Today's mass shooting


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
If people are stupid enough to depend on the government to keep them safe and healthy... they can leave and go to a country that provides that.

So how many Portugals can fit inside some of the most dangerous countries?

How many Portugals can fit inside the US?

Like if you were to compare the size of Portugal to a US state.....which one would it be?

Indiana. Portugal is the size of fucking Indiana.

It's amazing how manipulative and dishonest people will become to push a partisan load of shit like gun control that would do nothing but harm Americans and infringe on our RIGHTS.

Hey Dovey, bit off the topic a bit....

You were mentioning how you felt hard done by where You live with the lockdwon measures put in place in your state. Just as severe across the border from where. you live, eh?

The Premier there really came down hard on the people of Ontario.
He essentially grounded his whole province.

It aint that bad on the West Coast.
Of course, our population isn't nearly as sick either.

Just thought this bit of news'd bake ya feel better.

The shooter from yesterday was a die hard lefty obsessed with my little pony and was part of the "Brony" community where grown ass men dress up as my little pony characters, talk about their "spirit animals", and generally act as brain damaged 8 year olds. There have also been several high profile pedophiles in the Brony community hoping to luring children in to their orbit using the children's toy and cartoon. Having met a couple of Bronies on forums I can confirm the two I have known online were mentally ill fuckwits.

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You know I dont let my 4 year old watch anything My Little Pony?

I let her sometimes watch YouTube Kids on the tablet and one day she was next to me while I was folding laundry scrolling through My Little Pony videos. She landed on THIS and was watching it

I caught it early on thank GOD. As soon as Pinky Pie started cutting off Rainbow Dashes Rainbows. She saw enough to be pretty weirded out. I was HORRIFIED.

Mind you.....her YouTube kids is customized for AGE FOUR. And this shizz was on it. WHY the fuck was this on a channel for TODDLERS.

Pedos and sick twisted fucking "fandom" has destroyed My Little Pony. I wont even let my daughter have shirts or PJs or anything MLP.

There's an old Brit kids TV show from the 80's called Rainbow that I remember watching sometimes. Back then of course I was oblivious to the overtly gay overtones in the show.... a big 'bear' character, an effeminate pink bear and all kinds of other stuff that is clearly subliminal messaging and conditioning.

Check out this demented shit geared towards children as young as 3. It's for 3 and up

This is just revolting and not nessesary and selfish.

If these people had their way, they would showing porn to kinder age kids so they could "normalize sexuality".

You know so no one ever grows up with their own thoughts and feelings. Just exploit them while they are too young to even process info like this.

Kids this age do not even think like this yet and they dont give a fuck. This is all about selfish and warped adults who think being "accepted" is more important than anything or anyone.

Dont even get me started on Teen Vogues exploitive and dangerous sexual material.

Comments turned off along with the like/dislike function, how odd....

Jootube is disgusting, we all know how bad they are with censorship but a channel called 'Queer Kid Stuff' is deemed acceptable?


It's because people were on there openly disgusted.

Some were very intense about it lol.

But that woman gets mad and huffy when shes challenged about her content.

YouTube removed her channel for a bit but she came back with lawsuits.

It's ridiculous. Parents allowing their young children watch this are fucked up. I bet we are gonna see a generation that grows up telling stories about mental, emotional and even sexual abuse in these hard care progressive "activist" homes. Not much different from the hyper conservative religious abuse of the past.

I have already read stuff from young adults who were raised in same sex parents households. With same sex parents heavily involved in LGBTQ activism. They talk about how their whole life was about "gay parents" and they just felt like accessories. They grew up going to Pride events and everything in their life revolved about LGBTQ activism and left wing politics.

How sad is that? That you dont even get a childhood because you are a prop for your gay parents gay leftwing activism?

You can tell its painful for these people because they love their parents. But its gross and abusive that even as an adult, thier gay leftwing parents always come before them and their feelings and needs always take a backseat because "the fight for equality".

These people are so selfish its revolting. And I'm talking about leftwing activist.....not all homosexuals. Some homosexuals adopt and raise children and put their kids first. Some are republicans lol.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
If people are stupid enough to depend on the government to keep them safe and healthy... they can leave and go to a country that provides that.

