Southerners honored women


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This is a fact.

One simply has to look at the Confederate money, to see this....


The one on the left is the prettiest in my opinion lol.

Southern women were mighty, still are! @Succubus is proof of that.

If you didnt go and fight during the War of Northern Aggression, for your family and land, you would face the wraith of the Southern Woman. Instantly you would be a pussy in her eyes.

Between the Southern white and black women, they held together the land, family and way of life, best they could while the men were off trying to defend it.

Monuments made to these brave women, that send their young boys off to war.



Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I think the feminity of the women from this era is graceful and remarkable….

but this is man’s ideology of what women should be… molded by a male dominant society where we are a possession and must preserve this pure image.

What about the women who didn’t want to raise a family or handle things while he was away at war? What about the women who didn’t want to send their children off? Or didn’t want to have children to begin with???

These women were bred and groomed to be this. The wild ones were reprimanded and cast out. They were considered a burden on their fathers and families.

This ideology of femininity is based on finding a husband, and some of us just don’t need or want them.


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I think the feminity of the women from this era is graceful and remarkable….

Me too, REAL ladies. That stood by their men.

but this is man’s ideology of what women should be… molded by a male dominant society where we are a possession and must preserve this pure image.

I dont believe that is how it was back then. Sure, in the past several decades Hollywood has tried instilling certain things into peoples minds. I believe back then, women had to almost be like a man, in support of her man. Times were way different back then. ALL members of the family, including the kids, had to do their part to make sure the family survived. Only the rich had slaves, and only those ladies that were pampered could act like the Hollywood "idea".

What about the women who didn’t want to raise a family or handle things while he was away at war? What about the women who didn’t want to send their children off? Or didn’t want to have children to begin with???

Again, you have to think about the times back then. Sure, you prolly had some ladies living on her own, but in order to survive, you had to have family.

No one wanted to send their husband or child off to war, it was about duty. Duty to defend their homes and families, cause they couldnt do it alone at the farm, they needed to band together. You have to remember, the South did not go to war with the North, the North invaded the South, and burned the whole way, killing innocent civilians. Mostly fought in Virginia, and MY area, the Shenandoah Valley, was burned to the ground. There was no "oh, we just mind our business, it be ok". Cause even up North, they were shutting down printers and arresting reporters to keep them from talking about it. Anyone that sympathized with the South. The North came down and starved everyone. Burning homes. The slaves either joined in the fight, or stayed behind and helped take care of the homestead. Some slaves even forced into the ocean to drown by the Union troops, to "save on ammo". You HAD to fight, to preserve your way of life.

As far as not wanting to have children, it might of been a minority back then, vs how much it goes on these days. Again, you had to have family. So they had many kids to help with the homestead. Family was key.

"They" are trying to destroy the nuclear family Murdock. That is why they hate us, and that is why they trying to make you believe certain things. You have to trust me on this.

This ideology of femininity is based on finding a husband, and some of us just don’t need or want them.

You go girl!



Domestically feral
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United states
@Blazor you can see easily how modern men view women by what porn is being consumed and how much.

And how men who SELF identify as women always have that hyperfeminity and porn style appearance.

Not only do we have a toxic patriarchal world that views women as a anyone can be a woman. We are being redefined in culture and legislation and if we are not defined in culture and law....there goes our rights.

Womens rights are now stripped down to abortion(which benefits mens on every level) so as long as abortion is legal, many women have no idea our actual rights have been stripped.

What liberal feminists is misogyny and the destruction of the family unit for the sexual and material benefit of men. And they dont even see it.

Watch how they degrade husbands and fathers as the "patriarchy" while supporting the corporate and political patriarchal elite that just destroyed our sex based rights by allowing men to SELF identify as women and taking our spaces, and our opportunities.

Not to mention how gender cult ideology is severely harming young girls who are getting their breasts removed and taking hormones and regretting it later. Liberal feminists push an idea that women being women is weak and to be mocked and that we must BE men.

As marriage declines and the family unit crumbles you can watch women become more depressed and have more anxiety and mental illness.

