Whit I realise about KM now....


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You spent 10 years bringing it up at TRF and FT, and now it's irrelevent?

Did I? I remember changing the TRF nic, which you could do at any time, and posting as Poppy...those posts were sublime, and I wish I could find them.


Factory Bastard
Then before I dip out again allow me to bid *you* a pleasant evening, ser.

Don't forget to bring the dog in and put the cat out.
Or is it the other way 'round...?

Don't forget to post at yer earliest convenience. I enjoy every word I read, and I need not agree wiff any of it. Luckily fur me I agree wiff almost all of it.


Factory Bastard
Here is my bottom line denominator. I like Kev, he's a genuinely decent optimist and he is more than the sum of his part's.

He does deliver. He always delivers.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I once thought you a man, now I don't care.

Flynn eats and shits you out like the little tyke you are...and so do I.

You are entertainment to me, I suspect I am a lot more to you.

Scotty, the people I hung out with, some of whom are actual artists and writers, always had bigger and better plans than wasting our time in these shit flame forums, and my condolences to you for never achieving much more than being a flamer.

It also explains my complete indifference to all the lame insults that the majority of you damned losers hurl at me.

You and the majority of the other people here I don't really even know and don't want to know, are flaming ghosts. I apologize for the confusion over who was posting what...that was the whole point, plus I was doing an ARG at the time and am still doing some of it now.

Scotty, since you're one of those weirdos from Brawl Hall, you're as flaky as hell...and this dumb shit is your life, how tragic is that?

Talking to you is like talking to a caveman who has just thawed out of the ice...I'm dealing with a human with very limited intellect who keeps passing gas and grunting.


Domestically feral
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United states
I made the mistake of attempting to read a Flynn post directed at Breakfall...it read like a typical shlock story unfit for publication in those old EC horror comic books. The fact that the majority of people believe Flynn is a man is demonstrated by that post which only Ed Gein would appreciate. Unless she was on crack, no woman would write such a heinous and revolting story. Another give away is that only men have that much pent-up rage and vindictiveness.

Yeah whoever USED to be....that's not Flynn today. Flynn is definately male. A certain few males.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And the 9 other accounts that account fur you?

You would have to name each one...I was reading a usenet archive exchange where we were talking to Aylana outside of Webtv and honestly had no idea who wrote what... I was certain of two of the posts, but I wasn't sure if the one pretending to be my lawyer was Merle or someone else from our group.

I recall Neve Campbell having a few fans...that was a fun nic that...


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I made the mistake of attempting to read a Flynn post directed at Breakfall...it read like a typical shlock story unfit for publication in those old EC horror comic books. The fact that the majority of people believe Flynn is a man is demonstrated by that post which only Ed Gein would appreciate. Unless she was on crack, no woman would write such a heinous and revolting story. Another give away is that only men have that much pent-up rage and vindictiveness.

I must say, I have NEVER MADE THE MISTAKE OF READING A POPPY OR REGAN POST. In reality, what does that say about you?

As for your thoughts on my "gender," let it be known that the only positive "rep" was from that haggard whore Dove, who knows nothing about the BF days. As for your assumption of what a "female" can or cannot write, that goes to show how utterly braindead you truly are.

In regard to your "Crack" cocaine statement, perhaps Dove could or has demonstrated that in a better light than I?

As for your statement of what a "woman" would post, how would you know as you're still a virgin?

"Pent up rage?" Dear sir, it took me 18 minutes to write that true to life biography and another 2 minutes to include the pics.

Lastly, are you a clincal psychologist in regard to male/female behaviours? Are you rated in online gender linguistics? So HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW THE GENDERS OF POSTERS WITHOUT ANY FORMAL TRAINING?

P.$.-You're the bitch swapping genders as fast as Dove swallows semen from a strangers cock for her next fix.

