Repooplickin 600$ Stimulus Check Could Save the Lives of Millions of Americans



Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
If dumb fuck Nancy Pelosi had accepted what the WH had offered instead of playing politics, we would have had another round of 1200 dollar stimulus and 400 unemployment. Like over a month ago, too.

But yeah by all means.....pretend it's the just the meaning Republicans



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Los Angeles
If dumb fuck Nancy Pelosi had accepted what the WH had offered instead of playing politics, we would have had another round of 1200 dollar stimulus and 400 unemployment. Like over a month ago, too.

But yeah by all means.....pretend it's the just the meaning Republicans

I'm sure you're aware that last month's offering from Mitch & Co was totally unacceptable to Pelosi & Co for a host of other reasons. Unless you ALWAYS rely on info sources that dumb shit down to simple talking points, of course. If that's the case, may I suggest some light reading to find out what had to be stripped off of Mitch's package at gunpoint, before you offer that turd again.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Pelosi slow walked any bill till after the elections then offered substantially less in checks to Americans and way more pork barrel spending for unrelated bailouts, pet projects, and international welfare...

Pelosi is one stupid cunt and so is anyone who supports the spastic bint.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Los Angeles
Not to derail this lovely thread, but I just read that the two bankers at Deutsche Bank who have been managing the Trump/Kushner loan portfolio are retiring as of the end of this month. I'm speculating that they alrready have made travel arrangements to be in the Cayman Islands on January 1, and I'll entertain wagers on this.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
If dumb fuck Nancy Pelosi had accepted what the WH had offered instead of playing politics, we would have had another round of 1200 dollar stimulus and 400 unemployment. Like over a month ago, too.

But yeah by all means.....pretend it's the just the meaning Republicans

I'm sure you're aware that last month's offering from Mitch & Co was totally unacceptable to Pelosi & Co for a host of other reasons. Unless you ALWAYS rely on info sources that dumb shit down to simple talking points, of course. If that's the case, may I suggest some light reading to find out what had to be stripped off of Mitch's package at gunpoint, before you offer that turd again.

Yanno Jake I stopped paying attention when Pelosi refused the WH offer for being too "skinny" at 1.9 trillion. I knew it was about pork.

How interesting you think I'm defending the GOP. Had the WH deal(because I support Trump for this reason....he isnt a politicain and was ready to get help for US) been good enough for Pelosi, she wouldnt have suddenly agreed to what....900 billion in the spirit of "compromise".

She had the chance to agree to much more, Jake. She shit it. And dont think shes disappointed agreeing to less, she isnt. Congress screwed us and the DNC doesnt care more than the Republicans. That's reality.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Los Angeles
She had the chance to agree to much more, Jake. She shit it. And dont think shes disappointed agreeing to less, she isnt. Congress screwed us and the DNC doesnt care more than the Republicans. That's reality.

O, I'm sure not arguing with that. I just think it is funny that you hate on her and I've never heard you say a word about Paul Ryan who used to be Speaker, nor about McConnell.

It's one team, two uniforms.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
She had the chance to agree to much more, Jake. She shit it. And dont think shes disappointed agreeing to less, she isnt. Congress screwed us and the DNC doesnt care more than the Republicans. That's reality.

O, I'm sure not arguing with that. I just think it is funny that you hate on her and I've never heard you say a word about Paul Ryan who used to be Speaker, nor about McConnell.

It's one team, two uniforms.

Well frankly because the minute anyone left leaning finds out one supports Trump....suddenly they are a Republican alt right blah blah bleh lol.

I've just stopped correcting people, so thats my bad too. I get called a Republican and just run with it because it's not really ever my points anyway, yanno? So it's probably my fault you were under that impression. The DNC has been more in your face infuriating lately but my ire is spread about the whole damn group.

There are some Republicans I've been pleasantly impressed by and a few Democrats as well. Mainly Tulsi....I cannot get behind all her positions but I have a ton of respect for her.

Exactly....its one team, two uniforms. The people just think its different.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

You spelled "our own damn tax money" wrong.

Theyll probably be paying bills with it considering the viscious lock downs have pushed 8 million Americans of every political box into poverty.

They SHOULD give us our own money back. Too bad Trumps offer was rejected, I guess Pelosi doesn't wanna "redistribute wealth" either unless it goes into her partisan wish list...go figure!


Factory Bastard
If you go to a crack head neighbourhood you can furnish your whole apartment for half a sugar cube.

