I hear that I'm not loved at the Gook Cashew


Domestically feral
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United states
This retard.

Did you not post this?

"If he did that in an American black ghetto the ghetto dwellers would attack and rob him. I watched a video filmed on L.A.'s skid row where some church was handing out $20 to each homeless person and black gang members were attacking the homeless who were given $20 to rob them. They also robbed the church members to take everything from them."

Black ghetto dwellers, huh? So, ghetto's are only associated with black people?

Speaking of racists.

He didn't say "black ghetto dwellers" you illiterate stupid fuckwad.

And you frequently sling racist slurs and your stupid cling ons who are dumb enough to think you are pwning people they hate sit there and giggle.

He didn't say only black people live in the black ghetto. I know that's a hard thing for you to grasp. White people and Hispanic people live in predominately black ghettos. DER.

You however find the features of black women ugly and something to be offended by.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm not jumping on your command. The truth is out there should you care to seek it.

If it was the massive problem you guys claim it is, you'd be able to list the examples.

Not anecdotes that are interpetated as racist but not actually established as racist. Not every bad thing that happens to a person who is not white is automatically racism or systemic racism.

The most systemically racist shit we have seen is Jim crow Joe's crime bill but you guys avoid that. Also who runs all these systems? Yeah. Leftists. Democrats.

Let's hear about how requiring ID to vote keeps black people from voting because you guys are so ignorant you think black people do not have ID and are too dumb or poor to get one.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
He didn't say "black ghetto dwellers" you illiterate stupid fuckwad.

And you frequently sling racist slurs and your stupid cling ons who are dumb enough to think you are pwning people they hate sit there and giggle.

He didn't say only black people live in the black ghetto. I know that's a hard thing for you to grasp. White people and Hispanic people live in predominately black ghettos. DER.

You however find the features of black women ugly and something to be offended by.

No. He said black people that lived in the ghetto, you ignorant snot rag.

Here's more of your hypocritical crying. Whine more you "judgey" fucking twat.

Yes. I know white people live in the ghetto, you're a good representation of them, negro nosed slut.

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Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Did the Pakistani cab driver tell you that? Was that before or after he made you still pay for your cab drive after he fucked you?

Why does it have to be a "Pakistani?" Why not Indian? Why not African? Why not Asian? Why not white?

More stereotypical racism from Fat assed Farmer.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
You mean that man you had a cyber affair with whose wife you contacted?

Why don't you go pay for your oj with a bj, skank.

Ghetto ass bitch gets excited when Shrek goes to the convenience store and buys her some juice and an iced cream. Sheeit, most skanks hold out at least for dinner and a night out.
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Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
No, I think RACISTS are racists.

Oh, and you know what, some of you cornfed motherfuckers from the MidWest and Southeast are pretty god damn fat.

It's glaringly obvious that you live in a neo-Marxist shithole.... "racist" this and "racist" that, for God's sake change the record.

I bet everynight before hitting the hay in your piggy pen, you diligently check every room and peep through the curtains to make sure no "racists" are hiding and getting ready to pounce the minute you let your guard down.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Lily, why do you even try smacking sense into Dove? It's wildly apparent that she doesn't know jack shit about anything as evidenced by her definition of "White Nationalism." Also, she shows that even elementary definitions like "racism" elude her pickled mind or what's left of it.

She's like Aryan. After demolishing them with facts, they still want to try to rationalize their waaaayyy off base projections that are squashed by contrary facts that negate any pathetic arguments they try to spout as "truth."

The funniest comment to date is Dove's assertion that "White Nationalism" has roots in Socialism. Anyone who took Poly Sci 101 knows that is absolutely false.

Here's what she's trying to pass off as fact:

The National Socialist Movement (NSM) is a
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organization based in the
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It is a part of the
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The party claimed to be the "largest and most active"
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. It is classified as a
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by the
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While they use the word, "Socialist," their ideology has nothing to do with "Socialism" or any kind of "communist" based utopia.

Either way, it contradicts her claims that "White Nationalism" isn't rooted in bigotry and pure racism. If anything, it shows that Dove is one of the biggest racists out here as she openly defends Aryan and his outdated views.
What "facts" have I been demolished with, you mouth-foaming lunatic?

Imagine unironically quoting the fucking SPLC, a notorious far left, jewish, hate group and arguing their narrative as fact... :LOL3:

As I've pointed out numerous times in the past, you are absolutely clueless on this subject, so I'd advise you keep your ignorant, canine trap shut on the matter.

BTW, the SPLC is counting down the days and no doubt creaming their Star of David panties about the dwindling US White population. If you were smarter, this would concern you, unless your alleged kids are mutts....


Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
So all "black people" are violent? So there's never ever been any other ghetto living race that hasn't been, "violent?" You forget that The Klu Klux Klan was made up of white inbred rednecks that were if not more violent that the black ghetto dwellers you speak of.

Uh huh, and look up the race on most of the serial killers in America, how many of them were black compared to whites?

You're an uneducated fuckwit that hangs on the dicks of racists.

How come you don't call Aryan a racist? How come you don't call Dove a racist for defending him? Shut the fuck up you belly crawling sycophant.

That's right.. you can't answer those two things without making yourself look like a hypocrite.
Oh shut the fuck up you ridiculous cunt.

You can step down from that moral highground which you're hilariously clinging onto, like a dried blob of jizz on your greying chin hair.... Your batshit crazy ass uses more racial slurs than anyone else on here.

Do I use them aswell on occasion ? Yes. Am I "racist"? Sure, but so is everybody, to varying degrees.

The difference is, I'm honest and open about my views, whereas you're too much of a coward to admit yours and say what you really think. You've been conditioned to believe that all races are the same and that arguing otherwise is some huge sin which makes you a bad person and because you're a weak minded fuck, who is terrified of being shunned and ostracised by your peers, the psy-op has worked perfectly.

Many such cases unfortunately...

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
A culture whites created by bringing slaves to this country, stripping them of their original cultures, language, and familial relationships.

WHITE people MADE the African American community. FACT

They survived, did the best they could. And one political is doing their best to strip them of any gains that they have made.
Hey dumb fuck, blacks sold fellow blacks to slave traders and not all traders/ship owners were White, many were jewish.

Also, arabs still dabble in slavery to this day, why do you never whine about that?

If Whites were the ones doing it, you'd definitely have something to say.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I seriously don’t think I’ve ever LMFAO harder than when Chaos400 lbs called and told me KM gave Dovid a fake address…
