Today's mass shooting


Domestically feral
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United states
Shooter: Brandon Scott Hole. White Male. Fired Fed-Ex worker. 19.

These mass shooters scare me WAY more than gang warriors because a workplace, school, theater, concert, etc shooting can happen anywhere, anytime. Gang wars aren't exactly random shootings, you racist snowflakes.
Fucking honkeys are mindless killing machines!

Thank god this confused already on LEO radar for his widely known psychotically fuckedupness, this patriot was able to freely access guns. But hey, GUNS! amirite?

You are delusional if you think making guns harder to get or banning them would stop things like this.

Dont you guys say you want drugs decriminalized? How is the war on drugs going?

The government has no business infringing on our rights or telling us what we can put it our bodies. More people die from drug use and drug related crimes than shootings.

Its gross how hard you guys work to cling onto tragic events only to push your tyrannical political beliefs and try to act like it's a pass to take away peoples rights.....and how hard you work to ignore everything you cant use.

...but that isn't realy the point.

I'm just pointing out that a challenger who tried to kill the shooter with his gun was himself killed.'s not just about possessing a gun in those istuations, it's also knowing how to use it & being sufficiently trained to prevent one's own death.

And most responsible gun owners know how to do that.

But you definitely can still get shot and killed.

The point is that if you have your own fire arm you have a much better chance to save not just your life, but other innocent peoples lives. A chance that is given to us as constitutional right that should not be infringed on.

Well, given the challenger's death, evidently they don't.

It's one thing to fire as a larget range hobbyist or shoot at a defenseless animal.

It's another when it's an assailant who's trying to kill you.

It's a completely different game, Dovey.

I know, because I've been there.

What about all the challengers in similar situations that took down a violent threat?

How does this ONE guy suddenly represent everyone?

That guy had a right to have his gun to defend himself in a situation just like that. He knew the risk and chose to take it. It's sad he lost that one, absolutely. But that doesnt mean that's ALWAYS how it goes down and that none of us should ever bother because we will just die a few minutes sooner than we would have if we didnt have one.

No, I'm not arguing about the challenger's right to own a gun.
I'm just saying it's somewhat obvious he made the wrong move.
I think he made a mistake.

He must have exposed himself when he went to his car to get the gun.
Otherwise the shooter wouldn't have seen him had he concealed his movements better.

Y'know when someone or something is trying to kill you, you don't give a shit who's right or wrong.

Your first thought is, "How can I make it out of this alive?"

In the end, it doesn't matter who was right or wrong.
Just who came out alive.

Did the person who went to the car to grab his gun actually have his weapon in his hand when he was shot and killed? Or was he going for his gun when he was shot and killed? Being in possession of and attempting to are two completely different things. Of course, if he was seen "going" for his gun and got shot, we can't say that it was a "fair" shootout between him and the assailant. In that manner, you can't say whether or not the person that went for his gun knew how to use it. There are a lot of people that "know" how to use guns that get killed by other shooters. Happens all the time. I do agree with you that in this situation, knowing how to use a firearm is way more relevant than actually just "owning" one. At least the guy his soul.
Exactly. The devil is always in the details. If the poor bastard went at him with anything less than a rifle, which seems most plausible, then he didnt stand much of a chance.

Well, in which case, that still denotes a lack of training on how to use the proper procedures under such circumstances. Guy would have been better of hiding behind a car instead of trying to play hero, Lokmeer.

But if a person is properly trainied in knowing how to react in those situations, how would he know that? Guy obviously got suckered into the marketing/advertising that the mere presence of a gun would make him invincible.

Even if he had the proper firearmrs he probably wouldn't have knkown how to use it or react quickly enough.
Thats just none of your fukin business josephine. If he wanted to make a run at the dude with a Bible and holy water, thats his prerogative. People in this fukin country aint about to have some cunt like you hold our civil rights hostage while you determine how much training we need.

No. it is my business.

Because if I were in the same or similar situation, I'd want to know what to do.

Incidently, these life and death situations don't just crop up in the US.

I think I posted this story before, but in my own city, a realtor got killed by somebody who was trying to break into his home aka a home invasion.

colin-hill.jpg it's quite possible in this instance, a gun could have saved his life. But under this supposition, he would have still had to known how to react and what to do to defend himself and his family.

What do you think this Canadian real estate agent should have done in this situation to save himself?

Yeah. And he would have had to be close to his gun when it happened. You can't walk around with a gun in your hand 24/7. I laughed when they suggested teachers arm themselves. It would not be possible to teach with a gun in your hand.

Really Lotus?

They would keep the gun holstered and concealed until they needed it.

No one was suggested they keep it in their lol

Then why have it at all? show me an example of the teacher up at the white board or lecturn when an active shooter appears out of no where, and the?

You cant be serious?

Do police carry guns in their hand?

Imagine how much different Colombine would have been if one of those teachers had a gun. Imagine if Patti Neilson was armed. That whole 4 hour library shoot out could have been avoided.

Since you enjoy Pumped up Kicks.

Let's talk about every step of the reenactment where a teacher or even a student having a gun could have ended this. I see at LEAST 8 places where a legal carry could have changed this story.

You know 99 was my graduating year and the genesis of school shootings is grossly associated with my generation. I thought we all effectively blamed Marilyn Manson.

