Is Dovey Pregnant?



Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Yeah, because it is. Rep Miller said that overturning R v W was a victory for white life.

It can't be any clearer than that statement that white conservatives are white supremacists. That is a bad thing in a country with more ethnically diverse citizens and residents than the average Western nation.
Well, to be honest Blacks have higher rates of abortions than Whites do, so the left should actually be cheering on this ruling...

I am cheering on this ruling, it should mean SCOTUS is flooded with judges that don't wear their underwear on their heads or flick bogeys at pictures of AOC.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Yeah, because it is. Rep Miller said that overturning R v W was a victory for white life.

It can't be any clearer than that statement that white conservatives are white supremacists. That is a bad thing in a country with more ethnically diverse citizens and residents than the average Western nation.
Well, to be honest Blacks have higher rates of abortions than Whites do, so the left should actually be cheering on this ruling...

On a scale of moron to stupid, where do you fall?
On a scale can you stand?

Without pulverizing it?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
On a scale of moron to stupid, where do you fall?
Care to actually address my post? Are you claiming that Blacks have lower rates of abortions than Whites do? Can you back that up with data?

Your post was stupid and I treated it as such. I am aware that the Black population has higher rates of abortion. Why you would think that liberals would rejoice one way or another in that is beyond me.

You got the response that you deserved.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
Your post was stupid and I treated it as such. I am aware that the Black population has higher rates of abortion. Why you would think that liberals would rejoice one way or another in that is beyond me.

You got the response that you deserved.
I thought the left would want more negro babies, not less...


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I luv my threads, they generate traffic to my own ego. That's whit makes you special. Whoever you aren't.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Your post was stupid and I treated it as such. I am aware that the Black population has higher rates of abortion. Why you would think that liberals would rejoice one way or another in that is beyond me.

You got the response that you deserved.
I thought the left would want more negro babies, not less...

The left wants personal freedom and choice. Not authoritarianism and forced religiosity.

And that's "fewer" not "less", White Supremacist.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Your post was stupid and I treated it as such. I am aware that the Black population has higher rates of abortion. Why you would think that liberals would rejoice one way or another in that is beyond me.

You got the response that you deserved.
I thought the left would want more negro babies, not less...

Jesus mate, you don't have a point. This a point, I want you to pay attention.

Say a black man raped a white Texan teen...should she carry that pregnancy?

See how I did that. A question that cuts to the very core of the opposite view.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Because you are not a racist, are you?

Well, Bland. I'm not the one calling black men rapists and arguing for abortion after rape for victims of these black rapists.

That's you. Js.

So you are saying that if a white Texan teen was raped, an abortion would be fine and dandy?

Racist and misogynist retard says what?
This country is run by white misogynistic and paternalistic minority rule
You make that sound like it's a bad thing!

Yeah, because it is. Rep Miller said that overturning R v W was a victory for white life.

It can't be any clearer than that statement that white conservatives are white supremacists. That is a bad thing in a country with more ethnically diverse citizens and residents than the average Western nation.

So why dont you back this hysterical bullshit.

How is turning abortion over to the states a "win for white life" and exactly what the fuck does that even mean? That you guys are what....fight white life? Disgusting and disgusting and divisive language. You dig that shit because you are full of hate.

By making sure in dem states more black babies are aborted than born?

And exactly what conservative values and policies are "white supremacist"?

This is just more of the same disgusting ass shit that's tearing apart the country. And considering democrat policies have literally wrecked the black population it's pretty fucking astounding.

It's too gotdamn bad that all this wrongness and ignorant hatred does is burn braincells instead of calories.
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Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
On a scale of moron to stupid, where do you fall?
Care to actually address my post? Are you claiming that Blacks have lower rates of abortions than Whites do? Can you back that up with data?

Shes fucking stupid and hatefilled.

She thinks anything that helps black people and black families is white supremacy and we must help the black community by refusing to educate inner city children, disarming law abiding citizens so all the gang violence kills them off. Keep them poor. Keep them from getting an education and harvest their votes. Keep the violent ones out there and place an abortion mill every mile in minority areas.

Democrats are fighting "racism" they make up by killing off as many blacks as possible.

Kinda like what Canada has done to their indigenous people.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
On a scale of moron to stupid, where do you fall?
Care to actually address my post? Are you claiming that Blacks have lower rates of abortions than Whites do? Can you back that up with data?

Shes fucking stupid and hatefilled.

She thinks anything that helps black people and black families is white supremacy and we must help the black community by refusing to educate inner city children, disarming law abiding citizens so all the gang violence kills them off. Keep them poor. Keep them from getting an education and harvest their votes. Keep the violent ones out there and place an abortion mill every mile in minority areas.

Democrats are fighting "racism" they make up by killing off as many blacks as possible.

Kinda like what Canada has done to their indigenous people.

Y'know @Dove, the one thing I do resent about your invectives is that you accuse us men, particularly liberals as being the major supporters behind abortion and the abortion movement.

And yet..if you see the people who are demonstrating for the pro-choice movement, they are virtually all women, particularly young women in their 20s.

Y'know, men on the Left don't even want to tell women what to do.
Whether they should get an abortion or bear children.
The ones setting the narratives for their debate...are women.

I hardly see any men at their rallies.

For example:

I don't really wanna get involved with their politics or rationale.
In fact, I detach myself from their arguments.

My major concern is the need to address population control so that we as a species, regardless of our race, gender, nationality or age, can hold onto this planet a bit longer.

If not for ourselves, then future generations, including your daughters' who'll ultimately have to make the gut wrenching decisions that we have failed to make for them.

I can see some merits of your arguments/concerns.
ie - the destructive nature of abortions.

same time - how about getting serious about family planning and birth control so that there is much less of a need to resort to these measures?

ie - preventing unwanted pregnancies in teens?

measures to improve women's access to birth control and family planning

increased funding for violence/rape relief shelters

abolishing unfair laws which protect rapists and incestors in certain states?

providing monetary incentives to poor countries with excessive birth rates to bring their population growth rates down?

BTW, I don't just think the USA needs birth control and more family planning, the whole planet does just to save it.
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
same time - how about getting serious about family planning and birth control so that there is much less of a need to resort to these measures?

ie - preventing unwanted pregnancies in teens?

measures to improve women's access to birth control and family planning

increased funding for violence/rape relief shelters

abolishing unfair laws which protect rapists and incestors in certain states?

providing monetary incentives to poor countries with excessive birth rates to bring their population growth rates down?

BTW, I don't just think the USA needs birth control and more family planning, the whole planet does just to save it.


Good post Joe.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
What we really should be focusing on is lowering the population numbers in Asia and Africa. There's so many of them because they breed like rabbits. And of course each and every one wants to come to White nations, so we'll get bombarded... Hell, we already are! Paris is BLACK now!


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
What we really should be focusing on is lowering the population numbers in Asia and Africa. There's so many of them because they breed like rabbits. And of course each and every one wants to come to White nations, so we'll get bombarded... Hell, we already are! Paris is BLACK now!

But it doesn't help when certain factions in the Republican party want to defund family planning programs for those regions of the world.

nevermind Birth control, They think all methods of birth control are bad.