The 'Post shit that will annoy Lotus' thread


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Gas chambers? ahahaha GTFO you dumb wench.

Somehow I doubt you have a problem with black, brown or yellow Nationalism, only the white variety.

You "somehow" are a fucking idiot that cries foul about your weak ass troll. I "somehow" think you're too fucking stupid to know the difference between the Nazism and White Nationalism. Much like "somehow" not knowing the difference between the letter "A" and the letter "Z."

So. Now allegedly "I probably wouldn't have a problem" if minorities were to fall into your retarded vortex of thinking?

Explain this fool.

You liberals think that there is nothing wrong with minorities sticking to their own, but when whites do it you claim it's wrong and evil.

How is Nationalism retarded BTW? Does this include Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism?

Are you anti-Israel? Ohmagerd, what are you, some kind of Nazi????

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.

1) Liberals are usually the ones who get bent out of shape over people with my beliefs as you are doing now.

2) So you have a problem with black, brown and white Nationalism? Care to explain why?

3) Black hubby and mixed mongrel kinder huh?

Uneducated white trash? This 'uneducated' Nazi has been verbally sodomising your hysterical ass for years, so if I'm dumb then what does that make you, lil miss crack fiend?

One last thing, what are your views on the US becoming a non-white majority in a few years time? Do you have a problem with it or don't you mind? If you're ok with it, I suggest you ask your parents what their views are. I suspect that unless they're old ex hippies they won't be too happy about the demographic changes.

I will rephrase my question AGAIN. You seem to have lost the will to read. So, just for you I will repeat myself.

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.

Did you really just basically copy n paste this post, minus a few word changes?

I'm done responding to you in any kind of serious manner, you're evidently just trolling and haven't a fucking clue what you're rambling on about.

Hey fucktard. You act like me repeating myself to you is a fucking surprise. You called me a Liberal and I asked for you to point out where I ever even posted that shit. Then you just act like I ever confirmed being one, and go on a dipshit tirade about the evils of being a "lib."

Now your only response to my many questions which bring your allegations against me to the point of shitty fiction copying and pasting?

Have you lost your fucking mind you shrill little man? You are if not one of the stupidest dumb fucks around here. You try and use White Nationlism as a soapbox, otherwise your grating and otherwise without merit crap would be forgotten faster than I can say that Dovey is still a fucking no kid having drug addict whore.

You pull a fucking Matrix move everytime someone calls into question your mediocre attempts at distorting history. Then you have this history of not wanting to read "their" posts any more all the while not giving one fucking shred of contradictory claims against your 5th grade attempts at re-telling the past.

Oh. I love how now "I'm rambling." But your unimaginative meth and asylum angles about me you'll read, because "now I'm trolling?" Damn. Boy!!?? How stupid is you?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Gas chambers? ahahaha GTFO you dumb wench.

Somehow I doubt you have a problem with black, brown or yellow Nationalism, only the white variety.

You "somehow" are a fucking idiot that cries foul about your weak ass troll. I "somehow" think you're too fucking stupid to know the difference between the Nazism and White Nationalism. Much like "somehow" not knowing the difference between the letter "A" and the letter "Z."

So. Now allegedly "I probably wouldn't have a problem" if minorities were to fall into your retarded vortex of thinking?

Explain this fool.

You liberals think that there is nothing wrong with minorities sticking to their own, but when whites do it you claim it's wrong and evil.

How is Nationalism retarded BTW? Does this include Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism?

Are you anti-Israel? Ohmagerd, what are you, some kind of Nazi????

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.
Race Mixers get the rope! Wench!

Boy, between you and Aryan, representing White Nationalism, I'm sure Hitler is turning over in his grave as we speak.

Keep up the good work. What's next? Having a bake sale?

This long suffering poor bastard hubby of yours, is he white?


You wanna try and ass fuck him if he is?

Nah, he likely gets enough of that kind of action from you.

So let's say I do let my husband bang my ass once in a while...let me guess...that makes me a Jewish Lib, hellbent on taking over the world while trying to exterminate all the white people with high interest rates through all the banks we own?

Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I'll keep this short and sweet, something evidently you're incapable of...

You haven't admitted to being a liberal but you behave like one. Get it? Do you understand or would you like me to simplify the statement and tardsplain for you?

I asked you if you had a problem with black or brown Nationalism as you appear to have with White Nationalism, no response other than your trademark screeching and squealing like a meth'd up banshee.

I can point you to many sources which debunk what you were taught in history class concerning WW2, would you like some? Will you even bother to read them? If not, there's really no point.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I'll keep this short and sweet, something evidently you're incapable of...

