Trump tells adoring CPAC crowd he is considering a run for 2024.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Wtf? Where did I say capitalism was a form of government?

You guys are the ones trying to blame government force of shutting down businesses on Capitalism.

Corporate crony capitalism is not free market capitalism.

Why do I have to define this for you? You guys hates capitalism but you dont seem to know what it is.
I do not "hate" capitalism. One should get paid well for working hard.

I firmly believe it should have some serious oversight, as I do not trust my fellow citizens to be altruistic or fair in their business dealings. However, you mention "oversight" and people start screaming "socialism/communism".

People would get paid more if business owners were not over taxed.

Holliday Unchained

Some people will throw out ridiculous accusations that others are corporatists, then in a next moment claim those same people hate capitalism, but they, the anti-corporate conscience of America believes that 'real capitalism", capitalism as it should truly be, should be unfettered by regulation.

I'll tell ya - there is a real something here though

...real schizophrenia.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
People would get paid more if business owners were not over taxed.
Do you honestly believe that Business owners would pay their employees more if they weren't taxed?

Explain this to me then... why would a business owner move their manufacturing company back to North America when they can pay some one 25¢ a day to make something overseas? Patriotism? They pay almost nothing for taxes in 3rd world countries where most of the stuff you buy at Wal-mart is made.

Name someone in N.America that would work for those wages.
You want low priced merchandise?
You pay low wages.
Then you can make a profit by not having to hefty wages.

It has been said elsewhere " If you cannot operate a business without paying your workers a fair wage, you do not deserve to have employees"


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Some people will throw out ridiculous accusations that others are corporatists, then in a next moment claim those same people hate capitalism, but they, the anti-corporate conscience of America believes that 'real capitalism", capitalism as it should truly be, should be unfettered by regulation.

I'll tell ya - there is a real something here though

...real schizophrenia.

You are equating corporatism with capitalism and it's not the same thing.

Why do corps get tax payer bail outs? That's not capitalism. No one I know supports that.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Huh? Capitalism isnt about being able to remain solvent while the government shuts down your business model. BTW, the gubmints is STILL collecting taxes on these peoples personal property while they've been shut down.
an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
-Oxford Dictionary.

To my understanding your government was looking to stop the spread of a virus.

Now to my understanding most in the US believe the Corona virus is a liberal hoax to control the populace.
So since we have our borders closed and you are required to prove that you have been "Hoax" free by a Doctor to cross it, I'm not too fussed about it. I do worry about our Long-Haul truckers having to deal with "hoax deniers", but we have a plan for that.

I am genuinely curious how a "free-market" society handles this. I suspect those with money will do just fine.

The rest of you who aren't in the 1% will just have to work harder.

So as I can see, Capitalism working as intended.

Exactly. Real capitalism doesn't allow the state to mess with anyones private small business.

People are fucked and their lives are destroyed because the state stepped in and forced them closed. They could have provided accurate information and guidelines so people could safely run their businesses. That should have been left up to the citizens.

Instead they forced businesses closed and hundreds of thousands of people were forced into poverty and lost everything while big box corps got ALL the business.

No one besides those on the fringe think Covid is a hoax. That's a common misrepresentation of what's been said. Mostly everyone knows it's real, but it's the establishment's response being called a hoax. Like it's been used as a political weapon, rather than treated objectively, and gave the government an excuse to stomp all over citizens.

And now that millions of Americans are suffering the consequences of government lockdowns.....the democrats are using "relief" bills to strong arm their partisan wish lists while tossing crumbs to the people.

This is more along the lines of socailism than free market capitalism. If we were truly capitalists, we wouldnt have these problems right now. People wouldnt be forced to depend on the damn state to survive.

People would have LOVED to be able to work harder. The STATE has forced them to close down. Im really confused how this is a problem with free market capitalism when the problem is directly because of government forced closings.
Define, "Real Capitalism" And cite some examples of real capitalism operating today.
Not necessary. The gubmints shut businesses down and THATS what matters here, dumb ass faggit!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Biggie Smiles

Don’t even get me started on OJ Simpson. The man lost his Rockingham estate to buy the dream team defense and Marcia Clark made serious mistakes in that case... especially when she had an actor try a blood soaked glove on in the court room that would have easily been traced to OJ through the sales receipts and video footage of him wearing them on television.
Exactly, but we all know he's guilty as fuck.

