So Im drinking coffee this morning....


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...and I catch a short video called Satanic Structure of Time...

Pretty crazy shit! Blew my mind! And my coffee brain takes off, weeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

So now I've got other thoughts combining with it. Like, our Sun dial, and how that also depicts time, and Im thinking about Flat Earth and Round Earth, and about how Satan is suppose to be the Lord over this planet, and yet I hear Saturn is Satan's home, fuck if I know now, but I've seen the North pole of Saturn. Then Im also thinking about Freemasons, and pyramids, same as above, same as below, star of Remphan. How long have we been willing slaves of time?




I could keep going on this topic, but I cant let THEM know Im connecting too many dots!!!! Oh and Im out of coffee, lulz.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Superstitious numerology and similar pseudo-scientific 'disciplines' rely on conflating correlation with causation, pre-supposing definitions or relationships, or using heavily biased interpretations to reverse-engineer connections from preferred conclusions or to construct spurious interpretations of heavily curated data.

It's intellectual junk food being sold by the same people flogging eternal rewards that you can't enjoy until after you die. It's self-referential bollocks that only superficially has any meaning at all; as soon as you step outside the narrow parameters in which it appears to make sense the whole thing falls apart.

There are no deities nor devils, no angels nor demons, no heaven nor hell.

Get off your knees... you look silly.


Factory Bastard
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Superstitious numerology and similar pseudo-scientific 'disciplines' rely on conflating correlation with causation, pre-supposing definitions or relationships, or using heavily biased interpretations to reverse-engineer connections from preferred conclusions or to construct spurious interpretations of heavily curated data.

It's intellectual junk food being sold by the same people flogging eternal rewards that you can't enjoy until after you die. It's self-referential bollocks that only superficially has any meaning at all; as soon as you step outside the narrow parameters in which it appears to make sense the whole thing falls apart.

There are no deities nor devils, no angels nor demons, no heaven nor hell.

Get off your knees... you look silly.
Or -IF- you need to believe in deities etc, find ones that encourage personal responsibility, not blaming the world's ills on some Satan, or that some sky daddy is coming down to save you from the repercussions of your actions.


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Honestly wasnt trying to make this a religious thread, jus thoughts swirling through my head, as I sip coffee lol.

Tomorrow could be about aliens from the planet nebula..... or..... are they from hollow earth!!! hahahaha

Am I the only one that gets crazy thoughts while jacked on coffee and weed? lol


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Honestly wasnt trying to make this a religious thread, jus thoughts swirling through my head, as I sip coffee lol.

Tomorrow could be about aliens from the planet nebula..... or..... are they from hollow earth!!! hahahaha

Am I the only one that gets crazy thoughts while jacked on coffee and weed? lol

Don't mind me.
As a life-long atheist in the southern USA I've bitten my tongue so many times it's gone numb and just randomly starts tossing out religious critiques with little to no warning.

No offense meant and I absolutely didn't intend to harsh your thread, chief.

My bad!


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Don't mind me.
As a life-long atheist in the southern USA I've bitten my tongue so many times it's gone numb and just randomly starts tossing out religious critiques with little to no warning.

No offense meant and I absolutely didn't intend to harsh your thread, chief.

My bad!

Lol, nah man, its ok. I post random stuff that flows out while Im on coffee, the audience responds. You did what you were meant to do. Namaste. lulz


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@Garraty_47 I have lots of Atheist friends, including my brother lol. Does it make them bad people, or should I judge them for their beliefs, no. I accept everyone for who they are, as long as their character is good.

Same with @Krieg , him and I go way back. I respect his beliefs, and have similar friends who follow the same beliefs he does.

Today's coffee post is jus' me feeling good. I packed my camping gear last night, and Im about to head for the mountains.

Cheers to all y'all that seek a smile on your face today. May it come to you in abundance.

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
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@Garraty_47 I have lots of Atheist friends, including my brother lol. Does it make them bad people, or should I judge them for their beliefs, no. I accept everyone for who they are, as long as their character is good.

Same with @Krieg , him and I go way back. I respect his beliefs, and have similar friends who follow the same beliefs he does.

Today's coffee post is jus' me feeling good. I packed my camping gear last night, and Im about to head for the mountains.

Cheers to all y'all that seek a smile on your face today. May it come to you in abundance.
Lucky! Have fun in the mountains and be careful don't get at up by a bear.


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I've got to get this off my chest!!!! Driving me crazy!!!

Does anyone else hear a fucking humming noise!!?? Like machinery? I've been hearing it off and on for nearly 2 years. I can be in the middle of the forest miles from anything and hear it. In fact, it was in the woods that I heard it the first time. Very strange shit!!!!

If there is no machinery, could it be something planetary? So then what would cause it?

I know that the planet picked up speed on "shifting" in the past decade, and scientists dont know why. It normally shifts at a certain speed, but then it suddenly got faster, like a lot faster.

I saw a crazy video the other day, where someone took a speaker, and mounted it to the wall, with the magnet facing out. He then stuck another magnet on it, then wrapped it with wire, then soldered the wire to a set of light bulbs. Then, mounted a thin cylinder to the magnet, and slid another magnet over it (hole in middle), and had the magnetism reversed. The magnet levitated, spun, and started producing electricity!!!!!

Now, what if, there is some truth to the Flat Earth, and our Sun is directly over us, rotating, being energized from the rotation? What if the Moon is a dormant Sun? I've seen models that suggest this. Am I sold on that? Not entirely, but I keep an open mind.

Now, what if our balance is so off. What if the magnetism isnt right?




If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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My ears have been ringing since Viet Nam non stop - - - - - - - -
Tinnitus= inner ear nerve damage -