Repooplickin 600$ Stimulus Check Could Save the Lives of Millions of Americans


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I was raised by a single mother with a cocaine addiction. My grandparents on both sides lived locally and filled in the gaps preventing us from being taken away. I raised my younger siblings with the help of my grandparents. We were not rich. My mother’s family is working class and my father’s family is wealthy, but my grands were raised in England during a war with rations and “no one helped them.” I went to Catholic school and worked since I was 15. I bought the used VW cabriolet I drove with my own money in HS while my friend’s fathers bought them brand new BMWs and funded their lavish lifestyles.

I still wanted all of those things that my friends had, so I started as a file clerk in the field I work in and now I’m at the top of the food chain.

I would have more compassion for the person who put themselves through college, worked towards a career and is now unemployed due to this pandemic. I have less compassion for people who are rewarded for doing the bare minimum is all.

But who are you to judge who has and has not done "the bare minimum"? Do you think you are the only person who worked their ass off to get somewhere and had nothing handed to you? Let me tell you right now, you are not. Some people work their asses off and still end up unemployed. I know several of them. Judge not...

I have never said that anyone who is currently unemployed does not deserve UE benefits. I am specifically challenging the delegation of a stimulus package to the unemployed. Why do they get time off and extra money to spend? How is that ok?

Well, you know people with plenty of money also get the stimulus check. I know someone worth millions who has hardly worked in her whole life who got a stimulus check. That needs to be checked before worrying about unemployed people getting a little extra. That bothers me way more than people who are unemployed getting it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
as for this $600... for $0.20 per day, you can sponsor an American

wake me when they want to hand me $18,000 like they did every jackass who thought being a server was a career and collected unemployment, attended multiple house parties, ended up infecting the elderly in their family and are going to be a total drain on the economy next year

they rank right up there with the tards refusing to wear masks who go around licking door knobs and toilet seats

Wow.... you're seriously unhinged... I thought it was just a troll or act....
as for this $600... for $0.20 per day, you can sponsor an American

wake me when they want to hand me $18,000 like they did every jackass who thought being a server was a career and collected unemployment, attended multiple house parties, ended up infecting the elderly in their family and are going to be a total drain on the economy next year

they rank right up there with the tards refusing to wear masks who go around licking door knobs and toilet seats

So you think everyone who collected unemployment is guilty of that behavior? Wow.

Consider this: every small business applied and qualified for the paycheck protection loan. They are required to keep approx 90% of their employees on the clock for x amount of months.

Who do you know who actually lost their job? Who wasn’t able to work remotely? Cause I don’t know anyone out of work right now who isn’t a server... and these servers are my friends and I’ve told them for years to find careers. It’s a dime a dozen job that anyone can do.

As soon as the restaurants were forced to shutdown, all of the servers were let go. I know this because I’m friends with numerous small business owners in this area who had to do this to their employees. That was the biggest hit to the unemployment situation.

Most of the people I know or work with were or had a spouse on furlough or standby. I am only aware of 1 person who lost their job after 15 years, but they had well-known issues with the changeover in management that occurred less than 2 months before that.... so....

The pretty gay boys have been living it up on UE benefits running back and forth to Vegas on that stimulus since last summer. Trust me when I say their money has gone to alcohol, drugs and Jordan’s.

They can chop firewood, mow lawns, or do whatever they need to in order to pull a paycheck... they're not sacred cows and IDGAF...

why would they need to do all of that when their earnings increased by $18,000 in 2020 ($600 stimulus for x amount of weeks ~ the last time I calculated it was $18,000) ?

my point is and remains that the stimulus should have been given to people in the workforce who would pump that money into the economy 3x+ over

But instead let’s give it to a bunch of people unqualified to remain in the workforce so they can fuck around. Pfffft
In any company the human garbage is the first to go.

I agree. Wastetoids like the sissyboi drug addict leader of the tranny farm should have been allowed to starve in the street rather than be given a stipend that turned out to be double what he was making to be a common fucking pleb in the AMerican workforce

I'm worried about the hundreds of small business in my state that are now closed forever and what will happen to those business owners. And those whose jobs were not considered essential.

The government took their money, now the government needs to return it.

Taxation is theft and these fucktards screw over the people when rubber meets road.

There is merit to the idea of letting businesses who were negatively effected by government actions to get to sue cities and states for the harm they caused. I was watching the Seattle Realestate podcast today (why I don't know but it is an i threshing podcast) and they were going over how insurance companies are now refusing to insure businesses with in five miles of where riots or looting occurred. I can't blame the insurance companies as risk minimization is how their industry works.

The bottom line is without commercial insurance you can't even rent a commercial space so the few surviving companies in these kiberal run cities are quickly going to find their core business districts empty of businesses. That is going to have a very long lasting effect. Remember that next time some Antifa or BLM retard says "insurance will cover everything we steal besides this is raparations!" The leftists create the opportunity free ghetto wastelands they claim they want to help/solve.

Geez. You should write a book. Your knowledge is deep. Share it with the world!

He is totally right about rioters saying "they got insurance!"

Most all of those people who businesses were ruined by Covid and overkilled by riot damage are fucked.

Insurance wont cover them.

Rioters and protestors are not the same thing. Remember to keep that straight.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I was raised by a single mother with a cocaine addiction. My grandparents on both sides lived locally and filled in the gaps preventing us from being taken away. I raised my younger siblings with the help of my grandparents. We were not rich. My mother’s family is working class and my father’s family is wealthy, but my grands were raised in England during a war with rations and “no one helped them.” I went to Catholic school and worked since I was 15. I bought the used VW cabriolet I drove with my own money in HS while my friend’s fathers bought them brand new BMWs and funded their lavish lifestyles.

I still wanted all of those things that my friends had, so I started as a file clerk in the field I work in and now I’m at the top of the food chain.

I would have more compassion for the person who put themselves through college, worked towards a career and is now unemployed due to this pandemic. I have less compassion for people who are rewarded for doing the bare minimum is all.

College debt forgiveness is a joke

yeah, have the AMerican taxpayer bail out a bunch of weed smoking degenerate talking mothballs who praise "wet ass pussy" as a stroke of musical genius & coddle them for taking career advice off of some noodle neck testicular amputee who offers some bullshit major like "the effects of transgenderism on the eating habits of palmetto bugs" because after doing so they are now realizing their degrees are absolutely worthless in a free enterprise

fuck that. Let them pack back every fucking cent they borrowed

I paid for college in CASH with a toddler and a baby in tow. Fuck them for being stupid enough to finance that shit @ 8%+ interest.

That money needs to be paid back so other people can pursue higher education.

