Today's Mass Shooting Was Sponsored by the Texas NRA.


Domestically feral
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United states
Fact? Facts to you are all over the place DD. Need a nudge? I’ve owned a couple of hunting rifles. WTF kind of sport would it be to put 69 bullets through a deer or an elk. If you fucking knew what youre talking about, you’d know it only takes one, from a skilled hunter. Pretty sure it’s you who doesn’t understand.

It's because that first bullet doesnt always you are able to get off more shots quickly so you have a better chance to take down the deer.

You CAN pump it with 69 bullets but you dont NEED too.

It's really about accuracy and function. I love the AR 15.....if I need to do the hunting or defend myself our AR 15 would be my go to.

Most gun violence involve hand guns and lots of illegally owned guns.

Would you rather me rely on police alone and end up raped and/or stabbed or have me avoid that by being able to pump 69 rounds into a would be rapists testicles?

You dont have to agree, but put some thought into it from another perspective. Do you really think criminals who are fucking evil and sick enough to shoot babies in the face are gonna be deterred by regulation? It's so easy to obtain fire arms illegally. Its shockingly easy. I could probably do it myself in less than 24 hours.

Dovey really. What kind of sport is there hunting with an assault rifle. As for regulations, if they’re enforced. YES be fair, sometimes it's more about feeding your family than a rush of a sport.

We rely on a deer a year. The rest of our meat we buy from local farmers. We need that deer.

I can say with pride that everyone in this house is a great shot. .....but sometimes that first bullet doesnt hit and those deer RUN. You gotta be able to take it down if it spooks.

When we want sport.....archery is the fun thing.

And if someone is breaking in here and I have time to grab a gun....I'm going for my AR for accuracy purposes. I'm good at hitting my targets but if I had defend my family my adrenaline would be soaring and I'd risk missing with my glock. Yes even at close range you can miss. I wanna be able to get off more shots quickly to make sure because once an attacker sees a gun they could lunge and if you miss, you are fucked and now they have your gun.

That assurance the AR provides is why it's such a gem in the gun world. Any retard can use it....which is really what makes these psychos go for that one.

Im not a Hunter any more, but I would guess if you pumped 15 shots into a deer, you’d spoil the meat.

Well yeah. What I'm saying though is you can quickly get your shot even if your first missed and it runs.

You can control how many shots your fire. You wouldnt sit there just firing like Rambo.


Have kink will travel.
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Fact? Facts to you are all over the place DD. Need a nudge? I’ve owned a couple of hunting rifles. WTF kind of sport would it be to put 69 bullets through a deer or an elk. If you fucking knew what youre talking about, you’d know it only takes one, from a skilled hunter. Pretty sure it’s you who doesn’t understand.

It's because that first bullet doesnt always you are able to get off more shots quickly so you have a better chance to take down the deer.

You CAN pump it with 69 bullets but you dont NEED too.

It's really about accuracy and function. I love the AR 15.....if I need to do the hunting or defend myself our AR 15 would be my go to.

Most gun violence involve hand guns and lots of illegally owned guns.

Would you rather me rely on police alone and end up raped and/or stabbed or have me avoid that by being able to pump 69 rounds into a would be rapists testicles?

You dont have to agree, but put some thought into it from another perspective. Do you really think criminals who are fucking evil and sick enough to shoot babies in the face are gonna be deterred by regulation? It's so easy to obtain fire arms illegally. Its shockingly easy. I could probably do it myself in less than 24 hours.

Dovey really. What kind of sport is there hunting with an assault rifle. As for regulations, if they’re enforced. YES be fair, sometimes it's more about feeding your family than a rush of a sport.

We rely on a deer a year. The rest of our meat we buy from local farmers. We need that deer.

I can say with pride that everyone in this house is a great shot. .....but sometimes that first bullet doesnt hit and those deer RUN. You gotta be able to take it down if it spooks.

When we want sport.....archery is the fun thing.

And if someone is breaking in here and I have time to grab a gun....I'm going for my AR for accuracy purposes. I'm good at hitting my targets but if I had defend my family my adrenaline would be soaring and I'd risk missing with my glock. Yes even at close range you can miss. I wanna be able to get off more shots quickly to make sure because once an attacker sees a gun they could lunge and if you miss, you are fucked and now they have your gun.

That assurance the AR provides is why it's such a gem in the gun world. Any retard can use it....which is really what makes these psychos go for that one.

Im not a Hunter any more, but I would guess if you pumped 15 shots into a deer, you’d spoil the meat.

Well yeah. What I'm saying though is you can quickly get your shot even if your first missed and it runs.

You can control how many shots your fire. You wouldnt sit there just firing like Rambo.

