Jonathan Harris explains Critical Race Theory, in one painting


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Breakfail: BF "WHY AREN"T YOU HELPING MEEEEEEEE" biggie is pulling my pigtails again


He wants his 300 dollars worth.
3.5K lol

Oh Break. It was 4k. And it was a gift because he wanted me to have a car. I didnt even want to take it. He insisted.

Big is an incredible human being who only wanted to leave me in somewhat better shape than I was in when he met me.

Something he did regardless of the car, btw.

How many people can honestly say they are better as people because they knew you?
Many Dove. I constantly donate to charities and to people that are struggling.

But you have strings on that, it seems. How do you know what they would say?

The way you are starting repetitive shiet and tagging BF, it sure gives the impression that you do things more for you than the one you are giving it to.

I make a point to not even talk about things my husband and I have done for others because I like to stay humble. I dont want to stroke my ego and as humans it's easy to fall into that. So...its best to not discuss that stuff.

You just do it and be done with it and be glad that GOD put you in that position to bless someone through you.
No…the paedophile troll is tacky. If I tag @Bastard Factory in it, the repetition may stop. Use your head young lady.

Yeah and so is trying to use other peoples families. You dont have a single problem with that when other people do it though.

And you are being very repetitive yourself. Your little tantrums here are very selective.

Unless there is a TOS violation, you are just gonna understandbly annoy the fuck out of BF. I don't think he is all about over policing posts. He has a TOS and no where in it is "dont be what Break calls reptitive".

If you are truly this disturbed you should use your ignore feature and stop blowing up the owners notifications and trying to manipulate him just because you decided to jump into some stupid drama whores endless dramas and get annoyed.

You are acting in a very tacky manner. And a petty one.
Don’t be silly. Repetition troll is like Flynn and Mongtini…
I think that they have had an impact on the way you and Biggie troll.

Nah you definately got that one backwards, Break.

Big and I have posted the same for over a decade. Scrotini and Flynn have busted pretty badly.
We never used to do repetition at Bastard Factory, in fact it was frowned upon. I remember Efukt being so strict about it, that one couldn’t even post twice in succession on a thread without them shitting themselves. Mr fister used to fist his Indian anus with zealous lust when I was temporarily put on ice.
Well, this all started with the retarded meme spamming and everyone was warned about it. It was allowed to continue so now it's devolved further.

Yanno, @Lokmar ... it's time someone called bullshit on this trope. It's a j00 narrative that you oughta know better than to repeat, even if Dove swallowed it right down. Lily ain't a meme spammer, I ain't a meme spammer, Peach wasn't a meme spammer, Seams ain't a meme spammer. And the fact that Admin posts a lot of memes that annoy j00 doesn't necessarily make him a meme spammer EITHER.

And I'm not aware that everyone "was warned" about it on BF. Maybe at some other dead ass forum...?

Think on that for a minnit and get back to me. 'Meme spamming" and "sticking a gaff up j00's ass" are two different things.
Sorry asshole, you're full of shit and you know it. The simple fact is, admin started all of this by random and inane comments, memes, and shit posts on topics he didnt agree with just to be irritating... including my threads/posts which I'm actually ok with as long as everyone gets a turn. The rest of you cunts played cheerleader to him which makes you cunts culpable too. Occasionally, you resorted to the same tactics. Whenever anyone on "our side" retaliated with thread jacking and shit posting, you, oak, hollifaggit, et all, howled at the moon. So what happened? We pummeled you cunts with your own cudgel.

I suggest you run off and suck a fukin dik with Aidsman. PWN3D!

You're so full of self-importance, you whining little bitch.

Yea, I realize I steam roll the fuck outta you morons with the slightest bit of effort. You really aint worth it tho.

Interesting that you work so hard to make an effort with such classics as "get raped" and "nigger bitch".

Hard work!
Get raped nigger bitch.

Oh yeah, running now to get raped, but wait...I'm not a nigger, nigger.
Pace youself nigger bitch. Maybe stop for a sammie on the way. I suggest finding someone blind to do the dirty.

Yeah, pacing myself, taking my time, but I'll get to the getting raped part, all because you, Loktard, say so...
Always here to help! :ThumbsUp1:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Breakfail: BF "WHY AREN"T YOU HELPING MEEEEEEEE" biggie is pulling my pigtails again


He wants his 300 dollars worth.
3.5K lol

Oh Break. It was 4k. And it was a gift because he wanted me to have a car. I didnt even want to take it. He insisted.