So how many Portugals can fit inside some of the most dangerous countries?

How many Portugals can fit inside the US?

Like if you were to compare the size of Portugal to a US state.....which one would it be?

Indiana. Portugal is the size of fucking Indiana.

It's amazing how manipulative and dishonest people will become to push a partisan load of shit like gun control that would do nothing but harm Americans and infringe on our RIGHTS.

Hey Dovey, bit off the topic a bit....

You were mentioning how you felt hard done by where You live with the lockdwon measures put in place in your state. Just as severe across the border from where. you live, eh?

The Premier there really came down hard on the people of Ontario.
He essentially grounded his whole province.

It aint that bad on the West Coast.
Of course, our population isn't nearly as sick either.

Just thought this bit of news'd bake ya feel better.

The shooter from yesterday was a die hard lefty obsessed with my little pony and was part of the "Brony" community where grown ass men dress up as my little pony characters, talk about their "spirit animals", and generally act as brain damaged 8 year olds. There have also been several high profile pedophiles in the Brony community hoping to luring children in to their orbit using the children's toy and cartoon. Having met a couple of Bronies on forums I can confirm the two I have known online were mentally ill fuckwits.

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You know I dont let my 4 year old watch anything My Little Pony?

I let her sometimes watch YouTube Kids on the tablet and one day she was next to me while I was folding laundry scrolling through My Little Pony videos. She landed on THIS and was watching it

I caught it early on thank GOD. As soon as Pinky Pie started cutting off Rainbow Dashes Rainbows. She saw enough to be pretty weirded out. I was HORRIFIED.

Mind you.....her YouTube kids is customized for AGE FOUR. And this shizz was on it. WHY the fuck was this on a channel for TODDLERS.

Pedos and sick twisted fucking "fandom" has destroyed My Little Pony. I wont even let my daughter have shirts or PJs or anything MLP.

There's an old Brit kids TV show from the 80's called Rainbow that I remember watching sometimes. Back then of course I was oblivious to the overtly gay overtones in the show.... a big 'bear' character, an effeminate pink bear and all kinds of other stuff that is clearly subliminal messaging and conditioning.

Check out this demented shit geared towards children as young as 3. It's for 3 and up

This is just revolting and not nessesary and selfish.

If these people had their way, they would showing porn to kinder age kids so they could "normalize sexuality".

You know so no one ever grows up with their own thoughts and feelings. Just exploit them while they are too young to even process info like this.

Kids this age do not even think like this yet and they dont give a fuck. This is all about selfish and warped adults who think being "accepted" is more important than anything or anyone.

Dont even get me started on Teen Vogues exploitive and dangerous sexual material.

Comments turned off along with the like/dislike function, how odd....

Jootube is disgusting, we all know how bad they are with censorship but a channel called 'Queer Kid Stuff' is deemed acceptable?


It's because people were on there openly disgusted.

Some were very intense about it lol.

But that woman gets mad and huffy when shes challenged about her content.

YouTube removed her channel for a bit but she came back with lawsuits.

It's ridiculous. Parents allowing their young children watch this are fucked up. I bet we are gonna see a generation that grows up telling stories about mental, emotional and even sexual abuse in these hard care progressive "activist" homes. Not much different from the hyper conservative religious abuse of the past.

I have already read stuff from young adults who were raised in same sex parents households. With same sex parents heavily involved in LGBTQ activism. They talk about how their whole life was about "gay parents" and they just felt like accessories. They grew up going to Pride events and everything in their life revolved about LGBTQ activism and left wing politics.

How sad is that? That you dont even get a childhood because you are a prop for your gay parents gay leftwing activism?

You can tell its painful for these people because they love their parents. But its gross and abusive that even as an adult, thier gay leftwing parents always come before them and their feelings and needs always take a backseat because "the fight for equality".

These people are so selfish its revolting. And I'm talking about leftwing activist.....not all homosexuals. Some homosexuals adopt and raise children and put their kids first. Some are republicans lol.

Yep, just look at Rosie Odonnels pet kids and how fucked they are. I swear, if my parents would have went gay, I'd have fukin killed em.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
If people are stupid enough to depend on the government to keep them safe and healthy... they can leave and go to a country that provides that.