I tried to explain that capacity can be scaled up and down cause a semi auto rifle is a semi auto rifle, but he's a fucking stupid son of a bitch and started talking about MR16's.... whatever the fuck those are.... maybe the bastard spawn of an AR-15 that buttfucked an M-16???

That guy needs to step out in front of a bus....


Factory Bastard
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Fact? Facts to you are all over the place DD. Need a nudge? I’ve owned a couple of hunting rifles. WTF kind of sport would it be to put 69 bullets through a deer or an elk. If you fucking knew what youre talking about, you’d know it only takes one, from a skilled hunter. Pretty sure it’s you who doesn’t understand.

It's because that first bullet doesnt always you are able to get off more shots quickly so you have a better chance to take down the deer.

You CAN pump it with 69 bullets but you dont NEED too.

It's really about accuracy and function. I love the AR 15.....if I need to do the hunting or defend myself our AR 15 would be my go to.

Most gun violence involve hand guns and lots of illegally owned guns.

Would you rather me rely on police alone and end up raped and/or stabbed or have me avoid that by being able to pump 69 rounds into a would be rapists testicles?

You dont have to agree, but put some thought into it from another perspective. Do you really think criminals who are fucking evil and sick enough to shoot babies in the face are gonna be deterred by regulation? It's so easy to obtain fire arms illegally. Its shockingly easy. I could probably do it myself in less than 24 hours.

Dovey really. What kind of sport is there hunting with an assault rifle. As for regulations, if they’re enforced. YES be fair, sometimes it's more about feeding your family than a rush of a sport.

We rely on a deer a year. The rest of our meat we buy from local farmers. We need that deer.

I can say with pride that everyone in this house is a great shot. .....but sometimes that first bullet doesnt hit and those deer RUN. You gotta be able to take it down if it spooks.

When we want sport.....archery is the fun thing.

And if someone is breaking in here and I have time to grab a gun....I'm going for my AR for accuracy purposes. I'm good at hitting my targets but if I had defend my family my adrenaline would be soaring and I'd risk missing with my glock. Yes even at close range you can miss. I wanna be able to get off more shots quickly to make sure because once an attacker sees a gun they could lunge and if you miss, you are fucked and now they have your gun.

That assurance the AR provides is why it's such a gem in the gun world. Any retard can use it....which is really what makes these psychos go for that one.

Im not a Hunter any more, but I would guess if you pumped 15 shots into a deer, you’d spoil the meat.

Well yeah. What I'm saying though is you can quickly get your shot even if your first missed and it runs.

You can control how many shots your fire. You wouldnt sit there just firing like Rambo.

I tried to explain that capacity can be scaled up and down cause a semi auto rifle is a semi auto rifle, but he's a fucking stupid son of a bitch and started talking about MR16's.... whatever the fuck those are.... maybe the bastard spawn of an AR-15 that buttfucked an M-16???

That guy needs to step out in front of a bus....
Fact? Facts to you are all over the place DD. Need a nudge? I’ve owned a couple of hunting rifles. WTF kind of sport would it be to put 69 bullets through a deer or an elk. If you fucking knew what youre talking about, you’d know it only takes one, from a skilled hunter. Pretty sure it’s you who doesn’t understand.

It's because that first bullet doesnt always you are able to get off more shots quickly so you have a better chance to take down the deer.

You CAN pump it with 69 bullets but you dont NEED too.

It's really about accuracy and function. I love the AR 15.....if I need to do the hunting or defend myself our AR 15 would be my go to.

Most gun violence involve hand guns and lots of illegally owned guns.

Would you rather me rely on police alone and end up raped and/or stabbed or have me avoid that by being able to pump 69 rounds into a would be rapists testicles?

You dont have to agree, but put some thought into it from another perspective. Do you really think criminals who are fucking evil and sick enough to shoot babies in the face are gonna be deterred by regulation? It's so easy to obtain fire arms illegally. Its shockingly easy. I could probably do it myself in less than 24 hours.

Dovey really. What kind of sport is there hunting with an assault rifle. As for regulations, if they’re enforced. YES be fair, sometimes it's more about feeding your family than a rush of a sport.

We rely on a deer a year. The rest of our meat we buy from local farmers. We need that deer.

I can say with pride that everyone in this house is a great shot. .....but sometimes that first bullet doesnt hit and those deer RUN. You gotta be able to take it down if it spooks.

When we want sport.....archery is the fun thing.

And if someone is breaking in here and I have time to grab a gun....I'm going for my AR for accuracy purposes. I'm good at hitting my targets but if I had defend my family my adrenaline would be soaring and I'd risk missing with my glock. Yes even at close range you can miss. I wanna be able to get off more shots quickly to make sure because once an attacker sees a gun they could lunge and if you miss, you are fucked and now they have your gun.