Big is an incredible human being who only wanted to leave me in somewhat better shape than I was in when he met me.

Something he did regardless of the car, btw.

How many people can honestly say they are better as people because they knew you?
Many Dove. I constantly donate to charities and to people that are struggling.

But you have strings on that, it seems. How do you know what they would say?

The way you are starting repetitive shiet and tagging BF, it sure gives the impression that you do things more for you than the one you are giving it to.

I make a point to not even talk about things my husband and I have done for others because I like to stay humble. I dont want to stroke my ego and as humans it's easy to fall into that. So...its best to not discuss that stuff.

You just do it and be done with it and be glad that GOD put you in that position to bless someone through you.
No…the paedophile troll is tacky. If I tag @Bastard Factory in it, the repetition may stop. Use your head young lady.

Yeah and so is trying to use other peoples families. You dont have a single problem with that when other people do it though.

And you are being very repetitive yourself. Your little tantrums here are very selective.

Unless there is a TOS violation, you are just gonna understandbly annoy the fuck out of BF. I don't think he is all about over policing posts. He has a TOS and no where in it is "dont be what Break calls reptitive".

If you are truly this disturbed you should use your ignore feature and stop blowing up the owners notifications and trying to manipulate him just because you decided to jump into some stupid drama whores endless dramas and get annoyed.

You are acting in a very tacky manner. And a petty one.
Don’t be silly. Repetition troll is like Flynn and Mongtini…
I think that they have had an impact on the way you and Biggie troll.

Nah you definately got that one backwards, Break.

Big and I have posted the same for over a decade. Scrotini and Flynn have busted pretty badly.

Actually, it's you that has been "busted." Remember, your nasty ass slept with two tards off an online forum.

Remember, no one actually cares about who anyone sleeps with.

Except your broke busted ass that has melted down over it for 3 years.

So much for "ignoring" me. I see that once again your swiss cheese textured "brain" conveniently forgets that it's me that owns your stupid ass. Me. No one else.

Remember, no one would care about who sleeps with who, ONLY if your retarded attention seeking self would stop bringing up how you are the sad victim in this little farce you call life.

Yes. 3 years bitch, because that's the only thing you can constantly bring up to garner any kind of spotlight on how you've braved through so much. You're a fucking junkie for fucks sakes, therefore you have a semi-true story for every fucking occasion known to man. Is there an experience you haven't had? Because it seems to me that you'll saddle up under the right nutsacks if it fits your ongoing bizarro version of reality.

Remember. No one would be posting about this if your chickenhead self wasn't scuttling around ringing up who you fucked and how "it really doesn't matter what anyone thinks," because you keep it going for the much sought after sick need for attention.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Breakfail: BF "WHY AREN"T YOU HELPING MEEEEEEEE" biggie is pulling my pigtails again


He wants his 300 dollars worth.
3.5K lol

Oh Break. It was 4k. And it was a gift because he wanted me to have a car. I didnt even want to take it. He insisted.

Big is an incredible human being who only wanted to leave me in somewhat better shape than I was in when he met me.

Something he did regardless of the car, btw.

How many people can honestly say they are better as people because they knew you?
Many Dove. I constantly donate to charities and to people that are struggling.

But you have strings on that, it seems. How do you know what they would say?

The way you are starting repetitive shiet and tagging BF, it sure gives the impression that you do things more for you than the one you are giving it to.

I make a point to not even talk about things my husband and I have done for others because I like to stay humble. I dont want to stroke my ego and as humans it's easy to fall into that. So...its best to not discuss that stuff.

You just do it and be done with it and be glad that GOD put you in that position to bless someone through you.
No…the paedophile troll is tacky. If I tag @Bastard Factory in it, the repetition may stop. Use your head young lady.

Yeah and so is trying to use other peoples families. You dont have a single problem with that when other people do it though.

And you are being very repetitive yourself. Your little tantrums here are very selective.

Unless there is a TOS violation, you are just gonna understandbly annoy the fuck out of BF. I don't think he is all about over policing posts. He has a TOS and no where in it is "dont be what Break calls reptitive".