You haven't admitted to being a liberal but you behave like one. Get it? Do you understand or would you like me to simplify the statement and tardsplain for you?

I asked you if you had a problem with black or brown Nationalism as you appear to have with White Nationalism, no response other than your trademark screeching and squealing like a meth'd up banshee.

I can point you to many sources which debunk what you were taught in history class concerning WW2, would you like some? Will you even bother to read them? If not, there's really no point.

Let me get this straight Mr. Mein Kampf. So you readily admit to NEVER EVER seeing me admit to being a "Liberal." Yet, because I think you and your belly crawling breathern should be injected with Covid-19 and H.I.V. at the same time, does not mean that I'm automatically a "Liberal."

Explain to me why a self-proclaimed "Nazi" would want to assume facts without trying to actually find out my real political leanings? I'll tell you why you camel's ass. It's because I'm not a simple minded fool to sit here and read your flights of fancy without beating in your brains evertime you contradict yourself and making shit up on the fly.

In regard to my stance on whether I would support multi racial Nationalism? My feeling is that it's as stupid as White Nationalism. Any kind of ideology that has a basis of hate inspired themes is not a movement nor has any kind of political cause whatsoever, anyone thinking contrary needs to get their head checked.

So now you're into "debunking things?" How about you start and "debunk" this? Post a picture with you smiling, just so we can all see if you still need more dental work done.


Cold as Ice
Site Supporter
East of the Rockies West of the rest
I'll keep this short and sweet, something evidently you're incapable of...

You haven't admitted to being a liberal but you behave like one. Get it? Do you understand or would you like me to simplify the statement and tardsplain for you?

I asked you if you had a problem with black or brown Nationalism as you appear to have with White Nationalism, no response other than your trademark screeching and squealing like a meth'd up banshee.

I can point you to many sources which debunk what you were taught in history class concerning WW2, would you like some? Will you even bother to read them? If not, there's really no point.

Let me get this straight Mr. Mein Kampf. So you readily admit to NEVER EVER seeing me admit to being a "Liberal." Yet, because I think you and your belly crawling breathern should be injected with Covid-19 and H.I.V. at the same time, does not mean that I'm automatically a "Liberal."

Explain to me why a self-proclaimed "Nazi" would want to assume facts without trying to actually find out my real political leanings? I'll tell you why you camel's ass. It's because I'm not a simple minded fool to sit here and read your flights of fancy without beating in your brains evertime you contradict yourself and making shit up on the fly.

In regard to my stance on whether I would support multi racial Nationalism? My feeling is that it's as stupid as White Nationalism. Any kind of ideology that has a basis of hate inspired themes is not a movement nor has any kind of political cause whatsoever, anyone thinking contrary needs to get their head checked.

So now you're into "debunking things?" How about you start and "debunk" this? Post a picture with you smiling, just so we can all see if you still need more dental work done.

That's a whole lot of words that I didn't read so can we just cut to the chase and you post a pic of your saggy tits?
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I'll keep this short and sweet, something evidently you're incapable of...

You haven't admitted to being a liberal but you behave like one. Get it? Do you understand or would you like me to simplify the statement and tardsplain for you?

I asked you if you had a problem with black or brown Nationalism as you appear to have with White Nationalism, no response other than your trademark screeching and squealing like a meth'd up banshee.

I can point you to many sources which debunk what you were taught in history class concerning WW2, would you like some? Will you even bother to read them? If not, there's really no point.

Let me get this straight Mr. Mein Kampf. So you readily admit to NEVER EVER seeing me admit to being a "Liberal." Yet, because I think you and your belly crawling breathern should be injected with Covid-19 and H.I.V. at the same time, does not mean that I'm automatically a "Liberal."

Explain to me why a self-proclaimed "Nazi" would want to assume facts without trying to actually find out my real political leanings? I'll tell you why you camel's ass. It's because I'm not a simple minded fool to sit here and read your flights of fancy without beating in your brains evertime you contradict yourself and making shit up on the fly.

In regard to my stance on whether I would support multi racial Nationalism? My feeling is that it's as stupid as White Nationalism. Any kind of ideology that has a basis of hate inspired themes is not a movement nor has any kind of political cause whatsoever, anyone thinking contrary needs to get their head checked.

So now you're into "debunking things?" How about you start and "debunk" this? Post a picture with you smiling, just so we can all see if you still need more dental work done.

Yeah right, I'll do that when you post a recent pic of yourself, not one from 2001...

Listen you feral fucking rodent, why is it such a stretch to assume someone who has a dislike for Nationalism is a leftist, considering it's usually those kind of people who harbour that sentiment?