That assurance the AR provides is why it's such a gem in the gun world. Any retard can use it....which is really what makes these psychos go for that one.

Im not a Hunter any more, but I would guess if you pumped 15 shots into a deer, you’d spoil the meat.

Well yeah. What I'm saying though is you can quickly get your shot even if your first missed and it runs.

You can control how many shots your fire. You wouldnt sit there just firing like Rambo.

I tried to explain that capacity can be scaled up and down cause a semi auto rifle is a semi auto rifle, but he's a fucking stupid son of a bitch and started talking about MR16's.... whatever the fuck those are.... maybe the bastard spawn of an AR-15 that buttfucked an M-16???

That guy needs to step out in front of a bus....

Easy to tell, DD is outta smokes.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Arm the 9 and 10 year olds, at least the 11 year olds are savvy enough to smear themselves in their besties blood and hold their breaths for a long time. (It's not the semi automatic assault style weapons capable of rapid firing a lot of lead down range in very short order) this meltdown could have just as easily thrown 300 plus knives or axes in the 50 minute timeline and killed just as many children!)

You obviously have no clue about firearms....

There are no assault rifles in wide circulation.

There are only semi-automatic rifles and pistols with varying sizes of magazines to go with them.

Oh, well, everything's good, then.

Well then, STFU....

You first.

I'm not the one advocating for easy kill zones full of unarmed targets.... YOU are...

So you STFU first and LAST.
Why is the NRA Sleepover weekend a Gun Free Zone?


Domestically feral
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United states
I'm not sure why the NRA.....a 2A advocacy being brought up

And I keep pointing this out. WTF does the NRA have to do with this? That's using this shooting for politcal reasons. Its gross. The NRA has absolutely nothing to do with that school shooting.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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That assurance the AR provides is why it's such a gem in the gun world. Any retard can use it....which is really what makes these psychos go for that one.


AR 15 (M-16) look cool but anyone who goes Deer hunting with one (or larger game) is a moron !

I don't hunt any more but when I did I used a Weatherbee .270 and a 44Mag on the hip - - - - - -


PS - No one should handle any fire arms without training,they are not toys - - - - - -


Domestically feral
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United states

Its nawta assault rifle!!!

"Assault rifle" is not a thing. You may as well call chef knives "assault knives". Or cars "assault cars".

It's a propaganda term...its not an actual thing.

Are you even aware that you are USING those school shootings to argue something that demonstrably does not work? The selective way you chose what to highlight and the way you completely disregard every single factor that led to these shootings JUST to focus on the weapon so you can try to argue your politcal issue shows that you do not care at all about preventing these shootings. You just want to use it to belittle and insult politcal opposition.

It's like you guys get giddy over things like this because you believe it gives you some moral upper hand where you can blame Republicans and the NRA. Its gross, Admin.

For you to use deaths to argue for harming hundreds of thousands of Americans and attack the Constitution you swore to defend.


Domestically feral
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United states

That assurance the AR provides is why it's such a gem in the gun world. Any retard can use it....which is really what makes these psychos go for that one.


AR 15 (M-16) look cool but anyone who goes Deer hunting with one (or larger game) is a moron !

I don't hunt any more but when I did I used a Weatherbee .270 and a 44Mag on the hip - - - - - -


PS - No one should handle any fire arms without training,they are not toys - - - - - -

So your preference with hunting isnt the AR. That doesnt change my point.

And who is saying guns are toys or advocating the use of them without training? Are you suggesting that because I'm a woman with daughters that we think guns are toys and we have no training? Because people who assume that about women and girls are morons. Js.

My daughters got her first deer, a 9 point buck, with an AR. She doesn't have a penis size to compete with though so yeah. You do you and we do us. ;)


Domestically feral
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United states

This is not true.

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Your first clue that its gonna be bullshit is if it says "Occupy Democrats".

And even if it were so? It's still manipulative because people are saying "armed security/staff"....not just "we want guns in schools". Its a misleading and emotionally loaded way to word it.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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You know the fact these mass shooters go for rifles like the AR 15 makes them easy to see coming. Like Big said could do just as much damage with glocks. And glocks can be concealed until you casually find a place to barricade like this demonic piece of satan shit did.

I'm disgusted and floored he was able to literally walk up to that school and go right in with a RIFLE in his hands. NO ONE should be able to just walk in a school.

Like I said 100 times.....all schools here you have to be buzzed in. The windows are bullet proof and there are security cameras. We need to add trained armed security. And I dont wanna hear bullshit about affording it.....more so with billions being sent to other countries when American families who pay taxes need things.

