expensive.

The Amiga 4000 sells for $3000.

I've got a friend with a dozen of such era units retrofitted with flash drives to produce unique sounds for his digital music.


Bastard of the Century
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Our first home system was a Coleco Telstar. Came with a light gun. This was in the mid- to late Seventies, maybe.

Shoot the moving dot! Play a Pong clone! Technology at its finest.

Here's a vid I made about ten years ago that reflects some of my own particular gaming interests--including arcade, PC, and home console games. (Bonus points if you can name all the games you see here.)



Have kink will travel.
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I still love the OG NES. I would play Mario 2 again.

Then xeno gears....FF(all), Contra. River City Ransom. I liked Shadow Gate and Uninvited. Master Blaster was awesome. The Adventures of Link. I had SO MANY games.

There was an rpg I was hooked on...Magic of Scheherazade(I had to look that up lol).

I was fully invested in Contra... running left to right and shooting the shit out of people.

But it unleashed phlegm spitting rage so I gave games up completely.... except Tetris.


Put your glasses on!
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Ahhhh Elder Scrolls.

Yeah, I started with 4, then played 3 (Morrowind), then played 5 (Skyrim). I played Elder Scrolls Online for about an hour, but it is not my thing.

I am waiting for ES 6. Patiently.

Skyrim is the game I was last playing, and now that Winter is here, I shall soon be playing again.

Its Video Game Season!!!

You cant keep me at home once Spring hits lol.

I was excited for ESO to come out, but I heard it wasnt that great.


Have kink will travel.
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I had a job many years ago where Tetris made me excel.... conveyor belts of cases coming down of various weights from tinned goods to popped corn and chips cartons. These pallets got stacked to a little over 6 foot high and needed the weight centred at the base or centre.

I packed every nook and cranny of those motherfuckers on autopilot and had time to help out the workers beside either side of me.

People would comment "wtf" at me.... and I'd simply say "Tetris"...

...and then team leaders started positioning me on the rollers they knew would get high volumes.

I got out of there after that.

I got nothing for working smart, got flung into the deep end because I did, and suddenly used to cover 2x-3x people on the regular with no extra pay or promotions.

That's unionisation for you....

Unions are the biggest grifters ever.


Bastard of the Century
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Tetris has helped me become an expert at organizing my socks and uderwear drawer.


Domestically feral
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United states
I still love the OG NES. I would play Mario 2 again.

Then xeno gears....FF(all), Contra. River City Ransom. I liked Shadow Gate and Uninvited. Master Blaster was awesome. The Adventures of Link. I had SO MANY games.

There was an rpg I was hooked on...Magic of Scheherazade(I had to look that up lol).

I was fully invested in Contra... running left to right and shooting the shit out of people.

But it unleashed phlegm spitting rage so I gave games up completely.... except Tetris.

My cousin and I would play Metal Gear for NES for hours lol. It was a great game.

There is a whole playthrough on YouTube lol



Factory Bastard
I got my first PC back in late '93, just in time for the Doom Episode 1 shareware download.

During those first couple of years, I also played Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure, Wolfenstein, Lemmings, Commander Keen, Full Throttle, Grim Fandango, Doom II, Rise of the Triad, Myst (some of which have now recently been ported to the Xbox One), Riven, Tomb Raider, and tons of shareware games taken from computer magazine CD-ROMs.

Ah, the good ol' days when a Pentium 486 DX II, 66 Mhz machine, with a 2x optical drive, 2 MBs of RAM, a 60 MB hard drive, floppy disk drives, and a SoundBlaster card could run the world.

Ah man this brought me back. Got my first PC in the mid-90s and I remember being addicted to Doom I & II. Friend of mine had Myst, but I remember getting really frustrated with it.

GG Allin

Everybody's an enemy.
New Hampshire
FUCKIN... Tandy 1000





Factory Bastard
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1995. My first games were from an arcade classics disk and included pacman and galaga. Also bought Myst, a Doom package, and probably others I cant remember. Terd had a 2.1gig hard drive and maybe 32 megs of memory.....might have been only 16. Upgraded to a diamond 3D video card about 6 moths later and was shocked at how much better games looked. I've probably spent $20K on video cards over the last 25 years!


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I got my first PC back in late '93, just in time for the Doom Episode 1 shareware download.

During those first couple of years, I also played Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure, Wolfenstein, Lemmings, Commander Keen, Full Throttle, Grim Fandango, Doom II, Rise of the Triad, Myst (some of which have now recently been ported to the Xbox One), Riven, Tomb Raider, and tons of shareware games taken from computer magazine CD-ROMs.

Ah, the good ol' days when a Pentium 486 DX II, 66 Mhz machine, with a 2x optical drive, 2 MBs of RAM, a 60 MB hard drive, floppy disk drives, and a SoundBlaster card could run the world.

I got my first home PC in 1997 and I played a game called "Graduate School". :Happy5:
Glendale Az.
My first computer was an Atari 400 with the cassette tape data storage unit. I was in Silicon Valley at the time and there were lots of small computer stores where you could go buy games on cassette. Shoot-em-ups, billiards, trivia games, a lot of indie games from local programmers and the such. The most impressive was a game called Wayout from Sirius Software which was a real-time 3d maze game with first person view (think Wolfenstein 3d without the baddies) which came out in 1982. It was incredible for it's time.

Every Saturday night Foothill community college would broadcast Atari programs on the radio. You'd put in a blank cassette, record the broadcast then pop the tape into the computer and run the program. It was a really cool way to share software and I got a lot of good games from it.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
My first computer was an Atari 400

With the membrane keyboard! I remember it well.

Every Saturday night Foothill community college would broadcast Atari programs on the radio. You'd put in a blank cassette, record the broadcast then pop the tape into the computer and run the program. It was a really cool way to share software and I got a lot of good games from it.

That is the first I have heard of doing that!

It was amazing at how good the games would be with the 8-bit Atari computers with such a small amount of code.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
My first computer was a C64.

I bought the first two Ultima trilogies but played 4,5 and six first.

Six was amazing but it was complete horror on the 64. The game was always loading. I made my parents buy the extra memory expansion then the game ran like a charm.

After those, it was Magic Candle one and two. The first MC you can literally spend hours in the first town talking to the npc’s. Then I learned of a glitch where you can get ridiculous weapons right after you start. But in the end you really didn’t need them.

There was this Indy rpg some guy made that he advertised in the back of CGW. He was only asking 20 bucks so I popped for it. I don’t remember the name of the game but the fucking thing was epic. I married an elf girl and our kids were ridiculed and became the end boss bad guys. Such good shit.


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land



Factory Bastard
I got the mumps or chicken pox in grade seven. I came back afterwards and the clueless bitch teacher said I need to come back with a note from a doctor. I left and skipped out for weeks. I failed the year and was banned from video games. I am glad I was put in another class and thrived after that. I had fun for several weeks bumming around the city.