Why do you regard Nationalism as 'hate'? You do realise that you're parroting liberal rhetoric by making statements like that? BTW you never did answer if you believe Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism is hate.... are you pro Israel?

Just because you have a bi-racial family and an African husband doesn't mean that all white people agree with miscegenation and want to muddy their genepool. Some blacks believe the same thing also, I'd post that old clip of Mohammad Ali expressing the same opinion on a talk show but I really can't be bothered looking for it.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I'll keep this short and sweet, something evidently you're incapable of...

You haven't admitted to being a liberal but you behave like one. Get it? Do you understand or would you like me to simplify the statement and tardsplain for you?

I asked you if you had a problem with black or brown Nationalism as you appear to have with White Nationalism, no response other than your trademark screeching and squealing like a meth'd up banshee.

I can point you to many sources which debunk what you were taught in history class concerning WW2, would you like some? Will you even bother to read them? If not, there's really no point.

Let me get this straight Mr. Mein Kampf. So you readily admit to NEVER EVER seeing me admit to being a "Liberal." Yet, because I think you and your belly crawling breathern should be injected with Covid-19 and H.I.V. at the same time, does not mean that I'm automatically a "Liberal."

Explain to me why a self-proclaimed "Nazi" would want to assume facts without trying to actually find out my real political leanings? I'll tell you why you camel's ass. It's because I'm not a simple minded fool to sit here and read your flights of fancy without beating in your brains evertime you contradict yourself and making shit up on the fly.

In regard to my stance on whether I would support multi racial Nationalism? My feeling is that it's as stupid as White Nationalism. Any kind of ideology that has a basis of hate inspired themes is not a movement nor has any kind of political cause whatsoever, anyone thinking contrary needs to get their head checked.

So now you're into "debunking things?" How about you start and "debunk" this? Post a picture with you smiling, just so we can all see if you still need more dental work done.

Yeah right, I'll do that when you post a recent pic of yourself, not one from 2001...

Listen you feral fucking rodent, why is it such a stretch to assume someone who has a dislike for Nationalism is a leftist, considering it's usually those kind of people who harbour that sentiment?

Why do you regard Nationalism as 'hate'? You do realise that you're parroting liberal rhetoric by making statements like that? BTW you never did answer if you believe Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism is hate.... are you pro Israel?

Just because you have a bi-racial family and an African husband doesn't mean that all white people agree with miscegenation and want to muddy their genepool. Some blacks believe the same thing also, I'd post that old clip of Mohammad Ali expressing the same opinion on a talk show but I really can't be bothered looking for it.

Here comes the tsunami of deflections. How do you know the picture of myself and the mutt is from 2001? Can you prove this? Because, if you can then that would mean you could travel back into time and make things older than they are. Is that what you're saying? Why even stop there idiot? Why not also claim that the holocaust was a jedi mind trick to garner sympathy for the "allies?"

I repeat my request that you post any of my posts that explicitly say I am a "liberal." You can't, which makes you one stupid mother fucker that has to airclaim his way out of a 6 feet deep hole you dug for yourself. Once again, just because I think your outdated and extremely ignorant views on life in general are arcane, that doesn't necessarily mean I'm a "liberal."

As far as having a biracial family unit, if that were even remotely true, then you and I would finally have something in common.

Fun times!
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Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
No muds in my family, Missy.

I've already openly stated that I haven't seen you admit to being a liberal, in fact I even recall you saying you're a Canadian cuckservative, which by Canada's standards is basically the same as a libtard in the US or UK. I came to the conclusion I did because of your hysterical hostility to White Nationalism, which is a direct result of indoctrination and conditioning which you've been inflicted with back in school and through the mainstream media, TV, movies etc.

Fortunately for people like myself who aren't weak minded, we were able to resist the brainwashing and think for ourselves. You should try it some time, lil Miss Salty Snatch, you'll thank me for it in the end.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
No muds in my family, Missy.

I've already openly stated that I haven't seen you admit to being a liberal, in fact I even recall you saying you're a Canadian cuckservative, which by Canada's standards is basically the same as a libtard in the US or UK. I came to the conclusion I did because of your hysterical hostility to White Nationalism, which is a direct result of indoctrination and conditioning which you've been inflicted with back in school and through the mainstream media, TV, movies etc.

Fortunately for people like myself who aren't weak minded, we were able to resist the brainwashing and think for ourselves. You should try it some time, lil Miss Salty Snatch, you'll thank me for it in the end.


Please give better evidence about me ever claiming to be a "Canadian Conservative." Again, why do you feel the need to make shit up in that obvious empty thing you call a head?

