The 'Post shit that will annoy Lotus' thread


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Gas chambers? ahahaha GTFO you dumb wench.

Somehow I doubt you have a problem with black, brown or yellow Nationalism, only the white variety.

You "somehow" are a fucking idiot that cries foul about your weak ass troll. I "somehow" think you're too fucking stupid to know the difference between the Nazism and White Nationalism. Much like "somehow" not knowing the difference between the letter "A" and the letter "Z."

So. Now allegedly "I probably wouldn't have a problem" if minorities were to fall into your retarded vortex of thinking?

Explain this fool.

You liberals think that there is nothing wrong with minorities sticking to their own, but when whites do it you claim it's wrong and evil.

How is Nationalism retarded BTW? Does this include Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism?

Are you anti-Israel? Ohmagerd, what are you, some kind of Nazi????

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.
Race Mixers get the rope! Wench!

Boy, between you and Aryan, representing White Nationalism, I'm sure Hitler is turning over in his grave as we speak.

Keep up the good work. What's next? Having a bake sale?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Gas chambers? ahahaha GTFO you dumb wench.

Somehow I doubt you have a problem with black, brown or yellow Nationalism, only the white variety.

You "somehow" are a fucking idiot that cries foul about your weak ass troll. I "somehow" think you're too fucking stupid to know the difference between the Nazism and White Nationalism. Much like "somehow" not knowing the difference between the letter "A" and the letter "Z."

So. Now allegedly "I probably wouldn't have a problem" if minorities were to fall into your retarded vortex of thinking?

Explain this fool.

You liberals think that there is nothing wrong with minorities sticking to their own, but when whites do it you claim it's wrong and evil.

How is Nationalism retarded BTW? Does this include Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism?

Are you anti-Israel? Ohmagerd, what are you, some kind of Nazi????

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.
Race Mixers get the rope! Wench!

Boy, between you and Aryan, representing White Nationalism, I'm sure Hitler is turning over in his grave as we speak.

Keep up the good work. What's next? Having a bake sale?
Is that meant to be funny and/or offensive guttermouth?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Gas chambers? ahahaha GTFO you dumb wench.

Somehow I doubt you have a problem with black, brown or yellow Nationalism, only the white variety.

You "somehow" are a fucking idiot that cries foul about your weak ass troll. I "somehow" think you're too fucking stupid to know the difference between the Nazism and White Nationalism. Much like "somehow" not knowing the difference between the letter "A" and the letter "Z."

So. Now allegedly "I probably wouldn't have a problem" if minorities were to fall into your retarded vortex of thinking?

Explain this fool.

You liberals think that there is nothing wrong with minorities sticking to their own, but when whites do it you claim it's wrong and evil.

How is Nationalism retarded BTW? Does this include Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism?

Are you anti-Israel? Ohmagerd, what are you, some kind of Nazi????

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.
Race Mixers get the rope! Wench!

Boy, between you and Aryan, representing White Nationalism, I'm sure Hitler is turning over in his grave as we speak.

Keep up the good work. What's next? Having a bake sale?
Is that meant to be funny and/or offensive guttermouth?

It's mean't to show the absurdity of your picture and statement you fucking knuckle head.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Gas chambers? ahahaha GTFO you dumb wench.

Somehow I doubt you have a problem with black, brown or yellow Nationalism, only the white variety.

You "somehow" are a fucking idiot that cries foul about your weak ass troll. I "somehow" think you're too fucking stupid to know the difference between the Nazism and White Nationalism. Much like "somehow" not knowing the difference between the letter "A" and the letter "Z."

So. Now allegedly "I probably wouldn't have a problem" if minorities were to fall into your retarded vortex of thinking?

Explain this fool.

You liberals think that there is nothing wrong with minorities sticking to their own, but when whites do it you claim it's wrong and evil.

How is Nationalism retarded BTW? Does this include Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism?