I went to school full time and worked full time in the elements... it was hell...


Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I have experienced poverty and I have experienced some reasonably good financial success. The thing that helps most to get people out of poverty and which helped me? A frigging job. You'd be amazed how few of the poor and homeless are uninterested in a job.

Around five years ago I tried a side hustler where a temp agency would pay me $5 for each new walk in applicant who gave them my reference number and then worked one eight hour shift doing general labor. I went down to the homeless shelter and had to hand out 200-300 of those cards, all the jobs were with in easy walking distance of the shelter as they were all downtown, all of them said they wanted a job but not a single damn one of them actually bothered to show up to work.

At another time I volunteered at the homeless shelter to help people write resumes and apply for jobs online from the shelters computer lab. I gave up after a month when only two people bothered to show up in a homeless shelter with 1000 beds or more. It interfered with their drug using time so they just weren't interested.

Oh, well, all poor people must be like that, then. Let's just kill them all.
Many of those people are the mentally ill that Reagan tossed into the streets. You know, these aren't simply lazy people as Oderstink would like us to believe. They need other assistance. And as a Christian nation - should it not be made available to them?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I was raised by a single mother with a cocaine addiction. My grandparents on both sides lived locally and filled in the gaps preventing us from being taken away. I raised my younger siblings with the help of my grandparents. We were not rich. My mother’s family is working class and my father’s family is wealthy, but my grands were raised in England during a war with rations and “no one helped them.” I went to Catholic school and worked since I was 15. I bought the used VW cabriolet I drove with my own money in HS while my friend’s fathers bought them brand new BMWs and funded their lavish lifestyles.

I still wanted all of those things that my friends had, so I started as a file clerk in the field I work in and now I’m at the top of the food chain.

I would have more compassion for the person who put themselves through college, worked towards a career and is now unemployed due to this pandemic. I have less compassion for people who are rewarded for doing the bare minimum is all.

But who are you to judge who has and has not done "the bare minimum"? Do you think you are the only person who worked their ass off to get somewhere and had nothing handed to you? Let me tell you right now, you are not. Some people work their asses off and still end up unemployed. I know several of them. Judge not...

I have never said that anyone who is currently unemployed does not deserve UE benefits. I am specifically challenging the delegation of a stimulus package to the unemployed. Why do they get time off and extra money to spend? How is that ok?

Well, you know people with plenty of money also get the stimulus check. I know someone worth millions who has hardly worked in her whole life who got a stimulus check. That needs to be checked before worrying about unemployed people getting a little extra. That bothers me way more than people who are unemployed getting it.

If she has millions (more than 2) and didn’t have an AGI of more than $75,000, then she needs to find a better investment banker.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I have experienced poverty and I have experienced some reasonably good financial success. The thing that helps most to get people out of poverty and which helped me? A frigging job. You'd be amazed how few of the poor and homeless are uninterested in a job.

Around five years ago I tried a side hustler where a temp agency would pay me $5 for each new walk in applicant who gave them my reference number and then worked one eight hour shift doing general labor. I went down to the homeless shelter and had to hand out 200-300 of those cards, all the jobs were with in easy walking distance of the shelter as they were all downtown, all of them said they wanted a job but not a single damn one of them actually bothered to show up to work.

At another time I volunteered at the homeless shelter to help people write resumes and apply for jobs online from the shelters computer lab. I gave up after a month when only two people bothered to show up in a homeless shelter with 1000 beds or more. It interfered with their drug using time so they just weren't interested.

Oh, well, all poor people must be like that, then. Let's just kill them all.

Jesus, you are dumb. No one said all of any group is always like anything. What I did say is there is a large number of poor and homeless who are unwilling to help themselves or even do the bare minimum. That is a fact even if you desperately want to avoid that truth.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I was raised by a single mother with a cocaine addiction. My grandparents on both sides lived locally and filled in the gaps preventing us from being taken away. I raised my younger siblings with the help of my grandparents. We were not rich. My mother’s family is working class and my father’s family is wealthy, but my grands were raised in England during a war with rations and “no one helped them.” I went to Catholic school and worked since I was 15. I bought the used VW cabriolet I drove with my own money in HS while my friend’s fathers bought them brand new BMWs and funded their lavish lifestyles.

I still wanted all of those things that my friends had, so I started as a file clerk in the field I work in and now I’m at the top of the food chain.

I would have more compassion for the person who put themselves through college, worked towards a career and is now unemployed due to this pandemic. I have less compassion for people who are rewarded for doing the bare minimum is all.

College debt forgiveness is a joke

yeah, have the AMerican taxpayer bail out a bunch of weed smoking degenerate talking mothballs who praise "wet ass pussy" as a stroke of musical genius & coddle them for taking career advice off of some noodle neck testicular amputee who offers some bullshit major like "the effects of transgenderism on the eating habits of palmetto bugs" because after doing so they are now realizing their degrees are absolutely worthless in a free enterprise

fuck that. Let them pack back every fucking cent they borrowed

I paid for college in CASH with a toddler and a baby in tow. Fuck them for being stupid enough to finance that shit @ 8%+ interest.

That money needs to be paid back so other people can pursue higher education.

I went to school full time and worked full time in the elements... it was hell...

You can find refuge in my cleavage right under my chin.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I was raised by a single mother with a cocaine addiction. My grandparents on both sides lived locally and filled in the gaps preventing us from being taken away. I raised my younger siblings with the help of my grandparents. We were not rich. My mother’s family is working class and my father’s family is wealthy, but my grands were raised in England during a war with rations and “no one helped them.” I went to Catholic school and worked since I was 15. I bought the used VW cabriolet I drove with my own money in HS while my friend’s fathers bought them brand new BMWs and funded their lavish lifestyles.

I still wanted all of those things that my friends had, so I started as a file clerk in the field I work in and now I’m at the top of the food chain.

I would have more compassion for the person who put themselves through college, worked towards a career and is now unemployed due to this pandemic. I have less compassion for people who are rewarded for doing the bare minimum is all.

College debt forgiveness is a joke

yeah, have the AMerican taxpayer bail out a bunch of weed smoking degenerate talking mothballs who praise "wet ass pussy" as a stroke of musical genius & coddle them for taking career advice off of some noodle neck testicular amputee who offers some bullshit major like "the effects of transgenderism on the eating habits of palmetto bugs" because after doing so they are now realizing their degrees are absolutely worthless in a free enterprise

fuck that. Let them pack back every fucking cent they borrowed

I paid for college in CASH with a toddler and a baby in tow. Fuck them for being stupid enough to finance that shit @ 8%+ interest.

