Repooplickin 600$ Stimulus Check Could Save the Lives of Millions of Americans


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Los Angeles
I hope to see you slaughtered in my lifetime....

We're all aware of the awe with which you've screwed yourself to the particularly nasty version of libertarianism you espouse, and I think you've been TOLD by 3 or 4 people that you got it wrong.

For myself, I've told you a dozen times during our acquaintance and I'm not going to waste any more time on you today. Go piss up a rope, you unhappy outlander.

Meanwhile, I'll just drop this here since it speaks to the OP.



Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I hope to see you slaughtered in my lifetime....

We're all aware of the awe with which you've screwed yourself to the particularly nasty version of libertarianism you espouse, and I think you've been TOLD by 3 or 4 people that you got it wrong.

For myself, I've told you a dozen times during our acquaintance and I'm not going to waste any more time on you today. Go piss up a rope, you unhappy outlander.

Meanwhile, I'll just drop this here since it speaks to the OP.


Fending off unwanted cocksuckers from one's cock isn't screwing myself, cocksucker...


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Which Joe Kennedy?
I think she means the Jazz Violinist.

There are tens of thousands of Joe Kennedy's... how are you sure?

Pffft... there was only one Joe Kennedy relevant during the depression... was googling which President was in office the only trick you have up your sleeve? Cause I’ve been a history buff since I was a weeeeeeee little girl.

And I toured Revolutionary and Civil War battlegrounds every month in my youth....but that doesn't name your generic Joe Kennedy or what he is to your point...

I posted this already... you must have missed it...

Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. ~ the bootlegger who locked down the rights to distribute Johnny Walker exclusively in the US
And relevance is?

you’ve stated that they didn’t anticipate the stock market was going to crash.... he is proof that insider trading was rampant


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Which Joe Kennedy?
I think she means the Jazz Violinist.

There are tens of thousands of Joe Kennedy's... how are you sure?

Pffft... there was only one Joe Kennedy relevant during the depression... was googling which President was in office the only trick you have up your sleeve? Cause I’ve been a history buff since I was a weeeeeeee little girl.

And I toured Revolutionary and Civil War battlegrounds every month in my youth....but that doesn't name your generic Joe Kennedy or what he is to your point...

I posted this already... you must have missed it...

Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. ~ the bootlegger who locked down the rights to distribute Johnny Walker exclusively in the US
And relevance is?

you’ve stated that they didn’t anticipate the stock market was going to crash.... he is proof that insider trading was rampant

Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Nassim Nicholas Taleb... to name a few said the same thing in the early to mid 2000's... even earlier....

Your point is?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

Not surprisingly, you are wrong as usual.

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Republicans not only donate more to charity (and more often) but they are also more likely to volunteer.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
If dumb fuck Nancy Pelosi had accepted what the WH had offered instead of playing politics, we would have had another round of 1200 dollar stimulus and 400 unemployment. Like over a month ago, too.

But yeah by all means.....pretend it's the just the meaning Republicans


That is true. That said, it looks like Trump is threatening to blow the whole stimulus up again even though he was completely uninterested in helping to set it up.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods....
Hey - but don't hold Trump and Trumplings responsible for for the ongoing crisis by insisting everything stay open and no one wear a mask because FREEDUMB, and church groups be exempt from gathering restrictions, or for staging superspreader events. I mean - that shit all happened due to the goobermint stealing yer money,right, honey?

PS: You know Duh V, I can manage to spell your name right, I think it's a small thing to ask that you spell my correctly. 2 "l"s

If the government didnt force people out of work and business, we would have been better off. Do you understand the lockdowns did nothing except push 8 million people into poverty?

Oh but Walmart and all the big box corporate businesses were open,' eh? While regular people who could have ran their business safer were forced into shutting down for good. But hey....they get 600 of their own money back.

I'm not sure how you think problems caused by the government can be solved with more government. It's like you put out a burning building by spraying gasoline on it.