If you are truly this disturbed you should use your ignore feature and stop blowing up the owners notifications and trying to manipulate him just because you decided to jump into some stupid drama whores endless dramas and get annoyed.

You are acting in a very tacky manner. And a petty one.
Don’t be silly. Repetition troll is like Flynn and Mongtini…
I think that they have had an impact on the way you and Biggie troll.

Nah you definately got that one backwards, Break.

Big and I have posted the same for over a decade. Scrotini and Flynn have busted pretty badly.

Actually, it's you that has been "busted." Remember, your nasty ass slept with two tards off an online forum.

Remember, no one actually cares about who anyone sleeps with.

Except your broke busted ass that has melted down over it for 3 years.

So much for "ignoring" me. I see that once again your swiss cheese textured "brain" conveniently forgets that it's me that owns your stupid ass. Me. No one else.

Remember, no one would care about who sleeps with who, ONLY if your retarded attention seeking self would stop bringing up how you are the sad victim in this little farce you call life.

Yes. 3 years bitch, because that's the only thing you can constantly bring up to garner any kind of spotlight on how you've braved through so much. You're a fucking junkie for fucks sakes, therefore you have a semi-true story for every fucking occasion known to man. Is there an experience you haven't had? Because it seems to me that you'll saddle up under the right nutsacks if it fits your ongoing bizarro version of reality.

Remember. No one would be posting about this if your chickenhead self wasn't scuttling around ringing up who you fucked and how "it really doesn't matter what anyone thinks," because you keep it going for the much sought after sick need for attention.

Listen you mental case, you are the only one who even posts the stupid shit. Most of the board views you as a retarded and unhinged fucking meth head who is abnormally angry and repetitive.

You need a psychiatric evaluation. People tell you to stop repeating yourself because this topic is stupid and boring and has been. NO ONE cares.

If it's such an emotional struggle for you, perhaps look into euthanasia. I just hate to watch animals suffer.....even the ugly and stinky ones.

You really read as if you have a solid history of domestic assault and restraining orders.

Lmao. No one goes down in meltdown to post about this retarded and meaningless shit. So the wackjob comes into politcal threads about CRT to continue the unhinged screeching about it. :LOL3: :Crazy:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Breakfail: BF "WHY AREN"T YOU HELPING MEEEEEEEE" biggie is pulling my pigtails again


He wants his 300 dollars worth.
3.5K lol

Oh Break. It was 4k. And it was a gift because he wanted me to have a car. I didnt even want to take it. He insisted.

Big is an incredible human being who only wanted to leave me in somewhat better shape than I was in when he met me.

Something he did regardless of the car, btw.

How many people can honestly say they are better as people because they knew you?
Many Dove. I constantly donate to charities and to people that are struggling.

But you have strings on that, it seems. How do you know what they would say?

The way you are starting repetitive shiet and tagging BF, it sure gives the impression that you do things more for you than the one you are giving it to.

I make a point to not even talk about things my husband and I have done for others because I like to stay humble. I dont want to stroke my ego and as humans it's easy to fall into that. So...its best to not discuss that stuff.

You just do it and be done with it and be glad that GOD put you in that position to bless someone through you.
No…the paedophile troll is tacky. If I tag @Bastard Factory in it, the repetition may stop. Use your head young lady.

Yeah and so is trying to use other peoples families. You dont have a single problem with that when other people do it though.

And you are being very repetitive yourself. Your little tantrums here are very selective.

Unless there is a TOS violation, you are just gonna understandbly annoy the fuck out of BF. I don't think he is all about over policing posts. He has a TOS and no where in it is "dont be what Break calls reptitive".

If you are truly this disturbed you should use your ignore feature and stop blowing up the owners notifications and trying to manipulate him just because you decided to jump into some stupid drama whores endless dramas and get annoyed.

You are acting in a very tacky manner. And a petty one.
Don’t be silly. Repetition troll is like Flynn and Mongtini…
I think that they have had an impact on the way you and Biggie troll.

Nah you definately got that one backwards, Break.

Big and I have posted the same for over a decade. Scrotini and Flynn have busted pretty badly.

Actually, it's you that has been "busted." Remember, your nasty ass slept with two tards off an online forum.

Remember, no one actually cares about who anyone sleeps with.