They have TVs and laptops they aren't even using.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
A large reason for America's budget deficits and its exploding national debt is that it gave the ultra wealthy a tax holiday for the past 40 years. These low tax rates were not sustainable as a permanent fixture. Before the Reagan tax cuts, the US National Debt was abut $900 billion & 40% of the GDP. 40 years later it's at least 27 trillion & over 100% of the GDP. America can't afford its billionaire class. They are the equivalent of 18th/19th Century European monarchs which most of those countries abolished. America's billionaires are essentially modern day Kings who get all the riches while the masses who grovel to them get shafted.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Pelosi slow walked any bill till after the elections then offered substantially less in checks to Americans and way more pork barrel spending for unrelated bailouts, pet projects, and international welfare...

Pelosi is one stupid cunt and so is anyone who supports the spastic bint.

Im sure the $600. would have been meaningful DD. Should have paid your US taxes, and kept your passport legit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
If dumb fuck Nancy Pelosi had accepted what the WH had offered instead of playing politics, we would have had another round of 1200 dollar stimulus and 400 unemployment. Like over a month ago, too.

But yeah by all means.....pretend it's the just the meaning Republicans

I'm sure you're aware that last month's offering from Mitch & Co was totally unacceptable to Pelosi & Co for a host of other reasons. Unless you ALWAYS rely on info sources that dumb shit down to simple talking points, of course. If that's the case, may I suggest some light reading to find out what had to be stripped off of Mitch's package at gunpoint, before you offer that turd again.

BINGO. Not to mention the revengeful one might veto it. Just another kick in the US publics nuts.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Pelosi slow walked any bill till after the elections then offered substantially less in checks to Americans and way more pork barrel spending for unrelated bailouts, pet projects, and international welfare...

Pelosi is one stupid cunt and so is anyone who supports the spastic bint.

Im sure the $600. would have been meaningful DD. Should have paid your US taxes, and kept your passport legit.

That's the problem, Sea.

The majority of OUR tax money that WE need is going towards the military industrial complex, fucking corporate bail outs and partisan bullshit. Oh. ..and 1 billion going towards "Arts".

Right now, while millions of Americans are suffering, pushed into poverty by government lockdowns....while businesses have closed permanently.....1 billion is going to the fucking Smithsonian.

They tax us, they force us out of work.....then use our taxes as a corporate and partisan honey pot and toss us fucking crumbs.

600 dollars is an INSULT.

And this why the last thing the government needs to be allowed to do is take MORE of our money to "redistribute". They will take care of their interest first and we get the crumbs.

This is why all those socail programs that require more money to be taken from our income are bullshit that will never work. At least not for us. We will just all have less to help eachother with.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Pelosi slow walked any bill till after the elections then offered substantially less in checks to Americans and way more pork barrel spending for unrelated bailouts, pet projects, and international welfare...

Pelosi is one stupid cunt and so is anyone who supports the spastic bint.

Im sure the $600. would have been meaningful DD. Should have paid your US taxes, and kept your passport legit.

You're seriously trying to turn the focus of your tax cheating as a poor pensioner onto me, a viable younger man living in a far more expensive and regulated nation to either the US or your Slum World current residence of Costa Rica?



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
If dumb fuck Nancy Pelosi had accepted what the WH had offered instead of playing politics, we would have had another round of 1200 dollar stimulus and 400 unemployment. Like over a month ago, too.

But yeah by all means.....pretend it's the just the meaning Republicans

I'm sure you're aware that last month's offering from Mitch & Co was totally unacceptable to Pelosi & Co for a host of other reasons. Unless you ALWAYS rely on info sources that dumb shit down to simple talking points, of course. If that's the case, may I suggest some light reading to find out what had to be stripped off of Mitch's package at gunpoint, before you offer that turd again.

BINGO. Not to mention the revengeful one might veto it. Just another kick in the US publics nuts.

It NEEDS to be a huge veto.

The WH offered US more. They need to stomp this shit and give us the 1.9 trillion the WH offered.

Did you see what's in that package and what they are tossing us?

Hell no, veto that shit! That's our money and WE need it. And deserve it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
The $600 is a joke. Where’s our leadership tho? Again lt looks like the Pres. might veto the entire bill.Trumps more interested in pardoning military murders. As of this morning, the baby is still in hiding.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Pelosi slow walked any bill till after the elections then offered substantially less in checks to Americans and way more pork barrel spending for unrelated bailouts, pet projects, and international welfare...

Pelosi is one stupid cunt and so is anyone who supports the spastic bint.

Im sure the $600. would have been meaningful DD. Should have paid your US taxes, and kept your passport legit.

That's the problem, Sea.