The government should have done a lockdown with guaranteed wages, like any civilized socialist country. That's what socialism is about, not about giving your tax dollars to the wealthy, which is the way cons and neolibs are doing it.

We already have socailist programs, and the establishment still fucks the people. It's not like it's the Democrats/Republicans fault, because they are essentially the same thing.

The socailist programs we already have are not managed well.

I mean the ACA was passed and people who couldnt afford insurance were just getting fined, and that was okay no one did anything.

People dont get less corrupt and greedy if given more power.

So in the the more socailist America you would like to see, what happens when the people are given crumbs while the politicains get rich and waste our money on war and shit? They do this now and people still vote for them. I'm not asking that to be snarky at all, I'm genuinely wanting to understand where you are coming from/what your position is.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Dovey, the covid relief bill includes billions to Egypt, 2 billion to the space force (so rich people can leave the planet once we've trashed it), 35 million to sexual abstinence programs, 5 million for the special congressional medical clinic, and they abandoned hazard pay for essential workers.

I'm aware. I've been pretty blunt with my disapproval of this bill.

I really want Trump to squash it and fight for us to get more of that money.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The covid bill got rolled into a nine month omnibus budget bill to keep the government open. That means congress had several dozen separate bills which they just rolled all into one giant bill because it takes less time to pass one bill than a dozen smaller bills. Yes, all omnibus bills tend to be Frankenstein monsters.

If Trump vetos it or just waits ten days to pocket veto it then the government shuts down on Dec 26th, unemployment runs out for 20 million Americans, and no one gets any stimulus money for at least two weeks even if Congress over rides his veto. In short, Trump is being a stupid child right now where as for the last half year Pelosi was being a stupid child.

If I was Steve Minuchen I'd be so upset that I'd probably just quit and walk off the job. Trump let him negotiate the covid bill based upon what could get enough votes, Minuchen did that, then Trump treatens to blow the whole thing up because someone on Fox said mean things about it not even understanding what an omnibus bill is.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
The covid bill got rolled into a nine month omnibus budget bill to keep the government open. That means congress had several dozen separate bills which they just rolled all into one giant bill because it takes less time to pass one bill than a dozen smaller bills. Yes, all omnibus bills tend to be Frankenstein monsters.

If Trump vetos it or just waits ten days to pocket veto it then the government shuts down on Dec 26th, unemployment runs out for 20 million Americans, and no one gets any stimulus money for at least two weeks even if Congress over rides his veto. In short, Trump is being a stupid child right now where as for the last half year Pelosi was being a stupid child.

If I was Steve Minuchen I'd be so upset that I'd probably just quit and walk off the job. Trump let him negotiate the covid bill based upon what could get enough votes, Minuchen did that, then Trump treatens to blow the whole thing up because someone on Fox said mean things about it not even understanding what an omnibus bill is.

And yet, even AOC complained as did Rand Paul of the impossibility of actually reading the thing in a mere 6 or so hours, yet it still got passed by the house anyway...


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
as for this $600... for $0.20 per day, you can sponsor an American

wake me when they want to hand me $18,000 like they did every jackass who thought being a server was a career and collected unemployment, attended multiple house parties, ended up infecting the elderly in their family and are going to be a total drain on the economy next year

they rank right up there with the tards refusing to wear masks who go around licking door knobs and toilet seats


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
as for this $600... for $0.20 per day, you can sponsor an American

wake me when they want to hand me $18,000 like they did every jackass who thought being a server was a career and collected unemployment, attended multiple house parties, ended up infecting the elderly in their family and are going to be a total drain on the economy next year

they rank right up there with the tards refusing to wear masks who go around licking door knobs and toilet seats

Wow.... you're seriously unhinged... I thought it was just a troll or act....


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The covid bill got rolled into a nine month omnibus budget bill to keep the government open. That means congress had several dozen separate bills which they just rolled all into one giant bill because it takes less time to pass one bill than a dozen smaller bills. Yes, all omnibus bills tend to be Frankenstein monsters.