Human beings are meant to want committed companions. And family.


Put your glasses on!
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@Blazor you can see easily how modern men view women by what porn is being consumed and how much.

And how men who SELF identify as women always have that hyperfeminity and porn style appearance.

Not only do we have a toxic patriarchal world that views women as a anyone can be a woman. We are being redefined in culture and legislation and if we are not defined in culture and law....there goes our rights.

Womens rights are now stripped down to abortion(which benefits mens on every level) so as long as abortion is legal, many women have no idea our actual rights have been stripped.

What liberal feminists is misogyny and the destruction of the family unit for the sexual and material benefit of men. And they dont even see it.

Watch how they degrade husbands and fathers as the "patriarchy" while supporting the corporate and political patriarchal elite that just destroyed our sex based rights by allowing men to SELF identify as women and taking our spaces, and our opportunities.

Not to mention how gender cult ideology is severely harming young girls who are getting their breasts removed and taking hormones and regretting it later. Liberal feminists push an idea that women being women is weak and to be mocked and that we must BE men.

As marriage declines and the family unit crumbles you can watch women become more depressed and have more anxiety and mental illness.

Human beings are meant to want committed companions. And family.

You're SO right.

THEY want to destroy the family unit, because it is part of the depopulation plan. Same with turning people gay, same with abortion, same with being independent, same with porn, etc.

I will always be a Man, and treat a Lady like a Lady. I am a Southern Gentleman. The real deal. THEY hate everything I stand for.

I have great respect for what all the Southern Ladies went through during the War of Northern Aggression.


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I read things like this every day....

Issac Lefevers of Company K, 46th North Carolina wrote of a horrific scene he witnessed at the battle of the Wilderness. He wrote to his wife:

"I have never saw such a sight in no battle as I have in this [one]. I saw lots of dead bodies burnt into a crisp...I saw one man that was burnt that had the picture I suppose of his little daughter in his pocket. I never saw anything that made me feel more sorrow."

Lefevers, a Lincoln County potter, would also die later that same year (1864), during the war.
North Carolina Confederates


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I read my grandmother's memoirs last night and she talked about a freed slave that worked for the family up until she died in the 1920's. Her name was Leatha Clark.

She was a slave on Hunter's lodge plantation in Plaquemine, Louisiana. She said Leatha "loved my great-great grandmother so. And, when the Yankees came, they came and destroyed all the crops and farming equipment and burned the barn down. They didn't have anything to eat."

She said that the only way to eat was to cook for the Yankees and then the Yankees would give the family the leftovers."

After the war, Leatha stayed with the family and worked for them. She tended to the family as a nurse and as a maid. The family loved Leatha and Leatha loved the family.


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Part three of a five part series on Southern Women
By Ray Davidson

August winds blow hot off the peanut and cotton fields of Southwest Georgia, temperatures can soar into the triple digits. The small community of Parrott simmers in the heat. Not until the heat of the day melts into the evening do Parrott’s residents venture forth. In these hot humid evenings, if you have time to spare, you may catch a glimpse of Leona and her trusty companion, a dog named Judy. Leona Jackson Bridges was born in 1909 on a red clay farm in Terrell County. She is the oldest of ten children born to Shote and Doll Jackson. Her grandparents were slaves in South Georgia. She, like her parents and grandparents was born close to the earth, South Georgia earth that gave them sustenance and hope.
Times have been hard for Leona. John Sammy Bridges, her husband of 27 years died in 1957. Her son sold the family farm and moved away. Yes, times have been hard, yet Leona has persevered. Today, her body twisted with arthritis, she and her dog Judy have walked up to ten miles or more searching for aluminum cans. Her doctor told her that if she did not exercise the arthritis would cripple her. She has never let any of life’s obstacles or challenges defeat her will or her body.