You cannot just walk into day cares. You need a door code and you sign in and out. Its basic security to protect children. Not just from a psychopath but from kidnappers.

The fucking government needs to get together and put a security for schools bill together where all schools that do not have bullet proof windows, locked secure entrances, cameras and armed trained security needs to be provided with all that immediately.

Instead of fueling the fucking party divisions, blaming innocent Americans and fanning the flames of hatred trying to push this 2A argument.....they could at least do something useful that will help protect children while the rest of us duke out the gun control debate and we will all get back to them on that when we either kill eachother in civil war or manage to come to some compromise where leftists feel we have reasonable safety measures in place and we know our 2A is being honored.

And Beto needs to be beaten merciless about the head and upper torso with pillowcases full of soap bars.

While media and politicains use this tragic event to campaign for themselves before an election and inspire Americans to fight over yet another issue....and btw, while Americans all argue and fight over this.....these people representing do NOTHING whatsoever and count on the fact that we the people arent watching because we are busy hating eachother.

I do not want to see the 2A violated and molested. It will harm millions of people. Do we really want a country where the only people armed is the government (whom no one actually trusts) and criminals? Is that what we want? Because that's what the government wants. Biden made a joke out of it and said they could just bomb us. That was such a sick and disrespectful thing to say to the American people.
you can tell none of these liberal fuckhead spastics have ever been near a hood.

3 words

sawed off shotgun

Two glocks with a duffel bag filled with hollow tips in 30 round magazines is far easier to smuggle into a crowded area that doesn't have metal detectors and frisking upon entry than an AR-15

but don't tell that to these dummies cause they're fredo smart and know it all


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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This is not true.

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Your first clue that its gonna be bullshit is if it says "Occupy Democrats".

And even if it were so? It's still manipulative because people are saying "armed security/staff"....not just "we want guns in schools". Its a misleading and emotionally loaded way to word it.
It is true you simpleton. And just because the name Occupy Democrats gives you the heeby jeebies, doesn't mean they're wrong.


Domestically feral
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United states
You know the fact these mass shooters go for rifles like the AR 15 makes them easy to see coming. Like Big said could do just as much damage with glocks. And glocks can be concealed until you casually find a place to barricade like this demonic piece of satan shit did.

I'm disgusted and floored he was able to literally walk up to that school and go right in with a RIFLE in his hands. NO ONE should be able to just walk in a school.

Like I said 100 times.....all schools here you have to be buzzed in. The windows are bullet proof and there are security cameras. We need to add trained armed security. And I dont wanna hear bullshit about affording it.....more so with billions being sent to other countries when American families who pay taxes need things.

You cannot just walk into day cares. You need a door code and you sign in and out. Its basic security to protect children. Not just from a psychopath but from kidnappers.

The fucking government needs to get together and put a security for schools bill together where all schools that do not have bullet proof windows, locked secure entrances, cameras and armed trained security needs to be provided with all that immediately.

Instead of fueling the fucking party divisions, blaming innocent Americans and fanning the flames of hatred trying to push this 2A argument.....they could at least do something useful that will help protect children while the rest of us duke out the gun control debate and we will all get back to them on that when we either kill eachother in civil war or manage to come to some compromise where leftists feel we have reasonable safety measures in place and we know our 2A is being honored.

And Beto needs to be beaten merciless about the head and upper torso with pillowcases full of soap bars.

While media and politicains use this tragic event to campaign for themselves before an election and inspire Americans to fight over yet another issue....and btw, while Americans all argue and fight over this.....these people representing do NOTHING whatsoever and count on the fact that we the people arent watching because we are busy hating eachother.

I do not want to see the 2A violated and molested. It will harm millions of people. Do we really want a country where the only people armed is the government (whom no one actually trusts) and criminals? Is that what we want? Because that's what the government wants. Biden made a joke out of it and said they could just bomb us. That was such a sick and disrespectful thing to say to the American people.
you can tell none of these liberal fuckhead spastics have ever been near a hood.

3 words

sawed off shotgun

Two glocks with a duffel bag filled with hollow tips in 30 round magazines is far easier to smuggle into a crowded area that doesn't have metal detectors and frisking upon entry than an AR-15

but don't tell that to these dummies cause they're fredo smart and know it all

I think it's been made painfully obvious they dont care what happens in the hood.

Democrats already have the inner city strongholds. There is already gun control. It's already bad enough where law abiding people stuck in the inner city violence cannot defend themselves with a gun legally.

So their job is done there....they dont need to acknowledge it or fake care about it.