If Trump vetos it or just waits ten days to pocket veto it then the government shuts down on Dec 26th, unemployment runs out for 20 million Americans, and no one gets any stimulus money for at least two weeks even if Congress over rides his veto. In short, Trump is being a stupid child right now where as for the last half year Pelosi was being a stupid child.

If I was Steve Minuchen I'd be so upset that I'd probably just quit and walk off the job. Trump let him negotiate the covid bill based upon what could get enough votes, Minuchen did that, then Trump treatens to blow the whole thing up because someone on Fox said mean things about it not even understanding what an omnibus bill is.

And yet, even AOC complained as did Rand Paul of the impossibility of actually reading the thing in a mere 6 or so hours, yet it still got passed by the house anyway...

Yes, that is the problem with every omnibus bill. In fact, that is often why politicians prefer to use omnibus bills passed at the last second. It allows them to sneak more shit through to their special interests pay masters.

That said, veto it and the government shuts down right when you really don't want it to shut down. 20 million people lose their unemployment, food stamps stop, and most things stop. Oh, yeah, the eviction moratorium also runs out on Dec 26th so you'd see millions of people evicted as well. That is pretty much the definition of must pass legislation and Trump would be an idiot to veto it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Which Joe Kennedy?
I think she means the Jazz Violinist.
The covid bill got rolled into a nine month omnibus budget bill to keep the government open. That means congress had several dozen separate bills which they just rolled all into one giant bill because it takes less time to pass one bill than a dozen smaller bills. Yes, all omnibus bills tend to be Frankenstein monsters.

If Trump vetos it or just waits ten days to pocket veto it then the government shuts down on Dec 26th, unemployment runs out for 20 million Americans, and no one gets any stimulus money for at least two weeks even if Congress over rides his veto. In short, Trump is being a stupid child right now where as for the last half year Pelosi was being a stupid child.

If I was Steve Minuchen I'd be so upset that I'd probably just quit and walk off the job. Trump let him negotiate the covid bill based upon what could get enough votes, Minuchen did that, then Trump treatens to blow the whole thing up because someone on Fox said mean things about it not even understanding what an omnibus bill is.

Steve Mnuchin is a giant thief who steals from working people. He doesn't give a rat's tiny behind about stimulus payments to anyone but the wealthy. Cute that you think he cares, though.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
as for this $600... for $0.20 per day, you can sponsor an American

wake me when they want to hand me $18,000 like they did every jackass who thought being a server was a career and collected unemployment, attended multiple house parties, ended up infecting the elderly in their family and are going to be a total drain on the economy next year

they rank right up there with the tards refusing to wear masks who go around licking door knobs and toilet seats

So you think everyone who collected unemployment is guilty of that behavior? Wow.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods....
Hey - but don't hold Trump and Trumplings responsible for for the ongoing crisis by insisting everything stay open and no one wear a mask because FREEDUMB, and church groups be exempt from gathering restrictions, or for staging superspreader events. I mean - that shit all happened due to the goobermint stealing yer money,right, honey?

PS: You know Duh V, I can manage to spell your name right, I think it's a small thing to ask that you spell my correctly. 2 "l"s

If the government didnt force people out of work and business, we would have been better off. Do you understand the lockdowns did nothing except push 8 million people into poverty?

Oh but Walmart and all the big box corporate businesses were open,' eh? While regular people who could have ran their business safer were forced into shutting down for good. But hey....they get 600 of their own money back.

I'm not sure how you think problems caused by the government can be solved with more government. It's like you put out a burning building by spraying gasoline on it.

The government should have done a lockdown with guaranteed wages, like any civilized socialist country. That's what socialism is about, not about giving your tax dollars to the wealthy, which is the way cons and neolibs are doing it.

We already have socailist programs, and the establishment still fucks the people. It's not like it's the Democrats/Republicans fault, because they are essentially the same thing.

The socailist programs we already have are not managed well.

I mean the ACA was passed and people who couldnt afford insurance were just getting fined, and that was okay no one did anything.

People dont get less corrupt and greedy if given more power.