Should we talk about how every school shooting since was a copy cat and all the would have been copy cat shootings that didnt manifest? Should we talk about the groups of stupid kids today who romanticize it? They are called Columbiners. My own kids met a few. Came home outraged asking questions about that shooting(failed bombing). Also, ARs were not used by Harris or Klebold. They used a pump action rifle you could buy at Walmart and a sawed off shot gun(already illegal af) and an automatic pistol.

Columbine is proof that it doesnt matter if weapons are illegal. It was supposed to be a BOMBING, ffs. The real motive wasnt access to weapons. It was Eric Harris was a sociopath and Klebold was very mentally ill and suicidal.

I have no fucking clue how you guys think that unless someone has a gun in their hand at all times that its useless.....and frankly I dont know how to respond to that stupidity. Especailly considering you were in the military and should fucking know better. A gun can be drawn very quickly.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Two Pueblo, Colo., residents were forced to defend themselves from three intruders during the middle of the night on July 22. According to the Pueblo Police Department, the residents informed them that a white car had parked in front of the home and that three men exited the vehicle before forcing their way in through the home’s front door. A physical altercation ensued with one of the two residents while the other retrieved a handgun. He subsequently fired upon the intruders, causing them to exit the home and drive away. The armed citizen reportedly struck two of the intruders. A short time later, one of the intruders, a 39-year-old man, arrived at a local hospital with gunshot wounds, according to police. (
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, Colorado Springs, Colo., 7/23/20)

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
A 17-year-old male forced to defend a home fatally shot an armed intruder March 22 in Cobb County, Ga. Local law enforcement said three suspects attempting to rob the residence were confronted by the young armed citizen, whose shots hit two of them. One home invader succumbed to his wounds at the scene as his partners in crime fled. The two accomplices, including a man wounded in the robbery, have since been charged with murder, aggravated assault, attempted armed robbery, burglary and possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime. Police said they do not plan to charge the armed citizen who acted in self-defense. (
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, Atlanta, Ga., 3/23/20)
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
An elderly woman fatally shot a 19-year-old intruder around 12:45 a.m. after the intruder had attacked her fiancé. The couple was asleep in their Fredericksburg, Texas, home when they heard a loud banging noise coming from outside. The man, age 73, went to check the back porch and upon encountering the intruder, was attacked and hit with a blunt object. The homeowner was then put into a chokehold by the home invader, which caused him to lose consciousness. The woman woke up during the fight and asked the intruder to stop attacking, but was ignored. According to the Gillespie County Sheriff’s Office, she retrieved a handgun from the bedroom and fired one shot, but the culprit continued to attack. Fearing for her safety after seeing her unconscious fiancé, she fired a second shot, which hit the assailant in the head. The male homeowner regained consciousness and called 911, according to police. After transport to a local hospital, the teenaged thug succumbed to his injuries. (
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, Austin, Texas, 4/12/20;
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, Austin, Texas, 4/11/20)

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You cant be serious?

Do police carry guns in their hand?

Imagine how much different Colombine would have been if one of those teachers had a gun. Imagine if Patti Neilson was armed. That whole 4 hour library shoot out could have been avoided.

...and yet a gun is still only a tool.

And if a person doesn't know how to use it properly or WHEN to deploy it, then it may not help that much.

Likewise, a person can make a fist, but other than looking fierce like a boxer/martial artist, it's knowing how to deliver a punch with it which determines its effectiveness or lethal effect.

Comoparing an ordinary civilian with a gun and a trained policeman or soldier with a firearm is like night and day.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You cant be serious?

Do police carry guns in their hand?

Imagine how much different Colombine would have been if one of those teachers had a gun. Imagine if Patti Neilson was armed. That whole 4 hour library shoot out could have been avoided.

...and yet a gun is still only a tool.

And if a person doesn't know how to use it properly or WHEN to deploy it, then it may not help that much.

Likewise, a person can make a fist, but other than looking fierce like a boxer/martial artist, it's knowing how to deliver a punch with it which determines its effectiveness or lethal effect.

An ordinary civilian with a gun and a trained policeman with a firearm is like night and day.

True Joe. But people who haven't shot a gun a day in their lives have a better chance than someone who is unarmed.

Nothing is ever guaranteed ......its about what makes your chances better.

The vast majority of gun owners(who are law abiding citizens) have taken classes, and go to ranges.

Many criminals have never been trained to use their guns. Have you ever seen how gang bangers or thugs will hold their guns? Lmao.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
An elderly woman fatally shot a 19-year-old intruder around 12:45 a.m. after the intruder had attacked her fiancé. The couple was asleep in their Fredericksburg, Texas, home when they heard a loud banging noise coming from outside. The man, age 73, went to check the back porch and upon encountering the intruder, was attacked and hit with a blunt object. The homeowner was then put into a chokehold by the home invader, which caused him to lose consciousness. The woman woke up during the fight and asked the intruder to stop attacking, but was ignored. According to the Gillespie County Sheriff’s Office, she retrieved a handgun from the bedroom and fired one shot, but the culprit continued to attack. Fearing for her safety after seeing her unconscious fiancé, she fired a second shot, which hit the assailant in the head. The male homeowner regained consciousness and called 911, according to police. After transport to a local hospital, the teenaged thug succumbed to his injuries. (
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, Austin, Texas, 4/12/20;
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, Austin, Texas, 4/11/20)

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Isnt it sad billshit that the only incidents reported in mainstream media are "mass shootings" and have an agenda attached?