That money needs to be paid back so other people can pursue higher education.

I went to junior college for two years in order to save money then transferred to UCSB. I also joined the Army reserve in order to get extra money for college and worked 20-30 hours per week in order to pay for it. My total debt upon graduation was $8000 and I even got a real degree in a hard science. So I have very little pity for some dumb ass who chose to get $400,000 in debt for a completely worthless and unmarketable degree which has no job prospects at the end. They made a poor decision and that is their problem.
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Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I have experienced poverty and I have experienced some reasonably good financial success. The thing that helps most to get people out of poverty and which helped me? A frigging job. You'd be amazed how few of the poor and homeless are uninterested in a job.

Around five years ago I tried a side hustler where a temp agency would pay me $5 for each new walk in applicant who gave them my reference number and then worked one eight hour shift doing general labor. I went down to the homeless shelter and had to hand out 200-300 of those cards, all the jobs were with in easy walking distance of the shelter as they were all downtown, all of them said they wanted a job but not a single damn one of them actually bothered to show up to work.

At another time I volunteered at the homeless shelter to help people write resumes and apply for jobs online from the shelters computer lab. I gave up after a month when only two people bothered to show up in a homeless shelter with 1000 beds or more. It interfered with their drug using time so they just weren't interested.

Oh, well, all poor people must be like that, then. Let's just kill them all.
Many of those people are the mentally ill that Reagan tossed into the streets. You know, these aren't simply lazy people as Oderstink would like us to believe. They need other assistance. And as a Christian nation - should it not be made available to them?

32-40 years ago?

How old are the bums now?

At least 48 but more closer to 56.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I was raised by a single mother with a cocaine addiction. My grandparents on both sides lived locally and filled in the gaps preventing us from being taken away. I raised my younger siblings with the help of my grandparents. We were not rich. My mother’s family is working class and my father’s family is wealthy, but my grands were raised in England during a war with rations and “no one helped them.” I went to Catholic school and worked since I was 15. I bought the used VW cabriolet I drove with my own money in HS while my friend’s fathers bought them brand new BMWs and funded their lavish lifestyles.

I still wanted all of those things that my friends had, so I started as a file clerk in the field I work in and now I’m at the top of the food chain.

I would have more compassion for the person who put themselves through college, worked towards a career and is now unemployed due to this pandemic. I have less compassion for people who are rewarded for doing the bare minimum is all.

College debt forgiveness is a joke

yeah, have the AMerican taxpayer bail out a bunch of weed smoking degenerate talking mothballs who praise "wet ass pussy" as a stroke of musical genius & coddle them for taking career advice off of some noodle neck testicular amputee who offers some bullshit major like "the effects of transgenderism on the eating habits of palmetto bugs" because after doing so they are now realizing their degrees are absolutely worthless in a free enterprise

fuck that. Let them pack back every fucking cent they borrowed

I paid for college in CASH with a toddler and a baby in tow. Fuck them for being stupid enough to finance that shit @ 8%+ interest.

That money needs to be paid back so other people can pursue higher education.

I went to school full time and worked full time in the elements... it was hell...

You can find refuge in my cleavage right under my chin.

Got GPS coordinates?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I was raised by a single mother with a cocaine addiction. My grandparents on both sides lived locally and filled in the gaps preventing us from being taken away. I raised my younger siblings with the help of my grandparents. We were not rich. My mother’s family is working class and my father’s family is wealthy, but my grands were raised in England during a war with rations and “no one helped them.” I went to Catholic school and worked since I was 15. I bought the used VW cabriolet I drove with my own money in HS while my friend’s fathers bought them brand new BMWs and funded their lavish lifestyles.

I still wanted all of those things that my friends had, so I started as a file clerk in the field I work in and now I’m at the top of the food chain.

I would have more compassion for the person who put themselves through college, worked towards a career and is now unemployed due to this pandemic. I have less compassion for people who are rewarded for doing the bare minimum is all.

College debt forgiveness is a joke

yeah, have the AMerican taxpayer bail out a bunch of weed smoking degenerate talking mothballs who praise "wet ass pussy" as a stroke of musical genius & coddle them for taking career advice off of some noodle neck testicular amputee who offers some bullshit major like "the effects of transgenderism on the eating habits of palmetto bugs" because after doing so they are now realizing their degrees are absolutely worthless in a free enterprise

fuck that. Let them pack back every fucking cent they borrowed

I paid for college in CASH with a toddler and a baby in tow. Fuck them for being stupid enough to finance that shit @ 8%+ interest.

That money needs to be paid back so other people can pursue higher education.

I went to junior college for two years in order to save money they transferred to UCSB. I also joined the Army reserve in order to get extra money for college and worked 20-30 hours per week in order to pay for it. My total debt upon graduation was $8000 and I even got a real degree in a hard science. So I have very little pity for some dumb ass who chose to get $400,000 in debt for a completely worthless and unmarketable degree which has no job prospects at the end. They made a poor decision and that is their problem.

I concur. There are also government jobs that offer debt forgiveness after 10 years of employment.

Pssst.... when were you in SB? 2 of my HS besties went there and I partied in IV from 96-97 lol
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Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
We are in the midst of a global pandemic... but let’s give people time off of work and stuff enough money in their pockets so they can finally travel *rolls eyes*


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I have experienced poverty and I have experienced some reasonably good financial success. The thing that helps most to get people out of poverty and which helped me? A frigging job. You'd be amazed how few of the poor and homeless are uninterested in a job.

Around five years ago I tried a side hustler where a temp agency would pay me $5 for each new walk in applicant who gave them my reference number and then worked one eight hour shift doing general labor. I went down to the homeless shelter and had to hand out 200-300 of those cards, all the jobs were with in easy walking distance of the shelter as they were all downtown, all of them said they wanted a job but not a single damn one of them actually bothered to show up to work.

At another time I volunteered at the homeless shelter to help people write resumes and apply for jobs online from the shelters computer lab. I gave up after a month when only two people bothered to show up in a homeless shelter with 1000 beds or more. It interfered with their drug using time so they just weren't interested.

Oh, well, all poor people must be like that, then. Let's just kill them all.
Many of those people are the mentally ill that Reagan tossed into the streets. You know, these aren't simply lazy people as Oderstink would like us to believe. They need other assistance. And as a Christian nation - should it not be made available to them?

Actually, the vast majority were under the age of 40 so, no, not the people Reagan released from the California state mental health system in the late 1960's. Also, what you seem to not understand is that liberals in the state legislature had already voted to defund the state mental hospital system claiming it was some how "cruel" to lock up people who were a danger to themselves and others. They claimed they could be effectively cared for in the community which did not work because they'd mostly just stop taking there meds, go psycho again, and not be able to hold down a job. Those people were definitely better off being committed.

