Hey Biggie-Shit

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
How can you spend so much time here, while never really being here while being there in nothing but spirit?
It's called "multitasking"

You'd grasp the concept if you had more than 4 braincells to call into service at any given time.

But alas, you wear a dress and sling a mop in a long dark hallway so I wouldn't expect you to understand


Factory Bastard
Christ Joo, if only your CEO knew what you are incapable of being up to.
He does know

we laugh about it often.

Wanna know why? Because I put well over 4 million dollars in revenue in his pocket per year so, quite frankly, he could care less how many of you pathetic insects I step on daily as long as those checks keep rolling in

The beauties of capitalism

How can you put $4 trillion billion dollars in his pocket, if you post after me thirty seconds after I post after my 40 grand a year begging bowl is full?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Christ Joo, if only your CEO knew what you are incapable of being up to.
He does know

we laugh about it often.

Wanna know why? Because I put well over 4 million dollars in revenue in his pocket per year so, quite frankly, he could care less how many of you pathetic insects I step on daily as long as those checks keep rolling in

The beauties of capitalism

How can you put $4 trillion billion dollars in his pocket, if you post after me thirty seconds after I post after my 40 grand a year begging bowl is full?
Timezones dickwad

Look them up.


Factory Bastard
I have failed. That there bloke whatever his name is said he was a trillionaire as well, this site is full of dem.

I am so ashamed.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Look Lokmar, on your best day you are like a Flea wiff a bone. Not really worth responding too, however you are special in the here and wow...just wow.

For the alt-right, I am the bringer of right.

And you are wrong. You always were. Your country isn't in trouble...you are. You have nothing to say while screaming it from your soft Southern rooftops.

You lost long before the start of your civil war wiff yerself.
You dont know shit from shineola, dumb ass.

Of course I do...dats why you are still here clinging onto the last semblance of southern comradeship.
Not hardly. You're a complete fukin tard.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You also under Jefferson's original draught promised that you would execute all Scotsmen and their families on site.

These truths were never self evident, just a clusterfuck of idioms of worth that you seem desperate to prove right in a Sodom and Gomorra of national self loathing.

You didn't invent democracy, and you have spent 100's of years proving why you never once as a nation lived up to an ideal that shames you.

We cannot resurrect Adam. And we cannot ask Jefferson, what he actually meant. What we can do is assume that even your constitutional right to bear arms has been outstripped by your responsibility while wielding them.
Sorry dickhead but its black and white. We have an enshrined God given right and duty to overthrow our government when we deem it necessary and the 2nd Amendment secures the right to military grade arms to get the job done. ALL federal gun control laws are illegal.

Federal law is the body of law created by the federal government of a COUNTRY… federal law supersedes state law #SMH
Way to miss the point entirely, bimbo. The Declaration and the 2nd Amendment establish the right to military grade firearms for the purpose of overthrowing the federal government. Full auto machine guns are what the military has so those are covered under the 2nd Amendment by default. Therefore, all federal gun control laws are illegal.

Now scurry off back to your cum soaked mattress, tramp.

I must have missed the bit where they talked about bumped assault weapons in the 2nd Amendment. Of course you should be able to protect yourself, from a vote that you disagree with.

See where I am going wiff dis diss?
LOL! Dont tell me you're another tard that believes the founders only intended muskets for the people? Go ahead, I wont be surprised.

This ALWAYS cracks me up

I would rather take a bullet than a fucking musket LOL.

Got shot in the leg with a musket....your leg will be gone. Muskets blow craters into people lol.
Look dingbat, you can shoot 3 mini balls from a musket per minute. MAYBE!! I can empty 3 MAGAZINES of 308's from my AR-10 in a minute. Plus, that 308 is going to cause such severe hydrostatic shock that the poor fuktard that gets shot by it will wish he would have had the extra 5 minutes it took a motherfucker with a musket to get around to shooting him.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
You also under Jefferson's original draught promised that you would execute all Scotsmen and their families on site.

These truths were never self evident, just a clusterfuck of idioms of worth that you seem desperate to prove right in a Sodom and Gomorra of national self loathing.

You didn't invent democracy, and you have spent 100's of years proving why you never once as a nation lived up to an ideal that shames you.

We cannot resurrect Adam. And we cannot ask Jefferson, what he actually meant. What we can do is assume that even your constitutional right to bear arms has been outstripped by your responsibility while wielding them.
Sorry dickhead but its black and white. We have an enshrined God given right and duty to overthrow our government when we deem it necessary and the 2nd Amendment secures the right to military grade arms to get the job done. ALL federal gun control laws are illegal.

Federal law is the body of law created by the federal government of a COUNTRY… federal law supersedes state law #SMH
Way to miss the point entirely, bimbo. The Declaration and the 2nd Amendment establish the right to military grade firearms for the purpose of overthrowing the federal government. Full auto machine guns are what the military has so those are covered under the 2nd Amendment by default. Therefore, all federal gun control laws are illegal.

Now scurry off back to your cum soaked mattress, tramp.

I must have missed the bit where they talked about bumped assault weapons in the 2nd Amendment. Of course you should be able to protect yourself, from a vote that you disagree with.

See where I am going wiff dis diss?
LOL! Dont tell me you're another tard that believes the founders only intended muskets for the people? Go ahead, I wont be surprised.

This ALWAYS cracks me up

I would rather take a bullet than a fucking musket LOL.

Got shot in the leg with a musket....your leg will be gone. Muskets blow craters into people lol.
Look dingbat, you can shoot 3 mini balls from a musket per minute. MAYBE!! I can empty 3 MAGAZINES of 308's from my AR-10 in a minute. Plus, that 308 is going to cause such severe hydrostatic shock that the poor fuktard that gets shot by it will wish he would have had the extra 5 minutes it took a motherfucker with a musket to get around to shooting him.

