Repooplickin 600$ Stimulus Check Could Save the Lives of Millions of Americans


Factory Bastard
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Youre Sounding fucked DD. No $$$, no country, outta cigarettes. Go ahead pat yourself on the back.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Is it wrong to want the welfare class to get nothing from the working class's back, and if they still can get it, negate the gain by calling in fire overhead and spreading the temporary gain but ultimate national ruin on ALL?

We should fight to keep every cent of our hard earned monies, and if stolen, steal-rob-cajole it back.

You'd have people get robbed dry for their principles to fund your unprincipled principles.

If 600....1200....2000 bucks is coming back to actual earners, they can save some extra food and ammunition.... for the inevitable moment when society breaks catastrophically because of freeloaders, thieves, and every flavour of armchair socialist fuckwit out there in-between...

Remember... income taxes are a relatively modern construct....

People are jack of it... they don't want to be wage/salary slaves.

How often do you bitch about the oligarchs getting rich off the working class's back? Let me answer that for you: never. You're fine with that, but will bitch and moan about a dollar from your taxes going to some poor kid's school lunch. You've got a black soul.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
If dumb fuck Nancy Pelosi had accepted what the WH had offered instead of playing politics, we would have had another round of 1200 dollar stimulus and 400 unemployment. Like over a month ago, too.

But yeah by all means.....pretend it's the just the meaning Republicans

I'm sure you're aware that last month's offering from Mitch & Co was totally unacceptable to Pelosi & Co for a host of other reasons. Unless you ALWAYS rely on info sources that dumb shit down to simple talking points, of course. If that's the case, may I suggest some light reading to find out what had to be stripped off of Mitch's package at gunpoint, before you offer that turd again.

BINGO. Not to mention the revengeful one might veto it. Just another kick in the US publics nuts.
Looks like he's going to do just that.
The next package will just be bigger.


Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Remember... income taxes are a relatively modern construct....
Yes - you are right, I never seem to read much about it prior to around 3000 BC.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Is it wrong to want the welfare class to get nothing from the working class's back, and if they still can get it, negate the gain by calling in fire overhead and spreading the temporary gain but ultimate national ruin on ALL?

We should fight to keep every cent of our hard earned monies, and if stolen, steal-rob-cajole it back.

You'd have people get robbed dry for their principles to fund your unprincipled principles.

If 600....1200....2000 bucks is coming back to actual earners, they can save some extra food and ammunition.... for the inevitable moment when society breaks catastrophically because of freeloaders, thieves, and every flavour of armchair socialist fuckwit out there in-between...

Remember... income taxes are a relatively modern construct....

People are jack of it... they don't want to be wage/salary slaves.

How often do you bitch about the oligarchs getting rich off the working class's back? Let me answer that for you: never. You're fine with that, but will bitch and moan about a dollar from your taxes going to some poor kid's school lunch. You've got a black soul.

Our definitions differ on what constitutes oligarchs or even free market and what is theft/what is not.

If somebody banged on your door, demanded something from you... would you open the door and just give it to them?

Of course not... you wouldn't open the door to begin with. You'd dial 000 or 911 or whatever happens in Portugal.

If nobody came, would you freeze as your door was being busted down by one or more?

...probably not ... unless you were a coward who not only didn't care whether she lived or died, but her loved ones as well.

Would you pick up a kitchen knives or a baseball/cricket bat and go down protecting your family members and home? You probably would... why the fuck does your ideology seem to negate people taking care of themselves, their families, finances, their homes in lieu of mob rule deciding that they can either democratically elect themselves to your front door, or worse, entering it?

When push comes to shove, you wouldn't be a coward. Why does your ideology expect its adversaries to be?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Los Angeles
Some how there was half a billion dollars in the deal for Israel. I’m wondering why? There are so many flaws in this bill that makes it fucked up. We can bitch all we want about Nancy and Mitch. I’d like to know what the leadership is gonna do, other than hide.
Yeah, it's a lot like the first stimulus bill that way. Lotta money for a lotta things, and chicken feed for the citizens.