And it doesnt matter each case is different with different circumstances. It's all mass shootings. 58 mass shootings a month and it's all our fault because we wont let the government infringe on our rights. If only guns were illegal, mass shootings would never happen.

Even though murder is illegal and that doesnt stop people that want to kill.

Heroin and other narcs are illegal and simply being in possession of it can get you 5 years in prison.....yet we are still having an epidemic.

And before some moron says "see would still get abortions if they were banned!" yeah no. Killing other human beings should never be legal. If you are not comfortable with saying murder should be legal because people do it anyway.....dont bother with that either.

Criminals will still have whatever fire arms they wants. It's those who follow the law who will be disarmed and thusly vulnerable to any violent criminal. Kinda like how junkies will have all the opiates they want while terminal cancer patients are the ones going without adequate access due to government regulation.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You cant be serious?

Do police carry guns in their hand?

Imagine how much different Colombine would have been if one of those teachers had a gun. Imagine if Patti Neilson was armed. That whole 4 hour library shoot out could have been avoided.

...and yet a gun is still only a tool.

And if a person doesn't know how to use it properly or WHEN to deploy it, then it may not help that much.

Likewise, a person can make a fist, but other than looking fierce like a boxer/martial artist, it's knowing how to deliver a punch with it which determines its effectiveness or lethal effect.

An ordinary civilian with a gun and a trained policeman with a firearm is like night and day.

True Joe. But people who haven't shot a gun a day in their lives have a better chance than someone who is unarmed.

Nothing is ever guaranteed ......its about what makes your chances better.

The vast majority of gun owners(who are law abiding citizens) have taken classes, and go to ranges.

Many criminals have never been trained to use their guns. Have you ever seen how gang bangers or thugs will hold their guns? Lmao.

The Kid who killed his challenger at that Fedex plant, was just a 19 year old deranged pipsqueak - an Incel.

So the challenger was probably not experienced nor trained to deal with that kind of situation.

I don't think a prson can just fire at a practice range as a gun hobbyist and then expect to be prepared to deasl with someone who's essentially a terrorist in a mass shooting situation.

That takes an entirely different level of training and mental/physical fitness altogether.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You cant be serious?

Do police carry guns in their hand?

Imagine how much different Colombine would have been if one of those teachers had a gun. Imagine if Patti Neilson was armed. That whole 4 hour library shoot out could have been avoided.

...and yet a gun is still only a tool.

And if a person doesn't know how to use it properly or WHEN to deploy it, then it may not help that much.

Likewise, a person can make a fist, but other than looking fierce like a boxer/martial artist, it's knowing how to deliver a punch with it which determines its effectiveness or lethal effect.

An ordinary civilian with a gun and a trained policeman with a firearm is like night and day.

True Joe. But people who haven't shot a gun a day in their lives have a better chance than someone who is unarmed.

Nothing is ever guaranteed ......its about what makes your chances better.

The vast majority of gun owners(who are law abiding citizens) have taken classes, and go to ranges.

Many criminals have never been trained to use their guns. Have you ever seen how gang bangers or thugs will hold their guns? Lmao.

The Kid who killed his challenger at that Fedex plant, was just a pipsqueak - an Incel.

So the challenger was probably not experienced nor trained to deal with that kind of situation.

I don't think a prson can just fire at a practice range and then expect to be prepared to deasl with someone who's essentially a terrorist in a mass shooting situation.

That takes an entirely different level of training and mental/physical fitness altogether.

I bet that kid was even less trained, Joe.

Sometimes it goes poorly.

Even police get shot and killed, and they are very trained. Trained better than who shot them.

But again, your chances are MUCH better if you are armed. And all the incidents where an armed citizen was in that position and successfully defended themselves or another shows that.

You just dont hear nearly as much about those.

If there had been more than just 1 challenger that kid would have been taken down. I doubt he would have been able to get a shot on 5 challengers or even 3.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You cant be serious?

Do police carry guns in their hand?

Imagine how much different Colombine would have been if one of those teachers had a gun. Imagine if Patti Neilson was armed. That whole 4 hour library shoot out could have been avoided.

...and yet a gun is still only a tool.

And if a person doesn't know how to use it properly or WHEN to deploy it, then it may not help that much.

Likewise, a person can make a fist, but other than looking fierce like a boxer/martial artist, it's knowing how to deliver a punch with it which determines its effectiveness or lethal effect.

An ordinary civilian with a gun and a trained policeman with a firearm is like night and day.

True Joe. But people who haven't shot a gun a day in their lives have a better chance than someone who is unarmed.

Nothing is ever guaranteed ......its about what makes your chances better.

The vast majority of gun owners(who are law abiding citizens) have taken classes, and go to ranges.

Many criminals have never been trained to use their guns. Have you ever seen how gang bangers or thugs will hold their guns? Lmao.

The Kid who killed his challenger at that Fedex plant, was just a pipsqueak - an Incel.

So the challenger was probably not experienced nor trained to deal with that kind of situation.