So how many Portugals can fit inside some of the most dangerous countries?

How many Portugals can fit inside the US?

Like if you were to compare the size of Portugal to a US state.....which one would it be?

Indiana. Portugal is the size of fucking Indiana.

It's amazing how manipulative and dishonest people will become to push a partisan load of shit like gun control that would do nothing but harm Americans and infringe on our RIGHTS.

Hey Dovey, bit off the topic a bit....

You were mentioning how you felt hard done by where You live with the lockdwon measures put in place in your state. Just as severe across the border from where. you live, eh?

The Premier there really came down hard on the people of Ontario.
He essentially grounded his whole province.

It aint that bad on the West Coast.
Of course, our population isn't nearly as sick either.

Just thought this bit of news'd bake ya feel better.

The shooter from yesterday was a die hard lefty obsessed with my little pony and was part of the "Brony" community where grown ass men dress up as my little pony characters, talk about their "spirit animals", and generally act as brain damaged 8 year olds. There have also been several high profile pedophiles in the Brony community hoping to luring children in to their orbit using the children's toy and cartoon. Having met a couple of Bronies on forums I can confirm the two I have known online were mentally ill fuckwits.

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You know I dont let my 4 year old watch anything My Little Pony?

I let her sometimes watch YouTube Kids on the tablet and one day she was next to me while I was folding laundry scrolling through My Little Pony videos. She landed on THIS and was watching it

I caught it early on thank GOD. As soon as Pinky Pie started cutting off Rainbow Dashes Rainbows. She saw enough to be pretty weirded out. I was HORRIFIED.

Mind you.....her YouTube kids is customized for AGE FOUR. And this shizz was on it. WHY the fuck was this on a channel for TODDLERS.

Pedos and sick twisted fucking "fandom" has destroyed My Little Pony. I wont even let my daughter have shirts or PJs or anything MLP.

There's an old Brit kids TV show from the 80's called Rainbow that I remember watching sometimes. Back then of course I was oblivious to the overtly gay overtones in the show.... a big 'bear' character, an effeminate pink bear and all kinds of other stuff that is clearly subliminal messaging and conditioning.

Check out this demented shit geared towards children as young as 3. It's for 3 and up

This is just revolting and not nessesary and selfish.

If these people had their way, they would showing porn to kinder age kids so they could "normalize sexuality".

You know so no one ever grows up with their own thoughts and feelings. Just exploit them while they are too young to even process info like this.

Kids this age do not even think like this yet and they dont give a fuck. This is all about selfish and warped adults who think being "accepted" is more important than anything or anyone.

Dont even get me started on Teen Vogues exploitive and dangerous sexual material.

This is fucking repulsive and people like this should be executed.


As a 40 year old, I dont want to hear this butchy lesbian talking about her activist pie.

So I cannot imagine forcing an innocent child to sit through that either. Regardless of that demonic talking pedobear she has in her indoctrination series.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
If people are stupid enough to depend on the government to keep them safe and healthy... they can leave and go to a country that provides that.

So how many Portugals can fit inside some of the most dangerous countries?

How many Portugals can fit inside the US?

Like if you were to compare the size of Portugal to a US state.....which one would it be?

Indiana. Portugal is the size of fucking Indiana.

It's amazing how manipulative and dishonest people will become to push a partisan load of shit like gun control that would do nothing but harm Americans and infringe on our RIGHTS.

Hey Dovey, bit off the topic a bit....

You were mentioning how you felt hard done by where You live with the lockdwon measures put in place in your state. Just as severe across the border from where. you live, eh?

The Premier there really came down hard on the people of Ontario.
He essentially grounded his whole province.

It aint that bad on the West Coast.
Of course, our population isn't nearly as sick either.

Just thought this bit of news'd bake ya feel better.

The shooter from yesterday was a die hard lefty obsessed with my little pony and was part of the "Brony" community where grown ass men dress up as my little pony characters, talk about their "spirit animals", and generally act as brain damaged 8 year olds. There have also been several high profile pedophiles in the Brony community hoping to luring children in to their orbit using the children's toy and cartoon. Having met a couple of Bronies on forums I can confirm the two I have known online were mentally ill fuckwits.

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You know I dont let my 4 year old watch anything My Little Pony?