So in the the more socailist America you would like to see, what happens when the people are given crumbs while the politicains get rich and waste our money on war and shit? They do this now and people still vote for them. I'm not asking that to be snarky at all, I'm genuinely wanting to understand where you are coming from/what your position is.

All the actually socialistic programs we have (meaning money being spent on the people, not the wealthy) are being gutted and have been for the last 30 years. I would like to see a truly socialist America, where tax dollars are spent on education, healthcare, and infrastructure, not on corporate welfare. All thriving democracies have socialist programs, and socialism does NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT, preclude capitalism, so get that idea out of your head.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
All the actually socialistic programs we have (meaning money being spent on the people, not the wealthy) are being gutted and have been for the last 30 years. I would like to see a truly socialist America, where tax dollars are spent on education, healthcare, and infrastructure, not on corporate welfare. All thriving democracies have socialist programs, and socialism does NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT, preclude capitalism, so get that idea out of your head.

They've been pouring money into the south side of Chicago for the last 30 years and it is no better today than it was when they first threw money to the wind on it.

Get a clue. As harsh as it sounds there are simply people who are too irredeemable to share a civil society with productive citizens. Stop calling for such scum to be tethered like a yoke to hard working Americans


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Can you be any more of a weak, clueless, partisan hack?
Yes she can. Stick around and get to know her.

her hypocrisy is as brazen as it is grotesque to watch

I don't believe anymore that Lotusbud is a hypocrite.

She's a kept wife and former public school teacher who lived most of her life in the shit hole otherwise known as California.

Her spouse is the basis for her stupidity. Lotusbud isn't smart enough to construct such a wanton disregard towards rational thinking.

The only possible explanation is her hubby is a Californian shrink or B grade soap cast member....


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
They are all crooks -- Reps and Dems -- and nothing will change until voters wise up and start voting for third party candidates.

Luke Broadwater, Jesse Drucker and Rebecca R. Ruiz
Wed, December 23, 2020, 1:00 PM GMT

“High-income business owners have had tax benefits and unprecedented government grants showered down upon then. And the scale is massive,” wrote Adam Looney, a fellow at the Brookings Institution and a former Treasury Department tax official in the Obama administration, who estimated that $120 billion of the $200 billion would flow to the top 1% of Americans.
The new provision allows for a classic double dip into the Paycheck Protection Program, as businesses get free money from the government, then get to deduct that largess from their taxes.

And it is one of hundreds included in a huge spending package and a coronavirus stimulus bill that is supposed to help businesses and families struggling during the pandemic but, critics say, swerved far afield. President Donald Trump on Tuesday night blasted it as a disgrace and demanded revisions.

“Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists and special interests, while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it,” he said in a video posted on Twitter that stopped just short of a veto threat.
The measure includes serious policy changes beyond the much-needed $900 billion in coronavirus relief, such as a simplification of federal financial aid forms, measures to address climate change and a provision to stop “surprise billing” from hospitals when patients unwittingly receive care from physicians out of their insurance networks.
But there is also much grumbling over other provisions that lawmakers had not fully reviewed, and a process that left most of them and the public in the dark until after the bill was passed. The anger was bipartisan.

“Members of Congress have not read this bill. It’s over 5,000 pages, arrived at 2 p.m. today, and we are told to expect a vote on it in two hours,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., wrote on Twitter on Monday. “This isn’t governance. It’s hostage-taking.”

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, agreed — the two do not agree on much.

“It’s ABSURD to have a $2.5 trillion spending bill negotiated in secret and then — hours later — demand an up-or-down vote on a bill nobody has had time to read,” he wrote on Twitter on Monday.

The items jammed into the bill are varied and at times bewildering. The bill would make it a felony to offer illegal streaming services. One provision requires the CIA to report back to Congress on the activities of Eastern European oligarchs tied to President Vladimir Putin of Russia. The federal government would be required to set up a program aimed at eradicating the murder hornet and to crack down on online sales of e-cigarettes to minors.

