White Supremacy: Same Dog, Same Tricks


Factory Bastard
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Years back Detroit had a revitalization Plan.. They built affordable housing and tried to make the City appealing to all. I watched a local news channel years later and was amazed that these beautiful new builds were turned to shit. They did a walk-through with cameras.. People had pissed in the hallways, trash everywhere and nothing maintained.. You can provide all the housing you want, but people have to take responsibility and WANT to have nice things. :/ I felt sorry for the people living in these places that were pissed off for the lack of care :(

As someone who lived in Affordable Housing, this is true.

People dont take care of things, if they dont work for them. If its "free", they dont take care of it.

This does not ring true for all. But the "gimme dat" folks dont give a shit, and will happily move to the next Complex when their lease is up, knowing that new paint awaits, and filth is left behind.

There is also more theft in these areas. Trust me.

More fights and shit too.

People that have been raised in horrible conditions are going to be damaged people on average, no matter their race. The stereotype of people that live in rural hill communities includes images of broken down trailers or small houses, surrounded by junk strewn about, cars up on blocks, etc.

It's about the conditions that these people are brought up in, not about their race.

Those type of people need more than just a free new home to live in, they need mental health services, social workers, medical care, education, etc.

There is a high-taxpayer price to pay for allowing communities to go to shit.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
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Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
Mel, really. Are you back to posting your accounts receivable again? We’ll want bank statements, too. And copies of your income tax filings. Pronto!

Seriously, though, I seem to have struck a nerve to have you go all defensive like a little boy in the schoolyard who’s just been told by the class bully that no, his dad isn’t as strong as the bully’s dad.

There is absolutely nothing in “stick to gravel and trucks, Mel” to suggest that I’m somehow looking down my nose at your occupation. I’m not. In fact, if you ever manage to get past your assumptions about my views, you may just realize that I mean only that trucks and gravel are your area of expertise, not mine. By the same token, social housing and its relation to mental health, addiction, and homelessness is mine. You won’t ever see me participating in discussions on tare, GVW, air brakes, or scale protocols. I know nothing about these things.

Ultracrepidarians are so damned annoying.

Stop being such a big bitchy baby. Next thing you know you’ll be wearing a poodle skirt and sucking on a pacifier as you rumble down the T-Can.
I understand what you're saying, but when talking about homelessness, "stick to what you know" implies that only you are an expert in this field.

I'm pretty sure all of us have witnessed the homeless problems that are getting worse all around us, and I'm pretty sure all of us have an opinion on the matter... From what causes it, to what the solution is.

My post on welfare rates is very valid regarding this, and I'll explain why: When I grew up in Langley, homelessness did not exist. Now it does, and it's a problem. So what happened? Way back in the day, the rent portion of welfare would allow one to rent an apartment in one of the downtown ghetto apartments... Take Crack Terrace for instance. The holding company that now owns it spruced it up a bit, and the absolute cheapest unit now rents for $1,250. Pictured below. These are where the scums used to live. This is a part of the problem, in my opinion.

Some people may say, "Well, they've at least cleaned up the area by renting to higher grade tenants"... They really haven't, because now those bums live in tents outside. People KNEW they were ghetto apartments. Avoid the area if that's not your thing, or go there for drugs and join a random party. Six in the morning? No problem! Bums party 24/7, and are accommodating if you chip in.



Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
Gravel, Mel.

And trucks.
I focus on this also. My numbers are always good... :CooL:

And for the record, I never focus on another man's employment, Blurtski. Most employed do play a vital role. From the janitor wiping shit off the bathroom stall walls so you can take a shit in comfort, to the construction crews that build and maintain the Western World infrastructure that supplies you with a toilet to shit in, running water in it, and a roof over your head, to the truck drivers that deliver the latest Dragon Dildo's right to your door...

It ain't always much Blurtski, but it's honest work...


$1000 (before taxes) is not a bad days work assuming you are an owner operator. Of course, there are costs (fuel, tires, general wear and tear, etc...) but often honest hard work of the trades does pay very well. People forget this and think getting $200,000 in debt for college is necessary when it really isn't. Many would do better skipping the debt and just going on to work in solid middle class trades. I would still encourage people to seek self betterment via reading, studying, and even community College but those are much cheaper than getting the price of a house in debt before even starting a career.

