Support Biden?!


Mr. Excitement
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As I've stated before I'm no expert on American politics or any other country's to be honest. I don't read the paper either. I just have one question.

From time to time I turn on Fox news to check out the latest and as expected this year's presidential election in the US is covered a lot. I know that on mainstream media we don't get the juicy news. It's my belief that what we do see is designed to distract us from what's truly going down in today's world but that's not the purpose of my question here.

After everything that has happened since Biden became president, I can't for the life of me understand why he is even being considered for a second term.(I also understand that Trump has some undesired qualities about him as well.)I understand that Biden's age is certainly a factor. His mind is starting to fail like many folks his age but the things that are happening during his administration don't seem to be a result of his failing mental faculties. They all seem very deliberate and his administration doesn't seem to be doing anything to fix these serious problems. Look at all the fucking people waltzing on in through the border carrying phones, wearing nice clothes and one lady I've seen with an at least a $150 spiral perm. They don't seem to be too needy to me.

Why on earth would anyone support this man running for a second term with all that has happened and is happening?! The only reason that I can think of is that Biden is answering to a shadow government of some sort. I have never seen a sitting US president go to such extremes to keep a person, in this case Trump, from becoming the president once more. I'm Canadian so I'm not a supporter of the democrats or republicans. I don't even know what the hell each stand for. I'm just a regular dude puzzled by all of this.

So why is the sitting President getting any support at all given everything that's happening?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
As I've stated before I'm no expert on American politics or any other country's to be honest. I don't read the paper either. I just have one question.

From time to time I turn on Fox news to check out the latest and as expected this year's presidential election in the US is covered a lot. I know that on mainstream media we don't get the juicy news. It's my belief that what we do see is designed to distract us from what's truly going down in today's world but that's not the purpose of my question here.

After everything that has happened since Biden became president, I can't for the life of me understand why he is even being considered for a second term.(I also understand that Trump has some undesired qualities about him as well.)I understand that Biden's age is certainly a factor. His mind is starting to fail like many folks his age but the things that are happening during his administration don't seem to be a result of his failing mental faculties. They all seem very deliberate and his administration doesn't seem to be doing anything to fix these serious problems. Look at all the fucking people waltzing on in through the border carrying phones, wearing nice clothes and one lady I've seen with an at least a $150 spiral perm. They don't seem to be too needy to me.

Why on earth would anyone support this man running for a second term with all that has happened and is happening?! The only reason that I can think of is that Biden is answering to a shadow government of some sort. I have never seen a sitting US president go to such extremes to keep a person, in this case Trump, from becoming the president once more. I'm Canadian so I'm not a supporter of the democrats or republicans. I don't even know what the hell each stand for. I'm just a regular dude puzzled by all of this.

So why is the sitting President getting any support at all given everything that's happening?

So people are crossing the border, admittedly something that has to be fixed, and one lady didn't look needy, do I have that right?

How does that constitute "look at all that's happened"?


Mr. Excitement
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So people are crossing the border, admittedly something that has to be fixed, and one lady didn't look needy, do I have that right?

How does that constitute "look at all that's happened"?
Hi Lily

I'm not looking to make a federal case out of this. I know next to nothing about politics and I can't discuss it intelligently like the rest of you can because of that. I'm just simply asking why any American would support Biden. Why is the president letting all those folks just pour in like that? Is that not a fair question? I could never be the president of the US, but if I was I'd be taking serious steps to remedy the problem that Biden doesn't seem to care about. I'm not going to get into a big political fight here because I'm in over my head. If I was American and knew a lot about these matters this thread wouldn't be a question.


Factory Bastard
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Biden inheritEd a time bomb. According to the numbers, he’s doing pretty well. Biden is the President. The President cannot do much without approvals. So it’s not like he’s steering the ship, by himself. The alternative right now is repugnant as hell. The rapping impeached twice, felon. History won’t be kind to this fucker.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Hi Lily

I'm not looking to make a federal case out of this. I know next to nothing about politics and I can't discuss it intelligently like the rest of you can because of that. I'm just simply asking why any American would support Biden. Why is the president letting all those folks just pour in like that? Is that not a fair question? I could never be the president of the US, but if I was I'd be taking serious steps to remedy the problem that Biden doesn't seem to care about. I'm not going to get into a big political fight here because I'm in over my head. If I was American and knew a lot about these matters this thread wouldn't be a question.

It is a problem. We have a huge force at the border - 63,000 personnel, though not all at the border. The solutions aren't so simple are they? Border walls have gone up, CBP officers are all along the border...

I think one of the biggest problems is not having enough professionals to manage our immigration courts in anything close to efficiency. Immigration cases are backed up for years.

I don't think he doesn't care, but we have laws all Presidents have to live with. People have the right to request asylum hearings.

No one talks about root cause issues. What is making people come here? Why are they fleeing their lands?

What do you think Trump would do? He was able to take advantage to the Covid epidemic to keep people away. Now that legal provision is not an option.

What do you think should be done?


Mr. Excitement
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It is a problem. We have a huge force at the border - 63,000 personnel, though not all at the border. The solutions aren't so simple are they? Border walls have gone up, CBP officers are all along the border...

I think one of the biggest problems is not having enough professionals to manage our immigration courts in anything close to efficiency. Immigration cases are backed up for years.

I don't think he doesn't care, but we have laws all Presidents have to live with. People have the right to request asylum hearings.

No one talks about root cause issues. What is making people come here? Why are they fleeing their lands?

What do you think Trump would do? He was able to take advantage to the Covid epidemic to keep people away. Now that legal provision is not an option.