I let her sometimes watch YouTube Kids on the tablet and one day she was next to me while I was folding laundry scrolling through My Little Pony videos. She landed on THIS and was watching it

I caught it early on thank GOD. As soon as Pinky Pie started cutting off Rainbow Dashes Rainbows. She saw enough to be pretty weirded out. I was HORRIFIED.

Mind you.....her YouTube kids is customized for AGE FOUR. And this shizz was on it. WHY the fuck was this on a channel for TODDLERS.

Pedos and sick twisted fucking "fandom" has destroyed My Little Pony. I wont even let my daughter have shirts or PJs or anything MLP.

There's an old Brit kids TV show from the 80's called Rainbow that I remember watching sometimes. Back then of course I was oblivious to the overtly gay overtones in the show.... a big 'bear' character, an effeminate pink bear and all kinds of other stuff that is clearly subliminal messaging and conditioning.

Check out this demented shit geared towards children as young as 3. It's for 3 and up

This is just revolting and not nessesary and selfish.

If these people had their way, they would showing porn to kinder age kids so they could "normalize sexuality".

You know so no one ever grows up with their own thoughts and feelings. Just exploit them while they are too young to even process info like this.

Kids this age do not even think like this yet and they dont give a fuck. This is all about selfish and warped adults who think being "accepted" is more important than anything or anyone.

Dont even get me started on Teen Vogues exploitive and dangerous sexual material.

Comments turned off along with the like/dislike function, how odd....

Jootube is disgusting, we all know how bad they are with censorship but a channel called 'Queer Kid Stuff' is deemed acceptable?


It's because people were on there openly disgusted.

Some were very intense about it lol.

But that woman gets mad and huffy when shes challenged about her content.

YouTube removed her channel for a bit but she came back with lawsuits.

It's ridiculous. Parents allowing their young children watch this are fucked up. I bet we are gonna see a generation that grows up telling stories about mental, emotional and even sexual abuse in these hard care progressive "activist" homes. Not much different from the hyper conservative religious abuse of the past.

I have already read stuff from young adults who were raised in same sex parents households. With same sex parents heavily involved in LGBTQ activism. They talk about how their whole life was about "gay parents" and they just felt like accessories. They grew up going to Pride events and everything in their life revolved about LGBTQ activism and left wing politics.

How sad is that? That you dont even get a childhood because you are a prop for your gay parents gay leftwing activism?

You can tell its painful for these people because they love their parents. But its gross and abusive that even as an adult, thier gay leftwing parents always come before them and their feelings and needs always take a backseat because "the fight for equality".

These people are so selfish its revolting. And I'm talking about leftwing activist.....not all homosexuals. Some homosexuals adopt and raise children and put their kids first. Some are republicans lol.

I don't care if guys want to fuck guys or if women want to eat pussy, it's their business, but it disgusts me (the guy on guy shit I mean) and I will never support gay marriage or gay's being allowed to adopt children.

What really does irk me though is the kind of shit you have illustrated, LGBT propaganda being aimed at kids. It's bad enough when us adults have to see that shit but when they target kids it's even worse and just makes me despise queers and homosexuality even more.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
If people are stupid enough to depend on the government to keep them safe and healthy... they can leave and go to a country that provides that.

So how many Portugals can fit inside some of the most dangerous countries?

How many Portugals can fit inside the US?

Like if you were to compare the size of Portugal to a US state.....which one would it be?

Indiana. Portugal is the size of fucking Indiana.

It's amazing how manipulative and dishonest people will become to push a partisan load of shit like gun control that would do nothing but harm Americans and infringe on our RIGHTS.

Hey Dovey, bit off the topic a bit....

You were mentioning how you felt hard done by where You live with the lockdwon measures put in place in your state. Just as severe across the border from where. you live, eh?

The Premier there really came down hard on the people of Ontario.
He essentially grounded his whole province.

It aint that bad on the West Coast.
Of course, our population isn't nearly as sick either.

Just thought this bit of news'd bake ya feel better.

The shooter from yesterday was a die hard lefty obsessed with my little pony and was part of the "Brony" community where grown ass men dress up as my little pony characters, talk about their "spirit animals", and generally act as brain damaged 8 year olds. There have also been several high profile pedophiles in the Brony community hoping to luring children in to their orbit using the children's toy and cartoon. Having met a couple of Bronies on forums I can confirm the two I have known online were mentally ill fuckwits.