They really just do not care what happens to anyone, they care about getting their way. Theyve literally demonized and dehumanized opposing parties to the point where they would rather see it burn down before having another party do better.


Domestically feral
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United states

This is not true.

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Your first clue that its gonna be bullshit is if it says "Occupy Democrats".

And even if it were so? It's still manipulative because people are saying "armed security/staff"....not just "we want guns in schools". Its a misleading and emotionally loaded way to word it.
It is true you simpleton. And just because the name Occupy Democrats gives you the heeby jeebies, doesn't mean they're wrong.

It's literally FACTUALLY FALSE. Guns were NOT banned from the NRA Convention.

I didnt say Occupy Democrats gives me the "heeby jeebies". I said that should be your first clue the meme is a LIE. Because ALL their memes are lies. Proven, demonstrable lies.

You believe shit that's completely wrong JUST because you hate other people but yeah....IM the simpleton. Sure.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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This is not true.

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Your first clue that its gonna be bullshit is if it says "Occupy Democrats".

And even if it were so? It's still manipulative because people are saying "armed security/staff"....not just "we want guns in schools". Its a misleading and emotionally loaded way to word it.
It is true you simpleton. And just because the name Occupy Democrats gives you the heeby jeebies, doesn't mean they're wrong.

It's literally FACTUALLY FALSE. Guns were NOT banned from the NRA Convention.

I didnt say Occupy Democrats gives me the "heeby jeebies". I said that should be your first clue the meme is a LIE. Because ALL their memes are lies. Proven, demonstrable lies.

You believe shit that's completely wrong JUST because you hate other people but yeah....IM the simpleton. Sure.
That photo was from the entry way to the 2016 meeting in Louisville, firearms were banned, just like they were banned at this years Houston show. Get a clue.


Domestically feral
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United states
No, guns aren’t banned at the NRA’s annual convention, but attendees can’t carry during Trump’s speech
The NRA did not ban guns from their annual meeting, but the Secret Service says guns can’t be carried where and when former President Donald Trump will be speaking."

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"During the 151st NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, personal firearms may be carried in the George R. Brown Convention Center (GRBCC) in accordance with Texas law. When carrying your firearm, always adhere to all federal, state, and local laws"

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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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No, guns aren’t banned at the NRA’s annual convention, but attendees can’t carry during Trump’s speech
The NRA did not ban guns from their annual meeting, but the Secret Service says guns can’t be carried where and when former President Donald Trump will be speaking."

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"During the 151st NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, personal firearms may be carried in the George R. Brown Convention Center (GRBCC) in accordance with Texas law. When carrying your firearm, always adhere to all federal, state, and local laws"

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And where did Trump give his speech?


Domestically feral
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United states

This is not true.

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Your first clue that its gonna be bullshit is if it says "Occupy Democrats".

And even if it were so? It's still manipulative because people are saying "armed security/staff"....not just "we want guns in schools". Its a misleading and emotionally loaded way to word it.
It is true you simpleton. And just because the name Occupy Democrats gives you the heeby jeebies, doesn't mean they're wrong.

It's literally FACTUALLY FALSE. Guns were NOT banned from the NRA Convention.

I didnt say Occupy Democrats gives me the "heeby jeebies". I said that should be your first clue the meme is a LIE. Because ALL their memes are lies. Proven, demonstrable lies.

You believe shit that's completely wrong JUST because you hate other people but yeah....IM the simpleton. Sure.
That photo was from the entry way to the 2016 meeting in Louisville, firearms were banned, just like they were banned at this years Houston show. Get a clue.

I have no idea what random "2016 meeting" you are talking about but the MEME you posted says guns were BANNED at THIS YEARS NRA convention for "safety reasons".

Which is completely FALSE.

And I dont expect any of you to ever admit when you are wrong, because none of you are big enough and you run on unessesary hatred and propaganda. You guys always resort to name calling and its pathetic.


Domestically feral
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United states
No, guns aren’t banned at the NRA’s annual convention, but attendees can’t carry during Trump’s speech
The NRA did not ban guns from their annual meeting, but the Secret Service says guns can’t be carried where and when former President Donald Trump will be speaking."

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"During the 151st NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, personal firearms may be carried in the George R. Brown Convention Center (GRBCC) in accordance with Texas law. When carrying your firearm, always adhere to all federal, state, and local laws"

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And where did Trump give his speech?

1. Fire arms cannot be carried in during a president or former presidents speech. That is a rule ANYWHERE.

2. The meme claimed guns were BANNED for this years NRA convention for "safety reasons"

By all means. Continue your shitty insults and do your mental gymnastics. It's not like truth matters to you guys.