Are you anti-Israel? Ohmagerd, what are you, some kind of Nazi????

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.
Race Mixers get the rope! Wench!

Boy, between you and Aryan, representing White Nationalism, I'm sure Hitler is turning over in his grave as we speak.

Keep up the good work. What's next? Having a bake sale?
Is that meant to be funny and/or offensive guttermouth?

It's mean't to show the absurdity of your picture and statement you fucking knuckle head.
The fuck does "mean't" mean? You meant meant idiot... Mea not lol mean it lol


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Gas chambers? ahahaha GTFO you dumb wench.

Somehow I doubt you have a problem with black, brown or yellow Nationalism, only the white variety.

You "somehow" are a fucking idiot that cries foul about your weak ass troll. I "somehow" think you're too fucking stupid to know the difference between the Nazism and White Nationalism. Much like "somehow" not knowing the difference between the letter "A" and the letter "Z."

So. Now allegedly "I probably wouldn't have a problem" if minorities were to fall into your retarded vortex of thinking?

Explain this fool.

You liberals think that there is nothing wrong with minorities sticking to their own, but when whites do it you claim it's wrong and evil.

How is Nationalism retarded BTW? Does this include Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism?

Are you anti-Israel? Ohmagerd, what are you, some kind of Nazi????

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.
Race Mixers get the rope! Wench!

Boy, between you and Aryan, representing White Nationalism, I'm sure Hitler is turning over in his grave as we speak.

Keep up the good work. What's next? Having a bake sale?
Is that meant to be funny and/or offensive guttermouth?

It's mean't to show the absurdity of your picture and statement you fucking knuckle head.
The fuck does "mean't" mean? You meant meant idiot... Mea not lol mean it lol

SO. After I answered your barely lucid question, you ask yet another retarded question.

Fucking moron.


The Swamp
Gas chambers? ahahaha GTFO you dumb wench.

Somehow I doubt you have a problem with black, brown or yellow Nationalism, only the white variety.

You "somehow" are a fucking idiot that cries foul about your weak ass troll. I "somehow" think you're too fucking stupid to know the difference between the Nazism and White Nationalism. Much like "somehow" not knowing the difference between the letter "A" and the letter "Z."

So. Now allegedly "I probably wouldn't have a problem" if minorities were to fall into your retarded vortex of thinking?

Explain this fool.

You liberals think that there is nothing wrong with minorities sticking to their own, but when whites do it you claim it's wrong and evil.

How is Nationalism retarded BTW? Does this include Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism?

Are you anti-Israel? Ohmagerd, what are you, some kind of Nazi????

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.
Race Mixers get the rope! Wench!

Boy, between you and Aryan, representing White Nationalism, I'm sure Hitler is turning over in his grave as we speak.

Keep up the good work. What's next? Having a bake sale?
Is that meant to be funny and/or offensive guttermouth?

It's mean't to show the absurdity of your picture and statement you fucking knuckle head.
The fuck does "mean't" mean? You meant meant idiot... Mea not lol mean it lol

SO. After I answered your barely lucid question, you ask yet another retarded question.

Fucking moron.
Broken record. Broken brain. Yet others are the thats rich and funny.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Gas chambers? ahahaha GTFO you dumb wench.

Somehow I doubt you have a problem with black, brown or yellow Nationalism, only the white variety.

You "somehow" are a fucking idiot that cries foul about your weak ass troll. I "somehow" think you're too fucking stupid to know the difference between the Nazism and White Nationalism. Much like "somehow" not knowing the difference between the letter "A" and the letter "Z."

So. Now allegedly "I probably wouldn't have a problem" if minorities were to fall into your retarded vortex of thinking?

Explain this fool.

You liberals think that there is nothing wrong with minorities sticking to their own, but when whites do it you claim it's wrong and evil.

How is Nationalism retarded BTW? Does this include Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism?

Are you anti-Israel? Ohmagerd, what are you, some kind of Nazi????

