The 'Post shit that will annoy Lotus' thread

Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
No, I just stung your boney ass for using leftist lingo, while claiming that you aren't a libtard.


Copyright goes to my Jewish buddy @Lokmar for that particular catchphrase.

Let me get this straight. So anyone who doesn't believe in white nationalism is automatically a "lib?"


Anyone who uses words like "Progressive" to argue a point certainly is.

And anyone who uses outdated ideologies is a fucking pussy.

As you can clearly see that I don't use the "progressive utopian plan" as a backbone for my arguement. Try a different tactic, try perhaps calling my "hubby" a different slur. How about "Sand Nigger" this time around?

Sorry Flurp, but you outed yourself as a closet libtard by using Cultural Marxist terms like 'Progressive'.

Why not just be fucking honest about your political views? Afterall you live in Washington, so you're bound to be among soyboys and other various assortments of SJW's and leftists.

You're an idiot. Even conservative whites don't subscribe to your point of view.

I live in Washington State because I took a job from Verizon straight out of college. Not because it is a liberal state.

Some do, some don't. The problem is many American Conservatives are pro-Israel, so this clashes with WN ideology.

Who gives a flying fuck.

Who the fuck cares if people are "pro Israel?" How does that compute in your shitty little world?

It's just something you and your idiot comrades like saying when no one's buying your garbage rhetoric.

See, your naivety on the subject is shining through again.

Many who are pro-Israel are very sympatheic towards Jews and refuse to accept the fact that Jews have played an instrumental part in flooding the US and Europe with non-white immigration.

This is where there can be a rift between American Conservatives and Nationalists.

You're welcome. (I really should start charging your unpleasant, feral ass for all these pearls of wisdom I keep gifting)
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Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
This psychotic bitch is still screaming and melting over me and Big?

Ahahahahahaha. What a fucking loser.

Hi, you slithery cunt.

I knew it would only be a matter of time before you brought your saggy fucking ass over to this side of the pond.

Shouldn't you be in the "Politics" forum hamming it up with rest of the imbeciles with 3rd grade educations, thinking their stupidity is going to make them the Next Rush Limbaugh?

I mean you're so very intelligent when it comes to the State of the Union, right? Or do you get your "political leanings" by reading all the Neo-Fascist ramblings by idiots who still live with their mothers?

Tell me Dovey. What are your views on White Nationalism? Do you agree to a suppression of a certain people based on their skin color?

Dove has already said she doesn't agree with White Nationalism, but guess what, we still get along fine. Funny how that works isn't it?

I guess it's because we both explained our views in a respectful and rational manner, rather than descend into a hysterical shit flinging contest just because we couldn't completely agree on something.

We do agree on certain things though, like how the American left is completely out of control and needs to be dealt with asap.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
This psychotic bitch is still screaming and melting over me and Big?

Ahahahahahaha. What a fucking loser.

Hi, you slithery cunt.

I knew it would only be a matter of time before you brought your saggy fucking ass over to this side of the pond.

Shouldn't you be in the "Politics" forum hamming it up with rest of the imbeciles with 3rd grade educations, thinking their stupidity is going to make them the Next Rush Limbaugh?

I mean you're so very intelligent when it comes to the State of the Union, right? Or do you get your "political leanings" by reading all the Neo-Fascist ramblings by idiots who still live with their mothers?

Tell me Dovey. What are your views on White Nationalism? Do you agree to a suppression of a certain people based on their skin color?

Dove has already said she doesn't agree with White Nationalism, but guess what, we still get along fine. Funny how that works isn't it?

I guess it's because we both explained our views in a respectful and rational manner, rather than descend into a hysterical shit flinging contest just because we couldn't completely agree on something.

We do agree on certain things though, like how the American left is completely out of control and needs to be dealt with asap.

And I agree with some aspects of your philosophy but I still feel the need to stick up for moderate or lower level Jews.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
This psychotic bitch is still screaming and melting over me and Big?

