Meltdowns, I cause 'em


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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I'm a humbler cobbler who only ever works on his own boots: a roofer's roof always needs roofin', you know?

The last best flamer here? I retired him using a very sick, twisted tactic that posters won't even talk about *shrug*

I'll keep this short and tell you all about my last two successful escapades:

1) Once upon a time, I was the flame champ of Third Rail. Anyway, I was typing up a horrifying thread when all of a sudden the forum insisted I defend my new championship after the week I'd won it. Any damn way, I then insisted in return that the judges be all be female because I'd just beaten one popular hag for the title, so the members there propped up the next lady whose votes were chiseled in stone before the match began.

My first post was all I wanted to drop because I was typing about the time I raped Natalie behind the church where the pane glass depiction of Jesus was right behind and above us. I went on in detail about the right ways to rape; it was very informative. Why else would I give the chick I was flaming five female flamers and open it up with that doozy. Sure, they took my title away from me that I knew would happen regardless of what was posted. Spine-tingling rape posts + five female judges = automatic hilarity in my Good Book.

2) I just got banned from a flame forum for a very simple reason: I wanted to kick over the ant pile and start some angry action there because there is none despite being a flame forum. Makes sense? Of course. Two last posts there were very racist and full of horrible pictures to slap 'em with both hands. They just didn't take to it very well and all the kumbaya posters there threatened to walk away for good unless I was to hear the wooden hammer slam on a rotting park bench.

I've done so many awful things in places posters are supposed to do, never made a single friend, only one or two temporary alliances to get a job done, etc. It's 2019 and the nastiest of the nasty are actually expelled like I've been from a high school before. The flamers there have known of me since 2004 and still never see me coming, or why.

You will all see an open a thread I make in the future thinking all will be well and good. It might even be, like this one where I do another panic-inducing wrong by telling you all that King Martini and his other nics, like Brentv2, is the same fat kid I've shat on more times than I can count. Chalk up once more!

The bees at Flame Truth don't buzz. When an opportunity presents itself, they all fall apart instead of returning fire. Beehives are usually burnt down, so it makes sense to throw soggy old wet stained towels at posters who "go there" - places they couldn't/wouldn't...

- yo Doomsday, look what's happened since you "left"


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It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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Sarcasm recognized, sardonic "do your claimed shit to be recognized as shocking" is on its way. Sometime here. Sometime somewhere else that I won't even bother putting here for you faggots to click and squirm with crooked smiles. Do hold your nasal blitzing breath until I see something or just feeling like shitting on top of your heads before wiping my ass with your faces...


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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I swear to God there was some sort'a rules that I made of nothing; you are your post, whoever you are.

Want me to brighten this thread, this attractive piece of awesome? OK, I suppose I guess I could.


Your favorite band too?


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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Cruelty? Look in the fucking dirty mirror, chump. I have VLCs where the mouth of a dog is wrapped to shut it up when the owner, if guess, chops hie legs off one-by-one. Wanna see it!?

Oh, like, nice troll attempt you try-hard-but-fail-laughability. Great stuff man, great. I'm an old school BH Reg and there's nothing y'all can do about me instead of making utter fools of yourselves by trying to tardpile me. Won't work, wannabees.

Go on then, try me right here and make a thread about me that I'll probably just snarf and ignore, just like the rest of your pathetic real life. Fuck you, loser. C'mon and get nothing...


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Cruelty? Look in the fucking dirty mirror, chump. I have VLCs where the mouth of a dog is wrapped to shut it up when the owner, if guess, chops hie legs off one-by-one. Wanna see it!?

Oh, like, nice troll attempt you try-hard-but-fail-laughability. Great stuff man, great. I'm an old school BH Reg and there's nothing y'all can do about me instead of making utter fools of yourselves by trying to tardpile me. Won't work, wannabees.

Go on then, try me right here and make a thread about me that I'll probably just snarf and ignore, just like the rest of your pathetic real life. Fuck you, loser. C'mon and get nothing...
Were Lead paint chips your fav snack as a kid ?
It seems like the internet is\ was a big part of your life, and after reading some of your shit figures bahahahahahaaaa ..
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Factory Bastard
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Cruelty? Look in the fucking dirty mirror, chump. I have VLCs where the mouth of a dog is wrapped to shut it up when the owner, if guess, chops hie legs off one-by-one. Wanna see it!?

Oh, like, nice troll attempt you try-hard-but-fail-laughability. Great stuff man, great. I'm an old school BH Reg and there's nothing y'all can do about me instead of making utter fools of yourselves by trying to tardpile me. Won't work, wannabees.

Go on then, try me right here and make a thread about me that I'll probably just snarf and ignore, just like the rest of your pathetic real life. Fuck you, loser. C'mon and get nothing...

Edgy as a cold water pipe, nobody needs to put you in the tardpile you already occupy.


Put your glasses on!
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I remember you from the old Consumption Junction forums,vaguely I should add.

You were all mouth and no substance. lol

So many people shot you down without even trying.

But hey welcome aboard.

Lol, I recognized the name too, you beat me to it.

Old school CJ'ers are always welcome in my book.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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And all I see are a buncha posters who'd much rather look at a picture than read posts longer than their confessionals at the churches where their kids are terrified of, for some reason. Probably just because they dread the thought of having to show up there an hour before adults do to practice their choir boy chores.

Oh, and look, the posters who rule this weak ass board actually post the site's RULES!. Tattletales, keeping their board flame free. You faggots don't like long reads unless it's this shithole's fake rules Bible?

Hey now, that rule slate should also insist that posters don't make fun of everyone's disabilities; first is obviously the contagious ADD here, I'll be needing to double down on those shitty little masks that gooks always wear; the second disability is of course the omnipresent inability to legitimately flame.

Lastly, the mod who posted here has chosen an avatar cursed with a cleft lip so embarrassing that it splits the entire face down the middle. Your mom cunt-chunk you out in the grimy old bathtub you were conceived in? How tragic. The good news is that you can stagger around your town looking for your father that your mother can't remember or guess correctly. I'm confident you'll be able to pick him out in the lowliest bar around that just plays Patsy Cline songs in a long, troubling loop that nobody can listen to without holding a warm beer...

- fuck Miss Malevolent, gnarly and Leopardsocks