Hell, I knew a guy with a masters in electrical engineering who worked for Qualcomm for a decade. He had a team reporting to him and he made a lot of money. That said, he routinely worked 80-100 hours per week and had almost no life. When he got married and had a child he had to quit because the demands of the job prevented him from being a good husband or father. He ended up opening a restaurant and working for himself, it was slow at first, but now he is making like 3/4ths as much, sets his own hours (still long) but he can finally take time off to do things with his family. Success comes in many forms and it is for each person to decide what they value most.
Ya, trades is still a viable option. And to be honest, not everyone excels in a university environment. Not everyone can become a Doctor or a Lawyer.

The good thing with trades, is that it's easy to become self employed. Especially if you're good. You have all the tools already, so you just need a suitable vehicle. A lot of shit is a tax write off also. I run an LLC, so there are some additional tax benefits, such as I can pay myself in dividends instead of being on an actual payroll.

Interestingly enough, the bill I posted was one day of a three day job. They literally BEGGED me to come out so they could finish some prep work. And guess what they're building... Apartments for low income people. Exactly the type of project that Blurtski would be supportive of.


Bastard of the Century
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So,yeah, @DDT is “pretty sure everyone has an opinion on the matter…”


Similarly, I’m pretty sure everyone has an asshole.

Doesn’t mean all sharts are created equal.

If your opinion is an ill-informed (or worse yet, and much more commonly) an uninformed one, talk to the hand, man.

The internet is chock full of you know-it-alls. They’re like droplets of methane on Titan.


Factory Bastard
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They certainly get protection from the Democratic Party. Funds to bail them out, shills to play up their talking points, charges dropped despite huge evidence they are guilty, even orders to police to stand down.

It sure sounds like a lot of help so Dems must agree with their racist message.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
They certainly get protection from the Democratic Party. Funds to bail them out, shills to play up their talking points, charges dropped despite huge evidence they are guilty, even orders to police to stand down.

It sure sounds like a lot of help so Dems must agree with their racist message.

Do you have actual proof that he Democratic party funds any of this or is it more of the stupid shit you believe from partisan hacks, partisan hack?


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
You speak for a very small minority, whom usually reside out west in Alberta/ Sask.
Not so sure about that. Canadians usually keep their power level in check when dealing with the general public. By nature we're not very political, nor opinionated among people we don't know.

However, once you get to know people, that's when they start opening up. Rarely have I met another person that said, "Gee, I think it's a great idea to flood Canada with niggers." On the contrary, even those leaning left are opening their eyes and realizing just how fast demographics are changing, and aren't exactly that embracing of it either.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
You speak for a very small minority, whom usually reside out west in Alberta/ Sask.
Not so sure about that. Canadians usually keep their power level in check when dealing with the general public. By nature we're not very political, nor opinionated among people we don't know.

However, once you get to know people, that's when they start opening up. Rarely have I met another person that said, "Gee, I think it's a great idea to flood Canada with niggers." On the contrary, even those leaning left are opening their eyes and realizing just how fast demographics are changing, and aren't exactly that embracing of it either.

I almost enjoy reading your posts. You're an authority on everything and offering nothing as evidence.


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
Read the post that I was responding to: #22 in this thread. It's about race, not immigration. Your goal posts are evidently mounted on wheels.
Race and immigration are tightly intertwined though, no? This is because the West is flooding in browns, yellows, and BLACKS!

Even I'm seeing a few blacks now, where before there were NONE! Why are there even blacks in Canada? What is their purpose here? What is their goal? Wouldn't they be happier among their brothers and sisters in the US?

Maybe we can set up some trade scheme. For every black of ours you take, we'll take one of your White people. I think this is a fair trade deal.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Read the post that I was responding to: #22 in this thread. It's about race, not immigration. Your goal posts are evidently mounted on wheels.
Race and immigration are tightly intertwined though, no? This is because the West is flooding in browns, yellows, and BLACKS!