Ahahahahahaha. What a fucking loser.

Hi, you slithery cunt.

I knew it would only be a matter of time before you brought your saggy fucking ass over to this side of the pond.

Shouldn't you be in the "Politics" forum hamming it up with rest of the imbeciles with 3rd grade educations, thinking their stupidity is going to make them the Next Rush Limbaugh?

I mean you're so very intelligent when it comes to the State of the Union, right? Or do you get your "political leanings" by reading all the Neo-Fascist ramblings by idiots who still live with their mothers?

Tell me Dovey. What are your views on White Nationalism? Do you agree to a suppression of a certain people based on their skin color?

Dove has already said she doesn't agree with White Nationalism, but guess what, we still get along fine. Funny how that works isn't it?

I guess it's because we both explained our views in a respectful and rational manner, rather than descend into a hysterical shit flinging contest just because we couldn't completely agree on something.

We do agree on certain things though, like how the American left is completely out of control and needs to be dealt with asap.

And I agree with some aspects of your philosophy but I still feel the need to stick up for moderate or lower level Jews.

I can appreciate that.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
This psychotic bitch is still screaming and melting over me and Big?

Ahahahahahaha. What a fucking loser.

Hi, you slithery cunt.

I knew it would only be a matter of time before you brought your saggy fucking ass over to this side of the pond.

Shouldn't you be in the "Politics" forum hamming it up with rest of the imbeciles with 3rd grade educations, thinking their stupidity is going to make them the Next Rush Limbaugh?

I mean you're so very intelligent when it comes to the State of the Union, right? Or do you get your "political leanings" by reading all the Neo-Fascist ramblings by idiots who still live with their mothers?

Tell me Dovey. What are your views on White Nationalism? Do you agree to a suppression of a certain people based on their skin color?

Dove has already said she doesn't agree with White Nationalism, but guess what, we still get along fine. Funny how that works isn't it?

I guess it's because we both explained our views in a respectful and rational manner, rather than descend into a hysterical shit flinging contest just because we couldn't completely agree on something.

We do agree on certain things though, like how the American left is completely out of control and needs to be dealt with asap.

And I agree with some aspects of your philosophy but I still feel the need to stick up for moderate or lower level Jews.

I can appreciate that.

That's what we do...

We bring different points of view. I can definitely see how Jewish movers and shakers have actively sought to build and maintain their hegemonic existences... but you think that's because of religion.

I think it's because of greed and the trappings of power. They don't even look after their own.... only their smaller circles... we could argue this till the cows come home, so we don't.

I'm also cool with legal immigration and race mixing. I'd be a hypocrite and many of the people I've met on my travels if I/we suggested otherwise.

So, I'm good with what you have to say... I will listen, note it, consider it...

....unlike what people like Lotusbud, Seamajor, Admin, and 18Holliday81 say otherwise.

They want no conversations. They only want the power to quash arguments and kill people who become a problem to their retarded logic.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
This psychotic bitch is still screaming and melting over me and Big?

Ahahahahahaha. What a fucking loser.

Hi, you slithery cunt.

I knew it would only be a matter of time before you brought your saggy fucking ass over to this side of the pond.

Shouldn't you be in the "Politics" forum hamming it up with rest of the imbeciles with 3rd grade educations, thinking their stupidity is going to make them the Next Rush Limbaugh?

I mean you're so very intelligent when it comes to the State of the Union, right? Or do you get your "political leanings" by reading all the Neo-Fascist ramblings by idiots who still live with their mothers?

Tell me Dovey. What are your views on White Nationalism? Do you agree to a suppression of a certain people based on their skin color?

Dove has already said she doesn't agree with White Nationalism, but guess what, we still get along fine. Funny how that works isn't it?

I guess it's because we both explained our views in a respectful and rational manner, rather than descend into a hysterical shit flinging contest just because we couldn't completely agree on something.