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.
Race Mixers get the rope! Wench!

Boy, between you and Aryan, representing White Nationalism, I'm sure Hitler is turning over in his grave as we speak.

Keep up the good work. What's next? Having a bake sale?
Is that meant to be funny and/or offensive guttermouth?

It's mean't to show the absurdity of your picture and statement you fucking knuckle head.
The fuck does "mean't" mean? You meant meant idiot... Mea not lol mean it lol

SO. After I answered your barely lucid question, you ask yet another retarded question.

Fucking moron.
It's not me it's you hoooo!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Gas chambers? ahahaha GTFO you dumb wench.

Somehow I doubt you have a problem with black, brown or yellow Nationalism, only the white variety.

You "somehow" are a fucking idiot that cries foul about your weak ass troll. I "somehow" think you're too fucking stupid to know the difference between the Nazism and White Nationalism. Much like "somehow" not knowing the difference between the letter "A" and the letter "Z."

So. Now allegedly "I probably wouldn't have a problem" if minorities were to fall into your retarded vortex of thinking?

Explain this fool.

You liberals think that there is nothing wrong with minorities sticking to their own, but when whites do it you claim it's wrong and evil.

How is Nationalism retarded BTW? Does this include Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism?

Are you anti-Israel? Ohmagerd, what are you, some kind of Nazi????

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.
Race Mixers get the rope! Wench!

Boy, between you and Aryan, representing White Nationalism, I'm sure Hitler is turning over in his grave as we speak.

Keep up the good work. What's next? Having a bake sale?
Is that meant to be funny and/or offensive guttermouth?

It's mean't to show the absurdity of your picture and statement you fucking knuckle head.
The fuck does "mean't" mean? You meant meant idiot... Mea not lol mean it lol

SO. After I answered your barely lucid question, you ask yet another retarded question.

Fucking moron.
Broken record. Broken brain. Yet others are the thats rich and funny.

Thanks for the retarded commentary Howard Cosell.

Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Gas chambers? ahahaha GTFO you dumb wench.

Somehow I doubt you have a problem with black, brown or yellow Nationalism, only the white variety.

You "somehow" are a fucking idiot that cries foul about your weak ass troll. I "somehow" think you're too fucking stupid to know the difference between the Nazism and White Nationalism. Much like "somehow" not knowing the difference between the letter "A" and the letter "Z."

So. Now allegedly "I probably wouldn't have a problem" if minorities were to fall into your retarded vortex of thinking?

Explain this fool.

You liberals think that there is nothing wrong with minorities sticking to their own, but when whites do it you claim it's wrong and evil.

How is Nationalism retarded BTW? Does this include Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism?

Are you anti-Israel? Ohmagerd, what are you, some kind of Nazi????

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.

1) Liberals are usually the ones who get bent out of shape over people with my beliefs as you are doing now.

2) So you have a problem with black, brown and white Nationalism? Care to explain why?

3) Black hubby and mixed mongrel kinder huh?

Uneducated white trash? This 'uneducated' Nazi has been verbally sodomising your hysterical ass for years, so if I'm dumb then what does that make you, lil miss crack fiend?

One last thing, what are your views on the US becoming a non-white majority in a few years time? Do you have a problem with it or don't you mind? If you're ok with it, I suggest you ask your parents what their views are. I suspect that unless they're old ex hippies they won't be too happy about the demographic changes.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Gas chambers? ahahaha GTFO you dumb wench.

Somehow I doubt you have a problem with black, brown or yellow Nationalism, only the white variety.

You "somehow" are a fucking idiot that cries foul about your weak ass troll. I "somehow" think you're too fucking stupid to know the difference between the Nazism and White Nationalism. Much like "somehow" not knowing the difference between the letter "A" and the letter "Z."

So. Now allegedly "I probably wouldn't have a problem" if minorities were to fall into your retarded vortex of thinking?