It authorizes 93 acres of federal lands to be used for the construction of the Teddy Roosevelt Presidential Library in North Dakota and creates an independent commission to oversee horse racing, a priority of Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., the majority leader.

McConnell inserted that item to get around the objections of a Democratic senator, who wanted it amended, but he received agreement from other congressional leaders.

Alexander M. Waldrop, CEO of the National Thoroughbred Racing Association, said Tuesday that McConnell had “said many times he feared for the future of horse racing and the impact on the industry, which of course is critical to Kentucky.”

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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
They are all crooks -- Reps and Dems -- and nothing will change until voters wise up and start voting for third party candidates.

Luke Broadwater, Jesse Drucker and Rebecca R. Ruiz
Wed, December 23, 2020, 1:00 PM GMT

“High-income business owners have had tax benefits and unprecedented government grants showered down upon then. And the scale is massive,” wrote Adam Looney, a fellow at the Brookings Institution and a former Treasury Department tax official in the Obama administration, who estimated that $120 billion of the $200 billion would flow to the top 1% of Americans.
The new provision allows for a classic double dip into the Paycheck Protection Program, as businesses get free money from the government, then get to deduct that largess from their taxes.

And it is one of hundreds included in a huge spending package and a coronavirus stimulus bill that is supposed to help businesses and families struggling during the pandemic but, critics say, swerved far afield. President Donald Trump on Tuesday night blasted it as a disgrace and demanded revisions.

“Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists and special interests, while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it,” he said in a video posted on Twitter that stopped just short of a veto threat.
The measure includes serious policy changes beyond the much-needed $900 billion in coronavirus relief, such as a simplification of federal financial aid forms, measures to address climate change and a provision to stop “surprise billing” from hospitals when patients unwittingly receive care from physicians out of their insurance networks.
But there is also much grumbling over other provisions that lawmakers had not fully reviewed, and a process that left most of them and the public in the dark until after the bill was passed. The anger was bipartisan.

“Members of Congress have not read this bill. It’s over 5,000 pages, arrived at 2 p.m. today, and we are told to expect a vote on it in two hours,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., wrote on Twitter on Monday. “This isn’t governance. It’s hostage-taking.”

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, agreed — the two do not agree on much.

“It’s ABSURD to have a $2.5 trillion spending bill negotiated in secret and then — hours later — demand an up-or-down vote on a bill nobody has had time to read,” he wrote on Twitter on Monday.

The items jammed into the bill are varied and at times bewildering. The bill would make it a felony to offer illegal streaming services. One provision requires the CIA to report back to Congress on the activities of Eastern European oligarchs tied to President Vladimir Putin of Russia. The federal government would be required to set up a program aimed at eradicating the murder hornet and to crack down on online sales of e-cigarettes to minors.

It authorizes 93 acres of federal lands to be used for the construction of the Teddy Roosevelt Presidential Library in North Dakota and creates an independent commission to oversee horse racing, a priority of Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., the majority leader.

McConnell inserted that item to get around the objections of a Democratic senator, who wanted it amended, but he received agreement from other congressional leaders.

Alexander M. Waldrop, CEO of the National Thoroughbred Racing Association, said Tuesday that McConnell had “said many times he feared for the future of horse racing and the impact on the industry, which of course is critical to Kentucky.”

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^^^ ask this cunt who she's supporting in the Georgia run off tho.

She should be supporting the conservative candidates if for no reason than to ensure full grid lock in BOTH parties... since she claims they're both evil

but no, she supports the liberal scum even WITH allegations of abuse against women

if that's not hypocrisy what is?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods....
Hey - but don't hold Trump and Trumplings responsible for for the ongoing crisis by insisting everything stay open and no one wear a mask because FREEDUMB, and church groups be exempt from gathering restrictions, or for staging superspreader events. I mean - that shit all happened due to the goobermint stealing yer money,right, honey?

PS: You know Duh V, I can manage to spell your name right, I think it's a small thing to ask that you spell my correctly. 2 "l"s

If the government didnt force people out of work and business, we would have been better off. Do you understand the lockdowns did nothing except push 8 million people into poverty?