I don't think a prson can just fire at a practice range and then expect to be prepared to deasl with someone who's essentially a terrorist in a mass shooting situation.

That takes an entirely different level of training and mental/physical fitness altogether.

I bet that kid was even less trained, Joe.

Sometimes it goes poorly.

Even police get shot and killed, and they are very trained. Trained better than who shot them.

But again, your chances are MUCH better if you are armed. And all the incidents where an armed citizen was in that position and successfully defended themselves or another shows that.

You just dont hear nearly as much about those.

If there had been more than just 1 challenger that kid would have been taken down. I doubt he would have been able to get a shot on 5 challengers or even 3.

Oh I don't dismiss guns as a deterrent or a possible intervention that could save your life, Dovey.

And I've noticed how these mass shootings, stabbings, murders, whatever are becoming more and more frequent. Even where I live.

Here's a case in my city, where a young man walked into a library, stabbed 6 people and left one dead:

...and that was just a month ago.

...and here's another that happened across the other side of the country a year ago where a mass shooting occurred in Nova Scotia, leaving a policewoman dead:

That shooter killed 22 people in what is normally considered a very peaceful part of Canada.
Even the police couldn't deal with him. And those were the National Equivalent of the FBI.

So...these kind of events make me think not just just about arming one's self, but learning counterrorism and martial arts technques as well.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Shooter: Brandon Scott Hole. White Male. Fired Fed-Ex worker. 19.

These mass shooters scare me WAY more than gang warriors because a workplace, school, theater, concert, etc shooting can happen anywhere, anytime. Gang wars aren't exactly random shootings, you racist snowflakes.
Fucking honkeys are mindless killing machines!

Thank god this confused already on LEO radar for his widely known psychotically fuckedupness, this patriot was able to freely access guns. But hey, GUNS! amirite?

You are delusional if you think making guns harder to get or banning them would stop things like this.

Dont you guys say you want drugs decriminalized? How is the war on drugs going?

The government has no business infringing on our rights or telling us what we can put it our bodies. More people die from drug use and drug related crimes than shootings.

Its gross how hard you guys work to cling onto tragic events only to push your tyrannical political beliefs and try to act like it's a pass to take away peoples rights.....and how hard you work to ignore everything you cant use.

...but that isn't realy the point.

I'm just pointing out that a challenger who tried to kill the shooter with his gun was himself killed.'s not just about possessing a gun in those istuations, it's also knowing how to use it & being sufficiently trained to prevent one's own death.

And most responsible gun owners know how to do that.

But you definitely can still get shot and killed.

The point is that if you have your own fire arm you have a much better chance to save not just your life, but other innocent peoples lives. A chance that is given to us as constitutional right that should not be infringed on.

Well, given the challenger's death, evidently they don't.

It's one thing to fire as a larget range hobbyist or shoot at a defenseless animal.

It's another when it's an assailant who's trying to kill you.

It's a completely different game, Dovey.

I know, because I've been there.

What about all the challengers in similar situations that took down a violent threat?

How does this ONE guy suddenly represent everyone?

That guy had a right to have his gun to defend himself in a situation just like that. He knew the risk and chose to take it. It's sad he lost that one, absolutely. But that doesnt mean that's ALWAYS how it goes down and that none of us should ever bother because we will just die a few minutes sooner than we would have if we didnt have one.

No, I'm not arguing about the challenger's right to own a gun.
I'm just saying it's somewhat obvious he made the wrong move.
I think he made a mistake.

He must have exposed himself when he went to his car to get the gun.
Otherwise the shooter wouldn't have seen him had he concealed his movements better.

Y'know when someone or something is trying to kill you, you don't give a shit who's right or wrong.

Your first thought is, "How can I make it out of this alive?"

In the end, it doesn't matter who was right or wrong.
Just who came out alive.

Did the person who went to the car to grab his gun actually have his weapon in his hand when he was shot and killed? Or was he going for his gun when he was shot and killed? Being in possession of and attempting to are two completely different things. Of course, if he was seen "going" for his gun and got shot, we can't say that it was a "fair" shootout between him and the assailant. In that manner, you can't say whether or not the person that went for his gun knew how to use it. There are a lot of people that "know" how to use guns that get killed by other shooters. Happens all the time. I do agree with you that in this situation, knowing how to use a firearm is way more relevant than actually just "owning" one. At least the guy his soul.
Exactly. The devil is always in the details. If the poor bastard went at him with anything less than a rifle, which seems most plausible, then he didnt stand much of a chance.

Well, in which case, that still denotes a lack of training on how to use the proper procedures under such circumstances. Guy would have been better of hiding behind a car instead of trying to play hero, Lokmeer.

But if a person is properly trainied in knowing how to react in those situations, how would he know that? Guy obviously got suckered into the marketing/advertising that the mere presence of a gun would make him invincible.

Even if he had the proper firearmrs he probably wouldn't have knkown how to use it or react quickly enough.
Thats just none of your fukin business josephine. If he wanted to make a run at the dude with a Bible and holy water, thats his prerogative. People in this fukin country aint about to have some cunt like you hold our civil rights hostage while you determine how much training we need.

No. it is my business.

Because if I were in the same or similar situation, I'd want to know what to do.

Incidently, these life and death situations don't just crop up in the US.