@Harry McKnackers is stuck in his own artificial distinction between the working class and the "welfare" class. Evidently he hasn't noticed that the "welfare" class he detests is still getting bennies and there's a fucking pandemic that has shut down a lot of businesses so the "workers" don't fucking HAVE jobs now. There's nothing in the pre-existing safety net for them aside from this stupid hot air balloon from freudsville.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Remember... income taxes are a relatively modern construct....
Yes - you are right, I never seem to read much about it prior to around 3000 BC.

Income tax and the levels of it have exponentially amped up in only modern history and were cemented with the adoption of Federal Reserves.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Some how there was half a billion dollars in the deal for Israel. I’m wondering why? There are so many flaws in this bill that makes it fucked up. We can bitch all we want about Nancy and Mitch. I’d like to know what the leadership is gonna do, other than hide.
Yeah, it's a lot like the first stimulus bill that way. Lotta money for a lotta things, and chicken feed for the citizens.

@Harry McKnackers is stuck in his own artificial distinction between the working class and the "welfare" class. Evidently he hasn't noticed that the "welfare" class he detests is still getting bennies and there's a fucking pandemic that has shut down a lot of businesses so the "workers" don't fucking HAVE jobs now. There's nothing in the pre-existing safety net for them aside from this stupid hot air balloon from freudsville.

I've got no time for your feeble minded 60's era flower shit power themes, codger...

The safety net was always knowing there WAS no safety net, unless you immigrated to a better place and put in the hard yards.

You people operate on Keynesian debt, handouts, and absolute bullshit.

The roads, schools, hospitals, and everything else under the fucking sun got more locally funded and better equipped.... but that wasn't good enough for you fucking morons.... you demanded more government and when you and your failing cities faltered every decade, you demanded more of the same...

NOBODY has ever halted you stupid pricks out against a wall after a trial and made society right again... not once!

Nobody has really EVER put you petulant little fuckstains in your right place.

I hope to see you slaughtered in my lifetime....


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Some how there was half a billion dollars in the deal for Israel. I’m wondering why? There are so many flaws in this bill that makes it fucked up. We can bitch all we want about Nancy and Mitch. I’d like to know what the leadership is gonna do, other than hide.

Again, he tried to get stimulus and enhanced unemployment to us months ago.

If he stomps on this, I certainly hope you get past your feelings about him personally and support that. Because we deserve better.


Some how there was half a billion dollars in the deal for Israel. I’m wondering why? There are so many flaws in this bill that makes it fucked up. We can bitch all we want about Nancy and Mitch. I’d like to know what the leadership is gonna do, other than hide.
Yeah, it's a lot like the first stimulus bill that way. Lotta money for a lotta things, and chicken feed for the citizens.

@Harry McKnackers is stuck in his own artificial distinction between the working class and the "welfare" class. Evidently he hasn't noticed that the "welfare" class he detests is still getting bennies and there's a fucking pandemic that has shut down a lot of businesses so the "workers" don't fucking HAVE jobs now. There's nothing in the pre-existing safety net for them aside from this stupid hot air balloon from freudsville.

Nobody has really EVER put you petulant little fuckstains in your right place.

I hope to see you slaughtered in my lifetime....
That seems a bit harsh.
Personally I'd rather keep the company of a 60's hippy than a rabid gun toting mongrel rightist.
But that's just my bias as a peace loving person.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Some how there was half a billion dollars in the deal for Israel. I’m wondering why? There are so many flaws in this bill that makes it fucked up. We can bitch all we want about Nancy and Mitch. I’d like to know what the leadership is gonna do, other than hide.
Yeah, it's a lot like the first stimulus bill that way. Lotta money for a lotta things, and chicken feed for the citizens.

@Harry McKnackers is stuck in his own artificial distinction between the working class and the "welfare" class. Evidently he hasn't noticed that the "welfare" class he detests is still getting bennies and there's a fucking pandemic that has shut down a lot of businesses so the "workers" don't fucking HAVE jobs now. There's nothing in the pre-existing safety net for them aside from this stupid hot air balloon from freudsville.

I've got no time for your feeble minded 60's era flower shit power themes, codger...