But the relevant fact which refuted your earlier hyperbole is the fact that he found an attorney willing to defend his guilty ass in the first place. THerefore, based on that alone, you cannot conclude innocence or guilt based upon the filings of an attorney

so you mean to tell me that you’re putting all of your chips on this attorney is dirty and will jeopardize their reputation and subsequent bar number to pursue a case for a guilty man...

however, I’m personally grateful that there are attorneys willing to represent the socially undesirable and prematurely presumed guilty

one thing is for certain... justice will prevail organically despite the cries for a barbaric bloodbath restoring order in this country from the likes of people like you

Have you been smoking bad weed or something?

I've merely stated that finding an attorney willing to represent you in a civil case against the city in no way means an inference of guilt on the cops involved in your injury

I mean, didn't Oj's wife and that hook nose family members win in civil court against OJ? I believe they did.

You need solid causes of action to file any case in court or it will get bounced.

This is like watching me try to speak egg head :LMAO2:
Do you realize there are two courts in the context of what we are talking about?

A criminal court where criminals are prosecuted according to one standard and a civil court where common grieviences are aired out according to a different standard entirely.

Much like the sexual gender of the conservative icon Mr. Potato Head... I would not have known that there are different courts had you not just pointed that out... are you going to breakdown traffic and small claims in this xanny granny brain fart spewage now? I suggest you start with Bankruptcy and District first and then work your way down the list lol

Would you like me to educate you on how winning civil proceedings could result in criminal charges for my next.... oh what did @Lokmar call it... my “dumb bitch” trick? bwahahahah

I should really start billing you to school thee lol
You're a good example of why the 19th Amendment should be repealed.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
People would get paid more if business owners were not over taxed.
Do you honestly believe that Business owners would pay their employees more if they weren't taxed?

Explain this to me then... why would a business owner move their manufacturing company back to North America when they can pay some one 25¢ a day to make something overseas? Patriotism? They pay almost nothing for taxes in 3rd world countries where most of the stuff you buy at Wal-mart is made.

Name someone in N.America that would work for those wages.
You want low priced merchandise?
You pay low wages.
Then you can make a profit by not having to hefty wages.

It has been said elsewhere " If you cannot operate a business without paying your workers a fair wage, you do not deserve to have employees"

1. Absolutely, if they want to compete fairly.

2. If there were enough small businesses available people wouldnt flock to Walmart. I dont shop at Walmart, in fact I'll pay extra if I have a local business alternative. I do this unless I absolutely have no choice.

I vapidly oppose slave labor so I do my best to be VERY careful what I purpose.

3. Work for what wages? You didnt provide a wage. If the government got the fuck out of our business, costs would likely lower as well. Raising taxes raises costs.

If you cant pay fair wages, there is gonna be competition that will.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Look, we've socialized business for 120 years or more. I think its time to back government regs off.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@Biggie Smiles

Don’t even get me started on OJ Simpson. The man lost his Rockingham estate to buy the dream team defense and Marcia Clark made serious mistakes in that case... especially when she had an actor try a blood soaked glove on in the court room that would have easily been traced to OJ through the sales receipts and video footage of him wearing them on television.
Exactly, but we all know he's guilty as fuck.

But the relevant fact which refuted your earlier hyperbole is the fact that he found an attorney willing to defend his guilty ass in the first place. THerefore, based on that alone, you cannot conclude innocence or guilt based upon the filings of an attorney

so you mean to tell me that you’re putting all of your chips on this attorney is dirty and will jeopardize their reputation and subsequent bar number to pursue a case for a guilty man...

however, I’m personally grateful that there are attorneys willing to represent the socially undesirable and prematurely presumed guilty

one thing is for certain... justice will prevail organically despite the cries for a barbaric bloodbath restoring order in this country from the likes of people like you

Have you been smoking bad weed or something?

