
Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
It doesn't matter. To them you had the audacity to censor him in the first place. Matters not that he spammed your board to hell and back with his incessant trump hate and not single discussion about anything could be had without that drooling spaz fairy coming along to threadjack with stupid trump memes. Nor does it matter that you banned several conservatives first

seen lily around lately? You didn't see how Lotusgarbage and holidork whined the last time you banned him?

believe it or don't believe it... but this is their MO and they've been at it for YEARS
You should show BF some of the PM’s from the SG Vault!


Domestically feral
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United states
I don't think Lotus is planning on having more Children, so your point is moot. Unlike Contards, sane people don't boycott everything that we disagree with.

No, you guys will smear places you don't agree with and try to shut them down or fire bomb them.

Why was she so angry at US abortion restrictions when she doesn't even live here and won't be getting pregnant then? Her country has stricter restrictions and she loves that place.

You don't even wait to understand a point before you are arguing and talking to people like they are shit. Typical for leftwing people. Sanctimonious, rigid and angry. At least "contards" can have conversations and are easier to talk to. You guys are mean, viscious, coercive and forceful... self righteous and constantly blame others for for the behavior you engage in. It's nonstop gaslighting. It's impossible to communicate with you guys.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I brought the fucker back.

All of you that threatened to quit should just leave.
If you come here just to fight for your Politics you are the problem.
Not the kind of board we want.. we are not a political site.
Let us be honest here. Telling people to leave isn't going to result in more activity. The only exception might be getting rid of aidsman. Just because most people hate him as a spamming fucktard.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
No, you guys will smear places you don't agree with and try to shut them down or fire bomb them.

Why was she so angry at US abortion restrictions when she doesn't even live here and won't be getting pregnant then? Her country has stricter restrictions and she loves that place.

You don't even wait to understand a point before you are arguing and talking to people like they are shit. Typical for leftwing people. Sanctimonious, rigid and angry. At least "contards" can have conversations and are easier to talk to. You guys are mean, viscious, coercive and forceful... self righteous and constantly blame others for for the behavior you engage in. It's nonstop gaslighting. It's impossible to communicate with you guys.
Are these "You guys" in the room with you now?


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
Let us be honest here. Telling people to leave isn't going to result in more activity. The only exception might be getting rid of aidsman. Just because most people hate him as a spamming fucktard.
Leave your cry baby pity party in your Mom's Apt. don't bring it to BF!


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
Bro -- I tried to tell you this before but I can understand why you think I'm the problem. I've dealt with these exact assholes in the past. They never change and you're right, there is no pleasing them. Ever. You could ban me 50 times in a row and then censor admin for a day for unmitigated spamming and they'd call you a biased trump tard for it.

Honestly, you'd be better off dumping morons like adfairy and holidork then dumping you politics sub

but hey, that's just my two cents... your board, your rules
But you have me on ignore, how could you possibly be so triggered by me? Oh no I get it, just one more boastful lie.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Are these "You guys" in the room with you now?

So it's just you who doesn't understand I mean you and Lotus?

I don't buy the manipulative bullshit where you pretend to not understand what I'm saying in some weak ass gaslighting attempt to make me feel dumb or nuts.

Maybe YOU GUYS are so hateful and angry BECAUSE you are clearly too stupid to communicate with normal average people. Fearing what you don't understand is a thing.



Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
So it's just you who doesn't understand I mean you and Lotus?

I don't buy the manipulative bullshit where you pretend to not understand what I'm saying in some weak ass gaslighting attempt to make me feel dumb or nuts.

Maybe YOU GUYS are so hateful and angry BECAUSE you are clearly too stupid to communicate with normal average people. Fearing what you don't understand is a thing.

DR, lol!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Stfu you sad little panel bully. Stop blaming your failures on others.

It should also be known that every forum Biggie Failure has been an Administrative Assistant at---imploded just like that sub last week, because dick-faced midget can't control herself behind a panel.



Site Supporter
Imagine being offended by a dude pretending to be a woman on the internet. And on TROLL BOARDS.
whose offended ? just think it's oddball af
says something about ones structure, it's character wash your hair you'll know what I mean

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
X! Go feed your cat.

And have a Garfield book...


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Seriously tho, why do any of you attempt reasonable and rational debate with that dick sucking loser? it's not like that fecal fairy possesses the aptitude to engage on any intellectual and informed level.

All he's going to do when you corner his idiot ass on any inconsistencies within the leftist supplied narrative is leap to a whataboutism about a completely irrelevant subject. Like Trump or some other conservative who makes him piss in his women's underwear.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Dove contradicting herself again as she jumped on the bandwagon and accused me of being Martini/Pickles for over 2 years.

Yeah. Who gets offended and screams I'm Martini/Pickles?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
None of them can have a civilised, rational discussion with anyone who disagrees with their woke garbage.

Completely mind fucked, the lot of them.
Hence the reason I skip all the pleasantries and go straight to mocking them for the human vermin garbage they are

Because, I'm sorry, but people with high moral decency are never duped THIS fucking long like they are. they are rodents at their core which is why they gravitate towards these disgusting narratives


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Hence the reason I skip all the pleasantries and go straight to mocking them for the human vermin garbage they are

Because, I'm sorry, but people with high moral decency are never duped THIS fucking long like they are. they are rodents at their core which is why they gravitate towards these disgusting narratives

Keep doing what you're doing and you'll be put into the new user group.