What do you think should be done?
Well if I'm not mistaken the number of migrants coming in is shockingly high. Unlike any number in history right? Don't let anymore in effective immediately. All of these people coming in could be very dangerous for your country right? I would never let a record breaking number of immigrants enter my country willy-nilly. I would shut the border down and process all of them that are already there first if that's even possible now. Isn't the government supposed to protect it's citizens?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Well if I'm not mistaken the number of migrants coming in is shockingly high. Unlike any number in history right? Don't let anymore in effective immediately. All of these people coming in could be very dangerous for your country right? I would never let a record breaking number of immigrants enter my country willy-nilly. I would shut the border down and process all of them that are already there first if that's even possible now. Isn't the government supposed to protect it's citizens?

How do you stop them? Shoot to kill, is that what you think we should do?

They have rights under the law to apply for asylum. Should we ignore our own laws? It's like you didn't read what I wrote.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Well if I'm not mistaken the number of migrants coming in is shockingly high. Unlike any number in history right? Don't let anymore in effective immediately. All of these people coming in could be very dangerous for your country right? I would never let a record breaking number of immigrants enter my country willy-nilly. I would shut the border down and process all of them that are already there first if that's even possible now. Isn't the government supposed to protect it's citizens?
No, just the highest volume in 20 some years. Ask a Border Fetishist for what exactly Biden is supposed to have done to "Open The Border" Did he tear down walls and fences, did he lay off Border Enforcement people? Then familiarize yourself with the phrase "Talking Point". "Boogey Man" "Deflection". "Smoke and Mirrors"


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
I've always been #NeverBiden so nothing has changed there.

I'm also #NeverTrump so samesies.

The fixation/malfunction of 'Muricans in only voting for either half of a corporate imperialist uniparty is one of if not the stupidest thing 'Muricans do. It's completely mental.


Mr. Excitement
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How do you stop them? Shoot to kill, is that what you think we should do?

They have rights under the law to apply for asylum? Should we ignore our own laws? It's like you didn't read what I wrote.
Lily respectfully, I made it clear at the beginning of this thread that I was no expert, but don't you think that given the current circumstances that maybe the government should put a stop to these migrants coming in? Maybe amend some laws to help. If it's all well and good than why are so many states complaining of running out of room to accommodate these people? I don't have to be an expert in politics to know that there's something fishy going on.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Lily respectfully, I made it clear at the beginning of this thread that I was no expert, but don't you think that given the current circumstances that maybe the government should put a stop to these migrants coming in? Maybe amend some laws to help. If it's all well and good than why are so many states complaining of running out of room to accommodate these people? I don't have to be an expert in politics to know that there's something fishy going on.

Maybe some laws do need to be amended. But even if they change the laws, people are desperate to get in and will take risks and pay to be brought in by traffickers.

This is a complex problem and needs short and long term goals to solve huge intractable problems. The US fucking up the Latin American countries with our fucked up policies didn't help. I think we need to work with Latin America and move our jobs that we offshore from China to places much closer to home.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Okay. I guess I just don't understand it well enough.

I think you're correct about it being a problem. Is it as bad as Fox make it out? I don't know. Being from CA, we absorbed a huge bulk of illegal immigration for decades.

We've been the #1 economic powerhouse as states go for decades as well.

Also, it's pretty naive to think the problem can be solved quickly and easily.


Mr. Excitement
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I think you're correct about it being a problem. Is it as bad as Fox make it out? I don't know. Being from CA, we absorbed a huge bulk of illegal immigration for decades.

We've been the #1 economic powerhouse as states go for decades as well.
I'm not sure if any mainstream media is reliable.


Factory Bastard
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Trump has "some" undesirable qualities? SOME????? LMAO

Honestly, for the life of me, I do not know why the Dems are allowing Biden to run again. It's incredibly stupid, imo. I don't think Trump will be the CON candidate, so the next prez may well be a CON. Dems are shooting themselves in the foot.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I'm not sure if any mainstream media is reliable.

No, they both are paid to make you watch by getting you anxious and upset. Anger motivates people. Our brain evolved to respond to threats first and foremost.

Watching the news, or reading it as I prefer, has to be done with our rational brain and not our emotions. We have to think about seeking out what problems are really about and what solutions might work.

I, even being from the "left" in this country, reject some things that are common that leftists tend to believe.

One example, is that humans don't belong or deserve to exist to begin with. "Humans" ruin everything. *sigh* Yes, human beings can be, and actually are, an incredibly destructive animal as far as species go. However, we EVOLVED, just like every other creature. We are NATURAL to the Earth. It's not like some alien species dropped us off here just to fuck things up.

We are still evolving. As long as some of us believe our particular group of humans deserve more than other human beings...shit is going to be shitty.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Trump has "some" undesirable qualities? SOME????? LMAO

Honestly, for the life of me, I do not know why the Dems are allowing Biden to run again. It's incredibly stupid, imo. I don't think Trump will be the CON candidate, so the next prez may well be a CON. Dems are shooting themselves in the foot.

I frankly don't believe there are any candidates in the political sphere that are much better on the left. I really don't.


Factory Bastard
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I guess no president regardless of who it is can please everyone.
That's certain. Also, at this point in history, no president can fix the problems that have been created by making the USA The Corporate States of America.


Mr. Excitement
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I remember Det. Logan from the old Law & Order citing this from the statue of liberty:

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

He then said: "Now is says: No Vacancy" Not sure if that statement applies here.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I remember Det. Logan from the old Law & Order citing this from the statue of liberty:

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

He then said: "Now is says: No Vacancy" Not sure if that statement applies here.

It's TV, dude.
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