I've merely stated that finding an attorney willing to represent you in a civil case against the city in no way means an inference of guilt on the cops involved in your injury

I mean, didn't Oj's wife and that hook nose family members win in civil court against OJ? I believe they did.

You need solid causes of action to file any case in court or it will get bounced.

This is like watching me try to speak egg head :LMAO2:
Do you realize there are two courts in the context of what we are talking about?

A criminal court where criminals are prosecuted according to one standard and a civil court where common grieviences are aired out according to a different standard entirely.

Much like the sexual gender of the conservative icon Mr. Potato Head... I would not have known that there are different courts had you not just pointed that out... are you going to breakdown traffic and small claims in this xanny granny brain fart spewage now? I suggest you start with Bankruptcy and District first and then work your way down the list lol

Would you like me to educate you on how winning civil proceedings could result in criminal charges for my next.... oh what did @Lokmar call it... my “dumb bitch” trick? bwahahahah

I should really start billing you to school thee lol
You're a good example of why the 19th Amendment should be repealed.

your response is as lazy and inconsistently backed up as your ability to perform in bed, viejo


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Biggie Smiles

Don’t even get me started on OJ Simpson. The man lost his Rockingham estate to buy the dream team defense and Marcia Clark made serious mistakes in that case... especially when she had an actor try a blood soaked glove on in the court room that would have easily been traced to OJ through the sales receipts and video footage of him wearing them on television.
Exactly, but we all know he's guilty as fuck.

But the relevant fact which refuted your earlier hyperbole is the fact that he found an attorney willing to defend his guilty ass in the first place. THerefore, based on that alone, you cannot conclude innocence or guilt based upon the filings of an attorney

so you mean to tell me that you’re putting all of your chips on this attorney is dirty and will jeopardize their reputation and subsequent bar number to pursue a case for a guilty man...

however, I’m personally grateful that there are attorneys willing to represent the socially undesirable and prematurely presumed guilty

one thing is for certain... justice will prevail organically despite the cries for a barbaric bloodbath restoring order in this country from the likes of people like you

Have you been smoking bad weed or something?

I've merely stated that finding an attorney willing to represent you in a civil case against the city in no way means an inference of guilt on the cops involved in your injury

I mean, didn't Oj's wife and that hook nose family members win in civil court against OJ? I believe they did.

You need solid causes of action to file any case in court or it will get bounced.

This is like watching me try to speak egg head :LMAO2:
Do you realize there are two courts in the context of what we are talking about?

A criminal court where criminals are prosecuted according to one standard and a civil court where common grieviences are aired out according to a different standard entirely.

Much like the sexual gender of the conservative icon Mr. Potato Head... I would not have known that there are different courts had you not just pointed that out... are you going to breakdown traffic and small claims in this xanny granny brain fart spewage now? I suggest you start with Bankruptcy and District first and then work your way down the list lol

Would you like me to educate you on how winning civil proceedings could result in criminal charges for my next.... oh what did @Lokmar call it... my “dumb bitch” trick? bwahahahah

I should really start billing you to school thee lol
You're a good example of why the 19th Amendment should be repealed.

your response is as lazy and inconsistently backed up as your ability to perform in bed, viejo
Are you even good at makin sammies? Hell no you aint. Why think you can vote correctly?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Look, we've socialized business for 120 years or more. I think its time to back government regs off.


They are complaining about the results of too much government involvement/socailist nonsense in the economy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
People would get paid more if business owners were not over taxed.
Do you honestly believe that Business owners would pay their employees more if they weren't taxed?

Explain this to me then... why would a business owner move their manufacturing company back to North America when they can pay some one 25¢ a day to make something overseas? Patriotism? They pay almost nothing for taxes in 3rd world countries where most of the stuff you buy at Wal-mart is made.

Name someone in N.America that would work for those wages.
You want low priced merchandise?
You pay low wages.
Then you can make a profit by not having to hefty wages.

It has been said elsewhere " If you cannot operate a business without paying your workers a fair wage, you do not deserve to have employees"

1. Absolutely, if they want to compete fairly.

2. If there were enough small businesses available people wouldnt flock to Walmart. I dont shop at Walmart, in fact I'll pay extra if I have a local business alternative. I do this unless I absolutely have no choice.