Leona exemplifies a depth of character, independence, and perseverance that African women brought and gave to the South. The Rev. John Levi Underwood, a Chaplain and Captain in the Confederate Army, understood this gift. He spoke often of “mammy”, that embodiment of the Southern black housekeeper, nurse, matron, cook and just plain boss of the whole family that so endured herself to the white families of the South. Underwood in his eulogy for Women of the Confederacy at the dedication of the Confederate monument in Cuthbert, Georgia said, “The monument to the Southern woman will be a monument to our faithful old Dinahs and Delias, too.”

In the first of this series I wrote of Chloe of Shellman as representative of that gem “of Southern character washed up from its depths by the ocean of Southern woe.” The series continued with how Sherman “ruthlessly ripped open the breast of the Confederacy leaving its heart bleeding and burnt.” That article also spoke of another Chloe, one that in 1864 shed the purest tear as she charged her brother to “free our land and our hearts . . . let there be no more empty sleeves.” That “gentle but brave; modest, but independent” characterization of our two Chloe’s cannot be complete without Leona.

Leona the foundation that supported so many Southern households, both black and white, is forever enshrined in Southern folklore. Leona was the heart of the Southern home; she was Chloe’s staff and companion. Underwood states that “those strong old arms supported us in babyhood . . . . her old bosom was a city of refuge from even the pursuing father and mother;” a persona forever cherished.

With the menfolk gone to war, many a Southern household’s foundation remained solid as granite with the care and loyalty of the black housekeeper. Those strong arms held together many a family; oftentimes saving both the homes and family members from marauding Yankee soldiers. Underwood recounts how some of Sherman’s soldiers accosted a young South Carolina girl demanding she give them a gold watch she had hidden upon her person. As the soldiers were about to seize her, Delia, her “staff and companion” defied the Yankees saying, “Fore God, buckra, if one of younner put your nasty hand on dis chile of my ole missus you got to knock Delia down first.” In central Georgia, as a group of Yankees raised their rifles to shoot a defiant mistress of a plantation, her old cook stepped between the yanks and their intended victim and said, “If you are going to kill ‘ole miss’, you’ll have to kill me first.”

The South has been forever enriched by the assimilation of Leona’s strength of character, independence and perseverance. For that, we must be forever grateful. The personification of the Southern woman is enshrined, glorified, and immortalized not in a singular richness of European ancestry but in a blending of European and African heritage that has given the Southern woman a place unequaled in history and our hearts.

It has been 136 years since the Bonnie Blue flag flew for Southern independence. One hundred and thirty six winters of Southern grief, of a cause lost, of a nation humbled by the humiliation of defeat. As a candle illuminates the dark, Chloe brings sunshine to our Southern pride. As, on the eve of Christmas, our heart can be both saddened and fortified with the memory of a child lost, so can our heartstrings be touched by Leona and a dog named Judy.


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God bless the Southern women of those days! Would that I were able to build a monument to them. I would have it as high as the steeple of St. Paul's Church, and in its base a room, the walls of which I would adorn with paintings, telling the story of their lives during those trying times. In the center of this room, I would have a statue of a Southern mother, dressed in plain Confederate clothes, holding in one hand a pocket Bible, which she is handing to her boy who is not old enough to wear a coat, her other hand pointing to the open door, and, with tears streaming down her cheeks, telling him his country's needs are more than hers--to go and join the army! Among the paintings, I would have the wife and daughters of Gen. Robert E. Lee, knitting socks for the private soldiers of his army! and Mrs. Gen. John B. Gordon, administering to a sick or wounded soldier on the roadside in the field. She accompanied the General in the field during the war. I would fill the room with such scenes as these.

Source: One of Jackson's Foot Cavalry his Experience and what he saw During the War 1861-1865


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Nancy Hart Douglas-(1846–1913) - One tough Southern Lady

Nancy joined the Moccasin Rangers who were pro-southern guerrillas until 1862. Nancy served as a Confederate scout, guide and spy. She carried messages between the Southern Armies traveling alone by night and slept during the day. Nancy also was an "underground" worker. She saved the lives of many wounded Confederate Soldiers hiding them with sympathizers and often nursing them to health again. Nancy served as a guide for Confederate detachments. She peddled eggs and veggies to Yankees to spy on them. She hung around isolated Federal outposts in the mountains, to report their strength, population and vulnerability to General Jackson. Nancy led Jackson's Cavalry on several raids against Union Troops.