The majority of OUR tax money that WE need is going towards the military industrial complex, fucking corporate bail outs and partisan bullshit. Oh. ..and 1 billion going towards "Arts".

Right now, while millions of Americans are suffering, pushed into poverty by government lockdowns....while businesses have closed permanently.....1 billion is going to the fucking Smithsonian.

They tax us, they force us out of work.....then use our taxes as a corporate and partisan honey pot and toss us fucking crumbs.

600 dollars is an INSULT.

And this why the last thing the government needs to be allowed to do is take MORE of our money to "redistribute". They will take care of their interest first and we get the crumbs.

This is why all those socail programs that require more money to be taken from our income are bullshit that will never work. At least not for us. We will just all have less to help eachother with.

The Smithsonian is not an art museum. I hope that makes you feel better.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Pelosi slow walked any bill till after the elections then offered substantially less in checks to Americans and way more pork barrel spending for unrelated bailouts, pet projects, and international welfare...

Pelosi is one stupid cunt and so is anyone who supports the spastic bint.

Im sure the $600. would have been meaningful DD. Should have paid your US taxes, and kept your passport legit.

That's the problem, Sea.

The majority of OUR tax money that WE need is going towards the military industrial complex, fucking corporate bail outs and partisan bullshit. Oh. ..and 1 billion going towards "Arts".

Right now, while millions of Americans are suffering, pushed into poverty by government lockdowns....while businesses have closed permanently.....1 billion is going to the fucking Smithsonian.

They tax us, they force us out of work.....then use our taxes as a corporate and partisan honey pot and toss us fucking crumbs.

600 dollars is an INSULT.

And this why the last thing the government needs to be allowed to do is take MORE of our money to "redistribute". They will take care of their interest first and we get the crumbs.

This is why all those socail programs that require more money to be taken from our income are bullshit that will never work. At least not for us. We will just all have less to help eachother with.

The Smithsonian is not an art museum. I hope that makes you feel better.

Not at all.

Wait until our economy is better and people are not struggling to eat and looking down the barrel of homelessness before giving them 1 billion while giving the people shit......of our own tax money.

It's disgusting.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
A government hand out?

The government went ahead and helped themselves to the peoples money.

Now instead of truly helping the people with our own money.....yeah. This is why their grubby establishment mits should stay out of our wages.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Pelosi slow walked any bill till after the elections then offered substantially less in checks to Americans and way more pork barrel spending for unrelated bailouts, pet projects, and international welfare...

Pelosi is one stupid cunt and so is anyone who supports the spastic bint.

Im sure the $600. would have been meaningful DD. Should have paid your US taxes, and kept your passport legit.

That's the problem, Sea.

The majority of OUR tax money that WE need is going towards the military industrial complex, fucking corporate bail outs and partisan bullshit. Oh. ..and 1 billion going towards "Arts".

Right now, while millions of Americans are suffering, pushed into poverty by government lockdowns....while businesses have closed permanently.....1 billion is going to the fucking Smithsonian.

They tax us, they force us out of work.....then use our taxes as a corporate and partisan honey pot and toss us fucking crumbs.

600 dollars is an INSULT.

And this why the last thing the government needs to be allowed to do is take MORE of our money to "redistribute". They will take care of their interest first and we get the crumbs.

This is why all those socail programs that require more money to be taken from our income are bullshit that will never work. At least not for us. We will just all have less to help eachother with.

The Smithsonian is not an art museum. I hope that makes you feel better.

Not at all.

Wait until our economy is better and people are not struggling to eat and looking down the barrel of homelessness before giving them 1 billion while giving the people shit......of our own tax money.

It's disgusting.

They should cut the damn payouts to corporations is what they should do. ALL handouts to corporations and the rich, and the Smithsonian (not an art museum) should be halted, and even paid back, and working Americans should get 1000 a month, like Andrew Yang proposed.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
The $600 is a joke. Where’s our leadership tho? Again lt looks like the Pres. might veto the entire bill.Trumps more interested in pardoning military murders. As of this morning, the baby is still in hiding.

Trump has since demanded 2k checks for legal Americans and now that stupid cunt Pelosi wants to chat... lulz...


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Pelosi slow walked any bill till after the elections then offered substantially less in checks to Americans and way more pork barrel spending for unrelated bailouts, pet projects, and international welfare...

Pelosi is one stupid cunt and so is anyone who supports the spastic bint.

Im sure the $600. would have been meaningful DD. Should have paid your US taxes, and kept your passport legit.

That's the problem, Sea.

The majority of OUR tax money that WE need is going towards the military industrial complex, fucking corporate bail outs and partisan bullshit. Oh. ..and 1 billion going towards "Arts".