Today, it is mostly drug addicts driving the increase in homelessness on the streets. That is my experience. Liberals have decriminalized most drug use and now it is totally out of control with 80%-90% of the street homeless being drug addicts. I am sure mental health was often a problem for many of them but they were coping before drug addiction truly brought them to rock bottom.

We need to change the law so that people can be forced into rehab even if they don't want to because the entire west coast is simply over run with homeless drug encampment at this point. The trash, feces, and filth these people create is causing out breaks of diseases we haven't seen in first world cou tries in modern times.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
as for this $600... for $0.20 per day, you can sponsor an American

wake me when they want to hand me $18,000 like they did every jackass who thought being a server was a career and collected unemployment, attended multiple house parties, ended up infecting the elderly in their family and are going to be a total drain on the economy next year

they rank right up there with the tards refusing to wear masks who go around licking door knobs and toilet seats

Wow.... you're seriously unhinged... I thought it was just a troll or act....
as for this $600... for $0.20 per day, you can sponsor an American

wake me when they want to hand me $18,000 like they did every jackass who thought being a server was a career and collected unemployment, attended multiple house parties, ended up infecting the elderly in their family and are going to be a total drain on the economy next year

they rank right up there with the tards refusing to wear masks who go around licking door knobs and toilet seats

So you think everyone who collected unemployment is guilty of that behavior? Wow.

Consider this: every small business applied and qualified for the paycheck protection loan. They are required to keep approx 90% of their employees on the clock for x amount of months.

Who do you know who actually lost their job? Who wasn’t able to work remotely? Cause I don’t know anyone out of work right now who isn’t a server... and these servers are my friends and I’ve told them for years to find careers. It’s a dime a dozen job that anyone can do.

As soon as the restaurants were forced to shutdown, all of the servers were let go. I know this because I’m friends with numerous small business owners in this area who had to do this to their employees. That was the biggest hit to the unemployment situation.

Most of the people I know or work with were or had a spouse on furlough or standby. I am only aware of 1 person who lost their job after 15 years, but they had well-known issues with the changeover in management that occurred less than 2 months before that.... so....

The pretty gay boys have been living it up on UE benefits running back and forth to Vegas on that stimulus since last summer. Trust me when I say their money has gone to alcohol, drugs and Jordan’s.

They can chop firewood, mow lawns, or do whatever they need to in order to pull a paycheck... they're not sacred cows and IDGAF...

why would they need to do all of that when their earnings increased by $18,000 in 2020 ($600 stimulus for x amount of weeks ~ the last time I calculated it was $18,000) ?

my point is and remains that the stimulus should have been given to people in the workforce who would pump that money into the economy 3x+ over

But instead let’s give it to a bunch of people unqualified to remain in the workforce so they can fuck around. Pfffft
In any company the human garbage is the first to go.

I agree. Wastetoids like the sissyboi drug addict leader of the tranny farm should have been allowed to starve in the street rather than be given a stipend that turned out to be double what he was making to be a common fucking pleb in the AMerican workforce

I'm worried about the hundreds of small business in my state that are now closed forever and what will happen to those business owners. And those whose jobs were not considered essential.

The government took their money, now the government needs to return it.

Taxation is theft and these fucktards screw over the people when rubber meets road.

There is merit to the idea of letting businesses who were negatively effected by government actions to get to sue cities and states for the harm they caused. I was watching the Seattle Realestate podcast today (why I don't know but it is an i threshing podcast) and they were going over how insurance companies are now refusing to insure businesses with in five miles of where riots or looting occurred. I can't blame the insurance companies as risk minimization is how their industry works.

The bottom line is without commercial insurance you can't even rent a commercial space so the few surviving companies in these kiberal run cities are quickly going to find their core business districts empty of businesses. That is going to have a very long lasting effect. Remember that next time some Antifa or BLM retard says "insurance will cover everything we steal besides this is raparations!" The leftists create the opportunity free ghetto wastelands they claim they want to help/solve.

Geez. You should write a book. Your knowledge is deep. Share it with the world!

He is totally right about rioters saying "they got insurance!"

Most all of those people who businesses were ruined by Covid and overkilled by riot damage are fucked.

Insurance wont cover them.

Rioters and protestors are not the same thing. Remember to keep that straight.

No but the protesters enabled it by continuing on and defending it.

The protests have accomplished nothing but being a catalyst for severe harm.
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I was raised by a single mother with a cocaine addiction. My grandparents on both sides lived locally and filled in the gaps preventing us from being taken away. I raised my younger siblings with the help of my grandparents. We were not rich. My mother’s family is working class and my father’s family is wealthy, but my grands were raised in England during a war with rations and “no one helped them.” I went to Catholic school and worked since I was 15. I bought the used VW cabriolet I drove with my own money in HS while my friend’s fathers bought them brand new BMWs and funded their lavish lifestyles.

I still wanted all of those things that my friends had, so I started as a file clerk in the field I work in and now I’m at the top of the food chain.

I would have more compassion for the person who put themselves through college, worked towards a career and is now unemployed due to this pandemic. I have less compassion for people who are rewarded for doing the bare minimum is all.

But who are you to judge who has and has not done "the bare minimum"? Do you think you are the only person who worked their ass off to get somewhere and had nothing handed to you? Let me tell you right now, you are not. Some people work their asses off and still end up unemployed. I know several of them. Judge not...

I have never said that anyone who is currently unemployed does not deserve UE benefits. I am specifically challenging the delegation of a stimulus package to the unemployed. Why do they get time off and extra money to spend? How is that ok?

Well, you know people with plenty of money also get the stimulus check. I know someone worth millions who has hardly worked in her whole life who got a stimulus check. That needs to be checked before worrying about unemployed people getting a little extra. That bothers me way more than people who are unemployed getting it.

The stimulus checks only went to people who qualified by making....I think....less than 140k a year.

So if they did get those checks, they were not supposed to(it went on taxes for that year)


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I was raised by a single mother with a cocaine addiction. My grandparents on both sides lived locally and filled in the gaps preventing us from being taken away. I raised my younger siblings with the help of my grandparents. We were not rich. My mother’s family is working class and my father’s family is wealthy, but my grands were raised in England during a war with rations and “no one helped them.” I went to Catholic school and worked since I was 15. I bought the used VW cabriolet I drove with my own money in HS while my friend’s fathers bought them brand new BMWs and funded their lavish lifestyles.