Except your broke busted ass that has melted down over it for 3 years.

So much for "ignoring" me. I see that once again your swiss cheese textured "brain" conveniently forgets that it's me that owns your stupid ass. Me. No one else.

Remember, no one would care about who sleeps with who, ONLY if your retarded attention seeking self would stop bringing up how you are the sad victim in this little farce you call life.

Yes. 3 years bitch, because that's the only thing you can constantly bring up to garner any kind of spotlight on how you've braved through so much. You're a fucking junkie for fucks sakes, therefore you have a semi-true story for every fucking occasion known to man. Is there an experience you haven't had? Because it seems to me that you'll saddle up under the right nutsacks if it fits your ongoing bizarro version of reality.

Remember. No one would be posting about this if your chickenhead self wasn't scuttling around ringing up who you fucked and how "it really doesn't matter what anyone thinks," because you keep it going for the much sought after sick need for attention.

Listen you mental case, you are the only one who even posts the stupid shit. Most of the board views you as a retarded and unhinged fucking meth head who is abnormally angry and repetitive.

You need a psychiatric evaluation. People tell you to stop repeating yourself because this topic is stupid and boring and has been. NO ONE cares.

If it's such an emotional struggle for you, perhaps look into euthanasia. I just hate to watch animals suffer.....even the ugly and stinky ones.

You really read as if you have a solid history of domestic assault and restraining orders.

Lmao. No one goes down in meltdown to post about this retarded and meaningless shit. So the wackjob comes into politcal threads about CRT to continue the unhinged screeching about it. :LOL3: :Crazy:

So. Much. For. Having. Me. On. Ignore.

You're sadly mistsken again Super Stupid. It's always been your insipid little druggie ass that always brings up Kevin, or your "experiences" when it comes the world of illict drugs and behaviors. You'll gladly pontificate for hundreds and hundreds of pages on how it was the communists that made you into the forum slut you are. Furthermore, you tend to bring up the fact how you are always the victim in these little one act plays of yours. There's plenty of posts from you derailing threads with oh woe is Dovey. That's usually accompanied by whining how it's a world wide conspiracy that made yous share the exploits of your sad personal life to a bunch of downtrodden losers on a forum.

I think it's you that's already had a mental referral. Tell me Dovey, what's not crazy about fucking 2 dinks off a forum and then sharing with the whole world how it was you that was held hostage by a monster that drank the blood of young little boys? I mean your posts are totally sane when you take into account that no one else has held a Switch over a toilet before. Addictionally (see my play on words there, Aryan?) I should also point out that a non-crazy person doesn't cheat on their husband and children with two lifelong losers off a pathetic forum. I mean if anyone is batshit crazy it's you. You've actually had phone calls with other forum members to discuss strategy on how you were going to cancel out some posters, once you could get your grimy hands on an unsuspecting moderator..i.e...SHAMPAIN. You aren't only insane but you're also a total fucking dipshit.

I like how you omit the fact that you actually tried to get an e-restraining order on Kevin. You do know those don't exist right, Einstein? If anything you've proven to be the problem, with your penchant for getting involved with members in real life, you also think you have some sort of pull around here, which you don't. So take your meaningless bullshit and put that in a syringe and hot shot that, you fucking ignorant slag.
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Is this thread still how admin can make a black stiffy disappear in his mouth?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Damn…people change. I’m actually very surprised.

Big has never been anyone called Gordo. You gotta be thinking of another person?
I heard @Lily refer to him as Gordo earlier, I presumed it was the same character?

Yes, he thinks he's a chef like Gordon Ramsey and since he's plump, to say the least, I thought Gordo suited him perfectly.
Ohhhhh…got you. I moved out of home when I was 18, I can cook up a storm! :ThumbsUp1:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Damn…people change. I’m actually very surprised.

Big has never been anyone called Gordo. You gotta be thinking of another person?
I heard @Lily refer to him as Gordo earlier, I presumed it was the same character?

Yes, he thinks he's a chef like Gordon Ramsey and since he's plump, to say the least, I thought Gordo suited him perfectly.
Big fat pig planet still wants me to be big fat and dopey like her?



Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Damn…people change. I’m actually very surprised.

Big has never been anyone called Gordo. You gotta be thinking of another person?
I heard @Lily refer to him as Gordo earlier, I presumed it was the same character?