The safety net was always knowing there WAS no safety net, unless you immigrated to a better place and put in the hard yards.

You people operate on Keynesian debt, handouts, and absolute bullshit.

The roads, schools, hospitals, and everything else under the fucking sun got more locally funded and better equipped.... but that wasn't good enough for you fucking morons.... you demanded more government and when you and your failing cities faltered every decade, you demanded more of the same...

NOBODY has ever halted you stupid pricks out against a wall after a trial and made society right again... not once!

Nobody has really EVER put you petulant little fuckstains in your right place.

I hope to see you slaughtered in my lifetime....
Keynesian economics got the US out of the Great Depression. Owing to spending for WW2, but nonetheless.
Keyynesian economics works in the short term.
Long term we're all dead.
Stfu McBullshiter-


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Is it wrong to want the welfare class to get nothing from the working class's back, and if they still can get it, negate the gain by calling in fire overhead and spreading the temporary gain but ultimate national ruin on ALL?

We should fight to keep every cent of our hard earned monies, and if stolen, steal-rob-cajole it back.

You'd have people get robbed dry for their principles to fund your unprincipled principles.

If 600....1200....2000 bucks is coming back to actual earners, they can save some extra food and ammunition.... for the inevitable moment when society breaks catastrophically because of freeloaders, thieves, and every flavour of armchair socialist fuckwit out there in-between...

Remember... income taxes are a relatively modern construct....

People are jack of it... they don't want to be wage/salary slaves.

How often do you bitch about the oligarchs getting rich off the working class's back? Let me answer that for you: never. You're fine with that, but will bitch and moan about a dollar from your taxes going to some poor kid's school lunch. You've got a black soul.

Our definitions differ on what constitutes oligarchs or even free market and what is theft/what is not.

If somebody banged on your door, demanded something from you... would you open the door and just give it to them?

Of course not... you wouldn't open the door to begin with. You'd dial 000 or 911 or whatever happens in Portugal.

If nobody came, would you freeze as your door was being busted down by one or more?

...probably not ... unless you were a coward who not only didn't care whether she lived or died, but her loved ones as well.

Would you pick up a kitchen knives or a baseball/cricket bat and go down protecting your family members and home? You probably would... why the fuck does your ideology seem to negate people taking care of themselves, their families, finances, their homes in lieu of mob rule deciding that they can either democratically elect themselves to your front door, or worse, entering it?

When push comes to shove, you wouldn't be a coward. Why does your ideology expect its adversaries to be?

You need to kill people so they don't give any of your tax money to hungry kids, but you're fine with giving your tax dollars to war profiteers and banksters. You, Mr Citizen of the world, surely know that war profiteers get far, far, far more of our tax dollars than poor people do. And those fucking profiteers are already rich. Your priorities are wacked.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Some how there was half a billion dollars in the deal for Israel. I’m wondering why? There are so many flaws in this bill that makes it fucked up. We can bitch all we want about Nancy and Mitch. I’d like to know what the leadership is gonna do, other than hide.

Again, he tried to get stimulus and enhanced unemployment to us months ago.

If he stomps on this, I certainly hope you get past your feelings about him personally and support that. Because we deserve better.

We do deserve better and I do support his doing this. Doesn't mean I approve of any of the base shit he's done. Obama did a couple of things I approved of also. Doesn't mean I think he was a good president.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is corrcorrev


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is corrcorrev



Some how there was half a billion dollars in the deal for Israel. I’m wondering why? There are so many flaws in this bill that makes it fucked up. We can bitch all we want about Nancy and Mitch. I’d like to know what the leadership is gonna do, other than hide.

Again, he tried to get stimulus and enhanced unemployment to us months ago.

If he stomps on this, I certainly hope you get past your feelings about him personally and support that. Because we deserve better.
You know, Duhv, depending on what you mean by we, I don't think we deserve anything, if we is people who have satisfactory income through work, pension/investment whatever.
I mean - do you really think at this late stage of the game that 600$ is going to be a great help to people with mounting debt for 6 months? Repukes never wanted a stand alone relief bill, because they wanted to
link stimulus to protection against liability
I mean - this from October, but a great sticking point from the end of June:

the “poison pill” that is holding up a stimulus package is Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s insistence that any agreement must include a provision that limits the liability for businesses if workers or customers get sick and try to blame the business.