In the summer of 1862, the wrathful Federals offered a large reward for Nancy with the order of her arrest. Nancy was twenty years old when she was captured by the Yankees. Lt. Col. Starr of the 9th West Virginia captured Nancy at a log cabin, while she was crushing corn. A young female friend was also captured with her. Nancy was jailed in the upstairs portion of a dilapidated house with soldiers quartered down stairs and a sentry guarding her in the room, at all times. Guards constantly patrolled the building on every side.

Nancy gained the trust of one of her guards. She was able to get his weapon from him and she shot him dead. Nancy then dived headlong out the open window into a clump of tall jimson weeds. She took Lt. Col. Starr's horse, and rode bare back. She was clinging low to the horse's neck, Indian fashion. About a week later at 4:00 o'clock in the morning, July 25, 1862, Nancy returned to Summersville with 200 of Jackson's Cavalry led by Major R. Augustus or Col. George Patton's 22nd Virginia Infantry. Nancy was still riding Lt. Col. Starr's horse. They raided the town, setting fire to three houses, including the commissary store house, destroyed two wagons, and took eight mules and twelve horses, as well as several prisoners, including Lt. Co. Starr.


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"In the spring of 1863 Federals marching up Bayou Teche stopped to plunder the mansion of the late Dubriel Olivier. Olivier, a wealthy planter and slave owner, was reported to have raised and equipped at his own expense, a Confederate company two years earlier. Now his widow, Aimee, defiantly met the invading Yankees and ordered them away. "Where is your master?" laughed a soldier. Assuming she was the maid, they insisted she have more respect for white people. It finally dawned on the intruders that she was indeed mistress of the plantation, that Dubriel and Aimee Olivier were gens de coleur libre-"free people of color."


Factory Bastard
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This is a fact.

One simply has to look at the Confederate money, to see this....


The one on the left is the prettiest in my opinion lol.

Southern women were mighty, still are! @Succubus is proof of that.

If you didnt go and fight during the War of Northern Aggression, for your family and land, you would face the wraith of the Southern Woman. Instantly you would be a pussy in her eyes.

Between the Southern white and black women, they held together the land, family and way of life, best they could while the men were off trying to defend it.

Monuments made to these brave women, that send their young boys off to war.


They had an eye fer visual imagery @Blazor.

They may have lost the war but they still had the better looking flag, eh?

At least they had good taste in women

...wonder what their parties were like. ;-)


Factory Bastard
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This was the Lusty image of Southern Women I grew up with @Blazor:


When I used ta play pinball thar were Riverboat Gambler 'Mistresses' everywhere.

Us Northen Folk were fed this image of Southern gals as being somewhat loose eh? ;-)
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This was the Lusty image of Southern Women I grew up with @Blazor:


When I used ta play pinball thar were Riverboat Gambler 'Mistresses' everywhere.

Us Northen Folk were fed this image of Southern gals as being somewhat loose eh? ;-)
They sure wouldnt bang a cucked out faggit like you josephine!


Put your glasses on!
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They had an eye fer visual imagery @Blazor.

They may have lost the war but they still had the better looking flag, eh?

At least they had good taste in women

...wonder what their parties were like. ;-)

Im sure the parties were grande.

My great great grandfather that fought, had many parties, lots of locals came. His old home is still standing, and is a historic site now.


Domestically feral
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United states
@Blazor you can see easily how modern men view women by what porn is being consumed and how much.

And how men who SELF identify as women always have that hyperfeminity and porn style appearance.

Not only do we have a toxic patriarchal world that views women as a anyone can be a woman. We are being redefined in culture and legislation and if we are not defined in culture and law....there goes our rights.

Womens rights are now stripped down to abortion(which benefits mens on every level) so as long as abortion is legal, many women have no idea our actual rights have been stripped.

What liberal feminists is misogyny and the destruction of the family unit for the sexual and material benefit of men. And they dont even see it.