Explain this fool.

You liberals think that there is nothing wrong with minorities sticking to their own, but when whites do it you claim it's wrong and evil.

How is Nationalism retarded BTW? Does this include Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism?

Are you anti-Israel? Ohmagerd, what are you, some kind of Nazi????

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.
Race Mixers get the rope! Wench!

Boy, between you and Aryan, representing White Nationalism, I'm sure Hitler is turning over in his grave as we speak.

Keep up the good work. What's next? Having a bake sale?

This long suffering poor bastard hubby of yours, is he white?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Gas chambers? ahahaha GTFO you dumb wench.

Somehow I doubt you have a problem with black, brown or yellow Nationalism, only the white variety.

You "somehow" are a fucking idiot that cries foul about your weak ass troll. I "somehow" think you're too fucking stupid to know the difference between the Nazism and White Nationalism. Much like "somehow" not knowing the difference between the letter "A" and the letter "Z."

So. Now allegedly "I probably wouldn't have a problem" if minorities were to fall into your retarded vortex of thinking?

Explain this fool.

You liberals think that there is nothing wrong with minorities sticking to their own, but when whites do it you claim it's wrong and evil.

How is Nationalism retarded BTW? Does this include Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism?

Are you anti-Israel? Ohmagerd, what are you, some kind of Nazi????

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.

1) Liberals are usually the ones who get bent out of shape over people with my beliefs as you are doing now.

2) So you have a problem with black, brown and white Nationalism? Care to explain why?

3) Black hubby and mixed mongrel kinder huh?

Uneducated white trash? This 'uneducated' Nazi has been verbally sodomising your hysterical ass for years, so if I'm dumb then what does that make you, lil miss crack fiend?

One last thing, what are your views on the US becoming a non-white majority in a few years time? Do you have a problem with it or don't you mind? If you're ok with it, I suggest you ask your parents what their views are. I suspect that unless they're old ex hippies they won't be too happy about the demographic changes.

I will rephrase my question AGAIN. You seem to have lost the will to read. So, just for you I will repeat myself.

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Gas chambers? ahahaha GTFO you dumb wench.

Somehow I doubt you have a problem with black, brown or yellow Nationalism, only the white variety.

You "somehow" are a fucking idiot that cries foul about your weak ass troll. I "somehow" think you're too fucking stupid to know the difference between the Nazism and White Nationalism. Much like "somehow" not knowing the difference between the letter "A" and the letter "Z."

So. Now allegedly "I probably wouldn't have a problem" if minorities were to fall into your retarded vortex of thinking?

Explain this fool.

You liberals think that there is nothing wrong with minorities sticking to their own, but when whites do it you claim it's wrong and evil.

How is Nationalism retarded BTW? Does this include Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism?

Are you anti-Israel? Ohmagerd, what are you, some kind of Nazi????

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.
Race Mixers get the rope! Wench!

Boy, between you and Aryan, representing White Nationalism, I'm sure Hitler is turning over in his grave as we speak.

Keep up the good work. What's next? Having a bake sale?

This long suffering poor bastard hubby of yours, is he white?


You wanna try and ass fuck him if he is?
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Gas chambers? ahahaha GTFO you dumb wench.

Somehow I doubt you have a problem with black, brown or yellow Nationalism, only the white variety.

You "somehow" are a fucking idiot that cries foul about your weak ass troll. I "somehow" think you're too fucking stupid to know the difference between the Nazism and White Nationalism. Much like "somehow" not knowing the difference between the letter "A" and the letter "Z."

So. Now allegedly "I probably wouldn't have a problem" if minorities were to fall into your retarded vortex of thinking?

Explain this fool.

You liberals think that there is nothing wrong with minorities sticking to their own, but when whites do it you claim it's wrong and evil.

How is Nationalism retarded BTW? Does this include Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism?

Are you anti-Israel? Ohmagerd, what are you, some kind of Nazi????