We do agree on certain things though, like how the American left is completely out of control and needs to be dealt with asap.

And I agree with some aspects of your philosophy but I still feel the need to stick up for moderate or lower level Jews.

I can appreciate that.

That's what we do...

We bring different points of view. I can definitely see how Jewish movers and shakers have actively sought to build and maintain their hegemonic existences... but you think that's because of religion.

I think it's because of greed and the trappings of power. They don't even look after their own.... only their smaller circles... we could argue this till the cows come home, so we don't.

I'm also cool with legal immigration and race mixing. I'd be a hypocrite and many of the people I've met on my travels if I/we suggested otherwise.

So, I'm good with what you have to say... I will listen, note it, consider it...

....unlike what people like Lotusbud, Seamajor, Admin, and 18Holliday81 say otherwise.

They want no conversations. They only want the power to quash arguments and kill people who become a problem to their retarded logic.

It's essentially a small clique of insanely wealthy elites who run the show and have done for generations. They're not all Jewish, but many are, along with of course the Rothschilds, who are either at the top or near the top of the pyramid. It's difficult knowing for certain just who is king of the hill, some think reptillians, but that kind of Conspiracy talk is a tad rich for my blood... When a family is as wealthy as the Rothschilds however, trillionaires or whatever, you can guarantee that they are very high up in the hierachy.

As you say, these people don't care about low level Jews or the rest of us, who they regard as useless eaters. Israel is at the centre of their NWO One World Government plan, so it's gonna be interesting to see how this latest bout of trouble pans out, especially when the left is becoming more and more hostile towards the Zionists.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
This psychotic bitch is still screaming and melting over me and Big?

Ahahahahahaha. What a fucking loser.

Hi, you slithery cunt.

I knew it would only be a matter of time before you brought your saggy fucking ass over to this side of the pond.

Shouldn't you be in the "Politics" forum hamming it up with rest of the imbeciles with 3rd grade educations, thinking their stupidity is going to make them the Next Rush Limbaugh?

I mean you're so very intelligent when it comes to the State of the Union, right? Or do you get your "political leanings" by reading all the Neo-Fascist ramblings by idiots who still live with their mothers?

Tell me Dovey. What are your views on White Nationalism? Do you agree to a suppression of a certain people based on their skin color?

Dove has already said she doesn't agree with White Nationalism, but guess what, we still get along fine. Funny how that works isn't it?

I guess it's because we both explained our views in a respectful and rational manner, rather than descend into a hysterical shit flinging contest just because we couldn't completely agree on something.

We do agree on certain things though, like how the American left is completely out of control and needs to be dealt with asap.

And I agree with some aspects of your philosophy but I still feel the need to stick up for moderate or lower level Jews.

I can appreciate that.

That's what we do...

We bring different points of view. I can definitely see how Jewish movers and shakers have actively sought to build and maintain their hegemonic existences... but you think that's because of religion.

I think it's because of greed and the trappings of power. They don't even look after their own.... only their smaller circles... we could argue this till the cows come home, so we don't.

I'm also cool with legal immigration and race mixing. I'd be a hypocrite and many of the people I've met on my travels if I/we suggested otherwise.

So, I'm good with what you have to say... I will listen, note it, consider it...

....unlike what people like Lotusbud, Seamajor, Admin, and 18Holliday81 say otherwise.

They want no conversations. They only want the power to quash arguments and kill people who become a problem to their retarded logic.

It's essentially a small clique of insanely wealthy elites who run the show and have done for generations. They're not all Jewish, but many are, along with of course the Rothschilds, who are either at the top or near the top of the pyramid. It's difficult knowing for certain just who is king of the hill, some think reptillians, but that kind of Conspiracy talk is a tad rich for my blood... When a family is as wealthy as the Rothschilds however, trillionaires or whatever, you can guarantee that they are very high up in the hierachy.