I vapidly oppose slave labor so I do my best to be VERY careful what I purpose.

3. Work for what wages? You didnt provide a wage. If the government got the fuck out of our business, costs would likely lower as well. Raising taxes raises costs.

If you cant pay fair wages, there is gonna be competition that will.
Wal-mart squeezes out small business's. This is part of Capitalism, compete against other business's. If there are no other business's to compete against, you make more money.
Then you can force people to shop at your store, make even more money.

And should someone point out your shady corporate dealings, just claim "socialist/communist", and have people recite that Government shouldn't be sticking their nose into a private owned business.

If a small business gets shut down due to your mega/big box store, well you have eliminated the competition.

Capitalism, working as advertised.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
People would get paid more if business owners were not over taxed.
Do you honestly believe that Business owners would pay their employees more if they weren't taxed?

Explain this to me then... why would a business owner move their manufacturing company back to North America when they can pay some one 25¢ a day to make something overseas? Patriotism? They pay almost nothing for taxes in 3rd world countries where most of the stuff you buy at Wal-mart is made.

Name someone in N.America that would work for those wages.
You want low priced merchandise?
You pay low wages.
Then you can make a profit by not having to hefty wages.

It has been said elsewhere " If you cannot operate a business without paying your workers a fair wage, you do not deserve to have employees"

1. Absolutely, if they want to compete fairly.

2. If there were enough small businesses available people wouldnt flock to Walmart. I dont shop at Walmart, in fact I'll pay extra if I have a local business alternative. I do this unless I absolutely have no choice.

I vapidly oppose slave labor so I do my best to be VERY careful what I purpose.

3. Work for what wages? You didnt provide a wage. If the government got the fuck out of our business, costs would likely lower as well. Raising taxes raises costs.

If you cant pay fair wages, there is gonna be competition that will.
Wal-mart squeezes out small business's. This is part of Capitalism, compete against other business's. If there are no other business's to compete against, you make more money.
Then you can force people to shop at your store, make even more money.

And should someone point out your shady corporate dealings, just claim "socialist/communist", and have people recite that Government shouldn't be sticking their nose into a private owned business.

If a small business gets shut down due to your mega/big box store, well you have eliminated the competition.

Capitalism, working as advertised.
And I've got no problem with Walmart running people out of business. But as I recal, the subject was related to the government running people out of business by shutting them down.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
People would get paid more if business owners were not over taxed.
Do you honestly believe that Business owners would pay their employees more if they weren't taxed?

Explain this to me then... why would a business owner move their manufacturing company back to North America when they can pay some one 25¢ a day to make something overseas? Patriotism? They pay almost nothing for taxes in 3rd world countries where most of the stuff you buy at Wal-mart is made.

Name someone in N.America that would work for those wages.
You want low priced merchandise?
You pay low wages.
Then you can make a profit by not having to hefty wages.

It has been said elsewhere " If you cannot operate a business without paying your workers a fair wage, you do not deserve to have employees"

1. Absolutely, if they want to compete fairly.

2. If there were enough small businesses available people wouldnt flock to Walmart. I dont shop at Walmart, in fact I'll pay extra if I have a local business alternative. I do this unless I absolutely have no choice.

I vapidly oppose slave labor so I do my best to be VERY careful what I purpose.

3. Work for what wages? You didnt provide a wage. If the government got the fuck out of our business, costs would likely lower as well. Raising taxes raises costs.

If you cant pay fair wages, there is gonna be competition that will.
Wal-mart squeezes out small business's. This is part of Capitalism, compete against other business's. If there are no other business's to compete against, you make more money.
Then you can force people to shop at your store, make even more money.

And should someone point out your shady corporate dealings, just claim "socialist/communist", and have people recite that Government shouldn't be sticking their nose into a private owned business.

If a small business gets shut down due to your mega/big box store, well you have eliminated the competition.

Capitalism, working as advertised.

They survive because they get money from the government to keep them going.

Remove that. See what happens.

Again my position is free market capitalism....meaning the government getting out of our businesses. No advantage for corporations. So I'm opposed to "shady corporate dealings".