I think I posted this story before, but in my own city, a realtor got killed by somebody who was trying to break into his home aka a home invasion.

colin-hill.jpg it's quite possible in this instance, a gun could have saved his life. But under this supposition, he would have still had to known how to react and what to do to defend himself and his family.

What do you think this Canadian real estate agent should have done in this situation to save himself?

Yeah. And he would have had to be close to his gun when it happened. You can't walk around with a gun in your hand 24/7. I laughed when they suggested teachers arm themselves. It would not be possible to teach with a gun in your hand.

Really Lotus?

They would keep the gun holstered and concealed until they needed it.

No one was suggested they keep it in their lol

Then why have it at all? show me an example of the teacher up at the white board or lecturn when an active shooter appears out of no where, and the?

That is especially dumb even for you.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You cant be serious?

Do police carry guns in their hand?

Imagine how much different Colombine would have been if one of those teachers had a gun. Imagine if Patti Neilson was armed. That whole 4 hour library shoot out could have been avoided.

...and yet a gun is still only a tool.

And if a person doesn't know how to use it properly or WHEN to deploy it, then it may not help that much.

Likewise, a person can make a fist, but other than looking fierce like a boxer/martial artist, it's knowing how to deliver a punch with it which determines its effectiveness or lethal effect.

An ordinary civilian with a gun and a trained policeman with a firearm is like night and day.

True Joe. But people who haven't shot a gun a day in their lives have a better chance than someone who is unarmed.

Nothing is ever guaranteed ......its about what makes your chances better.

The vast majority of gun owners(who are law abiding citizens) have taken classes, and go to ranges.

Many criminals have never been trained to use their guns. Have you ever seen how gang bangers or thugs will hold their guns? Lmao.

The Kid who killed his challenger at that Fedex plant, was just a pipsqueak - an Incel.

So the challenger was probably not experienced nor trained to deal with that kind of situation.

I don't think a prson can just fire at a practice range and then expect to be prepared to deasl with someone who's essentially a terrorist in a mass shooting situation.

That takes an entirely different level of training and mental/physical fitness altogether.

I bet that kid was even less trained, Joe.

Sometimes it goes poorly.

Even police get shot and killed, and they are very trained. Trained better than who shot them.

But again, your chances are MUCH better if you are armed. And all the incidents where an armed citizen was in that position and successfully defended themselves or another shows that.

You just dont hear nearly as much about those.

If there had been more than just 1 challenger that kid would have been taken down. I doubt he would have been able to get a shot on 5 challengers or even 3.

Oh I don't dismiss guns as a deterrent or a possible intervention that could save your life, Dovey.

And I've noticed how these mass shootings, stabbings, murders, whatever are becoming more and more frequent. Even where I live.

Here's a case in my city, where a young man walked into a library, stabbed 6 people and left one dead:

...and that was just a month ago.

...and here's another that happened across the other side of the country a year ago where a mass shooting occurred in Nova Scotia, leaving a policewoman dead:

That shooter killed 22 people in what is normally considered a very peaceful part of Canada.
Even the police couldn't deal with him. And those were the National Equivalent of the FBI.

So...these kind of events make me think not just just about arming one's self, but learning counterrorism and martial arts technques as well.

ARE they becoming more frequent, though? Or are they just reported on more frequently?

We have militias here that are made up of ex military, national guards, regular citizens (of all colors...btw) who train vigorously.

They are smeared as "rag rag white supremacists" basically only because they are using their constitutional rights with no apology and are small government right leaners(mostly.....we have left wing militias which are all kinds of fucked up).

There are A LOT of armed US citizens who are very well trained.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Yet another one today. The US is done. Thanks, NRA, and all you NRA apologists.

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Right. Because its OUR fault illegal shootings happen?

Where does the NRA condone and support the use of illegal deadly force?

This is straight gaslighting, Lotus. You are saying that because we want to preserve our 2nd Amendment rights, that it's our fault people chose to break the law.

Utter hogwash and if you want to go with that.....every rape and murder of a disarmed woman is on YOU guys. SAME logic.

Isolating certain shootings and twisting them into a political weapon is dishonest bullshit. Stop trying to infringe on peoples rights. Gun control laws and regulations do NOT stop gun just makes innocent people unable to protect themselves and it punishes the poor.

You really want to strip the poor of rights, when they have to live in high crimes areas? You know that violence you dont want to include in your anti NRA thread?
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
The US ranks as the 128th safest country in the world. LMAO. Portugal is number 3.

The USA is done. Thanks, NRA!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The US ranks as the 128th safest country in the world. LMAO. Portugal is number 3.

The USA is done. Thanks, NRA!

Most of the violence in the US is gang violence and cartel violence, which is the fault of failed democrat policies.

Blaming the NRA is partisan gaslighting. The NRA doesnt condone violence and illegal use of fire arms. They are advocates of our constitutional rights who challenge USELESS regulations that infringe on the rights of citizens and they promote responsible, law abiding gun ownership.

They do MORE to combat illegal use of fire arms while left/democrats do more to contribute to it.

And you guys directly stomp on the constitutional rights of poor minorities who live in dangerous areas with no way to arm themselves for protection. It's their RIGHT.....but you guys just harm them by stripping them of it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The US ranks as the 128th safest country in the world. LMAO. Portugal is number 3.