P.S.S.-Bring it Poppy, I'll fuck you up along with your 3 additional alts.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Scotty, the people I hung out with, some of whom are actual artists and writers, always had bigger and better plans than wasting our time in these shit flame forums, and my condolences to you for never achieving much more than being a flamer.

It also explains my complete indifference to all the lame insults that the majority of you damned losers hurl at me.

You and the majority of the other people here I don't really even know and don't want to know, are flaming ghosts. I apologize for the confusion over who was posting what...that was the whole point, plus I was doing an ARG at the time and am still doing some of it now.

Scotty, since you're one of those weirdos from Brawl Hall, you're as flaky as hell...and this dumb shit is your life, how tragic is that?

Talking to you is like talking to a caveman who has just thawed out of the ice...I'm dealing with a human with very limited intellect who keeps passing gas and grunting.
So. Let me ask you this, Regan. When was it you decided to change genders? Was it when you saw that Flynn (ME) got more attention being a woman than a man (YOU) and you decided to become asexual? The bottom line is, you gotta have a big brain to backup your infinite bullshit, something you do not have. Maybe you should switch to being a four legged beast of burden?


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
So. Let me ask you this, Regan. When was it you decided to change genders? Was it when you saw that Flynn (ME) got more attention being a woman than a man (YOU) and you decided to become asexual? The bottom line is, you gotta have a big brain to backup your infinite bullshit, something you do not have. Maybe you should switch to being a four legged beast of burden?
Fuck off wank sock!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I can write like a man... I can be more vicious than Flynn. My talent is my imagination... which has nothing to do with spelling or typing.

I wouldn't write a post like Flynn because I'm superstitious enough to avoid tempting fate.

Having said that I wouldn't join a writers club either only because I don't want my intellectual property stolen which is the bottom line.

I said the same thing to SSS years ago at BH, "guard your thoughts for they will steal your ideas."
Last edited:


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
I knew a gal back in the day (newsgroups, not forums) who cursed like a rabid sailor; made me blush more than once and that's damn near impossible. Some of her imagery (the things she threatened to shove up my bum... sideways!) was rather violent as well.

People who didn't know her occasionally mistook her for a bloke due to the mouth on her. In reality she was just a cute petite redhead who loved to sling extremely rude invective.

Another gal, around the same time, had an alt that everyone else presumed was a man so she went with it and didn't get found out. She and her alt poasted -even in the same newsgroups- for years.

You never really know is all I'm sayin' so who fucking cares?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I knew a gal back in the day (newsgroups, not forums) who cursed like a rabid sailor; made me blush more than once and that's damn near impossible. Some of her imagery (the things she threatened to shove up my bum... sideways!) was rather violent as well.

People who didn't know her occasionally mistook her for a bloke due to the mouth on her. In reality she was just a cute petite redhead who loved to sling extremely rude invective.

Another gal, around the same time, had an alt that everyone else presumed was a man so she went with it and didn't get found out. She and her alt poasted -even in the same newsgroups- for years.

You never really know is all I'm sayin' so who fucking cares?

That isn't flaming. That is common trash speak. Learn the difference underling!~


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
LOL... I found two typos in my post just changing computers.

Not too bad really since I'm watching stupid Scull Island Kong.

Why do Americans make such rubbish movies these days?


Factory Bastard
Flaming is trolling, and vice versa, no matter what Proxy says. And how it is perceived is only a matter of where you feel you are in an ever decreasing gravitational circle.

Most of you here follow elliptical orbits around more substantial heavenly bodies.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I have been watching movies all night... Dave is on now.. a comedy.

I not interested in either you or V.

It's Friday night...and freezing. What else is there to do? Soon summer will be on us and Putin will be dropping nuclear warheads on Europe. He has over 6,000 of them and then the nuclear fallout will choke all the Americans who actually deserve it because they make shitty movies.

Die in a puff of atomic waste... good riddance.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Look at that... Blandscape gets his special needs support team liking his lack-lustre drivel...

Where is Flynn when you need HER.