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, the president and GOP congressional leaders have insisted that liability protection be included in any second stimulus bill. Many states have similar protections, but one opus federal bill would supersede the
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Some how there was half a billion dollars in the deal for Israel. I’m wondering why? There are so many flaws in this bill that makes it fucked up. We can bitch all we want about Nancy and Mitch. I’d like to know what the leadership is gonna do, other than hide.

Again, he tried to get stimulus and enhanced unemployment to us months ago.

If he stomps on this, I certainly hope you get past your feelings about him personally and support that. Because we deserve better.
You know, Duhv, depending on what you mean by we, I don't think we deserve anything, if we is people who have satisfactory income through work, pension/investment whatever.
I mean - do you really think at this late stage of the game that 600$ is going to be a great help to people with mounting debt for 6 months? Repukes never wanted a stand alone relief bill, because they wanted to
link stimulus to protection against liability
I mean - this from October, but a great sticking point from the end of June:

the “poison pill” that is holding up a stimulus package is Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s insistence that any agreement must include a provision that limits the liability for businesses if workers or customers get sick and try to blame the business.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, the president and GOP congressional leaders have insisted that liability protection be included in any second stimulus bill. Many states have similar protections, but one opus federal bill would supersede the
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

There's always a political motive.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The $600 is a joke. Where’s our leadership tho? Again lt looks like the Pres. might veto the entire bill.Trumps more interested in pardoning military murders. As of this morning, the baby is still in hiding.
Hey stupid. He's threatening to veto the bill BECAUSE $600 is a joke.

Good grief you're a fucking imbecile


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods.....they are tossing us shit and spending billions on fucktardery that can wait.

People look stupid trying to make this partisan.

And this situation just shows clearly how the government should not be trusted to redistribute shit. You wanna give them the power to fuck us harder and longer.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Pelosi slow walked any bill till after the elections then offered substantially less in checks to Americans and way more pork barrel spending for unrelated bailouts, pet projects, and international welfare...

Pelosi is one stupid cunt and so is anyone who supports the spastic bint.

Im sure the $600. would have been meaningful DD. Should have paid your US taxes, and kept your passport legit.

That's the problem, Sea.

The majority of OUR tax money that WE need is going towards the military industrial complex, fucking corporate bail outs and partisan bullshit. Oh. ..and 1 billion going towards "Arts".

Right now, while millions of Americans are suffering, pushed into poverty by government lockdowns....while businesses have closed permanently.....1 billion is going to the fucking Smithsonian.

They tax us, they force us out of work.....then use our taxes as a corporate and partisan honey pot and toss us fucking crumbs.

600 dollars is an INSULT.

And this why the last thing the government needs to be allowed to do is take MORE of our money to "redistribute". They will take care of their interest first and we get the crumbs.

This is why all those socail programs that require more money to be taken from our income are bullshit that will never work. At least not for us. We will just all have less to help eachother with.

The Smithsonian is not an art museum. I hope that makes you feel better.

Not at all.

Wait until our economy is better and people are not struggling to eat and looking down the barrel of homelessness before giving them 1 billion while giving the people shit......of our own tax money.

It's disgusting.

They should cut the damn payouts to corporations is what they should do. ALL handouts to corporations and the rich, and the Smithsonian (not an art museum) should be halted, and even paid back, and working Americans should get 1000 a month, like Andrew Yang proposed.

That isnt gonna happen. This is what they do with our money.

They just offered Americans 600 bucks to shut us up after months of Covid. Thats who they are.

Yeah. I know. And they gave trillions to corporations and rich people. Tom Fucking Brady got a million bucks. Why? The economic system is completely fucked up. Every working American needs to stand up to this bullshit. It's not about taxes in theory. It's about what they do with the taxes. The system practices outright theft of the money we earn. It's a socialist country and all of our taxes go UP to the wealthy.