The USA is done. Thanks, NRA!

You staunch anti-gun types do realise that criminals will keep their guns and continue to carry regardless of what laws are enforced?

They dont care. They are too hyperpartisan to have a balanced view. I bet most dont even know what the NRA does.

When it comes to guns, they lump in every bit of gun violence together to justify attacking the constitution, and completely ignore everything that contradicts their narrative.

Its complete insane to blame the NRA. Delusionally insane and 100 percent partisan hackery.

Notice she called any points about inner city violence a "racist rant" and off topic, but then points to ALL violence in the States to suggest it's the NRAs fault. Total gas lighting.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
The US ranks as the 128th safest country in the world. LMAO. Portugal is number 3.

The USA is done. Thanks, NRA!

Most of the violence in the US is gang violence and cartel violence, which is the fault of failed democrat policies.

Blaming the NRA is partisan gaslighting. The NRA doesnt condone violence and illegal use of fire arms. They are advocates of our constitutional rights who challenge USELESS regulations that infringe on the rights of citizens and they promote responsible, law abiding gun ownership.

They do MORE to combat illegal use of fire arms while left/democrats do more to contribute to it.

And you guys directly stomp on the constitutional rights of poor minorities who live in dangerous areas with no way to arm themselves for protection. It's their RIGHT.....but you guys just harm them by stripping them of it.

Does the American left ever mention cartel violence?

Or is that waaacist.

I only ever see them moaning about Trump and White Supremacists.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This is their argument

"Since law abiding citizens wont surrender their constitutional rights to arm themselves.....all illegal gun violence is THEIR FAULT".

Its fucking idiocy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You cant be serious?

Do police carry guns in their hand?

Imagine how much different Colombine would have been if one of those teachers had a gun. Imagine if Patti Neilson was armed. That whole 4 hour library shoot out could have been avoided.

...and yet a gun is still only a tool.

And if a person doesn't know how to use it properly or WHEN to deploy it, then it may not help that much.

Likewise, a person can make a fist, but other than looking fierce like a boxer/martial artist, it's knowing how to deliver a punch with it which determines its effectiveness or lethal effect.

An ordinary civilian with a gun and a trained policeman with a firearm is like night and day.

True Joe. But people who haven't shot a gun a day in their lives have a better chance than someone who is unarmed.

Nothing is ever guaranteed ......its about what makes your chances better.

The vast majority of gun owners(who are law abiding citizens) have taken classes, and go to ranges.

Many criminals have never been trained to use their guns. Have you ever seen how gang bangers or thugs will hold their guns? Lmao.

The Kid who killed his challenger at that Fedex plant, was just a pipsqueak - an Incel.

So the challenger was probably not experienced nor trained to deal with that kind of situation.

I don't think a prson can just fire at a practice range and then expect to be prepared to deasl with someone who's essentially a terrorist in a mass shooting situation.

That takes an entirely different level of training and mental/physical fitness altogether.

I bet that kid was even less trained, Joe.

Sometimes it goes poorly.

Even police get shot and killed, and they are very trained. Trained better than who shot them.

But again, your chances are MUCH better if you are armed. And all the incidents where an armed citizen was in that position and successfully defended themselves or another shows that.

You just dont hear nearly as much about those.

If there had been more than just 1 challenger that kid would have been taken down. I doubt he would have been able to get a shot on 5 challengers or even 3.

Oh I don't dismiss guns as a deterrent or a possible intervention that could save your life, Dovey.

And I've noticed how these mass shootings, stabbings, murders, whatever are becoming more and more frequent. Even where I live.

Here's a case in my city, where a young man walked into a library, stabbed 6 people and left one dead:

...and that was just a month ago.

...and here's another that happened across the other side of the country a year ago where a mass shooting occurred in Nova Scotia, leaving a policewoman dead:

That shooter killed 22 people in what is normally considered a very peaceful part of Canada.
Even the police couldn't deal with him. And those were the National Equivalent of the FBI.

So...these kind of events make me think not just just about arming one's self, but learning counterrorism and martial arts technques as well.

ARE they becoming more frequent, though? Or are they just reported on more frequently?

We have militias here that are made up of ex military, national guards, regular citizens (of all colors...btw) who train vigorously.

They are smeared as "rag rag white supremacists" basically only because they are using their constitutional rights with no apology and are small government right leaners(mostly.....we have left wing militias which are all kinds of fucked up).

There are A LOT of armed US citizens who are very well trained.

Mass Murderers come from every race and age group, Dovey.

One thing's fer sure tho - they're mostly men.
In fact...I think they're always men. We own this distinction, that's fer usre.

You women aint gonna catch up to us in this dept.
No siree!
We're still No. 1 in this category!

We own it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The US ranks as the 128th safest country in the world. LMAO. Portugal is number 3.

The USA is done. Thanks, NRA!

Most of the violence in the US is gang violence and cartel violence, which is the fault of failed democrat policies.

Blaming the NRA is partisan gaslighting. The NRA doesnt condone violence and illegal use of fire arms. They are advocates of our constitutional rights who challenge USELESS regulations that infringe on the rights of citizens and they promote responsible, law abiding gun ownership.

They do MORE to combat illegal use of fire arms while left/democrats do more to contribute to it.