Its socailism and communism that cause the corporate fascism. You cannot solve problems caused by the government with more government.

Then politicains and corporations have more power than individuals.

WHY would we want to support a government that rescued and boosted corporations while forcing individuals out of business and into poverty?

My daughter has always wanted to become a chef and open a restaurant. Now shes afraid to do this after seeing what Whitler did to Michigan residents. Shes horrified by the thought that she could work that hard only for the government to destroy it all and say it was for the "greater good".

I'm still gonna push her to follow her passions.....but it's a valid fear.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
People would get paid more if business owners were not over taxed.
Do you honestly believe that Business owners would pay their employees more if they weren't taxed?

Explain this to me then... why would a business owner move their manufacturing company back to North America when they can pay some one 25¢ a day to make something overseas? Patriotism? They pay almost nothing for taxes in 3rd world countries where most of the stuff you buy at Wal-mart is made.

Name someone in N.America that would work for those wages.
You want low priced merchandise?
You pay low wages.
Then you can make a profit by not having to hefty wages.

It has been said elsewhere " If you cannot operate a business without paying your workers a fair wage, you do not deserve to have employees"

1. Absolutely, if they want to compete fairly.

2. If there were enough small businesses available people wouldnt flock to Walmart. I dont shop at Walmart, in fact I'll pay extra if I have a local business alternative. I do this unless I absolutely have no choice.

I vapidly oppose slave labor so I do my best to be VERY careful what I purpose.

3. Work for what wages? You didnt provide a wage. If the government got the fuck out of our business, costs would likely lower as well. Raising taxes raises costs.

If you cant pay fair wages, there is gonna be competition that will.
Wal-mart squeezes out small business's. This is part of Capitalism, compete against other business's. If there are no other business's to compete against, you make more money.
Then you can force people to shop at your store, make even more money.

And should someone point out your shady corporate dealings, just claim "socialist/communist", and have people recite that Government shouldn't be sticking their nose into a private owned business.

If a small business gets shut down due to your mega/big box store, well you have eliminated the competition.

Capitalism, working as advertised.

They survive because they get money from the government to keep them going.

Remove that. See what happens.
What generally gets ignored in discussions like this is the Constitution provides for TARIFFS in order to protect American Business. But you dont see liberals supporting that part of the Constitution. Hell, most RINO's dont either.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And I've got no problem with Walmart running people out of business. But as I recal, the subject was related to the government running people out of business by shutting them down.
So Lokmar supports big Business and low wages.

But this is Meltdown, where the topics get changed frequently. Lokmar, you aren't trying to get the topic back on track because unkind things are being pointed out about Capitalism, are you?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And I've got no problem with Walmart running people out of business. But as I recal, the subject was related to the government running people out of business by shutting them down.
So Lokmar supports big Business and low wages.

But this is Meltdown, where the topics get changed frequently. Lokmar, you aren't trying to get the topic back on track because unkind things are being pointed out about Capitalism, are you?
I dont believe so. I genuinely believe that the biggest problems we have is due to gubmints doing what they shouldnt do and not doing what they should. Again, I'd like to point out that the government generally refuses to protect American wages and jobs via tariffs.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@Biggie Smiles

Don’t even get me started on OJ Simpson. The man lost his Rockingham estate to buy the dream team defense and Marcia Clark made serious mistakes in that case... especially when she had an actor try a blood soaked glove on in the court room that would have easily been traced to OJ through the sales receipts and video footage of him wearing them on television.
Exactly, but we all know he's guilty as fuck.

But the relevant fact which refuted your earlier hyperbole is the fact that he found an attorney willing to defend his guilty ass in the first place. THerefore, based on that alone, you cannot conclude innocence or guilt based upon the filings of an attorney

so you mean to tell me that you’re putting all of your chips on this attorney is dirty and will jeopardize their reputation and subsequent bar number to pursue a case for a guilty man...

however, I’m personally grateful that there are attorneys willing to represent the socially undesirable and prematurely presumed guilty

one thing is for certain... justice will prevail organically despite the cries for a barbaric bloodbath restoring order in this country from the likes of people like you

Have you been smoking bad weed or something?