I still wanted all of those things that my friends had, so I started as a file clerk in the field I work in and now I’m at the top of the food chain.

I would have more compassion for the person who put themselves through college, worked towards a career and is now unemployed due to this pandemic. I have less compassion for people who are rewarded for doing the bare minimum is all.

But who are you to judge who has and has not done "the bare minimum"? Do you think you are the only person who worked their ass off to get somewhere and had nothing handed to you? Let me tell you right now, you are not. Some people work their asses off and still end up unemployed. I know several of them. Judge not...

I have never said that anyone who is currently unemployed does not deserve UE benefits. I am specifically challenging the delegation of a stimulus package to the unemployed. Why do they get time off and extra money to spend? How is that ok?

Well, you know people with plenty of money also get the stimulus check. I know someone worth millions who has hardly worked in her whole life who got a stimulus check. That needs to be checked before worrying about unemployed people getting a little extra. That bothers me way more than people who are unemployed getting it.

If she has millions (more than 2) and didn’t have an AGI of more than $75,000, then she needs to find a better investment banker.

Theoretically she could be one of those house rich but cash poor people. On the books she owns an expensive asset but actual cash income isn't that high.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I was raised by a single mother with a cocaine addiction. My grandparents on both sides lived locally and filled in the gaps preventing us from being taken away. I raised my younger siblings with the help of my grandparents. We were not rich. My mother’s family is working class and my father’s family is wealthy, but my grands were raised in England during a war with rations and “no one helped them.” I went to Catholic school and worked since I was 15. I bought the used VW cabriolet I drove with my own money in HS while my friend’s fathers bought them brand new BMWs and funded their lavish lifestyles.

I still wanted all of those things that my friends had, so I started as a file clerk in the field I work in and now I’m at the top of the food chain.

I would have more compassion for the person who put themselves through college, worked towards a career and is now unemployed due to this pandemic. I have less compassion for people who are rewarded for doing the bare minimum is all.

College debt forgiveness is a joke

yeah, have the AMerican taxpayer bail out a bunch of weed smoking degenerate talking mothballs who praise "wet ass pussy" as a stroke of musical genius & coddle them for taking career advice off of some noodle neck testicular amputee who offers some bullshit major like "the effects of transgenderism on the eating habits of palmetto bugs" because after doing so they are now realizing their degrees are absolutely worthless in a free enterprise

fuck that. Let them pack back every fucking cent they borrowed

I paid for college in CASH with a toddler and a baby in tow. Fuck them for being stupid enough to finance that shit @ 8%+ interest.

That money needs to be paid back so other people can pursue higher education.

I went to school full time and worked full time in the elements... it was hell...

You can find refuge in my cleavage right under my chin.

Got GPS coordinates?



Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I was raised by a single mother with a cocaine addiction. My grandparents on both sides lived locally and filled in the gaps preventing us from being taken away. I raised my younger siblings with the help of my grandparents. We were not rich. My mother’s family is working class and my father’s family is wealthy, but my grands were raised in England during a war with rations and “no one helped them.” I went to Catholic school and worked since I was 15. I bought the used VW cabriolet I drove with my own money in HS while my friend’s fathers bought them brand new BMWs and funded their lavish lifestyles.

I still wanted all of those things that my friends had, so I started as a file clerk in the field I work in and now I’m at the top of the food chain.

I would have more compassion for the person who put themselves through college, worked towards a career and is now unemployed due to this pandemic. I have less compassion for people who are rewarded for doing the bare minimum is all.

College debt forgiveness is a joke

yeah, have the AMerican taxpayer bail out a bunch of weed smoking degenerate talking mothballs who praise "wet ass pussy" as a stroke of musical genius & coddle them for taking career advice off of some noodle neck testicular amputee who offers some bullshit major like "the effects of transgenderism on the eating habits of palmetto bugs" because after doing so they are now realizing their degrees are absolutely worthless in a free enterprise

fuck that. Let them pack back every fucking cent they borrowed

I paid for college in CASH with a toddler and a baby in tow. Fuck them for being stupid enough to finance that shit @ 8%+ interest.

That money needs to be paid back so other people can pursue higher education.

I went to school full time and worked full time in the elements... it was hell...

You can find refuge in my cleavage right under my chin.

Got GPS coordinates?


IDK, gnome...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I was raised by a single mother with a cocaine addiction. My grandparents on both sides lived locally and filled in the gaps preventing us from being taken away. I raised my younger siblings with the help of my grandparents. We were not rich. My mother’s family is working class and my father’s family is wealthy, but my grands were raised in England during a war with rations and “no one helped them.” I went to Catholic school and worked since I was 15. I bought the used VW cabriolet I drove with my own money in HS while my friend’s fathers bought them brand new BMWs and funded their lavish lifestyles.

I still wanted all of those things that my friends had, so I started as a file clerk in the field I work in and now I’m at the top of the food chain.

I would have more compassion for the person who put themselves through college, worked towards a career and is now unemployed due to this pandemic. I have less compassion for people who are rewarded for doing the bare minimum is all.

College debt forgiveness is a joke

yeah, have the AMerican taxpayer bail out a bunch of weed smoking degenerate talking mothballs who praise "wet ass pussy" as a stroke of musical genius & coddle them for taking career advice off of some noodle neck testicular amputee who offers some bullshit major like "the effects of transgenderism on the eating habits of palmetto bugs" because after doing so they are now realizing their degrees are absolutely worthless in a free enterprise

fuck that. Let them pack back every fucking cent they borrowed

I paid for college in CASH with a toddler and a baby in tow. Fuck them for being stupid enough to finance that shit @ 8%+ interest.

That money needs to be paid back so other people can pursue higher education.

I went to junior college for two years in order to save money they transferred to UCSB. I also joined the Army reserve in order to get extra money for college and worked 20-30 hours per week in order to pay for it. My total debt upon graduation was $8000 and I even got a real degree in a hard science. So I have very little pity for some dumb ass who chose to get $400,000 in debt for a completely worthless and unmarketable degree which has no job prospects at the end. They made a poor decision and that is their problem.

I concur. There are also government jobs that offer debt forgiveness after 10 years of employment.

Pssst.... when were you in SB? 2 of my HS besties went there and I partied in IV from 96-97 lol

98-00 but I'd be about the same age as them as I took two years on active duty in the Army with stuff.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I was raised by a single mother with a cocaine addiction. My grandparents on both sides lived locally and filled in the gaps preventing us from being taken away. I raised my younger siblings with the help of my grandparents. We were not rich. My mother’s family is working class and my father’s family is wealthy, but my grands were raised in England during a war with rations and “no one helped them.” I went to Catholic school and worked since I was 15. I bought the used VW cabriolet I drove with my own money in HS while my friend’s fathers bought them brand new BMWs and funded their lavish lifestyles.