And you guys directly stomp on the constitutional rights of poor minorities who live in dangerous areas with no way to arm themselves for protection. It's their RIGHT.....but you guys just harm them by stripping them of it.

Does the American left ever mention cartel violence?

Or is that waaacist.

I only ever see them moaning about Trump and White Supremacists.

ONLY when they are throwing around stats to justify hating the 2nd and the NRA.

And even then it's just them making vague points like Lotus just did.

They dont want to honestly address the root problems......they just want to strip law abiding citizens of their rights.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
You cant be serious?

Do police carry guns in their hand?

Imagine how much different Colombine would have been if one of those teachers had a gun. Imagine if Patti Neilson was armed. That whole 4 hour library shoot out could have been avoided.

...and yet a gun is still only a tool.

And if a person doesn't know how to use it properly or WHEN to deploy it, then it may not help that much.

Likewise, a person can make a fist, but other than looking fierce like a boxer/martial artist, it's knowing how to deliver a punch with it which determines its effectiveness or lethal effect.

An ordinary civilian with a gun and a trained policeman with a firearm is like night and day.

True Joe. But people who haven't shot a gun a day in their lives have a better chance than someone who is unarmed.

Nothing is ever guaranteed ......its about what makes your chances better.

The vast majority of gun owners(who are law abiding citizens) have taken classes, and go to ranges.

Many criminals have never been trained to use their guns. Have you ever seen how gang bangers or thugs will hold their guns? Lmao.

The Kid who killed his challenger at that Fedex plant, was just a pipsqueak - an Incel.

So the challenger was probably not experienced nor trained to deal with that kind of situation.

I don't think a prson can just fire at a practice range and then expect to be prepared to deasl with someone who's essentially a terrorist in a mass shooting situation.

That takes an entirely different level of training and mental/physical fitness altogether.

I bet that kid was even less trained, Joe.

Sometimes it goes poorly.

Even police get shot and killed, and they are very trained. Trained better than who shot them.

But again, your chances are MUCH better if you are armed. And all the incidents where an armed citizen was in that position and successfully defended themselves or another shows that.

You just dont hear nearly as much about those.

If there had been more than just 1 challenger that kid would have been taken down. I doubt he would have been able to get a shot on 5 challengers or even 3.

Oh I don't dismiss guns as a deterrent or a possible intervention that could save your life, Dovey.

And I've noticed how these mass shootings, stabbings, murders, whatever are becoming more and more frequent. Even where I live.

Here's a case in my city, where a young man walked into a library, stabbed 6 people and left one dead:

...and that was just a month ago.

...and here's another that happened across the other side of the country a year ago where a mass shooting occurred in Nova Scotia, leaving a policewoman dead:

That shooter killed 22 people in what is normally considered a very peaceful part of Canada.
Even the police couldn't deal with him. And those were the National Equivalent of the FBI.

So...these kind of events make me think not just just about arming one's self, but learning counterrorism and martial arts technques as well.

ARE they becoming more frequent, though? Or are they just reported on more frequently?

We have militias here that are made up of ex military, national guards, regular citizens (of all colors...btw) who train vigorously.

They are smeared as "rag rag white supremacists" basically only because they are using their constitutional rights with no apology and are small government right leaners(mostly.....we have left wing militias which are all kinds of fucked up).

There are A LOT of armed US citizens who are very well trained.

Mass Murderers come from every race and age group, Dovey.

One thing's fer sure tho - they're mostly men.
In fact...I think they're always men. We own this distinction, that's fer usre.

You women aint gonna catch up to us in this dept.
No siree!
We're still No. 1 in this category!

We own it.

They are all men, and they are by far mostly white, with an occasional black or brown person thrown in there.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
You cant be serious?

Do police carry guns in their hand?

Imagine how much different Colombine would have been if one of those teachers had a gun. Imagine if Patti Neilson was armed. That whole 4 hour library shoot out could have been avoided.

...and yet a gun is still only a tool.

And if a person doesn't know how to use it properly or WHEN to deploy it, then it may not help that much.

Likewise, a person can make a fist, but other than looking fierce like a boxer/martial artist, it's knowing how to deliver a punch with it which determines its effectiveness or lethal effect.

An ordinary civilian with a gun and a trained policeman with a firearm is like night and day.

True Joe. But people who haven't shot a gun a day in their lives have a better chance than someone who is unarmed.

Nothing is ever guaranteed ......its about what makes your chances better.

The vast majority of gun owners(who are law abiding citizens) have taken classes, and go to ranges.

Many criminals have never been trained to use their guns. Have you ever seen how gang bangers or thugs will hold their guns? Lmao.

The Kid who killed his challenger at that Fedex plant, was just a pipsqueak - an Incel.

So the challenger was probably not experienced nor trained to deal with that kind of situation.

I don't think a prson can just fire at a practice range and then expect to be prepared to deasl with someone who's essentially a terrorist in a mass shooting situation.

That takes an entirely different level of training and mental/physical fitness altogether.

I bet that kid was even less trained, Joe.

Sometimes it goes poorly.

Even police get shot and killed, and they are very trained. Trained better than who shot them.

But again, your chances are MUCH better if you are armed. And all the incidents where an armed citizen was in that position and successfully defended themselves or another shows that.