Oh but Walmart and all the big box corporate businesses were open,' eh? While regular people who could have ran their business safer were forced into shutting down for good. But hey....they get 600 of their own money back.

I'm not sure how you think problems caused by the government can be solved with more government. It's like you put out a burning building by spraying gasoline on it.

The government should have done a lockdown with guaranteed wages, like any civilized socialist country. That's what socialism is about, not about giving your tax dollars to the wealthy, which is the way cons and neolibs are doing it.

We already have socailist programs, and the establishment still fucks the people. It's not like it's the Democrats/Republicans fault, because they are essentially the same thing.

The socailist programs we already have are not managed well.

I mean the ACA was passed and people who couldnt afford insurance were just getting fined, and that was okay no one did anything.

People dont get less corrupt and greedy if given more power.

So in the the more socailist America you would like to see, what happens when the people are given crumbs while the politicains get rich and waste our money on war and shit? They do this now and people still vote for them. I'm not asking that to be snarky at all, I'm genuinely wanting to understand where you are coming from/what your position is.

All the actually socialistic programs we have (meaning money being spent on the people, not the wealthy) are being gutted and have been for the last 30 years. I would like to see a truly socialist America, where tax dollars are spent on education, healthcare, and infrastructure, not on corporate welfare. All thriving democracies have socialist programs, and socialism does NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT, preclude capitalism, so get that idea out of your head.

Capitalism sucks if you fucktarded socialists lean against free markets.

Go back to a real school, teach....


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
as for this $600... for $0.20 per day, you can sponsor an American

wake me when they want to hand me $18,000 like they did every jackass who thought being a server was a career and collected unemployment, attended multiple house parties, ended up infecting the elderly in their family and are going to be a total drain on the economy next year

they rank right up there with the tards refusing to wear masks who go around licking door knobs and toilet seats

Wow.... you're seriously unhinged... I thought it was just a troll or act....
as for this $600... for $0.20 per day, you can sponsor an American

wake me when they want to hand me $18,000 like they did every jackass who thought being a server was a career and collected unemployment, attended multiple house parties, ended up infecting the elderly in their family and are going to be a total drain on the economy next year

they rank right up there with the tards refusing to wear masks who go around licking door knobs and toilet seats

So you think everyone who collected unemployment is guilty of that behavior? Wow.

Consider this: every small business applied and qualified for the paycheck protection loan. They are required to keep approx 90% of their employees on the clock for x amount of months.

Who do you know who actually lost their job? Who wasn’t able to work remotely? Cause I don’t know anyone out of work right now who isn’t a server... and these servers are my friends and I’ve told them for years to find careers. It’s a dime a dozen job that anyone can do.

As soon as the restaurants were forced to shutdown, all of the servers were let go. I know this because I’m friends with numerous small business owners in this area who had to do this to their employees. That was the biggest hit to the unemployment situation.

Most of the people I know or work with were or had a spouse on furlough or standby. I am only aware of 1 person who lost their job after 15 years, but they had well-known issues with the changeover in management that occurred less than 2 months before that.... so....

The pretty gay boys have been living it up on UE benefits running back and forth to Vegas on that stimulus since last summer. Trust me when I say their money has gone to alcohol, drugs and Jordan’s.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
as for this $600... for $0.20 per day, you can sponsor an American

wake me when they want to hand me $18,000 like they did every jackass who thought being a server was a career and collected unemployment, attended multiple house parties, ended up infecting the elderly in their family and are going to be a total drain on the economy next year

they rank right up there with the tards refusing to wear masks who go around licking door knobs and toilet seats

Wow.... you're seriously unhinged... I thought it was just a troll or act....
as for this $600... for $0.20 per day, you can sponsor an American

wake me when they want to hand me $18,000 like they did every jackass who thought being a server was a career and collected unemployment, attended multiple house parties, ended up infecting the elderly in their family and are going to be a total drain on the economy next year

they rank right up there with the tards refusing to wear masks who go around licking door knobs and toilet seats

So you think everyone who collected unemployment is guilty of that behavior? Wow.