I still wanted all of those things that my friends had, so I started as a file clerk in the field I work in and now I’m at the top of the food chain.

I would have more compassion for the person who put themselves through college, worked towards a career and is now unemployed due to this pandemic. I have less compassion for people who are rewarded for doing the bare minimum is all.

But who are you to judge who has and has not done "the bare minimum"? Do you think you are the only person who worked their ass off to get somewhere and had nothing handed to you? Let me tell you right now, you are not. Some people work their asses off and still end up unemployed. I know several of them. Judge not...

I have never said that anyone who is currently unemployed does not deserve UE benefits. I am specifically challenging the delegation of a stimulus package to the unemployed. Why do they get time off and extra money to spend? How is that ok?

Well, you know people with plenty of money also get the stimulus check. I know someone worth millions who has hardly worked in her whole life who got a stimulus check. That needs to be checked before worrying about unemployed people getting a little extra. That bothers me way more than people who are unemployed getting it.

If she has millions (more than 2) and didn’t have an AGI of more than $75,000, then she needs to find a better investment banker.

Theoretically she could be one of those house rich but cash poor people. On the books she owns an expensive asset but actual cash income isn't that high.

and I’m familiar with the area Lotus is from... so this is entirely possible

but how would she pay taxes and survive without income?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I was raised by a single mother with a cocaine addiction. My grandparents on both sides lived locally and filled in the gaps preventing us from being taken away. I raised my younger siblings with the help of my grandparents. We were not rich. My mother’s family is working class and my father’s family is wealthy, but my grands were raised in England during a war with rations and “no one helped them.” I went to Catholic school and worked since I was 15. I bought the used VW cabriolet I drove with my own money in HS while my friend’s fathers bought them brand new BMWs and funded their lavish lifestyles.

I still wanted all of those things that my friends had, so I started as a file clerk in the field I work in and now I’m at the top of the food chain.

I would have more compassion for the person who put themselves through college, worked towards a career and is now unemployed due to this pandemic. I have less compassion for people who are rewarded for doing the bare minimum is all.

College debt forgiveness is a joke

yeah, have the AMerican taxpayer bail out a bunch of weed smoking degenerate talking mothballs who praise "wet ass pussy" as a stroke of musical genius & coddle them for taking career advice off of some noodle neck testicular amputee who offers some bullshit major like "the effects of transgenderism on the eating habits of palmetto bugs" because after doing so they are now realizing their degrees are absolutely worthless in a free enterprise

fuck that. Let them pack back every fucking cent they borrowed

I paid for college in CASH with a toddler and a baby in tow. Fuck them for being stupid enough to finance that shit @ 8%+ interest.

That money needs to be paid back so other people can pursue higher education.

I went to junior college for two years in order to save money they transferred to UCSB. I also joined the Army reserve in order to get extra money for college and worked 20-30 hours per week in order to pay for it. My total debt upon graduation was $8000 and I even got a real degree in a hard science. So I have very little pity for some dumb ass who chose to get $400,000 in debt for a completely worthless and unmarketable degree which has no job prospects at the end. They made a poor decision and that is their problem.

I concur. There are also government jobs that offer debt forgiveness after 10 years of employment.

Pssst.... when were you in SB? 2 of my HS besties went there and I partied in IV from 96-97 lol

98-00 but I'd be about the same age as them as I took two years on active duty in the Army with stuff.

looks like I just missed you then


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I was raised by a single mother with a cocaine addiction. My grandparents on both sides lived locally and filled in the gaps preventing us from being taken away. I raised my younger siblings with the help of my grandparents. We were not rich. My mother’s family is working class and my father’s family is wealthy, but my grands were raised in England during a war with rations and “no one helped them.” I went to Catholic school and worked since I was 15. I bought the used VW cabriolet I drove with my own money in HS while my friend’s fathers bought them brand new BMWs and funded their lavish lifestyles.

I still wanted all of those things that my friends had, so I started as a file clerk in the field I work in and now I’m at the top of the food chain.

I would have more compassion for the person who put themselves through college, worked towards a career and is now unemployed due to this pandemic. I have less compassion for people who are rewarded for doing the bare minimum is all.

College debt forgiveness is a joke

yeah, have the AMerican taxpayer bail out a bunch of weed smoking degenerate talking mothballs who praise "wet ass pussy" as a stroke of musical genius & coddle them for taking career advice off of some noodle neck testicular amputee who offers some bullshit major like "the effects of transgenderism on the eating habits of palmetto bugs" because after doing so they are now realizing their degrees are absolutely worthless in a free enterprise

fuck that. Let them pack back every fucking cent they borrowed

I paid for college in CASH with a toddler and a baby in tow. Fuck them for being stupid enough to finance that shit @ 8%+ interest.

That money needs to be paid back so other people can pursue higher education.

I went to school full time and worked full time in the elements... it was hell...

You can find refuge in my cleavage right under my chin.

Got GPS coordinates?


IDK, gnome...

... but... but... you could be rollin with the gnomie :Agree1:


Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
New York Times:

With four weeks left in President Donald Trump’s term, he is at perhaps his most unleashed — and, as events of the past few days have demonstrated, at the most unpredictable point in his presidency.

He remains the most powerful person in the world, yet he is focused on the one area in which he is powerless to get what he wants: a way to avoid leaving office as a loser.

He spends his days flailing for any hope, if not of actually reversing the outcome of the election, then at least of building a coherent case that he was robbed of a second term.

When he has emerged from his relative isolation in recent days, it has been to suggest out of the blue that he would try to blow up the bipartisan stimulus package, driving a wedge through his party in the process, and to grant clemency to a raft of allies and supporters, mostly outside the normal Justice Department process.

He has otherwise sequestered himself in the White House, playing host to a cast of conspiracy theorists and hard-core supporters who traffic in ideas like challenging the election’s outcome in Congress and even invoking martial law, seeking to give some of them government jobs.

He is almost entirely disengaged from leading the nation even as Americans are being felled by the coronavirus at record rates. Faced with an aggressive cyber assault almost surely carried out by Russia, his response, to the degree that he has had one, has been to downplay the damage and to contradict his own top officials by suggesting that the culprit might actually have been China. He played almost no role in negotiating the stimulus bill that just passed Congress, and then he worked to disrupt it at the last minute.

It is not clear that Trump’s latest behavior is anything other than a temper tantrum, attention-seeking or a form of therapy for the man who controls a nuclear arsenal — although one alternative, if charitable, view is that it is strategic groundwork for a grievance-filled run in 2024.

