How Do You Think The Upcoming Debate Will Go?


> you
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. o O


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Anyone going to watch it? I think I will. I get a kick out watching adults conducting themselves as children.

I keep going back and forth between:

I'm going to try.
Only because I may want to make a video about it later.


I'll watch other people covering the highlights tomorrow.
No way I'm sitting through 90 minutes of pointless posturing and nonstop lies.


Excuse me, while I face the Karma!
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the things you own end up owning you
I keep going back and forth between:

I'm going to try.
Only because I may want to make a video about it later.


I'll watch other people covering the highlights tomorrow.
No way I'm sitting through 90 minutes of pointless posturing and nonstop lies.
Besides it's much easier to critique something if you don't know anything about it. Amirite?


Excuse me, while I face the Karma!
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the things you own end up owning you
Donald Trump was the first president… In 28 years not to serve a second term. In 45 years not to release his tax returns. In 89 years to lose the presidency, Senate, and House in one term. To be impeached twice To begin their term with a negative approval rating. To never reach an approval rating above 50%. To ask for and receive election assistance from a known foreign enemy. To refuse conceding after losing. To tell Americans the election he lost was a fraud. To incite an insurrection resulting in hundreds being charged and convicted. To have 81 associates charged with crimes. To lose their security clearance after leaving office. To have their home raided by FBI for espionage. To be convicted of 34 felonies. To add $8.4 Trillion to our national debt in 4 years. To have zero public service before being elected. To be taped detailing how he sexually assaulted women. To have 26 sexual assault allegations. To marry a porn model. To be married three times To be found liable for sexual abuse. To be accused of PLEASE ASS BOX ME!. …Let’s see how the final chapter goes.


Factory Bastard
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America is so much bigger an idea & ideal than whomever presides over it.

That's the point.

Freedom of speech trumps any & all devaluing aspects of a kneeled Kaeperneck.

Someone doing something to both gaslight enemies & virtue signal friends is no match nor consequence to the first amendment.

'Governments derive their power from consent of the governed.'

Vote your conscience, for ultimately the people are their own governance.

When people say the electoral college is corrupt or the supreme court is corrupt; need I remind you, we lord over both? The magnificence of our system is not bound to the capitalism you despise, but engrained by an individualism you aspire.

Daft fucking short sighted noobs.
I'm sorry, but I don't understand your post -- especially the part I bolded.


Excuse me, while I face the Karma!
Site Supporter ☠️
the things you own end up owning you
I'm sorry, but I don't understand your post -- especially the part I bolded.
Cross-sectional studies have found that obesity is associated with low intellectual ability and neuroimaging abnormalities in adolescence and adulthood. Some have interpreted these associations to suggest that obesity causes intellectual decline in the first half of the life course.


Larry Loungelizard

I appreciate irony as long as I'm not it's victim.
Well, judging by the news reports I read, when I predicted that the debate would be a fustercluck, I meant it be for the nation and not for Biden.

I mean, wow, what the actual shit happened last night?


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
Well, judging by the news reports I read, when I predicted that the debate would be a fustercluck, I meant it be for the nation and not for Biden.

I mean, wow, what the actual shit happened last night?
I loved it when Biden called Trump a sucker and a loser and nearly popped a varicose vein in his forehead when Trump responded with a *yaaaaawn*

Priceless! A big fuck you towards what these Liberals deem as a representation of democracy. What a joke? Biden is a stammering elderly shit-me-pants waste of space! This is the best that these so-called leftards can come up with?

Larry Loungelizard

I appreciate irony as long as I'm not it's victim.
I loved it when Biden called Trump a sucker and a loser and nearly popped a varicose vein in his forehead when Trump responded with a *yaaaaawn*

Priceless! A big fuck you towards what these Liberals deem as a representation of democracy. What a joke? Biden is a stammering elderly shit-me-pants waste of space! This is the best that these so-called leftards can come up with?
Any leftie that I work with will probably call in sick today.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Any leftie that I work with will probably call in sick today.
Fucking absolutely! See…if the boot was on the other foot so to speak…and a conservative fucked it up as much as Biden did today…we wouldn’t hear the end of it! @Admin. would be dripping from his anus with memes, @LotusBud giving fart to reason, and @Lily throwing in bits of jargon to try sound convincing.

This is payback for the Liberals rigging the previous election in the first place. Fucking A

Larry Loungelizard

I appreciate irony as long as I'm not it's victim.
Fucking absolutely! See…if the boot was on the other foot so to speak…and a conservative fucked it up as much as Biden did today…we wouldn’t hear the end of it! @Admin. would be dripping from his anus with memes, @LotusBud giving fart to reason, and @Lily throwing in bits of jargon to try sound convincing.

This is payback for the Liberals rigging the previous election in the first place. Fucking A
I suppose there is some kind of karma to be appreciated in all of this.


Excuse me, while I face the Karma!
Site Supporter ☠️
the things you own end up owning you
Pelosi declined to comment on Biden’s debate performance this morning, but “compared to a person who was lying the whole time, we saw integrity on one side and dishonesty on the other.” On Trump: “He’s a fool. He thinks I planned my own assassination. He's sicker than I thought.”

Larry Loungelizard

I appreciate irony as long as I'm not it's victim.
Larry, don't tell me you're one of those that actually believes Trump really won in 2020, even though Trump admitted privately he knew it was over?
No, I was only referring to the TDS that has been going on since 2016. The only conspiracy I believe is that there is too many damn conspiracies.