Consider this: every small business applied and qualified for the paycheck protection loan. They are required to keep approx 90% of their employees on the clock for x amount of months.

Who do you know who actually lost their job? Who wasn’t able to work remotely? Cause I don’t know anyone out of work right now who isn’t a server... and these servers are my friends and I’ve told them for years to find careers. It’s a dime a dozen job that anyone can do.

As soon as the restaurants were forced to shutdown, all of the servers were let go. I know this because I’m friends with numerous small business owners in this area who had to do this to their employees. That was the biggest hit to the unemployment situation.

Most of the people I know or work with were or had a spouse on furlough or standby. I am only aware of 1 person who lost their job after 15 years, but they had well-known issues with the changeover in management that occurred less than 2 months before that.... so....

The pretty gay boys have been living it up on UE benefits running back and forth to Vegas on that stimulus since last summer. Trust me when I say their money has gone to alcohol, drugs and Jordan’s.

They can chop firewood, mow lawns, or do whatever they need to in order to pull a paycheck... they're not sacred cows and IDGAF...

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
as for this $600... for $0.20 per day, you can sponsor an American

wake me when they want to hand me $18,000 like they did every jackass who thought being a server was a career and collected unemployment, attended multiple house parties, ended up infecting the elderly in their family and are going to be a total drain on the economy next year

they rank right up there with the tards refusing to wear masks who go around licking door knobs and toilet seats

Wow.... you're seriously unhinged... I thought it was just a troll or act....
as for this $600... for $0.20 per day, you can sponsor an American

wake me when they want to hand me $18,000 like they did every jackass who thought being a server was a career and collected unemployment, attended multiple house parties, ended up infecting the elderly in their family and are going to be a total drain on the economy next year

they rank right up there with the tards refusing to wear masks who go around licking door knobs and toilet seats

So you think everyone who collected unemployment is guilty of that behavior? Wow.

Consider this: every small business applied and qualified for the paycheck protection loan. They are required to keep approx 90% of their employees on the clock for x amount of months.

Who do you know who actually lost their job? Who wasn’t able to work remotely? Cause I don’t know anyone out of work right now who isn’t a server... and these servers are my friends and I’ve told them for years to find careers. It’s a dime a dozen job that anyone can do.

As soon as the restaurants were forced to shutdown, all of the servers were let go. I know this because I’m friends with numerous small business owners in this area who had to do this to their employees. That was the biggest hit to the unemployment situation.

Most of the people I know or work with were or had a spouse on furlough or standby. I am only aware of 1 person who lost their job after 15 years, but they had well-known issues with the changeover in management that occurred less than 2 months before that.... so....

The pretty gay boys have been living it up on UE benefits running back and forth to Vegas on that stimulus since last summer. Trust me when I say their money has gone to alcohol, drugs and Jordan’s.

Bums will be bums and thus, everything that is wrong with socialism

You think leeches like apeurine, jake the face hole, lotusnuts, sewage major and Doc Cockaday have jobs? Real jobs?


They wouldn't be supporting these shit policies if they had to stare at a W2 that showed over 50K in taxes stolen per year. I'd guarantee that


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Repukes will be donating their goobermint handout where?

Post your replies here.

PS: Oh wait - I forgot. They don't believe in the redistribution of wealth.

But they don't believe in government handouts most, so they should definitely decline the checks.
Well yes, that being the point - they shouldn't want to keep it.

....but then I believe the rationale is that it was money the government stole from them in taxes so it's really theirs anyway.

Which is correct, Holiday. The government took that money from the people. And now that the people need it due to the government destroying their livihoods....
Hey - but don't hold Trump and Trumplings responsible for for the ongoing crisis by insisting everything stay open and no one wear a mask because FREEDUMB, and church groups be exempt from gathering restrictions, or for staging superspreader events. I mean - that shit all happened due to the goobermint stealing yer money,right, honey?