Watch how they degrade husbands and fathers as the "patriarchy" while supporting the corporate and political patriarchal elite that just destroyed our sex based rights by allowing men to SELF identify as women and taking our spaces, and our opportunities.

Not to mention how gender cult ideology is severely harming young girls who are getting their breasts removed and taking hormones and regretting it later. Liberal feminists push an idea that women being women is weak and to be mocked and that we must BE men.

As marriage declines and the family unit crumbles you can watch women become more depressed and have more anxiety and mental illness.

Human beings are meant to want committed companions. And family.

You're SO right.

THEY want to destroy the family unit, because it is part of the depopulation plan. Same with turning people gay, same with abortion, same with being independent, same with porn, etc.

I will always be a Man, and treat a Lady like a Lady. I am a Southern Gentleman. The real deal. THEY hate everything I stand for.

I have great respect for what all the Southern Ladies went through during the War of Northern Aggression.

I'm not totally convinced there is a depopulation plan but there is definately money to be made in what is being done.

Abortion alone pulls in ghoulish amounts of money. Convincing women to focus on careers over family.

You know liberal feminism really spits on women who want to be wives and mothers. They SAY it's about choice but it's obvious they look down on wives and mothers, especailly ones that dont work. They will view THAT as some patriarchal thing and "domesticated" women relying on a man is some form of slavery. Which is backwards as fuck.

The patriarchy isnt the man you are married to. Liberal feminists cannot even define patriarchy, theyve been trained to see it as traditional family units. Patriarchy is just a word for who runs the world. We live in a patriarchal world. One where women and womens needs are not well represented. It's so much bigger than a family unit. Also patriarchy isnt a bad just because it exists. But it can be very toxic and violent towards women. The most genuinely oppressed group of humans in the world are little girls. Patriarchy should be seen in a global context.

Western women who attack the family unit as patriarchy are spitting on the genuine oppression of women and girls globally.

If you are gonna "slave" for SHOULD be voluntary with someone you love who would die for your best interests. We get to chose the father of our children and traditional husbands and fathers devote their life to the betterment and care of their family. Strong family units are the foundation of a functioning and civil society. The more we tear that down with messaging that women should adopt all the worst most toxic traits of MEN.....the more it actually strengthens the toxic patriarchy that views women as pleasure objects for men or labor slaves for a workforce.

Women who chose careers over family often regret doing so. How sad to not share your life with a family. There are women right now in their 40s panick dating.

What is even the point of building wealth if you dont have a family? You've just spent your life slaving for men who dont give a real fuck about you. And you've helped them build wealth. When you could have devoted your life to your own partner and family. I'm not saying women shouldnt work.....I'm saying the mentality of turning women into men, telling women their "liberation" is in the workforce and rejecting family is toxic and wrong.

I homeschool my 5 year old, and the other day she got really frustrated doing sight words and practicing reading. She flat out said "I dont want to read". So i told her that a long time ago, women were not allowed to learn to read. And that brave women stood up and fought so that today, she could learn to read and write and have an education. So now I'm teaching her about the suffragettes.

It's important that women are equal citizens in society. Pressuring us to be just like men though is misogyny. Women should be supported in their decisions.

The trans/gender shit is another huge money maker. Gender clinics are making shit tons of money by mauling and sterilizating children who have mental health issues. The entire thing is rooted in sexism and misogyny. If you go look at how much money is being put into transgenderism you'll puke and all that gender messaging will make sense. It's all marketing.


Put your glasses on!
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@Blazor you can see easily how modern men view women by what porn is being consumed and how much.

And how men who SELF identify as women always have that hyperfeminity and porn style appearance.

Not only do we have a toxic patriarchal world that views women as a anyone can be a woman. We are being redefined in culture and legislation and if we are not defined in culture and law....there goes our rights.

Womens rights are now stripped down to abortion(which benefits mens on every level) so as long as abortion is legal, many women have no idea our actual rights have been stripped.