Right now, while millions of Americans are suffering, pushed into poverty by government lockdowns....while businesses have closed permanently.....1 billion is going to the fucking Smithsonian.

They tax us, they force us out of work.....then use our taxes as a corporate and partisan honey pot and toss us fucking crumbs.

600 dollars is an INSULT.

And this why the last thing the government needs to be allowed to do is take MORE of our money to "redistribute". They will take care of their interest first and we get the crumbs.

This is why all those socail programs that require more money to be taken from our income are bullshit that will never work. At least not for us. We will just all have less to help eachother with.

The Smithsonian is not an art museum. I hope that makes you feel better.

Not at all.

Wait until our economy is better and people are not struggling to eat and looking down the barrel of homelessness before giving them 1 billion while giving the people shit......of our own tax money.

It's disgusting.

They should cut the damn payouts to corporations is what they should do. ALL handouts to corporations and the rich, and the Smithsonian (not an art museum) should be halted, and even paid back, and working Americans should get 1000 a month, like Andrew Yang proposed.

I'd slit anyone's throat that tried to physically take from me to fund a mass welfare society... no questions asked.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Pelosi slow walked any bill till after the elections then offered substantially less in checks to Americans and way more pork barrel spending for unrelated bailouts, pet projects, and international welfare...

Pelosi is one stupid cunt and so is anyone who supports the spastic bint.

Im sure the $600. would have been meaningful DD. Should have paid your US taxes, and kept your passport legit.

That's the problem, Sea.

The majority of OUR tax money that WE need is going towards the military industrial complex, fucking corporate bail outs and partisan bullshit. Oh. ..and 1 billion going towards "Arts".

Right now, while millions of Americans are suffering, pushed into poverty by government lockdowns....while businesses have closed permanently.....1 billion is going to the fucking Smithsonian.

They tax us, they force us out of work.....then use our taxes as a corporate and partisan honey pot and toss us fucking crumbs.

600 dollars is an INSULT.

And this why the last thing the government needs to be allowed to do is take MORE of our money to "redistribute". They will take care of their interest first and we get the crumbs.

This is why all those socail programs that require more money to be taken from our income are bullshit that will never work. At least not for us. We will just all have less to help eachother with.

The Smithsonian is not an art museum. I hope that makes you feel better.

Not at all.

Wait until our economy is better and people are not struggling to eat and looking down the barrel of homelessness before giving them 1 billion while giving the people shit......of our own tax money.

It's disgusting.

They should cut the damn payouts to corporations is what they should do. ALL handouts to corporations and the rich, and the Smithsonian (not an art museum) should be halted, and even paid back, and working Americans should get 1000 a month, like Andrew Yang proposed.

That isnt gonna happen. This is what they do with our money.

They just offered Americans 600 bucks to shut us up after months of Covid. Thats who they are.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Pelosi slow walked any bill till after the elections then offered substantially less in checks to Americans and way more pork barrel spending for unrelated bailouts, pet projects, and international welfare...

Pelosi is one stupid cunt and so is anyone who supports the spastic bint.

Im sure the $600. would have been meaningful DD. Should have paid your US taxes, and kept your passport legit.

That's the problem, Sea.

The majority of OUR tax money that WE need is going towards the military industrial complex, fucking corporate bail outs and partisan bullshit. Oh. ..and 1 billion going towards "Arts".

Right now, while millions of Americans are suffering, pushed into poverty by government lockdowns....while businesses have closed permanently.....1 billion is going to the fucking Smithsonian.

They tax us, they force us out of work.....then use our taxes as a corporate and partisan honey pot and toss us fucking crumbs.

600 dollars is an INSULT.

And this why the last thing the government needs to be allowed to do is take MORE of our money to "redistribute". They will take care of their interest first and we get the crumbs.

This is why all those socail programs that require more money to be taken from our income are bullshit that will never work. At least not for us. We will just all have less to help eachother with.

The Smithsonian is not an art museum. I hope that makes you feel better.

Not at all.

Wait until our economy is better and people are not struggling to eat and looking down the barrel of homelessness before giving them 1 billion while giving the people shit......of our own tax money.

It's disgusting.

They should cut the damn payouts to corporations is what they should do. ALL handouts to corporations and the rich, and the Smithsonian (not an art museum) should be halted, and even paid back, and working Americans should get 1000 a month, like Andrew Yang proposed.

I'd slit anyone's throat that tried to physically take from me to fund a mass welfare society... no questions asked.

And you cant trust them.

The welfare programs we already have are horribly managed.

And.....this. 600 stinking bucks.