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You know I dont let my 4 year old watch anything My Little Pony?

I let her sometimes watch YouTube Kids on the tablet and one day she was next to me while I was folding laundry scrolling through My Little Pony videos. She landed on THIS and was watching it

I caught it early on thank GOD. As soon as Pinky Pie started cutting off Rainbow Dashes Rainbows. She saw enough to be pretty weirded out. I was HORRIFIED.

Mind you.....her YouTube kids is customized for AGE FOUR. And this shizz was on it. WHY the fuck was this on a channel for TODDLERS.

Pedos and sick twisted fucking "fandom" has destroyed My Little Pony. I wont even let my daughter have shirts or PJs or anything MLP.

There's an old Brit kids TV show from the 80's called Rainbow that I remember watching sometimes. Back then of course I was oblivious to the overtly gay overtones in the show.... a big 'bear' character, an effeminate pink bear and all kinds of other stuff that is clearly subliminal messaging and conditioning.

Check out this demented shit geared towards children as young as 3. It's for 3 and up

This is just revolting and not nessesary and selfish.

If these people had their way, they would showing porn to kinder age kids so they could "normalize sexuality".

You know so no one ever grows up with their own thoughts and feelings. Just exploit them while they are too young to even process info like this.

Kids this age do not even think like this yet and they dont give a fuck. This is all about selfish and warped adults who think being "accepted" is more important than anything or anyone.

Dont even get me started on Teen Vogues exploitive and dangerous sexual material.

Comments turned off along with the like/dislike function, how odd....

Jootube is disgusting, we all know how bad they are with censorship but a channel called 'Queer Kid Stuff' is deemed acceptable?


It's because people were on there openly disgusted.

Some were very intense about it lol.

But that woman gets mad and huffy when shes challenged about her content.

YouTube removed her channel for a bit but she came back with lawsuits.

It's ridiculous. Parents allowing their young children watch this are fucked up. I bet we are gonna see a generation that grows up telling stories about mental, emotional and even sexual abuse in these hard care progressive "activist" homes. Not much different from the hyper conservative religious abuse of the past.

I have already read stuff from young adults who were raised in same sex parents households. With same sex parents heavily involved in LGBTQ activism. They talk about how their whole life was about "gay parents" and they just felt like accessories. They grew up going to Pride events and everything in their life revolved about LGBTQ activism and left wing politics.

How sad is that? That you dont even get a childhood because you are a prop for your gay parents gay leftwing activism?

You can tell its painful for these people because they love their parents. But its gross and abusive that even as an adult, thier gay leftwing parents always come before them and their feelings and needs always take a backseat because "the fight for equality".

These people are so selfish its revolting. And I'm talking about leftwing activist.....not all homosexuals. Some homosexuals adopt and raise children and put their kids first. Some are republicans lol.

I don't care if guys want to fuck guys or if women want to eat pussy, it's their business, but it disgusts me (the guy on guy shit I mean) and I will never support gay marriage or gay's being allowed to adopt children.

What really does irk me though is the kind of shit you have illustrated, LGBT propaganda being aimed at kids. It's bad enough when us adults have to see that shit but when they target kids it's even worse and just makes me despise queers and homosexuality even more.

Not caring is what got us where we are today.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
If people are stupid enough to depend on the government to keep them safe and healthy... they can leave and go to a country that provides that.

So how many Portugals can fit inside some of the most dangerous countries?

How many Portugals can fit inside the US?

Like if you were to compare the size of Portugal to a US state.....which one would it be?

Indiana. Portugal is the size of fucking Indiana.

It's amazing how manipulative and dishonest people will become to push a partisan load of shit like gun control that would do nothing but harm Americans and infringe on our RIGHTS.

Hey Dovey, bit off the topic a bit....

You were mentioning how you felt hard done by where You live with the lockdwon measures put in place in your state. Just as severe across the border from where. you live, eh?

The Premier there really came down hard on the people of Ontario.
He essentially grounded his whole province.

It aint that bad on the West Coast.
Of course, our population isn't nearly as sick either.