What liberal feminists is misogyny and the destruction of the family unit for the sexual and material benefit of men. And they dont even see it.

Watch how they degrade husbands and fathers as the "patriarchy" while supporting the corporate and political patriarchal elite that just destroyed our sex based rights by allowing men to SELF identify as women and taking our spaces, and our opportunities.

Not to mention how gender cult ideology is severely harming young girls who are getting their breasts removed and taking hormones and regretting it later. Liberal feminists push an idea that women being women is weak and to be mocked and that we must BE men.

As marriage declines and the family unit crumbles you can watch women become more depressed and have more anxiety and mental illness.

Human beings are meant to want committed companions. And family.

You're SO right.

THEY want to destroy the family unit, because it is part of the depopulation plan. Same with turning people gay, same with abortion, same with being independent, same with porn, etc.

I will always be a Man, and treat a Lady like a Lady. I am a Southern Gentleman. The real deal. THEY hate everything I stand for.

I have great respect for what all the Southern Ladies went through during the War of Northern Aggression.

I'm not totally convinced there is a depopulation plan but there is definately money to be made in what is being done.

Abortion alone pulls in ghoulish amounts of money. Convincing women to focus on careers over family.

You know liberal feminism really spits on women who want to be wives and mothers. They SAY it's about choice but it's obvious they look down on wives and mothers, especailly ones that dont work. They will view THAT as some patriarchal thing and "domesticated" women relying on a man is some form of slavery. Which is backwards as fuck.

The patriarchy isnt the man you are married to. Liberal feminists cannot even define patriarchy, theyve been trained to see it as traditional family units. Patriarchy is just a word for who runs the world. We live in a patriarchal world. One where women and womens needs are not well represented. It's so much bigger than a family unit. Also patriarchy isnt a bad just because it exists. But it can be very toxic and violent towards women. The most genuinely oppressed group of humans in the world are little girls. Patriarchy should be seen in a global context.

Western women who attack the family unit as patriarchy are spitting on the genuine oppression of women and girls globally.

If you are gonna "slave" for SHOULD be voluntary with someone you love who would die for your best interests. We get to chose the father of our children and traditional husbands and fathers devote their life to the betterment and care of their family. Strong family units are the foundation of a functioning and civil society. The more we tear that down with messaging that women should adopt all the worst most toxic traits of MEN.....the more it actually strengthens the toxic patriarchy that views women as pleasure objects for men or labor slaves for a workforce.

Women who chose careers over family often regret doing so. How sad to not share your life with a family. There are women right now in their 40s panick dating.

What is even the point of building wealth if you dont have a family? You've just spent your life slaving for men who dont give a real fuck about you. And you've helped them build wealth. When you could have devoted your life to your own partner and family. I'm not saying women shouldnt work.....I'm saying the mentality of turning women into men, telling women their "liberation" is in the workforce and rejecting family is toxic and wrong.

I homeschool my 5 year old, and the other day she got really frustrated doing sight words and practicing reading. She flat out said "I dont want to read". So i told her that a long time ago, women were not allowed to learn to read. And that brave women stood up and fought so that today, she could learn to read and write and have an education. So now I'm teaching her about the suffragettes.

It's important that women are equal citizens in society. Pressuring us to be just like men though is misogyny. Women should be supported in their decisions.

The trans/gender shit is another huge money maker. Gender clinics are making shit tons of money by mauling and sterilizating children who have mental health issues. The entire thing is rooted in sexism and misogyny. If you go look at how much money is being put into transgenderism you'll puke and all that gender messaging will make sense. It's all marketing.

Your posts are always so long! hahaha

And you use that talk to text, thats cheating lol. Your posts will get shorter when you type them lol.

Anyway, Im not gonna be as long........ only my link will be equal to a Dovey Thread® hahaha.

First, thats great you doing home schooling, and trying to encourage in great ways.

You right about women in their 40s panic dating right now. That started several years ago. Females also have an internal time clock, trust me. Men just wind up having a mid life crisis to a degree lol.