I've merely stated that finding an attorney willing to represent you in a civil case against the city in no way means an inference of guilt on the cops involved in your injury

I mean, didn't Oj's wife and that hook nose family members win in civil court against OJ? I believe they did.

You need solid causes of action to file any case in court or it will get bounced.

This is like watching me try to speak egg head :LMAO2:
Do you realize there are two courts in the context of what we are talking about?

A criminal court where criminals are prosecuted according to one standard and a civil court where common grieviences are aired out according to a different standard entirely.

Much like the sexual gender of the conservative icon Mr. Potato Head... I would not have known that there are different courts had you not just pointed that out... are you going to breakdown traffic and small claims in this xanny granny brain fart spewage now? I suggest you start with Bankruptcy and District first and then work your way down the list lol

Would you like me to educate you on how winning civil proceedings could result in criminal charges for my next.... oh what did @Lokmar call it... my “dumb bitch” trick? bwahahahah

I should really start billing you to school thee lol
You're a good example of why the 19th Amendment should be repealed.

your response is as lazy and inconsistently backed up as your ability to perform in bed, viejo
Are you even good at makin sammies? Hell no you aint. Why think you can vote correctly?

you have a G spot in your ass... and if your cock isn’t longer than your balls when it’s soft... you better lower your ur voice when you speak to me lol


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
People would get paid more if business owners were not over taxed.
Do you honestly believe that Business owners would pay their employees more if they weren't taxed?

Explain this to me then... why would a business owner move their manufacturing company back to North America when they can pay some one 25¢ a day to make something overseas? Patriotism? They pay almost nothing for taxes in 3rd world countries where most of the stuff you buy at Wal-mart is made.

Name someone in N.America that would work for those wages.
You want low priced merchandise?
You pay low wages.
Then you can make a profit by not having to hefty wages.

It has been said elsewhere " If you cannot operate a business without paying your workers a fair wage, you do not deserve to have employees"

1. Absolutely, if they want to compete fairly.

2. If there were enough small businesses available people wouldnt flock to Walmart. I dont shop at Walmart, in fact I'll pay extra if I have a local business alternative. I do this unless I absolutely have no choice.

I vapidly oppose slave labor so I do my best to be VERY careful what I purpose.

3. Work for what wages? You didnt provide a wage. If the government got the fuck out of our business, costs would likely lower as well. Raising taxes raises costs.

If you cant pay fair wages, there is gonna be competition that will.
Wal-mart squeezes out small business's. This is part of Capitalism, compete against other business's. If there are no other business's to compete against, you make more money.
Then you can force people to shop at your store, make even more money.

And should someone point out your shady corporate dealings, just claim "socialist/communist", and have people recite that Government shouldn't be sticking their nose into a private owned business.

If a small business gets shut down due to your mega/big box store, well you have eliminated the competition.

Capitalism, working as advertised.

They survive because they get money from the government to keep them going.

Remove that. See what happens.

Again my position is free market capitalism....meaning the government getting out of our businesses. No advantage for corporations. So I'm opposed to "shady corporate dealings".

Its socailism and communism that cause the corporate fascism. You cannot solve problems caused by the government with more government.

Then politicains and corporations have more power than individuals.
Then you also support the removal of Corporate/PAC Donations to political parties, yes?

How is socialism and communism causing "corporate fascism"? Under both those Government styles there would be no Wal-Mart, No Amazon, No Big Box stores.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I'd even support forcing companies in Mexico to pay their employees the same as an American. The penalty would always be a corresponding tariff. IF the mexicans can do it better, the company should stay in Mexico, right?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And I've got no problem with Walmart running people out of business. But as I recal, the subject was related to the government running people out of business by shutting them down.
So Lokmar supports big Business and low wages.