If nothing else, it will make for an especially anxious next 27 days in Washington.

This article is based on interviews with more than a dozen current and former administration officials, Republicans and allies of the president.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I have experienced poverty and I have experienced some reasonably good financial success. The thing that helps most to get people out of poverty and which helped me? A frigging job. You'd be amazed how few of the poor and homeless are uninterested in a job.

Around five years ago I tried a side hustler where a temp agency would pay me $5 for each new walk in applicant who gave them my reference number and then worked one eight hour shift doing general labor. I went down to the homeless shelter and had to hand out 200-300 of those cards, all the jobs were with in easy walking distance of the shelter as they were all downtown, all of them said they wanted a job but not a single damn one of them actually bothered to show up to work.

At another time I volunteered at the homeless shelter to help people write resumes and apply for jobs online from the shelters computer lab. I gave up after a month when only two people bothered to show up in a homeless shelter with 1000 beds or more. It interfered with their drug using time so they just weren't interested.

Oh, well, all poor people must be like that, then. Let's just kill them all.
Many of those people are the mentally ill that Reagan tossed into the streets. You know, these aren't simply lazy people as Oderstink would like us to believe. They need other assistance. And as a Christian nation - should it not be made available to them?

Actually, the vast majority were under the age of 40 so, no, not the people Reagan released from the California state mental health system in the late 1960's. Also, what you seem to not understand is that liberals in the state legislature had already voted to defund the state mental hospital system claiming it was some how "cruel" to lock up people who were a danger to themselves and others. They claimed they could be effectively cared for in the community which did not work because they'd mostly just stop taking there meds, go psycho again, and not be able to hold down a job. Those people were definitely better off being committed.

Today, it is mostly drug addicts driving the increase in homelessness on the streets. That is my experience. Liberals have decriminalized most drug use and now it is totally out of control with 80%-90% of the street homeless being drug addicts. I am sure mental health was often a problem for many of them but they were coping before drug addiction truly brought them to rock bottom.

We need to change the law so that people can be forced into rehab even if they don't want to because the entire west coast is simply over run with homeless drug encampment at this point. The trash, feces, and filth these people create is causing out breaks of diseases we haven't seen in first world cou tries in modern times.

Forcing people into rehab wont do anything but cost money.

What typically happens is someone commits a drug related crime, and the judge gives them the option of signing into a rehab program(usually of the judges chosing....and for anywhere from 2 weeks to a year long program) or go to jail for 90 days to a year depending on the crime.

So of course they chose rehab. Stay clean long enough(if they can) to finish the legal obligations and then they are back rippin and running. I saw a lot of this when I willingly chose to go to rehab and then a 1 year life skill program.

I actually agree with decriminalization....its not the same as making it legal. It's just a waste to arrest drug addicts when its much more a health crisis then a legal one. And that doesnt mean drug related crimes like theft wont be dealt with.

I think it could be a very good thing if it's not just decriminalized and left like that and a plan is in place to help how mentally ill were freed from the cruelty of having treatment in a safe environment and now just sleep on the streets and get patient dumped out of ERs.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
New York Times:

With four weeks left in President Donald Trump’s term, he is at perhaps his most unleashed — and, as events of the past few days have demonstrated, at the most unpredictable point in his presidency.

He remains the most powerful person in the world, yet he is focused on the one area in which he is powerless to get what he wants: a way to avoid leaving office as a loser.

He spends his days flailing for any hope, if not of actually reversing the outcome of the election, then at least of building a coherent case that he was robbed of a second term.

When he has emerged from his relative isolation in recent days, it has been to suggest out of the blue that he would try to blow up the bipartisan stimulus package, driving a wedge through his party in the process, and to grant clemency to a raft of allies and supporters, mostly outside the normal Justice Department process.

He has otherwise sequestered himself in the White House, playing host to a cast of conspiracy theorists and hard-core supporters who traffic in ideas like challenging the election’s outcome in Congress and even invoking martial law, seeking to give some of them government jobs.

He is almost entirely disengaged from leading the nation even as Americans are being felled by the coronavirus at record rates. Faced with an aggressive cyber assault almost surely carried out by Russia, his response, to the degree that he has had one, has been to downplay the damage and to contradict his own top officials by suggesting that the culprit might actually have been China. He played almost no role in negotiating the stimulus bill that just passed Congress, and then he worked to disrupt it at the last minute.

It is not clear that Trump’s latest behavior is anything other than a temper tantrum, attention-seeking or a form of therapy for the man who controls a nuclear arsenal — although one alternative, if charitable, view is that it is strategic groundwork for a grievance-filled run in 2024.

If nothing else, it will make for an especially anxious next 27 days in Washington.

This article is based on interviews with more than a dozen current and former administration officials, Republicans and allies of the president.

And you think this sort of garbage, bias, inflammatory crap is valid journalism why?

Because you dont think we all deserve better than this? Like accurate and objective reporting on topics we should be informed on?

Just because the president once did a stint as a reality TV star doesnt mean we should turn our country into some trash reality TV show now.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Los Angeles
Just because the president once did a stint as a reality TV star doesnt mean we should turn our country into some trash reality TV show now.T

Too late. We've already had five year of that trash reality TV show.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I was raised by a single mother with a cocaine addiction. My grandparents on both sides lived locally and filled in the gaps preventing us from being taken away. I raised my younger siblings with the help of my grandparents. We were not rich. My mother’s family is working class and my father’s family is wealthy, but my grands were raised in England during a war with rations and “no one helped them.” I went to Catholic school and worked since I was 15. I bought the used VW cabriolet I drove with my own money in HS while my friend’s fathers bought them brand new BMWs and funded their lavish lifestyles.

I still wanted all of those things that my friends had, so I started as a file clerk in the field I work in and now I’m at the top of the food chain.

I would have more compassion for the person who put themselves through college, worked towards a career and is now unemployed due to this pandemic. I have less compassion for people who are rewarded for doing the bare minimum is all.

But who are you to judge who has and has not done "the bare minimum"? Do you think you are the only person who worked their ass off to get somewhere and had nothing handed to you? Let me tell you right now, you are not. Some people work their asses off and still end up unemployed. I know several of them. Judge not...

I have never said that anyone who is currently unemployed does not deserve UE benefits. I am specifically challenging the delegation of a stimulus package to the unemployed. Why do they get time off and extra money to spend? How is that ok?

Well, you know people with plenty of money also get the stimulus check. I know someone worth millions who has hardly worked in her whole life who got a stimulus check. That needs to be checked before worrying about unemployed people getting a little extra. That bothers me way more than people who are unemployed getting it.