There is no "hostility" towards your silly ass dream of world wide genocide. I just feel you shouldn't hide behind wording and just come out and admit that you're just some closet fags that hate. I'd be willing to give you more respect. But you'd rather run around here playing the victim.

As for your comments on "being brainwashed," how does one come to hate and judge people by the color of their skin? If any one is brainwashed, it's you without a doubt.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
So you're not a Canadian living in the US? You definitely said that, perhaps you were lying, fuck knows, who cares.

See, this is exactly the sort of garbage that I'm talking about! World wide genocide? What the actual fuck are you talking about?! White Nationalists don't want to colonise the planet ffs, we just want to preserve our nations and drastically reduce immigration.

How am I playing 'victim'? So you deny that the state, the media, big tech, academia and just about every sector of society is fanatically opposed to racially conscious white people? Ever wondered why it only really applies to whites and you rarely hear about black or brown racism? The reason being, (((they))) regard us as a threat and rightly fucking so.

BTW I would explain who (((they))) are and what the brackets signify, but you're not ready yet.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
So you're not a Canadian living in the US? You definitely said that, perhaps you were lying, fuck knows, who cares.

See, this is exactly the sort of garbage that I'm talking about! World wide genocide? What the actual fuck are you talking about?! White Nationalists don't want to colonise the planet ffs, we just want to preserve our nations and drastically reduce immigration.

How am I playing 'victim'? So you deny that the state, the media, big tech, academia and just about every sector of society is fanatically opposed to racially conscious white people? Ever wondered why it only really applies to whites and you rarely hear about black or brown racism? The reason being, (((they))) regard us as a threat and rightly fucking so.

BTW I would explain who (((they))) are and what the brackets signify, but you're not ready yet.

Everyone knows i'm Canadian. Everyone knows I live in Washington State. What the fuck does have to do with me being a so-called Liberal you stupid fuck?

And how do you "preserve" something that is just an ideology? How could you possibly do that without the advent of force and clear bigotry? You can't. While you sit here and preach about blowing rainbow colored bubbles out your funky ass, I know you and your kind are full of hate and ignorance.

So now it's a wide world fucking conspiracy to keep the white man down and to water down the precious white gene pool? You actually believe this shit don't you?

Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Of course I believe it, you know why? Because it's true. How else would you explain the fact that Jews are notorious for promoting open borders and non-white immigration in white countries, yet oppose it in Israel? Evidently you aren't paying attention because it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out that there's clearly an agenda involved.

By preserve I'm talking about keeping white countries white, not allow subversive internationalists to turn them multicultural. Take London for example, the so called capital of the UK. White English are actually a minority there now. How fucked up is that? It's the equivalent of the Japanese becoming a minority in Tokyo. If you think that's 'ok' then there's clearly something wrong with you.

Everyone knows you're Cuckadian? Bitch plz, most people don't even think you're real and instead your handle is controlled by half a dozen curry munchers on student visas. Cuckadians are notoriously liberal and your irrational hostility towards White Nationalism further illustrates this. Unfortunately, you've fallen prey to the neo-Marxist propaganda which Comrade Lotustein is guilty of peddling.


Have kink will travel.
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Locustbug gets annoyed if it's her husband's turn to wear the strap on....


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
That's 1 Victorian Premier and two rats, or "2 Rats; 1 Cuck"...

You seem to have gerbils on the mind... (or your behind)


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
Gas chambers? ahahaha GTFO you dumb wench.

Somehow I doubt you have a problem with black, brown or yellow Nationalism, only the white variety.

You "somehow" are a fucking idiot that cries foul about your weak ass troll. I "somehow" think you're too fucking stupid to know the difference between the Nazism and White Nationalism. Much like "somehow" not knowing the difference between the letter "A" and the letter "Z."

So. Now allegedly "I probably wouldn't have a problem" if minorities were to fall into your retarded vortex of thinking?

Explain this fool.

You liberals think that there is nothing wrong with minorities sticking to their own, but when whites do it you claim it's wrong and evil.

How is Nationalism retarded BTW? Does this include Zionism aka Jewish Nationalism?

Are you anti-Israel? Ohmagerd, what are you, some kind of Nazi????

First off dummy, whoever said I was a "liberal?" Can you actually back up this retarded assertion?

Secondly, dipshit please post where I ever stated that, "It's okay for minorities to be Nationalists and it's not okay for whites to do so."

Lastly, I'm a free thinker and no matter how much you sugar coat your lame beliefs, it won't change the fact that you and your kind are nothing more than hate mongers who base their "beliefs" on the color of skin.