Just thought this bit of news'd bake ya feel better.

The shooter from yesterday was a die hard lefty obsessed with my little pony and was part of the "Brony" community where grown ass men dress up as my little pony characters, talk about their "spirit animals", and generally act as brain damaged 8 year olds. There have also been several high profile pedophiles in the Brony community hoping to luring children in to their orbit using the children's toy and cartoon. Having met a couple of Bronies on forums I can confirm the two I have known online were mentally ill fuckwits.

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You know I dont let my 4 year old watch anything My Little Pony?

I let her sometimes watch YouTube Kids on the tablet and one day she was next to me while I was folding laundry scrolling through My Little Pony videos. She landed on THIS and was watching it

I caught it early on thank GOD. As soon as Pinky Pie started cutting off Rainbow Dashes Rainbows. She saw enough to be pretty weirded out. I was HORRIFIED.

Mind you.....her YouTube kids is customized for AGE FOUR. And this shizz was on it. WHY the fuck was this on a channel for TODDLERS.

Pedos and sick twisted fucking "fandom" has destroyed My Little Pony. I wont even let my daughter have shirts or PJs or anything MLP.

There's an old Brit kids TV show from the 80's called Rainbow that I remember watching sometimes. Back then of course I was oblivious to the overtly gay overtones in the show.... a big 'bear' character, an effeminate pink bear and all kinds of other stuff that is clearly subliminal messaging and conditioning.

Check out this demented shit geared towards children as young as 3. It's for 3 and up

This is just revolting and not nessesary and selfish.

If these people had their way, they would showing porn to kinder age kids so they could "normalize sexuality".

You know so no one ever grows up with their own thoughts and feelings. Just exploit them while they are too young to even process info like this.

Kids this age do not even think like this yet and they dont give a fuck. This is all about selfish and warped adults who think being "accepted" is more important than anything or anyone.

Dont even get me started on Teen Vogues exploitive and dangerous sexual material.

Comments turned off along with the like/dislike function, how odd....

Jootube is disgusting, we all know how bad they are with censorship but a channel called 'Queer Kid Stuff' is deemed acceptable?


It's because people were on there openly disgusted.

Some were very intense about it lol.

But that woman gets mad and huffy when shes challenged about her content.

YouTube removed her channel for a bit but she came back with lawsuits.

It's ridiculous. Parents allowing their young children watch this are fucked up. I bet we are gonna see a generation that grows up telling stories about mental, emotional and even sexual abuse in these hard care progressive "activist" homes. Not much different from the hyper conservative religious abuse of the past.

I have already read stuff from young adults who were raised in same sex parents households. With same sex parents heavily involved in LGBTQ activism. They talk about how their whole life was about "gay parents" and they just felt like accessories. They grew up going to Pride events and everything in their life revolved about LGBTQ activism and left wing politics.

How sad is that? That you dont even get a childhood because you are a prop for your gay parents gay leftwing activism?

You can tell its painful for these people because they love their parents. But its gross and abusive that even as an adult, thier gay leftwing parents always come before them and their feelings and needs always take a backseat because "the fight for equality".

These people are so selfish its revolting. And I'm talking about leftwing activist.....not all homosexuals. Some homosexuals adopt and raise children and put their kids first. Some are republicans lol.

I don't care if guys want to fuck guys or if women want to eat pussy, it's their business, but it disgusts me (the guy on guy shit I mean) and I will never support gay marriage or gay's being allowed to adopt children.

What really does irk me though is the kind of shit you have illustrated, LGBT propaganda being aimed at kids. It's bad enough when us adults have to see that shit but when they target kids it's even worse and just makes me despise queers and homosexuality even more.

I support any committed couple being able to enter into a legal domestic union on the basis of liberty.

And I am not against stable homosexual couples adopting children. I have aunts who have adopted 3 of the children they fostered. There are many children who need homes.

What I'm against are these militant leftist gaystoppo fuckers all enmeshed in leftwing LGBTQ activism and adopting kids and using them as activism props. Brainwashing and abusing them.

It's disgusting, cruel, and no different from those religious cult families and "Jesus camps" where children were being brainwashed and abused.

Children are human beings. Not tools for someone's personal idea of how the world should be "saved" or "changed".