But this is Meltdown, where the topics get changed frequently. Lokmar, you aren't trying to get the topic back on track because unkind things are being pointed out about Capitalism, are you?
I dont believe so. I genuinely believe that the biggest problems we have is due to gubmints doing what they shouldnt do and not doing what they should. Again, I'd like to point out that the government generally refuses to protect American wages and jobs via tariffs.
Tariffs don't protect wages or jobs. It just raises the cost to produce something, ending in more job losses to cut costs.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Biggie Smiles

Don’t even get me started on OJ Simpson. The man lost his Rockingham estate to buy the dream team defense and Marcia Clark made serious mistakes in that case... especially when she had an actor try a blood soaked glove on in the court room that would have easily been traced to OJ through the sales receipts and video footage of him wearing them on television.
Exactly, but we all know he's guilty as fuck.

But the relevant fact which refuted your earlier hyperbole is the fact that he found an attorney willing to defend his guilty ass in the first place. THerefore, based on that alone, you cannot conclude innocence or guilt based upon the filings of an attorney

so you mean to tell me that you’re putting all of your chips on this attorney is dirty and will jeopardize their reputation and subsequent bar number to pursue a case for a guilty man...

however, I’m personally grateful that there are attorneys willing to represent the socially undesirable and prematurely presumed guilty

one thing is for certain... justice will prevail organically despite the cries for a barbaric bloodbath restoring order in this country from the likes of people like you

Have you been smoking bad weed or something?

I've merely stated that finding an attorney willing to represent you in a civil case against the city in no way means an inference of guilt on the cops involved in your injury

I mean, didn't Oj's wife and that hook nose family members win in civil court against OJ? I believe they did.

You need solid causes of action to file any case in court or it will get bounced.

This is like watching me try to speak egg head :LMAO2:
Do you realize there are two courts in the context of what we are talking about?

A criminal court where criminals are prosecuted according to one standard and a civil court where common grieviences are aired out according to a different standard entirely.

Much like the sexual gender of the conservative icon Mr. Potato Head... I would not have known that there are different courts had you not just pointed that out... are you going to breakdown traffic and small claims in this xanny granny brain fart spewage now? I suggest you start with Bankruptcy and District first and then work your way down the list lol

Would you like me to educate you on how winning civil proceedings could result in criminal charges for my next.... oh what did @Lokmar call it... my “dumb bitch” trick? bwahahahah

I should really start billing you to school thee lol
You're a good example of why the 19th Amendment should be repealed.

your response is as lazy and inconsistently backed up as your ability to perform in bed, viejo
Are you even good at makin sammies? Hell no you aint. Why think you can vote correctly?

you have a G spot in your ass... and if your cock isn’t longer than your balls when it’s soft... you better lower your ur voice when you speak to me lol
Look lady, your sexual deviancy dont make you superior. Move along, the adults are speaking.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I'd even support forcing companies in Mexico to pay their employees the same as an American. The penalty would always be a corresponding tariff. IF the mexicans can do it better, the company should stay in Mexico, right?
The you wouldn't be "Buying American" would you?

You willing to pay extra for a product if it means employee's get a living wage? How socialist of you.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And I've got no problem with Walmart running people out of business. But as I recal, the subject was related to the government running people out of business by shutting them down.
So Lokmar supports big Business and low wages.

But this is Meltdown, where the topics get changed frequently. Lokmar, you aren't trying to get the topic back on track because unkind things are being pointed out about Capitalism, are you?
I dont believe so. I genuinely believe that the biggest problems we have is due to gubmints doing what they shouldnt do and not doing what they should. Again, I'd like to point out that the government generally refuses to protect American wages and jobs via tariffs.
Tariffs don't protect wages or jobs. It just raises the cost to produce something, ending in more job losses to cut costs.
I disagree and so did the founders of this nation. They instituted tariffs and they worked. The company I work for had to move production because of tariffs. A job lost one place didnt mean it evaporated, it moved elsewhere.

Holliday Unchained

And I've got no problem with Walmart running people out of business. But as I recal, the subject was related to the government running people out of business by shutting them down.
So Lokmar supports big Business and low wages.

But this is Meltdown, where the topics get changed frequently. Lokmar, you aren't trying to get the topic back on track because unkind things are being pointed out about Capitalism, are you?
I dont believe so. I genuinely believe that the biggest problems we have is due to gubmints doing what they shouldnt do and not doing what they should. Again, I'd like to point out that the government generally refuses to protect American wages and jobs via tariffs.
How'd that tariffy war with China go for you, loktardo?
Wouldn't surprise me if that was a top 3 reason Trump got smashed in the election.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
People would get paid more if business owners were not over taxed.
Do you honestly believe that Business owners would pay their employees more if they weren't taxed?