Im all for everyone being treated equally and fairly, no matter the sex, skin color, or age. Its about character. And if you are of bad character, THEN you get treated differently. Like you dont wanna take care of your kids, wanna cheat on your lady, yeah.... treated different. Those just a couple examples.

Since you are not totally convinced on the depopulation thing, this will open your eyes. Mine were open already, but this is real in depth, and made me see MORE. Im gonna copy paste the link, I put a space after the letter "a" at the beginning. Copy paste in your browser, delete the extra space, and hit enter. It will blow you away. From a 1969 meeting, which the guy made a recording 20 years later, then suddenly died the next year. Its all there... everything thats been happening the last 50 years is stuff coming true from it. Though, it started long before that.

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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
@Blazor you can see easily how modern men view women by what porn is being consumed and how much.

And how men who SELF identify as women always have that hyperfeminity and porn style appearance.

Not only do we have a toxic patriarchal world that views women as a anyone can be a woman. We are being redefined in culture and legislation and if we are not defined in culture and law....there goes our rights.

Womens rights are now stripped down to abortion(which benefits mens on every level) so as long as abortion is legal, many women have no idea our actual rights have been stripped.

What liberal feminists is misogyny and the destruction of the family unit for the sexual and material benefit of men. And they dont even see it.

Watch how they degrade husbands and fathers as the "patriarchy" while supporting the corporate and political patriarchal elite that just destroyed our sex based rights by allowing men to SELF identify as women and taking our spaces, and our opportunities.

Not to mention how gender cult ideology is severely harming young girls who are getting their breasts removed and taking hormones and regretting it later. Liberal feminists push an idea that women being women is weak and to be mocked and that we must BE men.

As marriage declines and the family unit crumbles you can watch women become more depressed and have more anxiety and mental illness.

Human beings are meant to want committed companions. And family.

You're SO right.

THEY want to destroy the family unit, because it is part of the depopulation plan. Same with turning people gay, same with abortion, same with being independent, same with porn, etc.

I will always be a Man, and treat a Lady like a Lady. I am a Southern Gentleman. The real deal. THEY hate everything I stand for.

I have great respect for what all the Southern Ladies went through during the War of Northern Aggression.

I'm not totally convinced there is a depopulation plan but there is definately money to be made in what is being done.

Abortion alone pulls in ghoulish amounts of money. Convincing women to focus on careers over family.

You know liberal feminism really spits on women who want to be wives and mothers. They SAY it's about choice but it's obvious they look down on wives and mothers, especailly ones that dont work. They will view THAT as some patriarchal thing and "domesticated" women relying on a man is some form of slavery. Which is backwards as fuck.

The patriarchy isnt the man you are married to. Liberal feminists cannot even define patriarchy, theyve been trained to see it as traditional family units. Patriarchy is just a word for who runs the world. We live in a patriarchal world. One where women and womens needs are not well represented. It's so much bigger than a family unit. Also patriarchy isnt a bad just because it exists. But it can be very toxic and violent towards women. The most genuinely oppressed group of humans in the world are little girls. Patriarchy should be seen in a global context.

Western women who attack the family unit as patriarchy are spitting on the genuine oppression of women and girls globally.

If you are gonna "slave" for SHOULD be voluntary with someone you love who would die for your best interests. We get to chose the father of our children and traditional husbands and fathers devote their life to the betterment and care of their family. Strong family units are the foundation of a functioning and civil society. The more we tear that down with messaging that women should adopt all the worst most toxic traits of MEN.....the more it actually strengthens the toxic patriarchy that views women as pleasure objects for men or labor slaves for a workforce.

Women who chose careers over family often regret doing so. How sad to not share your life with a family. There are women right now in their 40s panick dating.

What is even the point of building wealth if you dont have a family? You've just spent your life slaving for men who dont give a real fuck about you. And you've helped them build wealth. When you could have devoted your life to your own partner and family. I'm not saying women shouldnt work.....I'm saying the mentality of turning women into men, telling women their "liberation" is in the workforce and rejecting family is toxic and wrong.