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.

1) Liberals are usually the ones who get bent out of shape over people with my beliefs as you are doing now.

2) So you have a problem with black, brown and white Nationalism? Care to explain why?

3) Black hubby and mixed mongrel kinder huh?

Uneducated white trash? This 'uneducated' Nazi has been verbally sodomising your hysterical ass for years, so if I'm dumb then what does that make you, lil miss crack fiend?

One last thing, what are your views on the US becoming a non-white majority in a few years time? Do you have a problem with it or don't you mind? If you're ok with it, I suggest you ask your parents what their views are. I suspect that unless they're old ex hippies they won't be too happy about the demographic changes.

I will rephrase my question AGAIN. You seem to have lost the will to read. So, just for you I will repeat myself.

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.

Did you really just basically copy n paste this post, minus a few word changes?

I'm done responding to you in any kind of serious manner, you're evidently just trolling and haven't a fucking clue what you're rambling on about.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Gas chambers? ahahaha GTFO you dumb wench.

Somehow I doubt you have a problem with black, brown or yellow Nationalism, only the white variety.

You "somehow" are a fucking idiot that cries foul about your weak ass troll. I "somehow" think you're too fucking stupid to know the difference between the Nazism and White Nationalism. Much like "somehow" not knowing the difference between the letter "A" and the letter "Z."

So. Now allegedly "I probably wouldn't have a problem" if minorities were to fall into your retarded vortex of thinking?

Explain this fool.

You liberals think that there is nothing wrong with minorities sticking to their own, but when whites do it you claim it's wrong and evil.

How is Nationalism retarded BTW? Does this include Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism?

Are you anti-Israel? Ohmagerd, what are you, some kind of Nazi????

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.
Race Mixers get the rope! Wench!

Boy, between you and Aryan, representing White Nationalism, I'm sure Hitler is turning over in his grave as we speak.

Keep up the good work. What's next? Having a bake sale?

This long suffering poor bastard hubby of yours, is he white?


You wanna try and ass fuck him if he is?

Nah, he likely gets enough of that kind of action from you.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
@Aryan I got something for ya
So I was browsing 4Chan and came across this beauty Lmfao

"Just remember, for a bag of chips and a bottle of IRN-BRU you can shove your superior English cock up her flower of Scotland and stir last nights haggis"
Baha fuckin killed me!
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I saw that Britain First bird confront wee kranky in the street and she shit it and ran off squealing the usual "yooor a racist fascist!!" bollocks at her.

These establishment politicians are absolute cowards and don't know what to do on the rare occasion someone challenges them in public.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I saw that Britain First bird confront wee kranky in the street and she shit it and ran off squealing the usual "yooor a racist fascist!!" bollocks at her.

These establishment politicians are absolute cowards and don't know what to do on the rare occasion someone challenges them in public.
Indeed, at this point I don't even recognise Scotland as a country... I'm British and nothing else, I didn't even vote on Thursday, no point...


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Nah man, we got SNP, Tories or Labour... I usually vote Conservative but there's no point in continuing as it's clear this land is full of anti-English parasites, fuck all else matters to these sweaty sock cunts! I've always said it "beautiful country full of not so beautiful people"... If we get that toxic independance I'm moving to England...
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
The irony is, you have less non-whites than we do, but more white lefties! So the shit libtard parties keep getting voted in.

We have liberals too but they tend to be down south and in the big cities, up north and in smaller towns there's more right leaning people. Many traditionally always voted Labour but turned their back on them when it became evident that all Labour cares about is Muslims and filling the country with more immigrants.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Labour was the main party up here until the SNP, I'm classed as a heathen because I've always voted tory, my pals wince at my political views... I'm like you, I only care about my race and our right to exist as a proud people in our homelands, absolutely no time for those who want to wash us into extinction in favour of races that in 1000s of years have never changed or improved... I'm willing to die for my folk and praying for ww3