You wanna talk about some of the most idiotic ideologies in history? It comes directly from stupid uneducated white trash like yourself.

Try again in your lame attempt to spin the truth. Don't think I didn't notice your "No Yuo" statement on whether I was a Nazi sympathizer. I'm not the one trying to troll Lotus Bud with your oudated rhetoric.
Race Mixers get the rope! Wench!

Boy, between you and Aryan, representing White Nationalism, I'm sure Hitler is turning over in his grave as we speak.

Keep up the good work. What's next? Having a bake sale?

This long suffering poor bastard hubby of yours, is he white?


You wanna try and ass fuck him if he is?

Nah, he likely gets enough of that kind of action from you

So let's say I do let my husband bang my ass once in a while...l

Yes ..yes it is..

This is interesting..

Balls deep in your pooper.. must be invigorating.. Ask him for a donkey punch next time .. open up your pink change purse


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Of course I believe it, you know why? Because it's true. How else would you explain the fact that Jews are notorious for promoting open borders and non-white immigration in white countries, yet oppose it in Israel? Evidently you aren't paying attention because it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out that there's clearly an agenda involved.

By preserve I'm talking about keeping white countries white, not allow subversive internationalists to turn them multicultural. Take London for example, the so called capital of the UK. White English are actually a minority there now. How fucked up is that? It's the equivalent of the Japanese becoming a minority in Tokyo. If you think that's 'ok' then there's clearly something wrong with you.

Everyone knows you're Cuckadian? Bitch plz, most people don't even think you're real and instead your handle is controlled by half a dozen curry munchers on student visas. Cuckadians are notoriously liberal and your irrational hostility towards White Nationalism further illustrates this. Unfortunately, you've fallen prey to the neo-Marxist propaganda which Comrade Lotustein is guilty of peddling.

Your Jewish conspiracy is laughable at best. Only a fucking stupid fucker would think that "ALL JEWISH" people have an "agenda" to kill off every single Anglo Saxon here on planet earth. It's this retarded version of your bizarro wannabe history that makes you and your kind the laughing stock in the annals of history. Try again.

Then that would mean that you would take your sorry asses back to England and Europe and give back the countries that they claimed for the crown. Unfortunately, only a small minority of "people" believe in your clear as day bigotry. Your kind started the mixing of the gene pool. Now you sit here and whine about having an all white country, when it was your brethren that started all this through slavery and wars.

Say what you want you stupid fuck. But the fact that you have to try and guess my political leanings only goes to show that "Nazi's" like yourself are nothing more than idiot drones flying around trying to pass off an "agenda" no one believes in because it's outdated just like your views on genocide.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Lotus, is that yooo?

Here you are spewing liberal rhetoric from your anus, yet you complain when accused of being one? Unbelievable.

Where have I said ALL Jewish people have an agenda? A certain cabal of Globalists control society from behind the scenes, not all are Jewish but a disproportionately large number are. These are the people who wish to eradicate borders and create an eventual one world government situated in Israel. It's essentially a Zionist scheme but lots of non-Jews are complicit with the plan for various reaons, mainly bribery and blackmail.

I assume by "my kind" you're referring to the British Empire? If you had at least half a clue and weren't quite so mind-fucked from Cuckadian liberal conditioning, you'd realise that the British Empire was owned and controlled by the Rothschild banking dynasty family. So when you bleeding heart clowns weep and wail about 'teh evulz' of the British Empire, remember that an obscenely wealthy Jewish family dictated what countries to 'invade' and which were to be plundered of it's resources.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Lotus, is that yooo?

Here you are spewing liberal rhetoric from your anus, yet you complain when accused of being one? Unbelievable.

Where have I said ALL Jewish people have an agenda? A certain cabal of Globalists control society from behind the scenes, not all are Jewish but a disproportionately large number are. These are the people who wish to eradicate borders and create an eventual one world government situated in Israel. It's essentially a Zionist scheme but lots of non-Jews are complicit with the plan for various reaons, mainly bribery and blackmail.

I assume by "my kind" you're referring to the British Empire? If you had at least half a clue and weren't quite so mind-fucked from Cuckadian liberal conditioning, you'd realise that the British Empire was owned and controlled by the Rothschild banking dynasty family. So when you bleeding heart clowns weep and wail about 'teh evulz' of the British Empire, remember that an obscenely wealthy Jewish family dictated what countries to 'invade' and which were to be plundered of it's resources.

What's "unbelievable" is the fact that I've already exposed your racism and bigotry, yet here you are continuing trying to blame me for all your shortcomings trying to preserve your white culture.

Didn't mean to upset you. It's just something called history.