Yes, he thinks he's a chef like Gordon Ramsey and since he's plump, to say the least, I thought Gordo suited him perfectly.
Big fat pig planet still wants me to be big fat and dopey like her?

Cock sucka saaaa whaaaaa?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
So anyway, now that I have a little girl panty sniffing retard gumming my ankles again -- what's cracking normal people?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The CRT people literally hate MLK. As usual aidsman does nothing but lie.

I think the CRT crowd could soften their message considerably.

Needs to be rebranded and made more inclusive too.

Ie - many found Aunt Jemimah offensive so the company who owns it took her off the label and renamed it.

If an iconic brand like that can be rebranded & renamed, then why not CRT?
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The CRT people literally hate MLK. As usual aidsman does nothing but lie.

I think the CRT crowd could soften their message considerably.

Needs to be rebranded and made more inclusive too.

Ie - many found Aunt Jemimah offensive so the company who owns it took her off the label and renamed it.

If an iconic brand like that can be rebranded & renamed, then why not CRT?

LOL! Aunt Jemimah was a successful black business woman and libtards cancelled her. Classic! :LOL3:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The CRT people literally hate MLK. As usual aidsman does nothing but lie.

I think the CRT crowd could soften their message considerably.

Needs to be rebranded and made more inclusive too.

Ie - many found Aunt Jemimah offensive so the company who owns it took her off the label and renamed it.

If an iconic brand like that can be rebranded & renamed, then why not CRT?

LOL! Aunt Jemimah was a successful black business woman and libtards cancelled her. Classic! :LOL3:

If I'm not mistaken, the descendants of Aunt Jemimah were not offended having their ancestor on those bottles whom they consider an integral part of American heritage/culture.

Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Breakfail: BF "WHY AREN"T YOU HELPING MEEEEEEEE" biggie is pulling my pigtails again


He wants his 300 dollars worth.
3.5K lol

Oh Break. It was 4k. And it was a gift because he wanted me to have a car. I didnt even want to take it. He insisted.

Big is an incredible human being who only wanted to leave me in somewhat better shape than I was in when he met me.

Something he did regardless of the car, btw.

How many people can honestly say they are better as people because they knew you?
Many Dove. I constantly donate to charities and to people that are struggling.

pssst… stop eating the poison candy.
Poison candy….waaaa dat? :Excited6:

It’s rocking back in the corner chain smoking fiendishly…

my ears are blessing from the unanswered scream cries *shivers*
I don’t smoke tobacco at all. Nicotine makes my body shiver. It’s a terrible habit. I think that smokes are around $30.00 a pack here! @Harry McKnackers ?

Most packs are 30 or 40 count.... anywhere from 45-65 dollars a pack AUD.

You might grab a really nasty pack of 20 counts for around 30-35 bucks AUD.
Fucking hell that’s steep!

Some of the tobacconist shops deal on the side to people they know a long time and trust.

My mate gets his name branded Asian smokes for around 20 bucks a pop.

Im pleased. Smoke more dummy


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Breakfail: BF "WHY AREN"T YOU HELPING MEEEEEEEE" biggie is pulling my pigtails again


He wants his 300 dollars worth.
3.5K lol

Oh Break. It was 4k. And it was a gift because he wanted me to have a car. I didnt even want to take it. He insisted.

Big is an incredible human being who only wanted to leave me in somewhat better shape than I was in when he met me.

Something he did regardless of the car, btw.

How many people can honestly say they are better as people because they knew you?
Many Dove. I constantly donate to charities and to people that are struggling.

pssst… stop eating the poison candy.
Poison candy….waaaa dat? :Excited6:

It’s rocking back in the corner chain smoking fiendishly…

my ears are blessing from the unanswered scream cries *shivers*
I don’t smoke tobacco at all. Nicotine makes my body shiver. It’s a terrible habit. I think that smokes are around $30.00 a pack here! @Harry McKnackers ?

Most packs are 30 or 40 count.... anywhere from 45-65 dollars a pack AUD.

You might grab a really nasty pack of 20 counts for around 30-35 bucks AUD.
Fucking hell that’s steep!

Some of the tobacconist shops deal on the side to people they know a long time and trust.

My mate gets his name branded Asian smokes for around 20 bucks a pop.