Explain this to me then... why would a business owner move their manufacturing company back to North America when they can pay some one 25¢ a day to make something overseas? Patriotism? They pay almost nothing for taxes in 3rd world countries where most of the stuff you buy at Wal-mart is made.

Name someone in N.America that would work for those wages.
You want low priced merchandise?
You pay low wages.
Then you can make a profit by not having to hefty wages.

It has been said elsewhere " If you cannot operate a business without paying your workers a fair wage, you do not deserve to have employees"

1. Absolutely, if they want to compete fairly.

2. If there were enough small businesses available people wouldnt flock to Walmart. I dont shop at Walmart, in fact I'll pay extra if I have a local business alternative. I do this unless I absolutely have no choice.

I vapidly oppose slave labor so I do my best to be VERY careful what I purpose.

3. Work for what wages? You didnt provide a wage. If the government got the fuck out of our business, costs would likely lower as well. Raising taxes raises costs.

If you cant pay fair wages, there is gonna be competition that will.
Wal-mart squeezes out small business's. This is part of Capitalism, compete against other business's. If there are no other business's to compete against, you make more money.
Then you can force people to shop at your store, make even more money.

And should someone point out your shady corporate dealings, just claim "socialist/communist", and have people recite that Government shouldn't be sticking their nose into a private owned business.

If a small business gets shut down due to your mega/big box store, well you have eliminated the competition.

Capitalism, working as advertised.

They survive because they get money from the government to keep them going.

Remove that. See what happens.

Again my position is free market capitalism....meaning the government getting out of our businesses. No advantage for corporations. So I'm opposed to "shady corporate dealings".

Its socailism and communism that cause the corporate fascism. You cannot solve problems caused by the government with more government.

Then politicains and corporations have more power than individuals.
Then you also support the removal of Corporate/PAC Donations to political parties, yes?

How is socialism and communism causing "corporate fascism"? Under both those Government styles there would be no Wal-Mart, No Amazon, No Big Box stores.

Well I'm not against the existence of big box stores like Walmart and Amazon and such.

I just do not support the government giving advantage to them or corporations mixing with politics.

I think the government should only get involve to protect human and constitutional rights. Even corps that use cheap slave labor in 3rd world countries should face some sort of penalty. Slavery is illegal in it should be illegal to use slaves EVEN over seas if they do business in America. Child exploitation ....stuff like that.

I said your complaints were about corporate fascism.....not what free market capitalists want. We dont have the capitalism we want here in America, and a lot of the issues I notice being addressed have to do with government/political involvement in the market and the grotesque fascist relationship between the state and corporations.

Yeah I support getting corporate money out of politics. Absolutely.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I'd even support forcing companies in Mexico to pay their employees the same as an American. The penalty would always be a corresponding tariff. IF the mexicans can do it better, the company should stay in Mexico, right?
The you wouldn't be "Buying American" would you?

You willing to pay extra for a product if it means employee's get a living wage? How socialist of you.
Like the founders, I'm very socialist when it comes to American Jobs. I would actually pay more for American products and do when I can. My point is, if tarifs dont work, foreign workers get a living wage and get to keep their jobs which SHOULD make liberals happy. Why dont liberals jump on board?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
And I've got no problem with Walmart running people out of business. But as I recal, the subject was related to the government running people out of business by shutting them down.
So Lokmar supports big Business and low wages.

But this is Meltdown, where the topics get changed frequently. Lokmar, you aren't trying to get the topic back on track because unkind things are being pointed out about Capitalism, are you?
I dont believe so. I genuinely believe that the biggest problems we have is due to gubmints doing what they shouldnt do and not doing what they should. Again, I'd like to point out that the government generally refuses to protect American wages and jobs via tariffs.
How'd that tariffy war with China go for you, loktardo?
Wouldn't surprise me if that was a top 3 reason Trump got smashed in the election.

Were you opposed to that? And if so, why?