I hear that I'm not loved at the Gook Cashew


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
No, my "people" found a land that wasn't being used by anyone except some neolithic indigenes, so we took it and built a nation here. Just like people have been doing for thousands of years. Is it so different for America because your betters tell you so?

Slavery in North and South America was introduced by you Spanairds, but you infer that the ancient institution was somehow "worse" only here in the USA. Why is that?

Oh wait! Your betters again. They tell you so.

I think you lack critical thinking skills, Lily. Your grammar's a bit better, but basically you mouth the same tired narrative crap that Holliday and Admin are famous for.

I won't bother you anymore. You've become bitter and hateful. Later Days.

Earlier this week I posted how the Spanish, French, English (UK), and Portuguese raped these continents. Funny how you don't notice those posts. However, I live in a country that is run by YOUR ancestors, not mine.

You got so much wrong in that.
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
You're suddenly mightily righteous and judgemental about what is fair game for trolling.

Maybe you should start a new thread and list the rules.

I have an opinion and stated it. Where have I said, anywhere, that it is a rule?

So, are you investing in this because you're a piece of shit troll that doesn't care about his kids or other loved ones?

I mean...if you are, what can I say?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
The guy was DEAD. He doesn't know any better.

Do our societies honor our dead or not?

Do we respect our veterans or not?

If we don't why do we have Veteran's Day and/or Memorial Day?

Why do we have monuments, statues, memorials? Ever been to DC?

Don't pretend that humans don't respect those we lose. We clearly do.


Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
As for sloppy seconds, one was sloppy, as in sloppy Joe disgusting, the other was Murdy.
"Sloppy seconds" is an expression that means you got there after some other guy shot his load in there.

It's rather odd that you hooked up with TWO of his ex's. Maybe if you were nicer to Biggie he'd give you a list of all his past..um.. "accomplishments" and message it to you along with their contact information. It could be a real time saver.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
"Sloppy seconds" is an expression that means you got there after some other guy shot his load in there.

It's rather odd that you hooked up with TWO of his ex's. Maybe if you were nicer to Biggie he'd give you a list of all his past..um.. "accomplishments" and message it to you along with their contact information. It could be a real time saver.
I know what sloppy seconds means and when it comes to Dovid I was around flabby fortieth.

Still beat tho. Could care less.


Factory Bastard
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A culture whites created by bringing slaves to this country, stripping them of their original cultures, language, and familial relationships.

WHITE people MADE the African American community. FACT

They survived, did the best they could. And one political is doing their best to strip them of any gains that they have made.

Nope, try reading black red necks and white liberals if you actually want to become educated.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What did I say about your family? Nothing, I talked about how they're not yours and you're the cuck that's stuck with the bill, since you're so money conscious and all.

You are a liar. You tried to drag my step child's into this because you are a sub human pile of dog shit.


Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
I haven't said one thing about those kids.
@Lily also said she knows of dozens if not hundreds of members who left the forums because they couldn't handle being trolled using their kids.

Then she tried to pretend that she never said it.

@Lily: You have no credibility here. Nothing you say can be taken as the truth.

You have no one but yourself to blame for this.
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
@Lily also said she knows of dozens if not hundreds of members who left the forums because they couldn't handle being trolled using their kids.

Then she tried to take it back as if you never said it.

@Lily: You have no credibility here. Nothing you say can be taken as the truth.

You have no one but yourself to blame for this.

Dismissed, sir!
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Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
Aren't you the broad who had layers of teef like a shark?
Did you say SHARK?!!

I made this my avatar for a scuba diving forum a few years back (until I was subsequently banned for trolling).



Domestically feral
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United states
Congratulations to Dove on completing the rare quintuple post melty-marathon!

Why do you think everything is a meltdown or means someone is triggered?

So am i limited on what posts I can respond to? People have to be melting down if they want to respond to more than two posts? Or is more 3? What is the number that dictates my emotional experience?

I was sitting in a waiting room trying to pass time. Excuse the fuck out of me.

So does this rule apply to you as well or is it different if you post more than once a day? What's the difference if someone posts 4 times catching up on one thread as opposed to 4 times spread amongst a few threads?

How dumb.


Domestically feral
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United states
Don't speak for me, bitch. I don't care how long you've known the cunt, you obviously don't "know" it as well as you think.

Shut the fuck up. You don't tell people how to post, you fuck nugget. You try to speak for other people all the damn time so suck it up, you illiterate and judgey hippocrite.



Domestically feral
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United states
His comments remind me of Dove, trying to rationalize and point the finger at someone else other than themselves.

Anyways, if you are being a "racist," you're just fighting fire with fire, which they hate because it chops one of their legs out from under them and then they're forced to whine about the awful "racist" comments that they themselves have used.

I'm sure everything reminds you of me. You and that Scrote in Chicago can't barely stop blathering my name.

Fuck nugget.