I homeschool my 5 year old, and the other day she got really frustrated doing sight words and practicing reading. She flat out said "I dont want to read". So i told her that a long time ago, women were not allowed to learn to read. And that brave women stood up and fought so that today, she could learn to read and write and have an education. So now I'm teaching her about the suffragettes.

It's important that women are equal citizens in society. Pressuring us to be just like men though is misogyny. Women should be supported in their decisions.

The trans/gender shit is another huge money maker. Gender clinics are making shit tons of money by mauling and sterilizating children who have mental health issues. The entire thing is rooted in sexism and misogyny. If you go look at how much money is being put into transgenderism you'll puke and all that gender messaging will make sense. It's all marketing.

Your posts are always so long! hahaha

And you use that talk to text, thats cheating lol. Your posts will get shorter when you type them lol.

Anyway, Im not gonna be as long........ only my link will be equal to a Dovey Thread® hahaha.

First, thats great you doing home schooling, and trying to encourage in great ways.

You right about women in their 40s panic dating right now. That started several years ago. Females also have an internal time clock, trust me. Men just wind up having a mid life crisis to a degree lol.

Im all for everyone being treated equally and fairly, no matter the sex, skin color, or age. Its about character. And if you are of bad character, THEN you get treated differently. Like you dont wanna take care of your kids, wanna cheat on your lady, yeah.... treated different. Those just a couple examples.

Since you are not totally convinced on the depopulation thing, this will open your eyes. Mine were open already, but this is real in depth, and made me see MORE. Im gonna copy paste the link, I put a space after the letter "a" at the beginning. Copy paste in your browser, delete the extra space, and hit enter. It will blow you away. From a 1969 meeting, which the guy made a recording 20 years later, then suddenly died the next year. Its all there... everything thats been happening the last 50 years is stuff coming true from it. Though, it started long before that.

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I know some of my posts are long. It's not long when I'm talking lol. I dont even notice until it posts lol

I'm thinking about video responses for longer posts to make sure it stays interesting lol.


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In honor of Women's History Month.....

Alice Thompson, an example of the courageous women of the South. Picking up a fallen battleflag and rallying the Confederate soldiers. From the 1900 issue of Confederate Veteran --

On the morning of March 3, 1863, the battle of Thompson Station was fought. Before day the inhabitants of this little village were in great confusion. Most of the women and children who lived here left and went a mile or two away to their neighbors. The lines of the battle ran east and west, the Confederates south, and the Federals north of the station. The Confederates were commanded by Gens. Van Dorn and Forrest, and the Federals by Gen. Colburn. The battle began about nine o'clock in the morning, and lasted nearly all day. The roar of the cannon and small arms, mixed with the groans of the wounded and dying, was incessant.

Before the battle began, Alice Thompson, a young girl of sixteen, left home and started across the country to a neighbor‘s, but the Confederate and Federal sharpshooters began shooting at one another, and, seeing her danger, she took refuge in Lieut. Bank’s cellar with his family, he being engaged in the battle. They had to remain here all day. The Confederates charged, but were driven back. This did not seem to discourage them, for they charged the third time and were being driven back the third time, and as they passed the cellar where the women were, their color bearer was shot down. When Alice Thompson (after whose father, Dr. Elijah Thompson, the place was named) saw this, she sprang out of the cellar, caught the flag, and waved it over her head. Col. S. G. Earle, of the Third Arkansas Regiment, saw her and shouted, “Boys, a woman has your flag.” Then the Rebels raised a yell and drove the Yankees back. While she upheld the flag, a bombshell fell within a few feet of her throwing dirt all over her, but fortunately did not explode. The soldiers pushed her back in the cellar. She took her skirts off, and gave them to bind up the wounds of the Confederates.

Alice Thompson had a brother and a lover in this battle. She afterwards married that lover, Dr. D. H. Dungan, who was a brigade surgeon.



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One young Georgia farm wife was standing by her home with her son by her side when the Yankees carried off her chickens. When asked whether she thought the war would soon be over she said:

"Our men will fight you as long as they live and this boy will fight you when he grows up."