You just dont hear nearly as much about those.

If there had been more than just 1 challenger that kid would have been taken down. I doubt he would have been able to get a shot on 5 challengers or even 3.

Oh I don't dismiss guns as a deterrent or a possible intervention that could save your life, Dovey.

And I've noticed how these mass shootings, stabbings, murders, whatever are becoming more and more frequent. Even where I live.

Here's a case in my city, where a young man walked into a library, stabbed 6 people and left one dead:

...and that was just a month ago.

...and here's another that happened across the other side of the country a year ago where a mass shooting occurred in Nova Scotia, leaving a policewoman dead:

That shooter killed 22 people in what is normally considered a very peaceful part of Canada.
Even the police couldn't deal with him. And those were the National Equivalent of the FBI.

So...these kind of events make me think not just just about arming one's self, but learning counterrorism and martial arts technques as well.

ARE they becoming more frequent, though? Or are they just reported on more frequently?

We have militias here that are made up of ex military, national guards, regular citizens (of all colors...btw) who train vigorously.

They are smeared as "rag rag white supremacists" basically only because they are using their constitutional rights with no apology and are small government right leaners(mostly.....we have left wing militias which are all kinds of fucked up).

There are A LOT of armed US citizens who are very well trained.

Mass Murderers come from every race and age group, Dovey.

One thing's fer sure tho - they're mostly men.
In fact...I think they're always men. We own this distinction, that's fer usre.

You women aint gonna catch up to us in this dept.
No siree!
We're still No. 1 in this category!

We own it.

They are all men, and they are by far mostly white, with an occasional black or brown person thrown in there.

You have simply got to be trolling at this point....

Do you require someone to explain the concept of 'proportion' to you?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You cant be serious?

Do police carry guns in their hand?

Imagine how much different Colombine would have been if one of those teachers had a gun. Imagine if Patti Neilson was armed. That whole 4 hour library shoot out could have been avoided.

...and yet a gun is still only a tool.

And if a person doesn't know how to use it properly or WHEN to deploy it, then it may not help that much.

Likewise, a person can make a fist, but other than looking fierce like a boxer/martial artist, it's knowing how to deliver a punch with it which determines its effectiveness or lethal effect.

An ordinary civilian with a gun and a trained policeman with a firearm is like night and day.

True Joe. But people who haven't shot a gun a day in their lives have a better chance than someone who is unarmed.

Nothing is ever guaranteed ......its about what makes your chances better.

The vast majority of gun owners(who are law abiding citizens) have taken classes, and go to ranges.

Many criminals have never been trained to use their guns. Have you ever seen how gang bangers or thugs will hold their guns? Lmao.

The Kid who killed his challenger at that Fedex plant, was just a pipsqueak - an Incel.

So the challenger was probably not experienced nor trained to deal with that kind of situation.

I don't think a prson can just fire at a practice range and then expect to be prepared to deasl with someone who's essentially a terrorist in a mass shooting situation.

That takes an entirely different level of training and mental/physical fitness altogether.

I bet that kid was even less trained, Joe.

Sometimes it goes poorly.

Even police get shot and killed, and they are very trained. Trained better than who shot them.

But again, your chances are MUCH better if you are armed. And all the incidents where an armed citizen was in that position and successfully defended themselves or another shows that.

You just dont hear nearly as much about those.

If there had been more than just 1 challenger that kid would have been taken down. I doubt he would have been able to get a shot on 5 challengers or even 3.

Oh I don't dismiss guns as a deterrent or a possible intervention that could save your life, Dovey.

And I've noticed how these mass shootings, stabbings, murders, whatever are becoming more and more frequent. Even where I live.

Here's a case in my city, where a young man walked into a library, stabbed 6 people and left one dead:

...and that was just a month ago.

...and here's another that happened across the other side of the country a year ago where a mass shooting occurred in Nova Scotia, leaving a policewoman dead:

That shooter killed 22 people in what is normally considered a very peaceful part of Canada.
Even the police couldn't deal with him. And those were the National Equivalent of the FBI.

So...these kind of events make me think not just just about arming one's self, but learning counterrorism and martial arts technques as well.

ARE they becoming more frequent, though? Or are they just reported on more frequently?

We have militias here that are made up of ex military, national guards, regular citizens (of all colors...btw) who train vigorously.

They are smeared as "rag rag white supremacists" basically only because they are using their constitutional rights with no apology and are small government right leaners(mostly.....we have left wing militias which are all kinds of fucked up).

There are A LOT of armed US citizens who are very well trained.

Mass Murderers come from every race and age group, Dovey.

One thing's fer sure tho - they're mostly men.
In fact...I think they're always men. We own this distinction, that's fer usre.

You women aint gonna catch up to us in this dept.
No siree!
We're still No. 1 in this category!

We own it.

And absolutely none of those involve law abiding gun owners nor are they condoned by the NRA.

And it matters that gang violence is the most frequently occurring violence but no one wants to acknowledge it and discuss it.

Probably because its mostly occurring under democrat policies in states where you will go to prison if you defend yourself with a fire arm.

Imagine having to live in a place like Detroit and not being able to access a gun legally for self defense. Then you have to use it against a violent intruder, and you get thrown in prison and your kids put into the system.

This happens to people but talking about it is "racist".