Im pleased. Smoke more dummy

You should fuck yourself with the business end of a Shop Vac...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The CRT people literally hate MLK. As usual aidsman does nothing but lie.

I think the CRT crowd could soften their message considerably.

Needs to be rebranded and made more inclusive too.

Ie - many found Aunt Jemimah offensive so the company who owns it took her off the label and renamed it.

If an iconic brand like that can be rebranded & renamed, then why not CRT?

It's not intended to be soft or forgiving. It's designed to use hostility and foster hate.

Look into the messaging more deeply.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Did you leave your brain on the bus? Maybe in your outdoor shitter?

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
Site Supporter ☠️
TERF Island.
The idea of being educated about history is to understand where we've been to avoid going there again in the future.

Why do white people want to start a race war to simply avoid knowing the truth about the past?

Theres a difference between educated and indoctrinated. Now bare in mind that I am in the UK and we have a fuck ton of history.

In one lesson we learned about the indian wars, very basic stuff, the trail of tears, wounded knee, little big horn etc in one lesson. And that is enough, seriously it is. If you raise kids you dont want a doom laden heritage or it wont unite people but divide and escalate conflit. I was taught this 100 years after the indian wars ended. Most people will learn more as they go through life depending on interest.
I'm qualified Economist and intrested in history, so I now know that after 1776 that King George wanted to keep the colonials pegged in between Vancouver and Louisiana along the Apalachian line. It was the Loisiana purchase that opened up the west for colonisation and the mississippi water ways for trade in Cotton etc.

Most people dont need to know all this stuff, they want to be left alone to live their lives. You are the problem with your political monomania which drives extremism. Because most people regardless if they are semi vegative dunces can soon work out that "none of that shit had anything to do with me." They know instinctivley that collective guilt and historical guilt are bad eggs peddled by extremists.

I chose the injuns here but could do black history (lesson not month),Britain with others established the Trans atlantic slave trade, that is not unique though. Britain abolished slavery, that is unique which if continually foisted in peoples face can easily flip people from white guilt to white pride.

You are just trying to stay politicly relevent as all the civil rights have "righted", problem is your not and now you are counter productive. This is te corrosive effect of I dentity politics.

Who are you to decide one lesson is enough to encapsulate the entire history of Native Americans on these two continents?

Its not, it doesn't have to be. Educations about the bare minimum, you then follow up if you want out of interest etc. Thats how education works.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
Site Supporter ☠️
TERF Island.
So you don't seem to have the visible effects of systemic racism to the degree we Yanks do. My question is, is this an optical illusion? Do real AngloSaxons and Norman English in the UK actually view these more recent immigrants as equals as far as entitlement goes?

ETA: make that "entitlement and rights"

I honestly do not understand what you are saying. What exactly is systemic racism? What measures are you using?

"Anglo-Saxons and norman English" lol what? Your referencing groups from over 900 years ago, you can only do that with castles, place names and sometims names if you know what you are looking for.

As equals as far as entitlements and rights go? What entitlements? what rights?

Your not making any sense here, seriously it reads like gibberish. needs more clarifying.

No problem, happy to give it a shot.

Here in the US, the upper class makes distinctions between white people and there are hierarchies of social credibility. I don't really know if that is the case in the UK. Since you are professing some familiarity with north American history I am seeking to improve my own familiarity with the history of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales so I might see for myself if there are systemic barriers there to class mobility.

By "Anglo-Saxons and Norman English" I am indeed referring to those bloodlines, the people whose ancestors have inhabited the place for 900 years or more.

By entitlements and rights I'm referring to the Magna Carta and I'm referring to the same questions we have here regarding our own founding documents, namely, how much of it is real and how much is bullshit.

By systemic racism, I will start by saying that there have been periods in US history where not only blacks but also various groups of white Europeans (Irish, Germans, Poles, Italians, etc) as well as Jews, have been overtly and systematically discriminated against by the oligarcchy. And there have been legal, financial, and social systems to facilitate it, not to mention extra-legal stuff such as lynching.

Lemme know if you need more splainin.

Yea a bit, if systemic racism is past what is it now? What are you angling at? Inheritance?

There are class barriers to class mobility most of them boil down to money, even down to post codes(Zip codes) which is a derivitive of wealth.