It's always going to be that. It makes corruption very easy.

They are showing us right now how low on the priority list we are and we all need to hear it loud and clear.

No.....the DNC doesnt give a shit. No....the GOP doesnt either. They are not different.

Sure there may be some on each end who DO.....and we need to watch who voted for this and who voted against it. The ones voting against are on our side of this.
And trump was basically and outsider to both and these creeps on the left hated him.

THey're just fucking dupes that don't realize they're dupes.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods.....they are tossing us shit and spending billions on fucktardery that can wait.

People look stupid trying to make this partisan.

And this situation just shows clearly how the government should not be trusted to redistribute shit. You wanna give them the power to fuck us harder and longer.
70 million or some ridiculous number to gender reassignment programs in Pakistan

If that's not liberal pork what is?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods.....they are tossing us shit and spending billions on fucktardery that can wait.

People look stupid trying to make this partisan.

And this situation just shows clearly how the government should not be trusted to redistribute shit. You wanna give them the power to fuck us harder and longer.

They are handing it over to the rich. That's what they did with the first package as well. They could have given it to small and medium businesses and told them to shut down and PAY their workers, but no, they gave it to huge companies that put it into stock options, making the already rich richer. They gave it to people like poor Tom Brady and Kanye West and billionaire Republican fundraiser Joe Farrell.

Open your eyes. They gave your tax money to rich people. They're going to keep fucking us harder and longer as long as both cons and dems are beholden to their corporate donors. FACT.


Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods....
Hey - but don't hold Trump and Trumplings responsible for for the ongoing crisis by insisting everything stay open and no one wear a mask because FREEDUMB, and church groups be exempt from gathering restrictions, or for staging superspreader events. I mean - that shit all happened due to the goobermint stealing yer money,right, honey?

PS: You know Duh V, I can manage to spell your name right, I think it's a small thing to ask that you spell my correctly. 2 "l"s


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods.....they are tossing us shit and spending billions on fucktardery that can wait.

People look stupid trying to make this partisan.

And this situation just shows clearly how the government should not be trusted to redistribute shit. You wanna give them the power to fuck us harder and longer.

They are handing it over to the rich. That's what they did with the first package as well. They could have given it to small and medium businesses and told them to shut down and PAY their workers, but no, they gave it to huge companies that put it into stock options, making the already rich richer. They gave it to people like poor Tom Brady and Kanye West and billionaire Republican fundraiser Joe Farrell.

Open your eyes. They gave your tax money to rich people. They're going to keep fucking us harder and longer as long as both cons and dems are beholden to their corporate donors. FACT.

Open my eyes to what?

I'm the one telling you these people are out for themselves first. We are not and never gonna be a high priority. I'm not delusional to this.

So I'm not going to giving them even MORE of my families resources to "redistribute".


Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods.....they are tossing us shit and spending billions on fucktardery that can wait.

People look stupid trying to make this partisan.

And this situation just shows clearly how the government should not be trusted to redistribute shit. You wanna give them the power to fuck us harder and longer.

They are handing it over to the rich. That's what they did with the first package as well. They could have given it to small and medium businesses and told them to shut down and PAY their workers, but no, they gave it to huge companies that put it into stock options, making the already rich richer. They gave it to people like poor Tom Brady and Kanye West and billionaire Republican fundraiser Joe Farrell.

Open your eyes. They gave your tax money to rich people. They're going to keep fucking us harder and longer as long as both cons and dems are beholden to their corporate donors. FACT.

So I'm not going to giving them even MORE of my families resources to "redistribute".
So, tough gal, you won't be paying tax this year or in the future?
Let us know how that works out for you.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods....
Hey - but don't hold Trump and Trumplings responsible for for the ongoing crisis by insisting everything stay open and no one wear a mask because FREEDUMB, and church groups be exempt from gathering restrictions, or for staging superspreader events. I mean - that shit all happened due to the goobermint stealing yer money,right, honey?

PS: You know Duh V, I can manage to spell your name right, I think it's a small thing to ask that you spell my correctly. 2 "l"s

If the government didnt force people out of work and business, we would have been better off. Do you understand the lockdowns did nothing except push 8 million people into poverty?

