Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Russiagate was a lie hatched by Team Hillary with an assortment of accomplices in the media and "intelligence" community. The only link between Trump and Putin is that they're both irrationally hated by democrats and their apologists to the exclusion of any other consideration.
you're going to make those two dipshits shit in their spandex with this one, sir.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
You showed Jack Shit.

Lotus is a much better poster to than you, I'd rather have Edith Bunker running amok instead of your tired and stupid comebacks.

I asked for any posts or links backing up all you claimed, yet nothing.

Keep airclaiming and go fuck your dead Nana for me jerkoff.

Then you can defend Freud some more while he tries to sweep Dinky Diana under the rug.
The thing is, nobody gives a single fuck what you think...

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Russiagate was a lie hatched by Team Hillary with an assortment of accomplices in the media and "intelligence" community. The only link between Trump and Putin is that they're both irrationally hated by democrats and their apologists to the exclusion of any other consideration.
You’re already making Flynn mad lol


Factory Bastard
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I thought you were going to show me that it was "No one" I was talking about?


I realize you are stupid but do you honestly expect us to believe you are this stupid? Go back and read what I originally responded to, you stupid crackhead. YOU accused the poster named "not me" of being me, you drooling dip shit.

I never said what you claimed, you lying piece of whale feces. Stuff like this, along with your complete inability to control yourself, is why no one likes you online or in real life. It is a big reason why you are such a failure in every aspect of your life.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space

OdorStink - You shittied a post now be a man if you can and explain why Liberalism isn't different from commieism and Nazism. I bet you can't.

...and if it isn't, then how communism and Nazism are the same.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I realize you are stupid but do you honestly expect us to believe you are this stupid? Go back and read what I originally responded to, you stupid crackhead. YOU accused the poster named "not me" of being me, you drooling dip shit.

I never said what you claimed, you lying piece of whale feces. Stuff like this, along with your complete inability to control yourself, is why no one likes you online or in real life. It is a big reason why you are such a failure in every aspect of your life.


You never asked to see I.P. logs even after I posted the screen shots?

No. You're fucking stupid.