I always knew you thought she was a dingbat.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I remember throwing out this offer out to that mentally stunted hippo, Succubus.

I will forever leave this forum and other forums of your choosing. In addition, I will tell you who I am with credentials such as a drivers license on one other document of your choice.

All this for the paultry sum of: $3.5K

I'll shit on your face for $1.95

I’ll let my dog shit on your lawn and I will fight you ~ The Prowler having a quaranteeny sized meltypooh
What kind of dog? I might not even care.

I dunno the exact breed… but it kinda looks like a foreskin (ironically) *gigglesnortz* :GiggleBitch:
I'd prolly shoot it with a 357 then, just to be sure. Bring a bag or a shovel.
Why are you so afraid on Dog's? Were your ancestors members of any chain gangs?
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.
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Wow, seamolester says its safer than America yet:
"Costa Rica is considered the least violent nation in Central America with a homicide rate of 11 per 100,000 people each year. By comparison, the US homicide rate in 2019 was 5 per 100,000 people, according to the most recent figures from the
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I still say that. I’d bet it had more to do with the land deal than robbery
Those numbers show its less than half as safe.

You can’t go anywhere anyway.
Not the point idiot. You talk shit about how great the CR Hovel is and yet the murder rate is more than double the US average. Some CR Hovel cities are higher than Chicongo!

The murder rate in the US is more than FIVE times that of Portugal. Fucking barbaric country.
Wow bitch, you must REALLY think The CR Hovel is a shithole!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I remember throwing out this offer out to that mentally stunted hippo, Succubus.

I will forever leave this forum and other forums of your choosing. In addition, I will tell you who I am with credentials such as a drivers license on one other document of your choice.

All this for the paultry sum of: $3.5K

I'll shit on your face for $1.95

I’ll let my dog shit on your lawn and I will fight you ~ The Prowler having a quaranteeny sized meltypooh
What kind of dog? I might not even care.

I dunno the exact breed… but it kinda looks like a foreskin (ironically) *gigglesnortz* :GiggleBitch:
I'd prolly shoot it with a 357 then, just to be sure. Bring a bag or a shovel.
Why are you so afraid on Dog's? Were your ancestors members of any chain gangs?
Leftists hate guns because they dont want anyone to be able to defend themselves against thier violence.

That's just the obvious reality.

But what if one lives in a country that outlaws guns?

Then that's where they live lol. I encourage people to go live in countries more suited to thier values.

Personally I would not want to live anywhere were I couldnt arm myself either for self defense or hunting.

I rather like it. Ever hear of mass murder In CR? Most crooks don’t even pack.
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Wow, seamolester says its safer than America yet:
"Costa Rica is considered the least violent nation in Central America with a homicide rate of 11 per 100,000 people each year. By comparison, the US homicide rate in 2019 was 5 per 100,000 people, according to the most recent figures from the
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I still say that. I’d bet it had more to do with the land deal than robbery
Those numbers show its less than half as safe.

You can’t go anywhere anyway.
Not the point idiot. You talk shit about how great the CR Hovel is and yet the murder rate is more than double the US average. Some CR Hovel cities are higher than Chicongo!

The murder rate in the US is more than FIVE times that of Portugal. Fucking barbaric country.

From whence you came.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You also under Jefferson's original draught promised that you would execute all Scotsmen and their families on site.

These truths were never self evident, just a clusterfuck of idioms of worth that you seem desperate to prove right in a Sodom and Gomorra of national self loathing.

You didn't invent democracy, and you have spent 100's of years proving why you never once as a nation lived up to an ideal that shames you.

We cannot resurrect Adam. And we cannot ask Jefferson, what he actually meant. What we can do is assume that even your constitutional right to bear arms has been outstripped by your responsibility while wielding them.
Sorry dickhead but its black and white. We have an enshrined God given right and duty to overthrow our government when we deem it necessary and the 2nd Amendment secures the right to military grade arms to get the job done. ALL federal gun control laws are illegal.

Federal law is the body of law created by the federal government of a COUNTRY… federal law supersedes state law #SMH
Way to miss the point entirely, bimbo. The Declaration and the 2nd Amendment establish the right to military grade firearms for the purpose of overthrowing the federal government. Full auto machine guns are what the military has so those are covered under the 2nd Amendment by default. Therefore, all federal gun control laws are illegal.

Now scurry off back to your cum soaked mattress, tramp.

I must have missed the bit where they talked about bumped assault weapons in the 2nd Amendment. Of course you should be able to protect yourself, from a vote that you disagree with.

See where I am going wiff dis diss?
LOL! Dont tell me you're another tard that believes the founders only intended muskets for the people? Go ahead, I wont be surprised.

This ALWAYS cracks me up

I would rather take a bullet than a fucking musket LOL.

Got shot in the leg with a musket....your leg will be gone. Muskets blow craters into people lol.
Look dingbat, you can shoot 3 mini balls from a musket per minute. MAYBE!! I can empty 3 MAGAZINES of 308's from my AR-10 in a minute. Plus, that 308 is going to cause such severe hydrostatic shock that the poor fuktard that gets shot by it will wish he would have had the extra 5 minutes it took a motherfucker with a musket to get around to shooting him.

I always knew you thought she was a dingbat.
LOL! Direct that at Blandfart!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Blandscape seems to be experiencing some kind of stupidity leakage at the moment

By asking very specific questions that no one is willing to answer?

Try harder. Use the X up at the upper right corner of yer browser display.

They run from hard questions. Probably because they exist in the paradigm someone else pushed them into as they wallow in psychic pain with booze, drugs and any number of vices to "relieve" that pain.