Oh but Walmart and all the big box corporate businesses were open,' eh? While regular people who could have ran their business safer were forced into shutting down for good. But hey....they get 600 of their own money back.

I'm not sure how you think problems caused by the government can be solved with more government. It's like you put out a burning building by spraying gasoline on it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods.....they are tossing us shit and spending billions on fucktardery that can wait.

People look stupid trying to make this partisan.

And this situation just shows clearly how the government should not be trusted to redistribute shit. You wanna give them the power to fuck us harder and longer.

They are handing it over to the rich. That's what they did with the first package as well. They could have given it to small and medium businesses and told them to shut down and PAY their workers, but no, they gave it to huge companies that put it into stock options, making the already rich richer. They gave it to people like poor Tom Brady and Kanye West and billionaire Republican fundraiser Joe Farrell.

Open your eyes. They gave your tax money to rich people. They're going to keep fucking us harder and longer as long as both cons and dems are beholden to their corporate donors. FACT.

So I'm not going to giving them even MORE of my families resources to "redistribute".
So, tough gal, you won't be paying tax this year or in the future?
Let us know how that works out for you.

True. I guess I have no choice do i? Sad that people want to force people into poverty and government slavery.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
The US is beyond cooked. Let them fight it out on communities, the streets, every state...

This election in all likelihood will remain stolen all because cowardly and piss weak leftists want a government to rob its fellow citizens of money, dignity, and spiritually...

THEY broke the best chance of civil liberties in the modern world remaining... THEY robbed, and virtue signalled statues, families, history, real lives because of gender dysphorias, laziness, and coveting...

THEY... people like Jake, Lotusbud, and Seamajor, demanded their idiocies be entered into polite discord.

I hope you all named rot in hell. All three of you, and anyone that has abandoned actual Liberal principles and taught such fallacies to their IQ troubled offspring.

Don't ever cross me in real life...especially away from civilisation... I don't know how harsh I would address my words to you..............


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
The US is beyond cooked. Let them fight it out on communities, the streets, every state...

This election in all likelihood will remain stolen all because cowardly and piss weak leftists want a government to rob its fellow citizens of money, dignity, and spiritually...

THEY broke the best chance of civil liberties in the modern world remaining... THEY robbed, and virtue signalled statues, families, history, real lives because of gender dysphorias, laziness, and coveting...

THEY... people like Jake, Lotusbud, and Seamajor, demanded their idiocies be entered into polite discord.

I hope you all named rot in hell. All three of you, and anyone that has abandoned actual Liberal principles and taught such fallacies to their IQ troubled offspring.

Don't ever cross me in real life...especially away from civilisation... I don't know how harsh I would address my words to you..............

When you going to pack and come over here to fight in the civil war, tough guy hero?


Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods....
Hey - but don't hold Trump and Trumplings responsible for for the ongoing crisis by insisting everything stay open and no one wear a mask because FREEDUMB, and church groups be exempt from gathering restrictions, or for staging superspreader events. I mean - that shit all happened due to the goobermint stealing yer money,right, honey?

PS: You know Duh V, I can manage to spell your name right, I think it's a small thing to ask that you spell my correctly. 2 "l"s

If the government didnt force people out of work and business, we would have been better off. Do you understand the lockdowns did nothing except push 8 million people into poverty?

Oh but Walmart and all the big box corporate businesses were open,' eh? While regular people who could have ran their business safer were forced into shutting down for good. But hey....they get 600 of their own money back.

I'm not sure how you think problems caused by the government can be solved with more government. It's like you put out a burning building by spray gasoline on it.
Look, Duhv - a 42 day lockdown in March, all debt forgiven, money for essentials needed to all who need, travel restrictions, masks social distancing, sound hygiene practices....
These are the things which worked elsewhere. But....FREEDUMB right?
What even in retrospect you are promoting is exactly what cost 300,000 (and climbing) American lives,
and has us in a more dire situation that we were in 9 months ago - Except that the vaccines may give hope.