If she has millions (more than 2) and didn’t have an AGI of more than $75,000, then she needs to find a better investment banker.

Theoretically she could be one of those house rich but cash poor people. On the books she owns an expensive asset but actual cash income isn't that high.

and I’m familiar with the area Lotus is from... so this is entirely possible

but how would she pay taxes and survive without income?

I said she never worked. I didn't say she had no income. Never had a job. Didn't pay into social security or unemployment. She inherited millions. Why did she need a stimulus check? I am saying instead of bitching about UNEMPLOYED people also getting a stimulus check, bitch about unemployed millionaires getting them.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Lol at all the fortunate few on here that have never had to struggle to survive, telling poor people to just stop being poor!!


I was raised by a single mother with a cocaine addiction. My grandparents on both sides lived locally and filled in the gaps preventing us from being taken away. I raised my younger siblings with the help of my grandparents. We were not rich. My mother’s family is working class and my father’s family is wealthy, but my grands were raised in England during a war with rations and “no one helped them.” I went to Catholic school and worked since I was 15. I bought the used VW cabriolet I drove with my own money in HS while my friend’s fathers bought them brand new BMWs and funded their lavish lifestyles.

I still wanted all of those things that my friends had, so I started as a file clerk in the field I work in and now I’m at the top of the food chain.

I would have more compassion for the person who put themselves through college, worked towards a career and is now unemployed due to this pandemic. I have less compassion for people who are rewarded for doing the bare minimum is all.

But who are you to judge who has and has not done "the bare minimum"? Do you think you are the only person who worked their ass off to get somewhere and had nothing handed to you? Let me tell you right now, you are not. Some people work their asses off and still end up unemployed. I know several of them. Judge not...

I have never said that anyone who is currently unemployed does not deserve UE benefits. I am specifically challenging the delegation of a stimulus package to the unemployed. Why do they get time off and extra money to spend? How is that ok?

Well, you know people with plenty of money also get the stimulus check. I know someone worth millions who has hardly worked in her whole life who got a stimulus check. That needs to be checked before worrying about unemployed people getting a little extra. That bothers me way more than people who are unemployed getting it.

If she has millions (more than 2) and didn’t have an AGI of more than $75,000, then she needs to find a better investment banker.

Theoretically she could be one of those house rich but cash poor people. On the books she owns an expensive asset but actual cash income isn't that high.

and I’m familiar with the area Lotus is from... so this is entirely possible

but how would she pay taxes and survive without income?

I said she never worked. I didn't say she had no income. Never had a job. Didn't pay into social security or unemployment. She inherited millions. Why did she need a stimulus check? I am saying instead of bitching about UNEMPLOYED people also getting a stimulus check, bitch about unemployed millionaires getting them.

I mean I see the point... but I don’t want to expend the resources for the government to track stuff like this. She is clearly not the norm.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
as for this $600... for $0.20 per day, you can sponsor an American

wake me when they want to hand me $18,000 like they did every jackass who thought being a server was a career and collected unemployment, attended multiple house parties, ended up infecting the elderly in their family and are going to be a total drain on the economy next year

they rank right up there with the tards refusing to wear masks who go around licking door knobs and toilet seats

Wow.... you're seriously unhinged... I thought it was just a troll or act....
as for this $600... for $0.20 per day, you can sponsor an American

wake me when they want to hand me $18,000 like they did every jackass who thought being a server was a career and collected unemployment, attended multiple house parties, ended up infecting the elderly in their family and are going to be a total drain on the economy next year

they rank right up there with the tards refusing to wear masks who go around licking door knobs and toilet seats

So you think everyone who collected unemployment is guilty of that behavior? Wow.

Consider this: every small business applied and qualified for the paycheck protection loan. They are required to keep approx 90% of their employees on the clock for x amount of months.

Who do you know who actually lost their job? Who wasn’t able to work remotely? Cause I don’t know anyone out of work right now who isn’t a server... and these servers are my friends and I’ve told them for years to find careers. It’s a dime a dozen job that anyone can do.

As soon as the restaurants were forced to shutdown, all of the servers were let go. I know this because I’m friends with numerous small business owners in this area who had to do this to their employees. That was the biggest hit to the unemployment situation.

Most of the people I know or work with were or had a spouse on furlough or standby. I am only aware of 1 person who lost their job after 15 years, but they had well-known issues with the changeover in management that occurred less than 2 months before that.... so....

The pretty gay boys have been living it up on UE benefits running back and forth to Vegas on that stimulus since last summer. Trust me when I say their money has gone to alcohol, drugs and Jordan’s.

They can chop firewood, mow lawns, or do whatever they need to in order to pull a paycheck... they're not sacred cows and IDGAF...

why would they need to do all of that when their earnings increased by $18,000 in 2020 ($600 stimulus for x amount of weeks ~ the last time I calculated it was $18,000) ?

my point is and remains that the stimulus should have been given to people in the workforce who would pump that money into the economy 3x+ over

But instead let’s give it to a bunch of people unqualified to remain in the workforce so they can fuck around. Pfffft
In any company the human garbage is the first to go.

I agree. Wastetoids like the sissyboi drug addict leader of the tranny farm should have been allowed to starve in the street rather than be given a stipend that turned out to be double what he was making to be a common fucking pleb in the AMerican workforce

I'm worried about the hundreds of small business in my state that are now closed forever and what will happen to those business owners. And those whose jobs were not considered essential.

The government took their money, now the government needs to return it.

Taxation is theft and these fucktards screw over the people when rubber meets road.

There is merit to the idea of letting businesses who were negatively effected by government actions to get to sue cities and states for the harm they caused. I was watching the Seattle Realestate podcast today (why I don't know but it is an i threshing podcast) and they were going over how insurance companies are now refusing to insure businesses with in five miles of where riots or looting occurred. I can't blame the insurance companies as risk minimization is how their industry works.

The bottom line is without commercial insurance you can't even rent a commercial space so the few surviving companies in these kiberal run cities are quickly going to find their core business districts empty of businesses. That is going to have a very long lasting effect. Remember that next time some Antifa or BLM retard says "insurance will cover everything we steal besides this is raparations!" The leftists create the opportunity free ghetto wastelands they claim they want to help/solve.

Geez. You should write a book. Your knowledge is deep. Share it with the world!

He is totally right about rioters saying "they got insurance!"

Most all of those people who businesses were ruined by Covid and overkilled by riot damage are fucked.

Insurance wont cover them.

why won’t they cover them and how do you know this?