Even I'm seeing a few blacks now, where before there were NONE! Why are there even blacks in Canada? What is their purpose here? What is their goal? Wouldn't they be happier among their brothers and sisters in the US?

Maybe we can set up some trade scheme. For every black of ours you take, we'll take one of your White people. I think this is a fair trade deal.

Not necessarily intertwined at all.

I was watching "The Ripper" on Prime Video last night. The poor areas of the UK were disgusting back in the day, filthy, dangerous...race isn't the problem at all.

It's poverty and ignorance and lack of societal resources. It's too bad people like you don't understand root causes.


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
Not necessarily intertwined at all.

I was watching "The Ripper" on Prime Video last night. The poor areas of the UK were disgusting back in the day, filthy, dangerous...race isn't the problem at all.

It's poverty and ignorance and lack of societal resources. It's too bad people like you don't understand root causes.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Not necessarily intertwined at all.

I was watching "The Ripper" on Prime Video last night. The poor areas of the UK were disgusting back in the day, filthy, dangerous...race isn't the problem at all.

It's poverty and ignorance and lack of societal resources. It's too bad people like you don't understand root causes.

Uhm, the police aren't up in the hills of KY or anywhere in Appalachia looking for criminals. The data is skewed by that fact alone.


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
Not necessarily intertwined at all.

I was watching "The Ripper" on Prime Video last night. The poor areas of the UK were disgusting back in the day, filthy, dangerous...race isn't the problem at all.

It's poverty and ignorance and lack of societal resources. It's too bad people like you don't understand root causes.

Uhm, the police aren't up in the hills of KY or anywhere in Appalachia looking for criminals. The data is skewed by that fact alone.
Are you implying that homicides aren't counted properly in certain regions of the US?


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
Either way, lefties are never race realists even when it smacks them in the face.

Let's take Sweden for instance... Some black 'refugee' will rape some Swede, stretching, shredding, and destroying her pussy with his big dirty black cock. He probably infected her with AIDS too.

Yet the victim will forgive her attacker, claiming such BS like, "He didn't know our culture" or "His culture is different," etc.

It's almost like they enjoy taking AIDS pills for the rest of their lives, and having their pussy defiled and ruined by dirty black dick! It's a phenomenon that's foreign to me!


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Not necessarily intertwined at all.

I was watching "The Ripper" on Prime Video last night. The poor areas of the UK were disgusting back in the day, filthy, dangerous...race isn't the problem at all.

It's poverty and ignorance and lack of societal resources. It's too bad people like you don't understand root causes.

Uhm, the police aren't up in the hills of KY or anywhere in Appalachia looking for criminals. The data is skewed by that fact alone.
Are you implying that homicides aren't counted properly in certain regions of the US?

Honestly, I misread the chart. It has a lot of different stats clumped together and I didn't study it in any serious way. My bad.

However, how are you going to compare a small, rural, not easily accessible community to a suburban community in one of the largest cities in the country? Literally, millions of people have access to ViewPark- Windsor...

The entire state of KY is only 4.5 million...LA alone has 3.97 million. Beattyville has about 1250 residents. You're comparing apples to oranges.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Either way, lefties are never race realists even when it smacks them in the face.

Let's take Sweden for instance... Some black 'refugee' will rape some Swede, stretching, shredding, and destroying her pussy with his big dirty black cock. He probably infected her with AIDS too.

Yet the victim will forgive her attacker, claiming such BS like, "He didn't know our culture" or "His culture is different," etc.

It's almost like they enjoy taking AIDS pills for the rest of their lives, and having their pussy defiled and ruined by dirty black dick! It's a phenomenon that's foreign to me!

That is an overgeneralization about the reaction of an individual to being raped. I would be most women will remain terrified.

You continue to take the worst offenders and their behaviors and paint all people of that group or race with the same paintbrush.

That's disingenuous.


Bastard of the Century
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Careful, @Lily ...Mel is a troll of some renown. Blatantly obvious to most, enchantingly subtle to others, his diagnosed mental illnesses nevertheless impart a certain delusional ruthlessness to his blatherings.