More and more leftwing ideology is being pushed on kids exactly for this purpose. And the wimpy right wing does nothing about it but complain and point it out and applaud Ben Shapiro.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
If people are stupid enough to depend on the government to keep them safe and healthy... they can leave and go to a country that provides that.

So how many Portugals can fit inside some of the most dangerous countries?

How many Portugals can fit inside the US?

Like if you were to compare the size of Portugal to a US state.....which one would it be?

Indiana. Portugal is the size of fucking Indiana.

It's amazing how manipulative and dishonest people will become to push a partisan load of shit like gun control that would do nothing but harm Americans and infringe on our RIGHTS.

Hey Dovey, bit off the topic a bit....

You were mentioning how you felt hard done by where You live with the lockdwon measures put in place in your state. Just as severe across the border from where. you live, eh?

The Premier there really came down hard on the people of Ontario.
He essentially grounded his whole province.

It aint that bad on the West Coast.
Of course, our population isn't nearly as sick either.

Just thought this bit of news'd bake ya feel better.

The shooter from yesterday was a die hard lefty obsessed with my little pony and was part of the "Brony" community where grown ass men dress up as my little pony characters, talk about their "spirit animals", and generally act as brain damaged 8 year olds. There have also been several high profile pedophiles in the Brony community hoping to luring children in to their orbit using the children's toy and cartoon. Having met a couple of Bronies on forums I can confirm the two I have known online were mentally ill fuckwits.

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You know I dont let my 4 year old watch anything My Little Pony?

I let her sometimes watch YouTube Kids on the tablet and one day she was next to me while I was folding laundry scrolling through My Little Pony videos. She landed on THIS and was watching it

I caught it early on thank GOD. As soon as Pinky Pie started cutting off Rainbow Dashes Rainbows. She saw enough to be pretty weirded out. I was HORRIFIED.

Mind you.....her YouTube kids is customized for AGE FOUR. And this shizz was on it. WHY the fuck was this on a channel for TODDLERS.

Pedos and sick twisted fucking "fandom" has destroyed My Little Pony. I wont even let my daughter have shirts or PJs or anything MLP.

There's an old Brit kids TV show from the 80's called Rainbow that I remember watching sometimes. Back then of course I was oblivious to the overtly gay overtones in the show.... a big 'bear' character, an effeminate pink bear and all kinds of other stuff that is clearly subliminal messaging and conditioning.

Check out this demented shit geared towards children as young as 3. It's for 3 and up

This is just revolting and not nessesary and selfish.

If these people had their way, they would showing porn to kinder age kids so they could "normalize sexuality".

You know so no one ever grows up with their own thoughts and feelings. Just exploit them while they are too young to even process info like this.

Kids this age do not even think like this yet and they dont give a fuck. This is all about selfish and warped adults who think being "accepted" is more important than anything or anyone.

Dont even get me started on Teen Vogues exploitive and dangerous sexual material.

Comments turned off along with the like/dislike function, how odd....

Jootube is disgusting, we all know how bad they are with censorship but a channel called 'Queer Kid Stuff' is deemed acceptable?


It's because people were on there openly disgusted.

Some were very intense about it lol.

But that woman gets mad and huffy when shes challenged about her content.

YouTube removed her channel for a bit but she came back with lawsuits.

It's ridiculous. Parents allowing their young children watch this are fucked up. I bet we are gonna see a generation that grows up telling stories about mental, emotional and even sexual abuse in these hard care progressive "activist" homes. Not much different from the hyper conservative religious abuse of the past.

I have already read stuff from young adults who were raised in same sex parents households. With same sex parents heavily involved in LGBTQ activism. They talk about how their whole life was about "gay parents" and they just felt like accessories. They grew up going to Pride events and everything in their life revolved about LGBTQ activism and left wing politics.

How sad is that? That you dont even get a childhood because you are a prop for your gay parents gay leftwing activism?

You can tell its painful for these people because they love their parents. But its gross and abusive that even as an adult, thier gay leftwing parents always come before them and their feelings and needs always take a backseat because "the fight for equality".

These people are so selfish its revolting. And I'm talking about leftwing activist.....not all homosexuals. Some homosexuals adopt and raise children and put their kids first. Some are republicans lol.