PS: You know Duh V, I can manage to spell your name right, I think it's a small thing to ask that you spell my correctly. 2 "l"s

If the government didnt force people out of work and business, we would have been better off. Do you understand the lockdowns did nothing except push 8 million people into poverty?

Oh but Walmart and all the big box corporate businesses were open,' eh? While regular people who could have ran their business safer were forced into shutting down for good. But hey....they get 600 of their own money back.

I'm not sure how you think problems caused by the government can be solved with more government. It's like you put out a burning building by spraying gasoline on it.

The government should have done a lockdown with guaranteed wages, like any civilized socialist country. That's what socialism is about, not about giving your tax dollars to the wealthy, which is the way cons and neolibs are doing it.

We already have socailist programs, and the establishment still fucks the people. It's not like it's the Democrats/Republicans fault, because they are essentially the same thing.

The socailist programs we already have are not managed well.

I mean the ACA was passed and people who couldnt afford insurance were just getting fined, and that was okay no one did anything.

People dont get less corrupt and greedy if given more power.

So in the the more socailist America you would like to see, what happens when the people are given crumbs while the politicains get rich and waste our money on war and shit? They do this now and people still vote for them. I'm not asking that to be snarky at all, I'm genuinely wanting to understand where you are coming from/what your position is.

All the actually socialistic programs we have (meaning money being spent on the people, not the wealthy) are being gutted and have been for the last 30 years. I would like to see a truly socialist America, where tax dollars are spent on education, healthcare, and infrastructure, not on corporate welfare. All thriving democracies have socialist programs, and socialism does NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT, preclude capitalism, so get that idea out of your head.

What states are gutting their welfare programs?

And why? I know people have been getting off of welfare.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
as for this $600... for $0.20 per day, you can sponsor an American

wake me when they want to hand me $18,000 like they did every jackass who thought being a server was a career and collected unemployment, attended multiple house parties, ended up infecting the elderly in their family and are going to be a total drain on the economy next year

they rank right up there with the tards refusing to wear masks who go around licking door knobs and toilet seats

Wow.... you're seriously unhinged... I thought it was just a troll or act....
as for this $600... for $0.20 per day, you can sponsor an American

wake me when they want to hand me $18,000 like they did every jackass who thought being a server was a career and collected unemployment, attended multiple house parties, ended up infecting the elderly in their family and are going to be a total drain on the economy next year

they rank right up there with the tards refusing to wear masks who go around licking door knobs and toilet seats

So you think everyone who collected unemployment is guilty of that behavior? Wow.

Consider this: every small business applied and qualified for the paycheck protection loan. They are required to keep approx 90% of their employees on the clock for x amount of months.

Who do you know who actually lost their job? Who wasn’t able to work remotely? Cause I don’t know anyone out of work right now who isn’t a server... and these servers are my friends and I’ve told them for years to find careers. It’s a dime a dozen job that anyone can do.

As soon as the restaurants were forced to shutdown, all of the servers were let go. I know this because I’m friends with numerous small business owners in this area who had to do this to their employees. That was the biggest hit to the unemployment situation.

Most of the people I know or work with were or had a spouse on furlough or standby. I am only aware of 1 person who lost their job after 15 years, but they had well-known issues with the changeover in management that occurred less than 2 months before that.... so....

The pretty gay boys have been living it up on UE benefits running back and forth to Vegas on that stimulus since last summer. Trust me when I say their money has gone to alcohol, drugs and Jordan’s.

A friend of mine is a pilot and while he was senior enough to not get furloughed a lot of junior pilots have because flights are down 85% or more. There are a lot of mechanics, flight attendants, ticket check workers, baggage handlers, etc... All laid off. Hotels are in the same boat as are many small businesses which have been ordered closed by Democrat politicians even as the giant corporations were allowed to stay open. Even in the restaurant industry it is not just the workers but also all of the suppliers who have been hit hard. I know one guy I went to high school with whose family owns a whole sale meat business and butcher shop; they are truly fucked through no fault of their own.

This stuff trickles through the economy.
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