As you say, these people don't care about low level Jews or the rest of us, who they regard as useless eaters. Israel is at the centre of their NWO One World Government plan, so it's gonna be interesting to see how this latest bout of trouble pans out, especially when the left is becoming more and more hostile towards the Zionists.

I'm like 1-2% German Jew from the mid 1800's. It doesn't play into my way of thinking though. Even before I found out, I dated Russian or Russian Scottish Jews who were so diluted as to be the same as me.... but their maternal side suddenly kept them Jewish. They said they were Jews, I accepted it, and that was that.

Only when I found out that a great great grandfather was a full blooded Jewish farmer in Germany, I looked it up... apparently, I was not worthy to claim his heritage now or even then.

What kind of people abandon their kids like that?

So while I'm not anti-Jew, I till this day sit here and scratch my head.... my dad insisted on naming me Aaron, despite it not being any way common for his day. He named me after a Michigan heart surgeon that chose to not operate on my father because it was the 40's, and my dad would have assuredly died.


Put your glasses on!
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I have to appreciate some Jews too, they fought with the Confederacy lol.

Those Elites though, PATOOO!!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
This thread is meant to annoy me. It's annoying that no one is even trying to annoy me.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
White Pride Worldwide!

How's that? What score does it register on the SJW Soy Scale of triggerdum?

Let us know when you reach a solid 8...



Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
This psychotic bitch is still screaming and melting over me and Big?

Ahahahahahaha. What a fucking loser.

Hi, you slithery cunt.

I knew it would only be a matter of time before you brought your saggy fucking ass over to this side of the pond.

Shouldn't you be in the "Politics" forum hamming it up with rest of the imbeciles with 3rd grade educations, thinking their stupidity is going to make them the Next Rush Limbaugh?

I mean you're so very intelligent when it comes to the State of the Union, right? Or do you get your "political leanings" by reading all the Neo-Fascist ramblings by idiots who still live with their mothers?

Tell me Dovey. What are your views on White Nationalism? Do you agree to a suppression of a certain people based on their skin color?

Dove has already said she doesn't agree with White Nationalism, but guess what, we still get along fine. Funny how that works isn't it?

I guess it's because we both explained our views in a respectful and rational manner, rather than descend into a hysterical shit flinging contest just because we couldn't completely agree on something.

We do agree on certain things though, like how the American left is completely out of control and needs to be dealt with asap.

And I agree with some aspects of your philosophy but I still feel the need to stick up for moderate or lower level Jews.

I can appreciate that.

That's what we do...

We bring different points of view. I can definitely see how Jewish movers and shakers have actively sought to build and maintain their hegemonic existences... but you think that's because of religion.

I think it's because of greed and the trappings of power. They don't even look after their own.... only their smaller circles... we could argue this till the cows come home, so we don't.

I'm also cool with legal immigration and race mixing. I'd be a hypocrite and many of the people I've met on my travels if I/we suggested otherwise.

So, I'm good with what you have to say... I will listen, note it, consider it...

....unlike what people like Lotusbud, Seamajor, Admin, and 18Holliday81 say otherwise.

They want no conversations. They only want the power to quash arguments and kill people who become a problem to their retarded logic.

It's essentially a small clique of insanely wealthy elites who run the show and have done for generations. They're not all Jewish, but many are, along with of course the Rothschilds, who are either at the top or near the top of the pyramid. It's difficult knowing for certain just who is king of the hill, some think reptillians, but that kind of Conspiracy talk is a tad rich for my blood... When a family is as wealthy as the Rothschilds however, trillionaires or whatever, you can guarantee that they are very high up in the hierachy.

As you say, these people don't care about low level Jews or the rest of us, who they regard as useless eaters. Israel is at the centre of their NWO One World Government plan, so it's gonna be interesting to see how this latest bout of trouble pans out, especially when the left is becoming more and more hostile towards the Zionists.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Post the okay sign

AOC said that’s the super secret ovaltine white supremacist hand signal so it will drive lotus into an anxiety attack