I don't care if guys want to fuck guys or if women want to eat pussy, it's their business, but it disgusts me (the guy on guy shit I mean) and I will never support gay marriage or gay's being allowed to adopt children.

What really does irk me though is the kind of shit you have illustrated, LGBT propaganda being aimed at kids. It's bad enough when us adults have to see that shit but when they target kids it's even worse and just makes me despise queers and homosexuality even more.

Not caring is what got us where we are today.

We NEED our gay right wingers to beat up these psycho gay leftists.

Being gay doesnt mean you have to be fucking retarded.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I support any committed couple being able to enter into a legal domestic union on the basis of liberty.

And I am not against stable homosexual couples adopting children. I have aunts who have adopted 3 of the children they fostered. There are many children who need homes.
FUK NO! I'd rather be a homeless kid living in a Vegas sewer than have faggits raising me.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I support any committed couple being able to enter into a legal domestic union on the basis of liberty.

And I am not against stable homosexual couples adopting children. I have aunts who have adopted 3 of the children they fostered. There are many children who need homes.
FUK NO! I'd rather be a homeless kid living in a Vegas sewer than have faggits raising me.

These kids blossomed with my aunts.

There was a brother and sister who were neglected due to the parents drug use and both of those parents died. The kids were with my aunts when the parents they just adopted them. Both kids did complete 180s. In a good way.

The youngest was a baby whose mother was disabled AND on drugs. This poor baby was severely neglected and the mother had left this poor baby laying in her playpen on her back for such long periods of time that the babies head was flat.

She had to have a special helmet and she still goes through occupational therapy. Shes delayed a lot, the mom did drugs while pregnant.

My aunts do very good.....the kids come first and they aren't being paraded around Pride events and brainwashed into activism. Then again, aunts are not left wing wackjobs. So that helps.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I support any committed couple being able to enter into a legal domestic union on the basis of liberty.

And I am not against stable homosexual couples adopting children. I have aunts who have adopted 3 of the children they fostered. There are many children who need homes.
FUK NO! I'd rather be a homeless kid living in a Vegas sewer than have faggits raising me.

These kids blossomed with my aunts.

There was a brother and sister who were neglected due to the parents drug use and both of those parents died. The kids were with my aunts when the parents they just adopted them. Both kids did complete 180s. In a good way.

The youngest was a baby whose mother was disabled AND on drugs. This poor baby was severely neglected and the mother had left this poor baby laying in her playpen on her back for such long periods of time that the babies head was flat.

She had to have a special helmet and she still goes through occupational therapy. Shes delayed a lot, the mom did drugs while pregnant.

My aunts do very good.....the kids come first and they aren't being paraded around Pride events and brainwashed into activism. Then again, aunts are not left wing wackjobs. So that helps.
and taught em faggotry is normal.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I support any committed couple being able to enter into a legal domestic union on the basis of liberty.

And I am not against stable homosexual couples adopting children. I have aunts who have adopted 3 of the children they fostered. There are many children who need homes.
FUK NO! I'd rather be a homeless kid living in a Vegas sewer than have faggits raising me.

...What if LotusBud was yer Mother...Lokmeer?!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I support any committed couple being able to enter into a legal domestic union on the basis of liberty.

And I am not against stable homosexual couples adopting children. I have aunts who have adopted 3 of the children they fostered. There are many children who need homes.
FUK NO! I'd rather be a homeless kid living in a Vegas sewer than have faggits raising me.

...What if LotusBud was yer Mother...Lokmeer?!
bitch would be dead.
  • Funny
Reactions: Joe


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Tho this is just a made for TV movie, I thought it was relevant to this incident:

...because the guy in the video ducks and keeps his head down then orders his passenger to do the same.

So the challenger who was shot and killed by Brandon Hole likely exposed his head and body to the shooter while he was gettig his gun.

...and this had little to do with how powerful the challenger's gun was, but more to do with having the knowledge of how to react in those kind of situations.

If the challenger was trying to get his gun, perhps if he ducked and got it form the other side of the vehicle he might have survived? Or had a better chance of survival.

Not saynig the gun wouldn't have come in handy, but it seems he made a tactical error the way in which he challenged the shooter.