I actually think if Erreredagain thought out his responses before emitting them, he would not seem quite as dense.You are a racist.
Accusing a white man of being racist for supporting civil rights in this country makes you a white supremacist.
You know, I knocked over my guitar last night when I was shutting down everything in here and I was all afraid it was detuned and shit, but she checks out just fine.
Anyway, so why the fuck do you have this white-hate fetish? Is it just your "anti-racist" doxy, or did you once abuse a darkie in the past and you feel the need to atone?
Gurk, this is not about white hate. I want peace of mind. The econmy tanks and crime goes up. This is logic.
See, the problem is that if they acknowledge that there is racism, the only moral thing to do is address it. But they benefit from it, so they don't want to hear about it.
It's so dickless, it's amazing they're so proud of their denials.
It took the civil rights movement for them to earn a fair wage. They have never been afforded the same opportunities as us. How are they supposed to be held accountable for this?
This is where you lose racists every time. They refuse to look into or accept the logic of consequences and blowback. They just don't fucking get any of it. Unless something bad happened to them. THEN it's all clear. But only the consequences of what happened to THEM. Never what happened to anyone else.